The PeriodicUpdateRecurrence enumeration has 5 values, from half an hour to daily. Does this mean you can't set any other (shorter) values?
Due to battery life concerns, intervals shorter than 30 minutes are not possible for periodic tile notifications. If your app tile needs to be updated in real-time, consider using push notifications.
The following Windows blog post provides details about battery life with respect to push notifications (which apply to periodic updates as well):
MSDN article on the different notification delivery methods:
I'm trying to develop an UWP app that is able to continually track the user's location in an in-process background task. I've been looking at the Microsoft sample code on GitHub (geolocation / Secenario3_BackgroundTask) but the problem there is that it is based on a TimeTrigger. The shortest interval that TimeTrigger allows is 15 minutes, but I need to get location updates much more frequently. Let's say at least once per minute. Is that possible at all?
I've seen that there is a LocationTrigger but there's not much documentation for it. I don't understand when this trigger gets fired. In my tests, it never got fired.
LocationTrigger is used for Geofencing, it is triggered when a mobile device enters or leaves a particular area.
As you say, TimeTrigger is not good for your requirement because it has an interval of 15 minutes at the minimum.
Windows 10 introduces a new mechanism called extended execution. Location tracking is one of the supported scenarios in which you ask the OS to keep your app running when another app is switched to the foreground.
This is a sample for your.
I have been playing around with the new iBeacons in iOS 7. I have one device setup as a beacon, and the other device ranging to detect when I am near, far, immediate, etc. I'd like to know very quickly when I cross between these ranges. Is there any way to adjust the latency? I find that I have to move my device around very slowly or I will not know when I cross these thresholds.
No, you would not be able to adjust the beacon latency. As Apple says in Region Monitoring Guide:
To prevent spurious notifications, iOS does not deliver region
notifications until certain threshold conditions are met.
Specifically, the user’s location must cross the region boundary and
move away from that boundary by a minimum distance and remain at that
minimum distance for at least 20 seconds before the notifications are
Apple does not define what the latency is, it seems it's not fast enough for your application.
You can have a tradeoff - to implement beacon ranging yourself using Core Bluetooth and listen to the CBPeripheral advertisement events while scanning and range using RSSI:
If you are using a custom beacon, such as the RadiusNetworks VirtualiBeacon VM image you can adjust the frequency of the advertisements. The flip side your app must run in the foreground opposed to CoreLocation delivering beacon events even when your app is not running.
I'm currently scheduling a background task which then queues a number of tile updates.
When the machine is on power, the background task will schedule the next batch of updates. I'm using a Maintenance type background task which does not run when on battery.
Most of the other types of background task types require the app to be pinned to the lock screen.
I need a background task to run periodically, to schedule the tile updates, including when on battery mode. The information being shown becomes out of date quickly, hence my requirement to frequently update the tile.
I also looked at TileUpdater.StartPeriodicUpdate tile updates but that requires a web service somewhere, my code is local in a background task.
It works as I want as a MaintenanceTask when the machine has power.
I'm pretty sure it is possible, I can see other apps updating when on battery mode, without being pinned.
How can I update tiles periodically (say every minute) regardless of being powered or on battery, from a background task?
There are a few ways an app tile can be updated on battery without the app being pinned to the lock screen. Two of the methods require a web presence: push notifications, and periodic notifications (which you mentioned). This MSDN article goes over each of the delivery methods:
If the content for tile notifications is not dynamic, scheduled tile notifications can be used. On each launch, an app can schedule some fixed number of tile notifications into the distant future. This MSDN article present an example app scheduling out notifications for a week in advance, and using both app launch and a timer background task to continually keep an app tile up to date:
This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
How can I locally detect iPhone clock advancement by a user between app runs?
Is there a way to determine the actual time and date in iOS (not the time of the device)
Is there a clock in iOS that can be used that cannot be changed by the user
I am working with an auto-renewable subscription-based app. When the app receives the latest receipt from Apple, it stores the expires_date_ms key in NSUserDefaults. Thirty days after that date, the app checks with Apple to see if the subscription is still active. The app can be considered an offline app, but it must connect to the internet once every 30 days in order to check the subscription status. This time comparison will be used to tell the user he/she must connect.
I am using the code below to compare the current time with the expires_date_ms:
NSTimeInterval expDateMS = [[productInfo objectForKey:#"expires_date_ms"] doubleValue];
NSTimeInterval currentDateMS = ([[NSDate date] timeIntervalSince1970] * 1000);
if (currentDateMS > expDateMS)
subExpired = YES;
This is fine and works well, but from what I can tell there's a loophole that can be exploited - if the user sets the device's clock back a hour/month/decade, the time comparison will become unreliable because [NSDate date] uses the device's current time (please correct me if I'm wrong).
Is there any way of retrieving a device-independent time in milliseconds? One that can be accurately and reliably measured with no regards to the device clock?
While Kevin and H2CO3 are completely correct, there are other solutions for the purposes of checking a subscription (which I would hope does not need millisecond accuracy....)
First watch UIApplicationSignificantTimeChangeNotification so that you get notifications of when the time changes suddenly. This will even be delivered to you if you were suspended (though I don't believe you will receive it if you were terminated). This gets called when there is a carrier time update, and I believe it is called when there is manual time update (check). It also is called at local midnight and at DST changes. The point is that it's called pretty often when the time suddenly changes.
Keep track of what time it was when you go into the background. Keep track of what time it is when you come back into the foreground. If time moves radically backwards (more than a day or two), kindly suggest that you would like access to the network to check things. Whenever you check-in with your server, it should tell you what time it thinks it is. You can use that to synchronize the system.
You can similarly keep track of your actual runtime. If it gets wildly out of sync with apparent runtime, then again, request access to the network to sync things up.
I'm certain that attackers would be able to sneak 35 days or whatever out of this system rather than 30, but anyone willing to work that hard will just crack your software and take the check out entirely. The focus here is the uncommitted attacker who is just messing with their clock. And that you can catch pretty well.
You should test this carefully, and be very hesitant to accuse the user of anything. Just connecting to your server should always be enough to get a legitimate user working again.
You need to connect to/retrieve information from a reliable, official time server and use that time data in your app. For example, here's a world time server with an easy-to use API
Here are three options I can think of:
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC) gets the current system uptime. This is relatively unreliable because if the user reboots, this is reset. You could save the last value used and at launch use the last saved value as an offset, but the problem with this is that the time that the device was shut off for won't be calculated.
mach_absolute_time() counts the number of CPU ticks since the last reboot. It can be fetched easily through CACurrentMediaTime. Note that this can be reset simply by rebooting the device, so if changing the time is very important, I'm not so sure if you would go this way.
Network Time Protocol (NTP) is a networking protocol for synchronizing the clocks of computer systems. In practice, all NTP is is querying a time server. An iOS library for NTP can be found here.
So the first two methods do not require connectivity, while the third does. However, the third method is the only foolproof one.
There is no such thing as a non-mutable device clock that persists across reboots. The only way to get a trustworthy time is to contact a remote server that you trust and ask what its time is.
this is a question we've all wondered about a number of times, and no one seems to have a good answer.
How do apps like DataMan run on a regular basis in the background, indefinitely, and still get into the app store?
The app allows a user to turn on "precise data tracking" and select a frequency at which the app updates it's data usage counters with zero user interaction - the intervals are once every minute, once every 10 minutes, and once every 20 minutes.
Yes, I've read all the associated Apple Documentation on background processes and implemented many of them successfully. I've also explored the ins and outs of this old post, but it's old enough now that many of those "loop holes" have been patched and the documented stuff works better anyway.
While I've had great luck with registering my app as a VOIP app and requesting a keep-alive at certain intervals, it's not app-store-ok unless it's a VOIP app (DataMan isn't). Furthermore, registering for VOIP keep-alives doesn't actually exhibit the same behavior as DataMan...VOIP keep-alive calls come at somewhat-random intervals, or at least at the frequency you select without syncing up to clock time. DataMan actually falls in line with clock-mandated intervals and updates its data counters at the :10, :20, :30 minute marks, etc.
Any ideas?
According to their support site, their pro version just got pulled by apple. I would bet that their other versions are next.
Just because you manage to sneak something past the review team doesn't mean they won't catch it later, or that other people will succeed. What they're doing is clearly against Apple's guidelines if they are not also offering one of the approved background services.