Gem for sorting and searching - ruby-on-rails-3

I am using rails version 3.2.6. I have to use the gem for sorting and searching for the index pages in my application. I know about jquery-datatables-rails gem. I just want to know if there is some other gem for sorting and searching that is supported in rails 3.2.6. I had also searched for datagrid gem but did not get the proper ducumentation for that and if it(datagrid) is supported in rails 3.2.6.

Active Scaffold ( is probably over top, or? Its my most-used-gem. Of course it has sorting and searching build in, configurable and fast. Check it out, following the getting started guide in the wiki you should have an app up and running in 10 minutes.


Hard time installing Ruby on Rails because of different RVM versions

I'm following Michael Hartl's Ruby on Rails tutorial book and am trying to install rails. As the book says, I followed the instructions on and got through most of it until I was told to run rails server and I kept getting the error that I didn't have railties gem not installed. I had initially ran sudo gem install rails and so I read that it didn't pick up railties for some reason but gem install rails did - so that fixed it. So now I was able to run rails server and the app was live.
I returned to the book and as the instructions say, I generated a new rails app, specifying the rails version (4.2.2). However, when I run rails again, I get errors. At this point, having tried a dozen different stackover flow solutions, I feel like I must have screwed up the files and maybe I should just get rid of rails completely and try installing from scratch.
Here's some information on where I'm currently at:
Faiques-MacBook-Pro:Desktop Faique$ rails -v
Rails 4.2.3
Faiques-MacBook-Pro:Desktop Faique$ ruby -v
ruby 2.0.0p481 (2014-05-08 revision 45883) [universal.x86_64-darwin14]
Faiques-MacBook-Pro:Desktop Faique$ mkdir workspace
Faiques-MacBook-Pro:Desktop Faique$ cd workspace
Faiques-MacBook-Pro:workspace Faique$ rails _4.2.2_ new hello_app/System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/2.0/usr/lib/ruby/2.0.0/rubygems/dependency.rb:296:in `to_specs': Could not find 'railties' (= 4.2.2) - did find: [railties-4.2.3] (Gem::LoadError)
from /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/2.0/usr/lib/ruby/2.0.0/ ubygems/dependency.rb:307:in `to_spec'
from /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/2.0/usr/lib/ruby/2.0.0/rubygems/core_ext/kernel_gem.rb:47:in `gem'
from /usr/bin/rails:22:in `<main>'
I'm not sure what other information I should provide.
This isn't an ideal solution but what I ended up doing was completely restoring my mac and then reinstalling rails but using rbenv instead as per a friend's recommendation. I am now set up with Rails.
I wanted to do a complete restore (deleting all my data) because I had tried so many stack overflow answers for different errors - including using sudo for certain commands - that I'm sure I had messed some important settings and would take a long time to figure out. I think this was surprisingly one of the more efficient solution, although far from ideal.

How to find out version of sqlite3 in rails 3 app under windows?

This seems to be an easy question. However we have hard time to find the answer. Tried rails dbconsole and it gives error:
Couldn't find database client: sqlite3, sqlite3.exe. Check your $PATH and try again.
Some post suggests downloading the sqlite3.exe and run rails dbconsole again. However we are not sure if the version# returned is the version# of sqlite3 in rails app. There must be a way to find out the sqlite3 version used in rails app. Thanks for help.
bundle show sqlite3 will show you the version of the gem you are using.

Neo4j.rb 2.0 and devise 2.0. Is there any way?

I want to use Neo4j database and JRuby on Rails to build a new web project. (I really need Neo4j or other graph database for this)
I am using neo4j 2.0 gem and trying to make authentication with Devise and Omniauth. Is there any way this combination will work?
I tried devise-neo4j but it is not compatible with neo4j.rb 2.0. I know that the last commit here says it is for neo4j.rb 2.0 but
gem 'neo4j'
gem 'devise-neo4j'
gives the following error when bundling:
Bundler could not find compatible versions for gem "neo4j":
In Gemfile:
devise-neo4j (>= 1.0.2) java depends on
neo4j (~> 1.1.1) java
neo4j (2.0.0.rc2)
I also tried the normal devise gem with neo4j:
gem 'neo4j'
gem 'devise'
but when I run rails g devise:install I get NameError: uninitialized constant User.
I searched and tried this a lot but couldn't get it working.
Does anyone know a good solution to this?
Or what is the right way to get this functionality (login with email/password and facebook,google,yahoo and twitter)? Oh, I know I can code it myself, but I would really like to use something already done.
My devise-neo4j fork is not released to, which means you have to specify it in the Gemfile file as:
gem 'devise', '1.5.3'
gem 'devise-neo4j', :git => 'git://'
Notice that devise-neo4j does currently not work with devise 2.0.

Issues with Rails3.0 vs Rails 3.1

So I finally upgraded (and then downgraded because of Unity) Ubuntu and reinstalled RVM but I'b stuck with rails 3.1 now, which is fine but all my old projects are in rails 3.0 and 3.1 has some incompatibilities. Off the top of my head RAILS_ROOT is now Rails.root (which all my projects use in someway), and I was having some issues with heroku when trying to upload a small rails 3.1 app I made to play around (since the PG gem wasnt in my gemlist I couldnt run migrations, and then installing the pg gem caused more issues).
So how do I install rails 3.0 again? I cant seem to find it in the repositories
And I know with gem sets I can install both right? Well if I do that, how do I create a new rails project? Which version of rails would use rails new new_app?
Ok, I understand what you need to do. I would highly recommend making a new Gemset using RVM, that way you can start from scratch and not worry about those things.
To do that, run this in your command line with RVM installed:
rvm use 1.9.2-or-which-ever-version-you-are-using#temporary_gemset --create
Once this gemset is created, it will be empty, so you can then proceed to install a younger version of rails, like so:
gem install rails -v 3.0.11 // (MAY NEED TO USE SUDO, DEPENDING ON YOUR SET UP)
This should install the older version of rails and its dependencies so that you can still edit and work with your older rails project. Check more of RVM's site for more help on switching between gemsets and creating them.
I would still recommend to figure out the differences eventually and move to the newer version for Rails, currently 3.2.5 because they are awesome. Here is some material to show you the differences and new features for when you do that later:

Is there a simple way to tell if a Gem will work in Rails3?

I wanted to use this gem:
Finally, after digging through the issues, seems it's not Rails3 ready (yet). Is there some simple way of finding is something is Rails 3 compatible without digging all over?
Aside from creating a fresh Rails app and giving it a try, I tend to look at the commit messages of forks created by other users (i.e. In this instance, it looks like there is a fork that runs on Rails 3 that is still being maintained.
Generally, if it isn't mentioned in the readme (on github) then no. Most gems I have used explicitly specify rails 2 and rails 3 install instructions. If this is not the case, then usually someone else will have asked this question and a quick search will reveal.
One other giveaway is the install instructions. The rails 2 way of installing a gem via a Gemfile is:
config.gem GEMNAME
The rails 3 way is:
gem 'apn_on_rails'
This answer is related to the gem you are looking for.