Custom Xml Serializer for a specific type in web api - serialization

I am in web api. In an API method, I am calling an external web service, that returns XML response. I don't want to deserialize it. I would rather like to send it to the client as is. Initially, I am storing the response in XDocument object but when my client specifies application/xml as accept header, I see the following exception
Type 'System.Xml.Linq.XDeclaration' cannot be serialized. Consider marking it with the DataContractAttribute attribute, and marking all of its members you want serialized with the DataMemberAttribute attribute. If the type is a collection, consider marking it with the CollectionDataContractAttribute. See the Microsoft .NET Framework documentation for other supported types.
How do I get around this problem

Great Q,i simple write your problem use in api member:
public HttpResponseMessage MyBook()
var request = new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.OK);
var doc = XDocument.Parse(#"<books><book><author>MS</author><name>ASP.NET</name></book></books>");
request.Content = new StringContent(doc.ToString(), Encoding.UTF8, "application/xml");
return request;
Try this member source.

You should be able to use some controller specific settings. See here for an example


Rebus with RabbitMQ accept requests from Python

I am setting up a .NET core service that is reading from RabbitMQ using Rebus. It seems that the request placed in RabbitMQ needs to have the .NET object namespace information. Is there a way to work around this. For example if I had a service written in Python placing items on the queue would it be possible to read and process these requests. It seems every time I test and try to send something besides the .NET object I get an exception.
System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: Could not find the key 'rbs2-content-type' - have the following keys only: 'rbs2-msg-id'
It depends on which serializer, you're using in the receiving end.
By default, Rebus will use its built-in JSON serializer with a fairly "helpful" setting, meaning that all .NET types names are included. This enables serialization of complex objects, including abstract/interface references, etc.
This serializer requires a few special headers to be present, though, e.g. the rbs2-content-type header, which it uses to verify that the incoming message presents itself as JSON (most likely by having application/json; charset=utf-8 as its content type).
If you want to enable deserialization of messages from other platforms, I suggest you provide the necessary headers on the messages (which – at least with Rebus' built-in serializer – also includes a .NET type name of the type to try to deserialize into).
Another option is to install a custom serializer, which is a fairly easy thing to do – you can get started by registering your serializer like this:
.Serialization(s => s.Register(c => new YourCrazySerializer()))
which you then implement somewhat like this:
public class YourCrazySerializer : ISerializer
public async Task<TransportMessage> Serialize(Message message)
var headers = message.Headers.Clone();
// turn into byte[] here
// possibly add headers
return new TransportMessage(headers, bytes);
public async Task<Message> Deserialize(TransportMessage transportMessage)
var headers = transportMessage.Headers.Clone();
// turn into object here
// possibly remove headers
return new Message(headers);
As you can see, it's pretty easy to modify Rebus to accept messages from other systems.

WCF and Data Transfer Object

I am stuck on this simple question. In my console application, I want to consume a wcf service. So I add the web reference to the project and call it. That is it.
But why I saw some examples especially using RESTSHARP, they never add web reference. They just use so called "DTO" to return object by the service and consume it.
I hope somebody can clarify the concepts for me. Is DTO used inside WCF?
private static List<ApplicationDTO> features;
RestClient client = new RestClient("http://" + baseUrl + "/FacilityData.svc");
var request = new RestRequest(Method.GET);
request.Resource = "/GetFeatures";
request.AddParameter("Id", 888);
var response = client.Execute(request);
features = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<ApplicationDTO>>(response.Content);
from this post:
For REST service, it provides a generic way for WCF service consuming
which doesn't rely on the SOAP. That's why we no longer need "Add
ServiceReference..." for consuming it. REST service operations can be
accessed through standard HTTP GET/POST request, so any webrequest
enabled client can consume it. For example, you can use HttpWebRequest
to invoke a REST operation and use LINQ to XML to load and extract
values from the response XML data. It's very flexible.
DTO, usually used for Data Transfer Object - is nothing more then entity you want to pass as parameter / receive as a result.
In your example, ApplicationDTO - is probably some entity to hold Data about Application Feature object (Name, Type, ...) web api having trouble sending objects

I've just switched to using the new web api for MVC 4, and I am having great difficulty in deserializing the response from my webservice.
This is my server code:
IEnumerable<Fish> myList = GetFish();
return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, myList,"application/xml");
This is serialised as:
<ArrayOfFish xmlns:i=\"\" xmlns=\"\" />
As there are no results returned.
When I try to parse this using the XmlMediaTypeFormatter, I get an error saying it wasn't expecting what it got.
My code to deserialise it hasn't changed from before I started using web api, and is simply:
return content.ReadAsAsync<T>(formatters).Result;
formatters is a List of formatters, containing only the XmlMediaTypeFormatter
T is a generic list of Fish
If I omit the "application/xml" type then it appears to send in JSon (as the result is []) however the client expects xml, and will not use a JSon serialiser on it for some reason, even if I explicitly put the type as text/json.
It should be fairly simple to deserialise objects as it's exactly what I was doing before, I've just changed my server very slightly to use CreateResponse to make a HttpResponseMessage instead of using HttpResponseMessage<T> directly, because the generic version isn't supported anymore. I can't find a single client/server example online of someone decoding the result into objects which is frustrating.
Any ideas?
An XmlSerializer can't serialize an interface (IEnumerable). Convert to a List before returning.
return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, myList.ToList(),"application/xml");
simlar question with references here - XmlSerializer won't serialize IEnumerable
I ended up discovering that the serialization method web api uses is very slightly different to the former, standard way. I added this to my global.asax and it resolved the issue:
GlobalConfiguration.Configuration.Formatters.Insert(0, new XmlMediaTypeFormatter() { UseXmlSerializer = true });

Passing Validation exceptions via WCF REST

I am using WCF and REST, and I have complex types, which are working fine. Now I need to check for validation, I am thinking of using DataAnnotations e.g.
public class Customer
public string FirstName {get;set;}
Now where the issue is how do I pass this validation down to the REST service?
ALso I need to validate the object when it comes back, and throw an exception, if I am to throw an exception then what is the best way of doing this using REST?
I would use the Validation Application Block included in the Microsoft Enterprise Library to validate the data transfer objects being used in the service interface. You can use attributes to decorate the objects' properties with validation rules, much in the same way as with the ASP.NET Data Annotations.
In case validation fails you should return an appropriate HTTP Error Code and include the details of what went wrong in the HTTP response.
Here is an example:
public void PostCustomer(Customer instance)
ValidationResults results = Validation.Validate(instance);
if (!results.IsValid)
string[] errors = results
.Select(r => r.Message)
WebOperationContext.Current.OutgoingResponse.StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.BadRequest;
WebOperationContext.Current.OutgoingResponse.StatusDescription = String.Concat(errors);
// Proceed with custom logic
If you are using the WCF REST Starter Kit, you should instead throw a WebProtocolException, as described in this article.
I would look into writing a custom IDispatchMessageInspector implementation where, in the AfterReceiveRequest method, you manually invoke the validation architecture.
I won't go into the details of how to call the Data Annotations validation architecture as I'm sure you can find that somewhere online if you don't already know how to do it. That said, once you have your validation results you can enumerate them and then, if there are any failed validations, you can throw a generic validation fault filled with the details from the AfterReceiveRequest implementation.

Type 'System.Web.HttpRequest' cannot be serialized

I am trying to design an Picture Upload feature into a web site.
I am using ASP.NET 3.5, C#, and WCF.
I have been asked to accomplish the following:
1) Make the Uploader a Web Service
2) Return progress updates to the user as files are uploaded.
3) Log other relevant user-selected options in the database.
So, I have started off by creating a WCF web client with the
below service contract:
IService.UploadPictures(HttpRequest request);
private UploadServiceClient upload;
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
upload = new UploadServiceClient();
When I compile, I get the below error:
Type 'System.Web.HttpRequest' cannot
be serialized. Consider marking it
with the DataContractAttribute, and
marking all of its members you want
serialized with the
DataMemberAttribute attribute.
So, I went back into my service contract and
changed [OperationContract] to [DataContract]
but the change produced the same error.
Can somebody kindly tell me what I am doing wrong
and provide examples as to how to best move forward?
Thanks for your time.
You cannot use something like a HttpRequest as a WCF parameter. The error messages says it all - the HttpRequest is not serializable, and in order to work with WCF, types have to be serializable.
Also, you need to remember: you're not just passing an object instance to a method here - what you're really doing is having the WCF runtime serialize your request (the method name to call plus all the parameters passed in) into a message (think: e-mail or xml file), sending it to the server, deserialising there and building up a new copy of the given datatype (as defined in your DataContract), and doing something with it.
Your WCF service could well be self-hosted, e.g. running in a NT Service or console app - no HttpRequest available in those circumstances!
You need to definitely rearchitect your solution - you need to either check into WCF streaming to upload files to WCF (google for it - you'll find plenty of hits) or you'll need to find another way to pass the relevant info (e.g. list of filenames) to the WCF service without use of a HttpRequest object.
You are submitting a request as a parameter to a request. This is not what you want to do. I'm assuming that "Request.Files" is an array of files. This is what you want to upload. So something like:
IService.UploadPictures(List<SomeFileType> request);