I'm creating an automator service that will mark my invoices as paid... I've got a workflow that gets selected PDF, sets variable to path of PDF, Watermarks it, then returns it to it's original location. However the final step doesn't work as the path variable links to the PDF rather than a folder.
Please help.
You can get the parent folder of your input like this:
on run {input}
tell application "Finder" to set myFolder to (container of (first item of input)) as alias
return myFolder
end run
I encountered the following issue:
When accidentally passing a folder path to the Documents.Open function in VBA Word I get the runtime error 5174 as one would expect.
However all files with names that begin with an underscore get deleted in that moment from that folder.
To replicate:
Assume folder C:/Test/
In said folder have two files:
In Word VBA execute the command:
(As part of a subroutine or in the immediate window.)
Result: Runtime Error 5174 and _test.txt is now missing.
Note: Passing a nonexisting file like "C:/Test/abc.txt" or a wrong folder path like "C:/Test" (without the last slash) will not have this effect and won't cause the runtime error.
I have only tested this on one system on a network drive under windows 10 with Microsoft Professional Plus 2019. It's entirely possible that it's an issue with the file system. Does anyone have any suggestions as to why is this happening? I now included the workaround to check if I'm passing a folder, but it's still unnerving.
The Documents.Open method opens the specified document and adds it to the Documents collection. It is designed to take the file path, not a folder. If you want to allow users to pick file(s) you may consider using the file open dialog. The FileOpenDialog triggered by your code which opens a folder for picking files allows specifying file formats that should be supported and visible via the dialog window.
Set dlgSaveAs = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFilePicker)
dlgSaveAs.Filter = "Text Files (.txt)|*.txt|Word Documents (.docx)|*.docx|Word Template (.dotx)|*.dotx|All Files (*.*)|*.*"
dlgSaveAs.ValidateNames = true
Res = dlgSaveAs.Show
i started a project for a friend, that involved moving large quantities of files into specific folders. i was using automator as I'm handling the project on my mac, however automator does not have a feature to move section of files that are numbered numerically. for instance i will have files that are say "this file 100" and ill have 100 files like that. and then files that say "That file 50" and ill have 200 files like that. the project is splitting these files into there own folder but in section. so ill need "This file" 1-25 in one folder 26-80 in anther and so on. same is true for the "THAT FILES" but there isn't a pattern just the requirement my friend has asked for.
is there a easy way to write a script that could grab 1-25 or any sequel ordering with the same file name? because moving each file one at a time with automator has been taking to long.
thank you so much in advanced
I am not sure tu fully understand your naming convention, but overall , yes, with Applescript, you can move files into folders based on names, eventually adding sequence numbers.
Because I am not sure about your requirements, at least, here are some sample of syntax for main operations :
Get list of files with names containing xxx in folder myFolder :
Tell Application "Finder" to set myList to every file of myFolder whose name contains "xxx"
Then you have to do a repeat / end repeat loop :
Repeat with aFile in myList
-- do something here with aFile : example with name of aFile
end repeat
In that loop you can extract name, parse it, add a counter,...
To move file to new folder, you must use "move" instruction in a tell "Finder" bloc. Instruction "make" can also be used to create new destination folder based on name or root names of files. You must remember that Applescript commands will give error if same file name already exists in destination folder : Finder is able to add "copy" in the name, but you must do it yourself in Applescript.
Last advice if about the number of files to handle. If that number is not so high (less than few hundreds) Applescript is still OK for speed. If your number of files is much higher, then you must use either shell command or, better, a mix of AS and shell commands. The shell commands can be called from AS with a "do shell script". For instance, getting the list of 1000 files from a folder is time consuming with AS, but much quicker with 'ls' command ! Same for a copy. here is an example of copy using shell 'cp' :
do shell script "cp " & quoted form of (POSIX path of (aFile as string)) & " " & quoted form of (POSIX path of DestFolder) & (quoted form of newFileName)
Note : "Posix path" converts the AS file path (Users:myName:Documents:File.txt) into shell path (Users/myName/Documents/File.txt)
I hope it helps.
Is it possible to run website url using Shell() command? I saw someone post
Shell() can only read the executable path
But regarding to this site http://www.vb6.us/forums/general-questions/attaching-website-links-your-command-button Shell() can used to run the website url.
I have some website url inside my XML file and I tried to run them using Shell() command as my XML file also containing .exe file path. So I am running those .exe file and website url like this
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer
For i = 0 To 9
For j = 0 To 9
If MenuListBox.SelectedItem = MenuListBox(i, j, 0) Then
Shell(MenuListBox(i, j, 1))
End If
I am using array to store each of elements inside my XML file.
So the problem here is, I can only run my .exe files and when running website url it said that
File not found
Even though my path is correct. I did used the Process.Start() also but it only working for the website url, not the .exe file. It returns me this error.
The system cannot find the file specified
Kindly to help me. Thanks in advance.
Process.Start() can be used for url and executables and other files. If you pass a path to a file, like a doc file, it is open with default application. In your case if you pass a url like "http://www.google.com" it will be opened with your default browser.
According to MSDN:
Starting a process by specifying its file name is similar to typing
the information in the Run dialog box of the Windows Start menu.
Therefore, the file name does not need to represent an executable
file. It can be of any file type for which the extension has been
associated with an application installed on the system. For example
the file name can have a .txt extension if you have associated text
files with an editor, such as Notepad, or it can have a .doc if you
have associated.doc files with a word processing tool, such as
Microsoft Word. Similarly, in the same way that the Run dialog box can
accept an executable file name with or without the .exe extension, the
.exe extension is optional in the fileName parameter. For example, you
can set the fileName parameter to either "Notepad.exe" or "Notepad".
opening a url here and here
Quick solution, to get time to check the real solution:
If path.toupper like "*.EXE"
shell path
process.start (path)
End if
But if you have a Win32Exception (show us the full message) ... they used to appear on 32/64 bits issue. etc. But, as Shell is working, I think you have a Credentials issue= permissions of that folder/exe.
Place that exe on another granted location to test.
Thanks to #Capitán Cavernícola for your suggestion.
If path.toupper like "*.EXE"
shell path
process.start (path)
End if
I took your code and change the path.toupper like "*.EXE" to Path.Contains(".exe") Then
Here is my coding that working all fine now.
Dim Path As String = MenuListBox(i, j, 1)
If Path.Contains(".exe") Then
End If
Thank you all :)
I have been trying to cobble together a script to take a list of files from a text document and have applescript go through the list line by line and then do something with the file. In this case it is changing the label on the file, but we would use it in other instances to move files, etc.
It works with a test file on my desktop the files get marked with the purple Label, but when trying to run it in the folder I actually need to it fails with this error message:
error "Finder got an error: Can’t set 1 to 5." number -10006 from 1
The text files are the same except for the length of their content.
Could this be a an issues with filenames, and if so how do I make the script more tolerant.
Here is the script:
set textFileContents to POSIX path of (choose file)
set dataList to paragraphs of (read textFileContents as «class utf8»)
tell application "System Events"
repeat with thisFileName in dataList
tell application "Finder" to set (label index of files whose name is thisFileName) to 5
end repeat
end tell
Any help would be appreciated, thanks.
1080074 3.tif
1080074 2.tif
Here is the final code from the solution to this problem and some further work I did.
Thanks to #Mark Setchell & #jackjr300 for all of their patient help.
set justpath to POSIX path of (choose folder with prompt "Select the Folder with Files You Want to Use")
set textFileContents to (choose file with prompt "Select the list of files")
set dataList to paragraphs of (read textFileContents as «class utf8»)
tell application "Finder"
repeat with FileName in dataList
try -- need a try block to ignore error, in case that the file has been moved or deleted
set label index of (justpath & FileName as POSIX file as alias) to 5
end try
end repeat
end tell
You seem to have a spurious tell application "System Events" in there. It works like this:
set FileName to POSIX path of (choose file)
set FileRecords to paragraphs of (read FileName)
repeat with ThisFileName in FileRecords
say ThisFileName
tell application "Finder" to set (label index of files whose name is thisFileName) to 5
end repeat
Note that my test file isn't UTF8.
By the way, if all you want do is set the label colour on some files, it may be easier to do that from the Terminal and not worry with Applescript. Say you start the Terminal, and go to your Desktop like this
cd Desktop
you can then change the labels of all files on your Desktop (and in any subdirectories) whose names contain "Freddy" followed by "Frog" (i.e "fileForFreddyFrog.txt", "file from Freddy the Frog.php")
find . -name "*Freddy*Frog*" -exec xattr -wx com.apple.FinderInfo "0000000000000000000700000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" {} \;
You need to specify the folder because the finder has no current folder, except the Desktop if you don't specify a folder.
set textFileContents to choose file
set dataList to paragraphs of (read textFileContents as «class utf8»)
set theFolder to "/Users/jack/Desktop/xxx/yyy" as POSIX file as alias -- change it to the path of your folder
tell application "Finder"
repeat with thisFileName in dataList
try -- need a try block to ignore error, in case that the file has been moved or deleted
set label index of file thisFileName of theFolder to 5
end try
end repeat
end tell
Change the path in the third line of this script
If the text file contains the full path of the file, you can use this script.
set textFileContents to choose file
set dataList to paragraphs of (read textFileContents as «class utf8»)
tell application "Finder"
repeat with thisPath in dataList
try -- need a try block to ignore error, in case that the file has been moved or deleted
set label index of (thisPath as POSIX file as alias) to 5
end try
end repeat
end tell
I am trying to tie together a filemaker script that will export PDFs to a temporary space and use and apple script to print them.
I was able to cull together info from this and some other boards to create an applescript that will print the PDFs using Acrobat from a folder.
I have already created a script that finds the Related attachments and exports them to the desktop.
What I'm having trouble with is merging the two.
I need to export the PDF to a folder or temporary place and trigger the apple script to initiate the printing...
This great Suggestion was provided by Chuck of chivalrysoftware.com/…...
Calculate the location to export by appending the filename to Get( TemporaryPath ).
Export the container field contents to FileMaker to that path.
Save the path to a global field in FileMaker
Use an embedded AppleScript to access the global field path
Use AppleScript to open the file in Preview and print it
This is my apple script:
set myFolder to (path to desktop folder as text) & "Print:"
set myfiles to list folder myFolder without invisibles
repeat with myfile in myfiles
set mycurrentfile to ((myFolder as string) & (myfile as string)) as string
end repeat
on batchprint(mycurrentfile)
tell application "Adobe Acrobat Pro"
activate -- bring up acrobat
open alias mycurrentfile -- acrobat opens that new file
tell application "System Events"
tell process "Acrobat"
click menu item "Print..." of menu 1 of menu bar item "File"¬
of menu bar 1
click button "Print" of window "Print"
tell application "System Events"
tell process "Acrobat"
click menu item "Close" of menu 1 of menu bar item "File"¬
of menu bar 1
end tell
end tell
end tell
end tell
end tell
tell application "Finder" -- to move the printed file out
set x to ((path to desktop folder as text) & "Printed PDFs:")
if alias x exists then
make new folder at the desktop with properties {name:"Printed PDFs"}
end if
move alias mycurrentfile to folder "Printed PDFs"
end tell
end batchprint
My Filemaker script is:
Go to Related Record[
Show only related records; From table: 'Attachments";
Using layout: "Attachements Report' (Attachments); New window
Enter Find Mode
Constrain Found Set [Restore]
Sort Records [Restore; No dialog]
# After finding the related attachments and constraining them to the specific type
# we rename and export them to the desktop
Go to Record/Request/Page [First]
Set Variable [$Path; Value:
Get ( DesktopPath ) & Attachments::Record number & "-"
& Attachment Type List 2::Prefix_z & Lien::Lien_ID_z1]
Export Field Contents [Attachments::file_c; $Path]
Go to Record/Request/Page [Next: Exit after last]
End Loop
Close Window [Current Window]
First of all, the FileMaker part. Create a global text field in one of your tables. It looks like the Attachments table would be the best place for it. I'll call it g_applescript_parameter for this.
Now we're going to use your $Path variable, which given the calc you've provided should be something like /Aslan/Users/chuck/Desktop/1234-ABC4321. I'd recommend appending a .pdf to the end of it since you'll be exporting PDF files. This may help later.
Also, I would recommend that you use Get( TemporaryPath ) instead of Get( DesktopPath ). Anything you place in the temporary folder will be automatically deleted when you quit FileMaker, which means you don't have to write anything to clean up the desktop folder later and you don't have to manually trash them either. Let FileMaker do that work for you. :)
Regardless, FileMaker uses a path of the form filemac:/volumeName/directoryName/fileName (see the notes in the Specify output file dialog box for the Export Field Contents script step). So you should also prepend filemac: to the beginning of your path variable.
All told, your $Path should be set to something like this:
"filemac:" & Get( DesktopPath ) & Attachments::Record number & "-" &
Attachment Type List 2::Prefix_z & Lien::Lien_ID_z1 & ".pdf"
So your export path for FileMaker should work better now. But AppleScript requires a different format for the path to the same file. Given the above, AppleScript's version should be something like /Users/chuck/Desktop/1234-ABC4321.pdf. In other words, everything after the drive name. Fortunately FileMaker can get the drive name with the Get( SystemDrive ) function. For me that function returns /Aslan/. So if we take the $Path variable as defined above and remove filemac: and the name of the drive as defined by Get( SystemDrive ) and add an extra slash at the beginning, that would convert our FileMaker path into an AppleScript path:
"/" & Substitute( $Path; "filemac:" & Get( SystemDrive ); "" )
Use Set Variable to create an $ASPath variable and set it to the above.
Now within your loop store the contents of the $ASPath variable within that global text field:
Set Variable[ $Path; …]
Set Variable[ $ASPath; …]
Set Field[Attachments::g_applescript_parameter; $ASPath)
Export Field Contents[Attachments::file_c; $Path]
Go to Record/Request/Page[Next; Exit after last]
End Loop
Now AppleScript can extract that information. I'm assuming that given an accurate file being passed to the batchprint function, batchprint will work, so keep that, but remove everything before it and use something like this:
set _pdf_path to contents of cell "g_applescript_parameter" of current layout
on batchprint(mycurrentfile)
end batchprint
Add a Perform AppleScript step after the Export Field Contents step and place the above code in it.
Note that the first line of the above AppleScript will only work as written from within FileMaker. If you're testing this outside of FileMaker in, for example, Script Editor, then you'll need to make that first line read
tell applicaiton "FileMaker" to set _pdf_path ...
You don't need to do this within the Perform AppleScript script step because by default commands are sent to the enclosing FileMaker application.