What is the suitable replacement for this.__LZtextclip.text in Open laszlo 5.0 - migration

I want to know what is the suitable replacement for this line.
I am using this to get the string present in the text node. This works fine in Openlaszlo 3.3 but in 4.9 and 5.0 it's giving a problem
I tried updating it to
And i am getting an error:
79: Error: Access of possibly undefined property __LZtextclip through a reference with static type LzSprite, in line: Debug.write(this.sprite.__LZtextclip.text);
Any idea why this problem is happening?

If you are trying to access the text content of a text field, why don't you just access the attribute text?
<text name="sample" id="gRead" />
<handler name="oninit">
In OpenLaszlo 3.3 there is method getText(), which gives you the same value. Accessing mx.textfield in your code does not work for the DHTML runtime.
Edit: Added information regarding the stripping of HTML tags
The Flash Textfield class flash.text.Textfield provides an API to enable HTML tag content in a Textfield instance. There are two different properties, one called text, the other one htmlText. If you want to directly access the Flash Textfield object of an lz.text instance, it's a property of the display object of the lz.text instance:
// Flash Textfield instance
// Pure text content
// Formatted text
You should be aware of the fact that Flash automatically adds HTML format to any textstring you set as content. When you do
the textfield.htmlText value is
For the DHTML runtime, the text content is added as the innerHTML of a <div> tag, and there is no standardized API to retrieve the pure text content of a DOM structure for a tag with content. You could write your own function to extract the text content, or use JavaScript functions from existing frameworks - like the jQuery text() function - to achieve the same result for the DHTML runtime.
I guess the reason is that Laszlo started using the Dojo based rich text editor for text input with HTML formatting since OpenLaszlo 4.0 or 4.1.
The best approach to have consistent behavior across runtimes when stripping tags is to do the conversion on the server-side. That's especially needed if you wan to have consistent whitespace treatment in multiline text, since there differences in how browsers treat whitespace. The question how to best strip tags from strings in JavaScript has been answered before on Stackoverflow, e.g. JavaScript: How to strip HTML tags from string?
Here is a cross-runtime example which works in DHTML with Firefox, Chrome, and it should work with IE9+:
<text name="sample" id="gRead" />
<handler name="oninit"><![CDATA[
gRead.setAttribute("text", 'Hello <b>World</b> OL');
Debug.info("gRead.text=" + gRead.text);
if ($dhtml) {
} else {

I found what is the problem. The problem is that i have to declare a variable and have to refer the property from that.
<text name="sample" id="gRead">
<method name="getTextFrom">
Debug.write("this.text" , this.sprite);
var mx = this.sprite;
Debug.write("this.text" , mx.textfield.text);
<handler name="oninit">


Adding icons to a title attribute of Ant Designs Blazor (DescriptionsItem)

Ant Design Blazor has a descriptions component for generating key/value pair elements. I'd like to add an icon and tooltip as the key/title. The problem is, that the title is set as an attribute like this:
<DescriptionsItem Title="Billing Mode">Prepaid</DescriptionsItem>
I have tried to set Title as child element, cause this would allow me to add any other components inside it:
<Title>My title</Title>
My Text
But this doesn't work, <Title> is a standalone component for html titles like h1, h2, ... which means both got rendered in the value section without any title:
I couldn't find a way to render other components in the title attribute, it just works in the body/value like this:
<DescriptionsItem Title="Created">
<Tooltip Placement="#PlacementType.Bottom" Title="creationIconTitle">
<Icon Type="plus-circle" Theme="outline" />
But I'd like to have the icon in the title. Is there a way to realize this?
You are in luck! The source says the developers thought of this and added a TitleTemplate RenderFragment. Thus you can do something like:
<Descriptions Title="Descriptions">
<AntDesign.Tooltip Placement="#PlacementType.Bottom">
<AntDesign.Icon Type="plus-circle" Theme="outline" />
31.10.2008 17:04:32
This TitleTemplate is used over the Title, if defined source

JSF2 custom component, parameter autocompletion with a local file path

My First Question, after years, thank you all and stackoverflow ;-)
I code a new Component for JSF2 and use it to include other templates.
It works perfectly for me.
<cc:attribute name="src" type="java.lang.String" required="true"/>
<cc:attribute name="addOption" type="java.util.List"/>
<cc:insertChildren />
<ui:include src="#{BeanAnything.convert(cc.attrs.src, cc.attrs.addOption)}" />
But i cant complete the Parameter src via auto completion in intellij or netbeans with "strg + space" or whatever other will use.
It should be used like the ui:include on src parameter.
Any Ideas ?
That's what I want to achieve only with my own componente gg:include
See Example

OfficeJS Word Addin - Modify content control in the whole document ( including header/footer )

Due to the office API limitation ( API is only restricted to rich text content controls). We had to insert content controls as an OOXML object. It inserted the content control correctly but office API doesn’t recognize that as a content control. For example, using office API, if you call a method to get all the content controls, above content control will not be returned.
If you run following code, it will not return those content controls that were inserted like that.
// Run a batch operation against the Word object model.
Word.run(function (context) {
// Create a proxy object for the content controls collection.
var contentControls = context.document.contentControls;
Here is the OOXML:
<pkg:package xmlns:pkg="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/2006/xmlPackage">
<pkg:part pkg:name="/_rels/.rels" pkg:contentType="application/vnd.openxmlformats-package.relationships+xml" pkg:padding="512">
<Relationships xmlns="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/package/2006/relationships">
<Relationship Id="rId1" Type="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships/officeDocument" Target="word/document.xml" />
<pkg:part pkg:name="/word/document.xml" pkg:contentType="application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document.main+xml">
<w:document xmlns:w="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/wordprocessingml/2006/main" xmlns:w15="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/word/2012/wordml">
<w:alias w:val="[REPLACE_THIS]" />
<w:id w:val="1382295294" />
<w:docPart w:val="4D926923E99F45DBAF2203E4FEA73047" />
<w:dataBinding w:xpath="[REPLACE_THIS]" w:storeItemID="{AFE97E21-6B3F-435F-8566-BD38F346ABE4}" />
<w:showingPlcHdr />
As Office API doesn't have any built-in methods to get these content controls and modify them. I have to read each section of the document, Get the OOXML , modify it and insert it back. Is there any other way to do this ? As this is really cumbersome and error-prone process.
I am assuming that you are using OOXML to insert other types of content controls (i.e. plain text, combo, date, etc.) and if that's the case, yes, in the content control collection we do not support, as of now, other types of content controls other than rich text. This is mostly because of a limitation in Word Online who only supports rich text as of today, and we ship APIs that can guarantee a multiplatform behavior. The plan is that when it eventually supports other types they will be included as part of the collection (hence the type property).
so, yes for now your only way out is to get the OOXML and handle the other types of control via XML. You can probably target the OOXML you get if you wrap them with a rich text content control and only getting the OOXML of the wrapper content controls.

Apache Tiles set html tag attribute using <put-attribute> value

I am using Apache Tiles 2.1 as my templating framework (along with Spring MVC).
I want to know how best to be able to set HTML attribute values from within my Tiles definitions file. For example I have a text box and want to be able to set the maxlength attribute from within my definition. I expected the following to work -
<input id="nameField" type="text"
maxlength="<tiles:insertAttribute name='maxlength' />" />
using this definition -
<definition name="sprint-goal" >
<put-attribute name="maxlength" value="100" />
But it seems that Tiles ignores the <insertAttribute/> tag if placed within a HTML tag. It works fine otherwise.
Note: I have tried using a ViewPreparer to set request-scoped values. This will work but is not exactly what I am looking for. I would like to easily set HTML attribute values from within a Tiles definition.
To set the value of html element attributes, your best bet is to use Expression Language. First, expose the tile attribute as a java variable using the tiles useAttribute tag. Then use '${}' to print the variable.
<tiles:useAttribute name="myMaxLength" id="maxLength" />
<input id="nameField" type="text" maxlength="${myMaxLength}" />
More info:
- updated June 2014: https://tiles.apache.org/2.2/framework/tiles-jsp/tlddoc/tiles/useAttribute.html
- http://docs.oracle.com/javaee/1.4/tutorial/doc/JSPIntro7.html
<put-attribute name="maxlength" value="100" type="string" />
I type isn't defined as "string" it would be taken as a URL to include...

Refining my Dojo/Dijit NumberTextBox numeric validation

I have the following code:
<input type="text" dojoType="dijit.form.NumberTextBox" size=8
id="orgNumberOfStudents" name="orgNumberOfStudents"
required="true" invalidMessage="Integer between 0 and 100,000"
1) How do I set the width of the box? Do I have to do it in a style tag or a CSS? Is the traditional "input size" tag ignored?
2) The above sample shows the error when I type in a non-numeric value. But if I tab over the field and don't fill in anything, it's still blank. Is there a quick way to enforce the validation when I click the submit button? Do I need a Dijit submitt button? Do I need to write more JavaScript to make this happen? How does the required="true" actually occur?
(One get-around is to set the value to 0, but I'd rather force the user enter a value rather than just defaulting it).
Neal Walters
You should be able to use both CSS and traditional INPUT attributes like "maxLength" on your NumberTextBox by passing them in to the Widget's constructor. maxLength is available on all dijit.form.TextBox subclasses, but is probably less useful here since you have control over things like min/max and the actual number format.
Yes, you can always write your own JS to test "isValid()" on your widget instance before submission, e.g. in an HTML FORM onSubmit handler, or you could use dijit.form.Form which will check validity for you. The widget itself is only responsible for visual representation of its own validity, according to the options chosen.