Can i automatically set the margins for my subplots? - matplotlib

The margins of my plots are unfortunatly too small for the Text i want to set there, 45* rotated:
How can i prevent the Labels for the datapoints from overlapping into the title? Would be best if it were computed, so i don"t have to manually adjust it.
How can i remove all the whitespace around the graphs?

If you have an up to date matplotlib version, you can try using Tight Layout. Otherwise you will have to do it by hand with subplots_adjust.


How to resize the legend label in Matplotlib Graph

I wish to resize the Population label seen in the legend, I want the circle to be smaller than it is right now. How do I do that ?
There are many ways to do this, but the easiest is to set the desired size in the legend. That size will be a manual setting.

How to create legends with triangular end boxes in arcGIS?

I simply want my legend which is now in the form of the left bar in the following image, to be shown in the form of the bar in the right side. I couldn't find anything related for arcGIS. those anyone know?
Thank you so much for your help.
Unfortunately I don't think there is an elegant way to do this, only a work-around:
In Layout View, convert the legend to graphics. (Make sure your data and legend are in their final product state as your legend will no longer be dynamically linked to your data).
Right-click on the legend and ungroup the elements in the legend. Repeat as many times as necessary in order to be able to select an individual rectangle.
Manually convert the two rectangles into triangles. One way to do this would be to activate the "Draw" toolbar and draw white polygons over parts of each rectangle.
Once finished, regroup everything.
Again, not the prettiest solution but I don't believe ArcMap has this functionality.
Good luck!

AndroidPlot How to adjust spacing between legend items

Is there a way to adjust the spacing between particular items of the legend?
Right now, the space is equally distributed among the items, which looks quite ugly with a mixture of very short and very long labels. What I want is to have a constant amount of space between a label and the following icon. How can I achieve this?

How To Remove Background Wall & Gridlines On 3D Chart Control

I am trying to remove all gridlines and all parts of the background wall from a 3D Column graph. I have tried changing every background colour and every enabled setting to false but I still cannot seem to find where to remove the surrounding gridline as shown below. If possible, I would like to keep the graph floor, but remove the side and back walls.
I'm sure it's simple, so any help would be appreciated.
Unfortunately the style of Area3DStyle is a bit hard-coded. You have the possibility to choose one of the following LightStyle:
From you picture it seems that you have chosen None, try to set LightStyle to Simplistic to remove the border on the bars.
If you want to completely remove also the gray background you can set the ChartArea BackColor to Transparent.
The final result will be similar to

Removing White Background Box from MATLAB Figure when using the Mapping Toolbox

I've started to use the Mapping Toolbox in MATLAB for a project of mine, and below is a screenshot of what I currently have created using it.
What I'm trying to do now is remove the white box from behind the actual map, but I can't seem to figure out how to do it. I've trying setting 'Frame' to 'off' with the axesm command when first creating the map, but that doesn't do it. I've looked through the documentation to try to figure out why there's even a white background (and when I use the worldmap command the box doesn't appear), but I cannot determine why.
EDIT: I am looking to remove the white background entirely, so as to have the main contour plot surrounded by the figure's background color, which in this case is the gray.
The background color of a figure is a property of that figure named 'color'.
If you set that property to the value 'none' then you will have no background.
So, the easiest way to do it is:
Of course you can give a figure handle instead of the current axes (gca).
The more aggressive option is to set the entire axis off:
axis off
But this will remove the axis completely, including labels and such which might not be what you want.
Try axis off when it's in focus, axis(handle,'off') when not
I have a potential solution.
If you run
to find the figure attributes and run
set('some resize property',[some set of values])
setm('some resize property',[some set of values])
You may be able to 'fill in' the space this way, unless there is an easier property to change. Can you please give more details if this does not lead to a solution?
Hope this helps!