AppHarbor Isn't overwriting my local RavenDB entry - ravendb

When I publish my app to appHarbor, I receive the following errors when I visit my app page and disable custom errors. It's complaining about lines in the Web.config file:
the entry ravendb has already been added
It's annoying to have to go in and "prep" my web.config and app.config each time I publush. Isn't it supposed to over-write whatever values I put in there?


appsettings.{ENVIRONMENT}.json not transforming - Deploying 5 web app to IIS

In my publish profile for staging (/Properties/PublishProfiles/xxx.pubxml) I have:
I have a file called appsettings.Staging.json.
When I deploy to the server the file stays as appsettings.Staging.json and doesn't get turned into appsettings.json, as I would expect.
Am I missing a step, shouldn't the transformation take place automatically.
The website doesn't work with appsettings.Staging.json file there.
In web.config on the server there is:
<environmentVariable name="ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT" value="Staging" />
which was added because of the line I added to the publish profile.
Ok, there is no issue here, I mis-understood how it works.
The website wasn't working because in my DAL (Data Access Library) class library it was looking for a file called appsettings.json so it could get the connection string for EF core, which didn't exist. I changed it to look for appsettings.{environment}.json by getting the ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT environment variable at runtime and it works now.

ASP.NET Core hosting - 500 internal server error

I am trying to publish as ASP.NET Core project with a hosting provider that supports ASP.NET Core. I am getting 500 Internal Server Error which I believe is very common. So I searched through the internet and various forums and then I checked the processPath="%LAUNCHER_PATH%" arguments="%LAUNCHER_ARGS%" in web.config and they look to be correctly converted with processPath="dotnet" and arguments=".\MyApplication.dll".
I also checked the connection string and it points to production DB server that's working. I confirmed the DB connection by changing the connection string to production DB and running project local. It works and I get the production DB access.
I also tried to get the error info by using the below in my Startup.cs (irrespective of env):
I have also enabled stdoutLog in web.config, but I don't see that folder either:
stdoutLogEnabled="true" stdoutLogFile=".\logs\stdout"
I also tried to change applicationUrl and launchUrl in launchSettings.json to my prod Url, but that didn't work as well.
So, the 500 Internal Server Error refuses to go away, and I still don't have a useful error message. The page just says:
500 Internal Server Error
An error occurred while starting the application.
I would really appreciate if someone could help me here.
I have also enabled stdoutLog in web.config as but I don't see that folder either:
stdoutLogEnabled="true" stdoutLogFile=".\logs\stdout"
There is one trick here - you must create both folders logs and stdout manually - then and only then IIS will create log file inside logs folder (not stdout as you could expect) - don't ask me why, because I don't know why ;)
Oops. 500 Internal Server Error An error occurred while starting the application.
Usually, means problems with a configuration in Startup.cs - the most common problems include an issue with DB itself, an issue with migrations (if you are using Code First approach), problems with appsettings.js, problems with Social Logins credentials (like missing SecretKey)...
Please refer to log file in .\logs\stdout - this is the quickest way to find details about the problem :)
Those will work after your WebApp fully started, but not while starting the application.
in web.config file change modules="AspNetCoreModuleV2" to modules="AspNetCoreModule"
and watch this video
Thanks to Lukasz for his comments. I was able to see the log and it stated that "ClientId option must be provided". The problem was with the UserSecrets. Since secrets.json is only available in Development, there were no secrets found in Production. Once I had the secrets in my appSettings.json, it worked fine.
Moreover, To replicate this in Local environment, just go to Project properties and change the environment variable ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT to 'Production' and run in local. This will replicate the 500 Internal Server Error in local and you'll get the error message.
Also, ensure that the ASP.NET Core Windows Server Hosting bundle is installed. THis creates a reverse proxy between IIS and the Kestral server.
More Info:
I would like to add some more info to #Lukasz Makowej answer.
I found out the reason why to have to create the folder, in microsoft documentation it is said that:
stdoutLogFile - Optional string attribute.
".....Any folders provided in the path must exist in order for the module to create the log file...."
So you have to create it yourself :)
Check it out here:
I also must said that in my case I had to validate that the web-site had the permissions to access to the "log" folder.
Make sure your web.config is good. I've been stomped more than once by a syntactically good web.config that referred to a module (Rewrite) that wasn't on the server. No error messages anywhere, other than the 500 response error.
Std log wasn't working for me, I had to uninstall all .ENT Core runtime / SDK versions from the server and my local to install the latest one and it worked after publishing everything again from scratch.
Another thing that helped was binding the IIS app to port 5000 without any dns so it actually showed me errors on http://localhost:5000
Encountered this issue yesterday, we also had no logging, no eventlog message whatsoever.
Then we checked the site's authentication settings via the IIS-manager to double-check the settings. And pop suddenly a popup with an error message 'Error on line XXXX'.
Turned out the configuration section was locked in the website's config at server-level.
So try unlocking the relevant IIS configuration settings at server level, as follows:
Open IIS Manager
Select the server in the Connections pane
Open Configuration Editor in the main pane
In the Sections drop down, select the section to unlock, e.g. system.webServer => security => authentication
Click Unlock Attribute in the right pane
Repeat for any other settings which you need to unlock
Restart IIS (optional) - Select the server in the Connections pane, click Restart in the Actions pane

WCF Service Reference issue on production in console application

I have 1 c# Console Application project, which has Program.cs (that contains main method), the main method simple calls a web service method and displays the string on the console.
The service reference is added in the project by right clicking it and adding service reference it to it.
when the console application is executed in debug mode from visual studio, it works as expected.
when the console application is executed from a .exe found in /bin/debug, it works as expected.
so far so good.
when the project is copied over to the system (you can call it a production environment), where this .exe will actually be executed, it fails at the exact line where i create the service proxy object. the line in Program.cs is:
ProjectName.ServiceReference.ServiceClient service = new ProjectName.ServiceReference.ServiceClient();
I know it fails here, because i have Console.Writeline("some line"); before and after the above line. I can see the Console.Writeline that is before the proxy line, and soon after that it crashes ...
I think this is because the reference paths that are referencing the service, is there any thing i can do to change the paths, or confirm that it is the path issue as suspected ...??
any idea whats going wrong ..???
Check this link:
The configuration for the service reference could not be updated due
to the following issue: Unrecognized element
‘extendedProtectionPolicy’. (App.config / Web.config)
There does not seem to be a really clear reason why this is happening
however it seems to be related to Windows 7. I am not sure if the
.NET framework that ships with Win7 has some different setting or
template for the WCF configuration policy files but it seems to be the
culprit. Maybe the machine.config files are different on Win 7 and
the WCF configuration tools use the machine.config as some sort of
policy template.
The fix is annoying (because every time you build your solution on
Windows 7 and then rebuild on Vista you have to redo this).
Remove the line:
<extendedProtectionPolicy policyEnforcement="Never" />
from both your App/Web.config file on the client and on the WCF
server’s Web.config file.

Update service reference not working

I'm using Visual Studio 2008 and have a WCF client working against a WCF service. They are both located in the same Visual Studio solution. After I've made a change in my WCF contract, I want to update the service reference on the client so that changes made to the contract is also made in the proxy.
My problem is that the proxy code is not re-generated.
When I select to update the service reference, the following happens:
A dialog with the title "Updating service reference 'name-of-reference'" is shown. This dialog has a progress bar.
The progressbar moves and the status text in the dialog is changed to "Updating configuration"
The progressbar moves a bit more, and the status text is chnaged to "Configuration update complete"
The dialog doesn't show the text "Generating \something\" (can't remember the exact wording) which I would expedct.
If I delete the service reference and add it again, the proxy is properly generated. I add the service using the exact same settings as before, so I don't think it's a issue I can solve by changing the service reference configuration on the client.
One thing I suspect may be the problem is that I've renamed the default wsHttpBindings in app.config. I've also renamed the default endpoints. The reason behind this is that I need more than one endpoint and having one named 'some-default-name' and one with my own name is just confusing.
The problem with deleting the service and adding it again is that Visual Studio adds a new binding in app.config (among other things) which should not be there.
Anyone seen this problem before? Anyone knows of a solution to it?
When we have had this problem it has usually been one of these errors:
The size of the contract has increased, and is now so large that the WCF configuration does not allow it to be transferred.
A new class has been added to a WCF Interface and that class is not marked as serializable.
There is a compile error that stops the code from building and it therefore uses the old dll
I've run into this problem with the following conditions:
Our workstations are connected to an Active Directory domain (nearly everything uses Windows Authentication)
The service reference I'm trying to update is hosted on localhost, and is running under IIS Express (so the Application Pool user is running as the developer's personal domain user account)
Another developer has added or updated the reference to the project more recently than me.
The only way I have figured out how to workaround this issue is to edit the configuration.svcinfo file for that service reference (you will need to show all files for the project to see it in visual studio), locate the following section:
userPrincipalName value=""
and change the user to my own domain user. After saving the file, I have no trouble updating the reference until another developer updates the service reference (likely using the same workaround). Unfortunately, I haven't been able to figure out a permanent solution to this issue.
My error was that I forgot to add the OperationContract attribute.
In my case the problem was that the previous developer had added the service reference using his machine name rather than localhost. So when I told Visual Studio to update, it connected to his machine, which did not have the changes. I modified the service reference files and replaced his machine name with localhost and it was able to update the reference.
I had this problem too. Deleted the service reference and recreated it again.
My problem was that I had two methods with the same name. Everything builded fine, but I couldn't update service reference. When I tried to start just the WCF service, the error pops up.
Two easy steps to solve that:
Run Service, then stop it.
Update service reference.
Highlight the service as the active project, F5 to run it in VisualStudio, it will start up in the service test app. Stop debugging. Then try to update your service reference - worked for me.
I know this solution is a bit late, but after trying the posted solutions with no success, this worked:
When you create a WebService, it generates a .dll file that you reference as your service reference. This .dll is (as most know) not recreated everytime you make changes to the .SVC file. You can see this if you go and view the date modified property of the web service .dll file, in my case it was three hours old!
My solution was to make appropriate changes to the service contact, save it, and re-build the project which will cause it to recreate all the .dll's reflecting the changes you made to the service contact file (.svc).
After this, update the service reference on the client app, and the changes are evident.
I had the same problem. Modified some of the data contracts. Tried to "Update Service Reference" and did not see the change. Dropped and re-added the service. Still didn't see the change when writing code in the client. Opened my client with Reflector and saw the service types had the change! So why was intellisense still showing old properties? Restarted Visual Studio and the modifications finally showed in intellisense.
I had the same problem, this by me it was caused by GIT Merge Conflict, i was missing the following code from my csproj file
<None Include="Service References\<SERVICE NAME>\Reference.svcmap">
<Generator>WCF Proxy Generator</Generator>
I have added this onder the line of Reference.svcmap
Another solution to these kinds of problems is if your namespaces get jumbled in referenced projects that both consume the service. So:
ProjectA - Consumes ServiceA
ProjectB - Consumes ServiceA, Has Reference to ProjectA
If you change ServiceA and update ProjectB, sometimes the namespaces can can change to look at ProjectA's version of the service.

Why cant my Silverlight application load data from sql on live site using WCF?

My silverlight application loads data fromt he SQL fine when I build locally but when I upload it to the live site it will just wait for data to be loaded but show no errors. It worked up until yesterday where I fear I may have changed a setting somewhere and now I cant access the data it seems?
UPDATE 1: it seems to be a problem with the service references. Everytime I update them, it will clear the ServiceReferences.ClientConfig file and then the program wont build.
UPDATE 2: I have tried cleaning and building but still the same problem.
UPDATE 3: Found an error when trying to access the service reference on the live site:
This collection already contains an address with scheme http. There can be at most one address per scheme in this collection.
Parameter name: item
Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.
Exception Details: System.ArgumentException: This collection already contains an address with scheme http. There can be at most one address per scheme in this collection.
Parameter name: item
It sounds like your application is waiting for something, does it time out after 30 seconds? If so, check your SQL connection string.
If there is another tier between Silverlight and SQL (such as a web service), then set up a connection test to make sure that Silverlight is actually reaching SQL...
Did you accidentally replace your live web.config file? If so, try restoring the old web.config as it may have a setting that's not compatable with your server.
Re: Update 1:
Is there an error? If so please paste it. Also please paste the config file in question on pastebin and link to it from here.
Re: Update 3:
The error "This collection already contains an address with scheme http." is caused by not telling a WCF service explicitly what address you wish to bind to when there are many to chosoe from. In this case it looks like IIS is using multiple URLs, for example, consider these fictional addresses:
... so the WCF service has no idea which to use unless you tell it.
The solution, to this is to explictly define what URL to use with the following config lines in the web.config (within the system.serviceModel node) of your WCF service.
<serviceHostingEnvironment aspNetCompatibilityEnabled="true">
<add prefix="" />
You should update your question title to indicate that WCF is involved in the solution you have created.