WebStorm project template - sencha-touch-2

Is there a way to have our own project template. For example I would like to use it with sencha touch2 and create automatically the mvc folders structure for each new project created.
Any experience or help will be welcomed.

I have never personally used, but may be you found it useful Efficient usage of WebStorm IDE
Cheers, Oleg


Xcode / AppleScript / Objective-C (AppDelegate.applescript)

I am having a lot of issues following this video tutorial. I'm getting hung up on the AppDelegate.applescript file. AppleScript Facelift
Here are the steps I'm taking:
1. Create a new project
2. Then I choose "App"
3.1 Options for interface
3.2 Options for Language
Save to file location - can't attach an image due to limit
5. "Template" files created
6. I can add frameworks and libraries (not sure if this is necessary? im doing things blindly...)
7. Then these are the AppDelegate files. (note- I can change the identity and type in the top right fields. if I select AppleScript Uncompiled Source, it does not change the extension)
I've tried creating a new "blank file" and saving it as AppDelegate.applescript, but I don't think this is working. Can someone point me in the right direction???
I've been working on an AppleScript project which works with my Apple Music. Someone mentioned I should look into Objective-C AppleScript, but this is making no sense. I think my end goal is having a window that allows more flexibility with input...
Thanks in advance!
The answer: I was taking a very dated approach to this and asking the wrong question.#has's suggestion to look at his project Swift-AppleScriptObjC is exactly what I needed.

ExtJS 5 Custom Theme Testing

I recently started to create custom theme for ExtJS 5 by Sencha.
Following http://docs.sencha.com/extjs/5.0.0/core_concepts/theming.html I managed to create ThemeDemoApp, inherit ext-theme-neptune, change $base-color to green and refresh/rebuild ThemeDemoApp with my-custom-theme. All ok.
My problem is, ThemeDemoApp is quite poor for testing a custom theme. A panel, tab, button and a modal window. That's it?
After bit of googling I bumped into http://dev.sencha.com/ext/5.0.0/examples/themes/index.html. (Why isn't this mentioned in the guide?!) Heading says: View and test every Ext component against bundled Ext Themes, or your own custom themes.
My question is: How? How do I test my own custom theme against this example? Do I have to dig into the source (themes.js) and build such page/application myself?
The examples - including the Theme tester - is included in the ExtJS download.
You can modify the list of themes available by editing the shared/options-toolbar.js file.
To get it to find your theme, you'll either need to name it similar to the others (ext-theme-name), or modify themes.js accordingly.
Or you could just hack the theme.js file to hardcode your theme.
(Ext JS 4 used to create an example page for themes automatically - it doesn't seem to do that now, though)
According to advice at How do I include a JavaScript file in another JavaScript file? I decided to load both options-toolbar.js and themes.js (with just minor modification - commenting out Ext.onReady(...) function in themes.js) and I used functions getBasicPanel(), getCollapsedPanel(), etc. in my own application to create the same testing page (absolute-layout container that fits the page).
Anyhow, I guess Robert's answer is the correct one - there is no prearranged, ready-to-use functionality from Sencha :-(

Code assist - Sencha Touch

I am following this tutorial http://vimeo.com/album/1573372/video/37212149
It seems that there is a way to type "xmodel" and have a standard model's code generated automatically. I am using Webstorm IDE - is there a way of doing this in it, and any configurations I can import?
Seems 'Live Templates' is the feature you refer to - it allows expanding abbreviations into code snippets. See http://www.jetbrains.com/webstorm/webhelp/live-templates.html, http://davidtucker.net/articles/live-templates-phpstorm-webstorm/
WebStorm doesn't come with predefined live templates for Sencha, but you can easily create them yourself or search the web for existing templates. See ST2 Power Tools, for example

Quick Helper Annotaion in Java Editor

I'm trying to develop a eclipse plugin, which displays a Quick help annotation in the Java Editor.
The Quick Help icon should appear at every place, a type statement is missing in the Java-Code.
I'm a total noob in Eclipse plugin development. I read a few things about it and understand the idea with Extension points but I don't get how to add a annotation in the Eclipse Java editor.
Are there any examples or tutorials available for this problem/topic?
I don't know how to start and appreciate any help or hints.
I finally made it by placing a Marker and specifying a markerResolution for him.
Howto add a Marker
Marker Customization ,
Adding a Quick Fix to a marker type

Custom key bindings Xcode 4?

Awhile back I asked a question about custom key bindings in Xcode. I ended up recreating some of TextMate's key commands in Xcode. Just updated to Xcode 4 and it appears that the PBKeyBinding file no longer has any effect. What's the new hotness for custom key bindings, specifically for Xcode 4?
Yes, it can be done (at least for the moment). After spending the better part of a day searching, experimenting and digging through the bowls of /Developer I finally figured out how to accomplish this.
Open IDETextKeyBindingsSet.plist located in /Developer/Library/PrivateFrameworks/IDEKit.framework/Resources/
This bindings plist is formatted differently than others used throughout the system, the most important distinction is that all the methods must be listed in the same string, i.e.
<string>moveToBeginningOfParagraph:, insertText:, foo</string>
I have not tested this, but it looks like the new location in Xcode is
You can use Keymando to create any keybinding you like in Xcode 4 and any other OSX application.
The answer now seems to be to use the idekeybindings files — these are tied to the custom keyboard shortcut sets you create in the preferences — stored at ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/UserData/KeyBindings/. More information can be found in the Key Bindings Preferences Help. However it sounds like people are having no luck trying to combine multiple actions under one keyboard shortcut (as you can do with the older-style key bindings dict files). But presumably you could still do this in DefaultKeyBinding.dict, as long as you don't mind the shortcut also working in other applications :) If this doesn't work, I think you're out of luck for now. Sorry; file a bug!
Kike here http://www.codedojo.com/?p=580
you use this binding set
unzip it and place MSVC.pbxkeys in YourUserName/Library/Developer/Xcode/userdata/keybindings
and rename it to msvc.idekeybindings
then from
Xcode -> preferences -> keybindings
just pick msvc
Go to Xcode 4 > Preferences > Key Bindings and fiddle with them all you like. :)