Vb.Net Array List and limits of ListItems - vb.net

I have declared an ArrayList like this
Dim List1 As ArrayList = New ArrayList
Adding a ListItem to it
Dim Item As String = ""
List1.Add(New ListItem(Item))
Is there is any limit how many characters the ListItem can contain?

"Is there is any limit how many characters Item can contains."
It's limited by the limit of the length of a String and your memory.
The theoretical limit may be 2,147,483,647, but the practical limit is
nowhere near that. Since no single object in a .Net program may be
over 2GB and the string type uses unicode (2 bytes for each
character), the best you could do is 1,073,741,823, but you're not
likely to ever be able to allocate that on a 32-bit machine.
Apart from that, always use a strongly typed List(Of ListItem) instead of an ArrayList.
Dim List1 = New List(Of ListItem)
List1.Add(New ListItem("Foo1"))
c# When should I use List and when should I use arraylist?


How to randomly select strings vb.net

Is there a simple solution to select random strings in vb.net? I have a list of about twenty paragraphs where three need to go after each other and I want it to be random. Do I have to create a variable? Or is there a command that can be run on a button click?
One (fairly easy way) to accomplish this would be to have a collection of the paragraphs you want to use, and then use PeanutButter.RandomValueGen from the Nuget package PeanutButter.RandomGenerators (it's open-source too)
RandomValueGen.GetRandomFrom takes a collection of anything and returns a random item from the collection. As a bonus, you can specify a params list of values not to pick, so you can ensure that your paragraphs aren't repeated.
Whilst the library is written in C#, it can obviously be used from any .NET project. There are a lot of other generator methods on RandomValueGen too, if you're interested.
Full disclosure: I'm the author.
If you have a normal list, this should work:
If not, write what kind of list you have.
Dim rn As New Random
Dim selct As String = lst(rn.Next(0, lst.Count - 1))
selct is the output.
Replace lst with your list name.
if you don't want to have a dependency or need to stay on 4.0 for some odd reason or reason X, you can always try this instead
Private rnd As New Random
Public Function GetRandom(input As IEnumerable(Of String), itemToGet As Integer) As List(Of String)
If input.Count < itemToGet Then
Throw New Exception("List is too small")
End If
Dim copy = input.ToList
Dim result As New List(Of String)
Dim item As Integer
While itemToGet > 0
item = rnd.Next(0, copy.Count)
itemToGet -= 1
End While
Return result
End Function

Vb Net check if arrayList contains a substring

I am using myArrayList.Contains(myString) and myArrayList.IndexOf(myString) to check if arrayList contains provided string and get its index respectively.
But, How could I check if contains a substring?
Dim myArrayList as New ArrayList()
so, something like, myArrayList.Contains("sub3") should return True
Well you could use the ArrayList to search for substrings with
Dim result = myArrayList.ToArray().Any(Function(x) x.ToString().Contains("sub3"))
Of course the advice to use a strongly typed List(Of String) is absolutely correct.
As far as your question goes, without discussing why do you need ArrayList, because array list is there only for backwards compatibility - to select indexes of items that contain specific string, the best performance you will get here
Dim indexes As New List(Of Integer)(100)
For i As Integer = 0 to myArrayList.Count - 1
If DirectCast(myArrayList(i), String).Contains("sub3") Then
End If
Again, this is if you need to get your indexes. In your case, ArrayList.Contains - you testing whole object [string in your case]. While you need to get the string and test it's part using String.Contains
If you want to test in non case-sensitive manner, you can use String.IndexOf

Using IEnumerable(Of String) to read from different kinds of data sources

I am using the below variable to store a list of user ID strings. I then use the list to search for each user using an LDAP query.
Dim userIds As IEnumerable(Of String) =
{"testid1", "testid2", "testid3", "testid4", "testid5"}
That works, but the ID's are hard-coded. How do I make it read the ID's from a ListBox control instead? Would it be something like:
Dim userIds As IEnumerable(Of String) = ListBox1???
I would like to use the ListBox because I will plan to load the ListBox with a bunch of ID's from a text file.
Better yet, is it possible to use a TextBox? If it was a TextBox, I could just copy and paste the ID's that I need to query.
The contents of a ListBox control can be accessed using the ListBox.Items property. It returns a ListBox.ObjectCollection object, which implements IList, ICollection, and IEnumerable.
This is assuming you've added the contents programmatically, rather than binding to a DataSource. If you bound to a DataSource, as LarsTech suggests, you should use ListBox.DataSource.
If you wanted to use a TextBox control, you'd have to manually delimit each ID somehow. You could do this by putting only one ID per line, and then use the Split method to get each ID:
Dim ids as String() = myTextBox.Text.Split(new String() { Environment.NewLine }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
I was going to write this as a comment, but it got a bit long and started involving code examples so I figured it would be better to post it as an answer, even though there is already an accepted answer which is very good.
Since I'm the one who originally gave you the code that used IEnumerable I feel like I should explain why I used it... IEnumerable is the lowest level interface that is implemented by all lists, collections, dictionaries, arrays, etc. Basically, anything that stores multiple data which can be looped through by a For Each loop, implements the IEnumerable interface. In fact, essentially the only thing that the IEnumerable interface supports is the ability to enumerate through its contents with a For Each loop. IEnumerable is just an interface, it's not a concrete object type. Therefore, when you create an IEnumerable variable, that means that variable can be used to reference (i.e. point to) any object that implements that interface (i.e. any object that can be enumerated with a For Each loop.
Therefore, in the following line, it's not creating an IEnumerable type of object. Or at least not in the concrete type sense. It's creating a specific type of object which happens to implement the IEnumerable interface and then sets the ids variable to point to it.
Dim userIds As IEnumerable(Of String) = {"1", "2", "3"}
The phrase {"1", "2", "3"} is actually a literal expression to represent an array of strings. In other words, that literal expression is the equivalent of doing the following:
Dim stringArray(2) As String
stringArray(0) = "1"
stringArray(1) = "2"
stringArray(2) = "3"
So, since the object containing the list of ID's is actually an array of strings, it could have been done like this:
Dim userIds() As String = {"1", "2", "3"}
However, since I wanted the code to work, regardless of the data source, I used the more general IEnumerable interface. Since the only thing that I actually required of the data was that it could be enumerated with a For Each loop, I didn't want to limit the flexibility of the code by requiring the input list of ID's to be of some higher-level specific object type. I didn't really care that the ID's were specifically an array, or a list, or a dictionary, or a collection. As long as it was something that I could loop through, that's all I cared about. By doing so, that made the code more flexible so that you could set the variable to any enumerable data source, such as the Items property of the ListBox. For instance, all of the following would have worked, without changing the rest of the code:
Dim userIds As IEnumerable(Of String) = {"1", "2", "3"}
Dim userIdsArray() As String = {"1", "2", "3"}
Dim userIds As IEnumerable(Of String) = userIdsArray
Dim userIdsArray(2) As String
userIdsArray(0) = "1"
userIdsArray(1) = "2"
userIdsArray(2) = "3"
Dim userIds As IEnumerable(Of String) = userIdsArray
Dim userIds As IEnumerable(Of String) = ListBox1.Items.OfType(Of String)()
Dim userIds As IEnumerable(Of String) = File.ReadAllLines("IDs.txt")
Dim userIds As IEnumerable(Of String) = TextBox1.Text.Split({Environment.NewLine}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
Since all of those above data sources implement the IEnumerable interface, the same userIds variable can be used to reference all of them.

KeyNotFoundException when a Key with the requested value exists in VB.NET ASP.NET 2.0 Dictionary

The ValueList variable is defined as Dictionary(Of String, String)
The watch values captured show the data (tmpData) has a value of "1".
The ValueList is defined such that the replacement value for "1" is "Project Resource" as can be seen form the expansion of the SSGCol.ValueList Watch variable.
However, when I try to access the value I receive a KeyNotFoundException
I have done this sort of thing thousands of times in the past, but for some reason today I cannot get it to work. I must be missing something really obvious and need someone to take a fresh look and give me a slap when they see my obvious mistake.
Perhaps there are some unprintable characters in the string. Try comparing the bytes in the strings, for instance:
Dim bytes() As Byte = System.Text.Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(tmpData)
This works for me...
Dim lst As New Dictionary(Of String, String)
lst.Add("1", "Test")
Dim tmpS As String = String.Empty
lst.TryGetValue("1", tmpS)

Don't use ArrayList!

People often tell me not to use ArrayList for making my arrays in VB.NET.
I would like to hear opinions about that, why shouldn't I? What is the best method for creating and manipulating array contents, dimensions etc?
Use generic lists instead. ArrayList is not typed, meaning that you can have a list with strings, numbers, +++. Rather you should use a generic list like this:
Dim list1 As New List(Of String) ' This beeing a list of string
The lists-class also allows you to expand the list on the fly, however, it also enforces typing which helps write cleaner code (you don't have to typecast) and code that is less prone to bugs.
ArrayList is gennerally speaking just a List(Of Object).
ArrayLists are not type checked so you will need to do a lot of boxing/unboxing. Use a .net collection instead that support generics like List.
Because List does not have to unbox your objects it boasts a surprisingly better performance than Arraylist.
ArrayLists are less performant and memory-extensive:
Dim list1 As New ArrayList
For i As Integer = 1 To 100000000
' --> OutOfMemoryException after 13.163 seconds, having added 67.108.864 items
Dim list2 As New List(Of Integer)
For i As Integer = 1 To 100000000
' --> finished after 1.778 seconds, having added all values
Because its not strongly typed. Use a List(Of T) which T is your type.