SQL add multiple "Count" together - sql

I'm trying to add the counts together and output the one with the max counts.
The question is: Display the person with the most medals (gold as place = 1, silver as place = 2, bronze as place = 3)
Add all the medals together and display the person with the most medals
Below is the code I have thought about (obviously doesn't work)
Any ideas?
Select cm.Givenname, cm.Familyname, count(*)
FROM Competitors cm JOIN Results re ON cm.competitornum = re.competitornum
WHERE re.place between '1' and '3'
group by cm.Givenname, cm.Familyname
having max (count(re.place = 1) + count(re.place = 2) + count(re.place = 3))
Sorry forgot to add that were not allowed to use ORDER BY.
Some data in the table
Competitors Table
Competitornum GivenName Familyname gender Dateofbirth Countrycode
219153 Imri Daniel Male 1988-02-02 Aus
Results Table
Eventid Competitornum Place Lane Elapsedtime
SWM111 219153 1 2 20 02

From what you've described it sounds like you just need to take the "Top" individual in the total medal count. In order to do that you would write something like this.
Select top 1 cm.Givenname, cm.Familyname, count(*)
FROM Competitors cm JOIN Results re ON cm.competitornum = re.competitornum
WHERE re.place between '1' and '3'
group by cm.Givenname, cm.Familyname
order by count(*) desc
Without using order by you have a couple of other options though I'm glossing over whatever syntax peculiarities sqlfire may use.
You could determine the max medal count of any user and then only select competitors that have that count. You could do this by saving it out to a variable or using a subquery.
Select cm.Givenname, cm.Familyname, count(*)
FROM Competitors cm JOIN Results re ON cm.competitornum = re.competitornum
WHERE re.place between '1' and '3'
group by cm.Givenname, cm.Familyname
having count(*) = (
Select max( count(*) )
FROM Competitors cm JOIN Results re ON cm.competitornum = re.competitornum
WHERE re.place between '1' and '3'
group by cm.Givenname, cm.Familyname
Just a note here. This second method is highly inefficient because we recalculate the max medal count for every row in the parent table. If sqlfire supports it you would be much better served by calculating this ahead of time, storing it in a variable and using that in the HAVING clause.

You are grouping by re.place, is that what you want? You want the results per ... ? :)
[edit] Good, now that's fixed you're almost there :)
The having is not needed in this case, you simply need to add a count(re.EventID) to your select and make a subquery out of it with a max(that_count_column).


Group by after a partition by in MS SQL Server

I am working on some car accident data and am stuck on how to get the data in the form I want.
count(accident_severity) over (partition by sex_of_driver, accident_severity)
SQL.dbo.accident as accident
inner join SQL.dbo.vehicle as vehicle on
accident.accident_index = vehicle.accident_index
This is my code, which counts the accidents had per each sex for each severity. I know I can do this with group by but I wanted to use a partition by in order to work out % too.
However I get a very large table (I assume for each row that is each sex/severity. When I do the following:
count(accident_severity) over (partition by sex_of_driver, accident_severity)
SQL.dbo.accident as accident
inner join SQL.dbo.vehicle as vehicle on
accident.accident_index = vehicle.accident_index
group by
I get this:
(No column name)
I won't give you the whole table, but basically, the group by has caused the count to just be 1.
I can't figure out why group by isn't working. Is this an MS SQL-Server thing?
I want to get the same result as below (obv without the CASE etc)
count(accident.accident_severity) as num_accidents,
CASE vehicle.sex_of_driver WHEN '1' THEN 'Male' WHEN '2' THEN 'Female' end as sex_col,
CASE accident.accident_severity WHEN '1' THEN 'Fatal' WHEN '2' THEN 'Serious' WHEN '3' THEN 'Slight' end as serious_col
SQL.dbo.accident as accident
inner join SQL.dbo.vehicle as vehicle on
accident.accident_index = vehicle.accident_index
sex_of_driver != 3
sex_of_driver != -1
group by
order by
You seem to have a misunderstanding here.
GROUP BY will reduce your rows to a single row per grouping (ie per pair of sex_of_driver, accident_severity values. Any normal aggregates you use with this, such as COUNT(*), will return the aggregate value within that group.
Whereas OVER gives you a windowed aggregated, and means you are calculating it after reducing your rows. Therefore when you write count(accident_severity) over (partition by sex_of_driver, accident_severity) the aggregate only receives a single row in each partition, because the rows have already been reduced.
You say "I know I can do this with group by but I wanted to use a partition by in order to work out % too." but you are misunderstanding how to do that. You don't need PARTITION BY to work out percentage. All you need to calculate a percentage over the whole resultset is COUNT(*) * 1.0 / SUM(COUNT(*)) OVER (), in other words a windowed aggregate over a normal aggregate.
Note also that count(accident_severity) does not give you the number of distinct accident_severity values, it gives you the number of non-null values, which is probably not what you intend. You also have a very strange join predicate, you probably want something like a.vehicle_id = v.vehicle_id
So you want something like this:
count(*) as Count,
count(*) * 1.0 /
sum(count(*)) over (partition by sex_of_driver) as PercentOfSex
count(*) * 1.0 /
sum(count(*)) over () as PercentOfTotal
dbo.accident as accident a
inner join dbo.vehicle as v on
a.vehicle_id = v.vehicle_id
group by

TSQL "where ... group by ..." issue that needs solution like "having ..."

I have 3 sub-tables of different formats joined together with unions if this affects anything into full-table. There I have columns "location", "amount" and "time". Then to keep generality for my later needs I union full-table with location-table that has all possible "location" values and other fields are null into master-table.
I query master-table,
select location, sum(amount)
from master-table
where (time...)
group by location
However some "location" values are dropped because sum(amount) is 0 for those "location"s but I really want to have full list of those "location"s for my further steps.
Alternative would be to use HAVING clause but from what I understand HAVING is impossible here because i filter on "time" while grouping on "location" and I would need to add "time" in grouping which destroys the purpose. Keep in mind that the goal here is to get sum(amount) in each "location"
select location, sum(amount)
from master-table
group by location, time
having (time...)
To view the output:
with the first code I get
loc1, 5
loc3, 10
loc6, 1
but I want to get
loc1, 5
loc2, 0
loc3, 10
loc4, 0
loc5, 0
loc6, 1
Any suggestions on what can be done with this structure of master-table? Alternative solution to which I have no idea how to code would be to add numbers from the first query result to location-table (as a query, not actual table) with the final result query that I've posted above.
What you want will require a complete list of locations, then a left-outer join using that table and your calculated values, and IsNull (for tsql) to ensure you see the 0s you expect. You can do this with some CTEs, which I find valuable for clarity during development, or you can work on "putting it all together" in a more traditional SELECT...FROM... statement. The CTE approach might look like this:
WITH loc AS (
FROM location_table
), summary_data as (
SELECT LocationID, SUM(amount) AS location_sum
FROM master-table
SELECT loc.LocationID, IsNull(location_sum,0) AS location_sum
FROM loc
LEFT OUTER JOIN summary_data ON loc.LocationID = summary_data.LocationID
See if that gets you a step or two closer to the results you're looking for.
I can think of 2 options:
You could move the WHERE to a CASE WHEN construction:
-- Option 1
sum(CASE WHEN time <'16:00' THEN amount ELSE 0 END)
from master_table
group by location
Or you could JOIN with the possible values of location (which is my first ever RIGHT JOIN in a very long time 😉):
-- Option 2
sum(CASE WHEN m.time <'16:00' THEN m.amount ELSE 0 END)
from master_table m
right join (select distinct location from master_table) x ON x.location = m.location
group by x.location
The version using T-SQL without CTEs would be:
SELECT l.location ,
ISNULL(m.location_sum, 0) as location_sum
FROM master-table l
SELECT location,
SUM(amount) as location_sum
FROM master-table
WHERE (time ... )
GROUP BY location
) m ON l.location = m.location
This assumes that you still have your initial UNION in place that ensures that master-table has all possible locations included.
It is the where clause that excludes some locations. To ensure you retain every location you could introduce "conditional aggregation" instead of using the where clause: e.g.
select location, sum(case when (time...) then amount else 0 end) as location_sum
from master-table
group by location
i.e. instead of excluding some rows from the result, place the conditions inside the sum function that equate to the conditions you would have used in the where clause. If those conditions are true, then it will aggregate the amount, but if the conditions evaluate to false then 0 is summed, but the location is retained in the result.

Sql need to sum column several times and break result in one row horizontally

SQL needed to sum column several times and break result in one row by store horizontally, but I'm getting null rows mixed with totals need to take them out
SELECT distinct IdPurch,
Datediff(week, (dateadd(day,-1, '2021-01-03')), '2021-01-09') AS wks,
(Select sum(WgtSold) where store = '000001' ) as lam,
(Select sum(WgtSold) where store = '000002') as Riv
FROM [LAHAMARK].[dbo].[itemSale]
LEFT OUTER Join [BRdata].[dbo].[Item] on [LAHAMARK].[dbo].[itemSale].UPC15 = [BRdata].[dbo].[Item].[UPC]
LEFT OUTER join [BRdata].[dbo].[ItemMovement] on [LAHAMARK].[dbo].[itemSale].UPC15 = [BRdata].[dbo].[ItemMovement].[UPC]
where Date between '2021-01-03' and '2021-01-03' and idPurch = '1018'
group by IdPurch,Store
query Result :
You seem to want conditional aggregation:
select IdPurch,
sum(case when store = '000001' then WgtSold end) as lam,
sum(case when store = '000002' then WgtSold end) as Riv
from [LAHAMARK].[dbo].[itemSale] its join
[BRdata].[dbo].[Item] i
on its.UPC15 = i.[UPC] join
[BRdata].[dbo].[ItemMovement] im
on its.UPC15 = im.[UPC]
where Date between '2021-01-03' and '2021-01-03' and
idPurch = 1018
group by IdPurch ;
Table aliases make the query much easier to write and to read.
The week calculation is superfluous for only one week and has nothing really to do with the gist of the question, so I removed it.
There is no need to aggregate by store. You don't want a separate row for each store.
I removed the single quotes around 1018. It looks like a number and ids typically are numbers. If it is a string, definitely include the single quotes, though.

How do I count the rows with a where clause in SQL Server?

I am pretty much stuck with a problem I am facing with SQL Server. I want to show in a query the amount of times that specific value occurs. This is pretty easy to do, but I want to take it a step further and I think the best way to explain on what I am trying to achieve is to explain it using images.
I have two tables:
Plant and
As you can see with the chest the column 'hoeveelheid' tells how full the chest is, 'vol' == 1 and 3/4 is == 0,75. In the plant table there is a column 'Hoeveelheidperkist' which tells how much plants there can be in 1 chest.
select DISTINCT kist.Plantnaam, kist.Plantmaat, count(*) AS 'Amount'
from kist
group by kist.plantnaam, kist.Plantmaat
This query counts all the chests, but it does not seperate the count of 'Vol' chests and '3/4' chests. It only does This. What I want to achieve is this. But I have no idea how. Any help would be much appreciated.
If you use group by you don't need distinct
and if you want the seprated count for hoeveelheid you ust add to the group by clause
select DISTINCT kist.Plantnaam, kist.Plantmaat, kist.hoeveelheid, count(*) AS 'Amount'
from kist
group by kist.plantnaam, kist.Plantmaat, hoeveelheid
or if you want all the 3 count ond the samw rowx you could use a condition aggreagtion eg:
select DISTINCT kist.Plantnaam, kist.Plantmaat
, sum(case when kist.hoeveelheid ='Vol' then 1 else 0 end) vol
, sum(case when kist.hoeveelheid ='3/3' then 1 else 0 end) 3_4
, count(*) AS 'Amount'
from kist
group by kist.plantnaam, kist.Plantmaat
When you want to filter the data on the counts you have to use having clause. When ever you are using aggregate functions(sum, count, min, max) and you want to filter them on aggregation basis, use having clause
select DISTINCT kist.Plantnaam, kist.Plantmaat, count(*) AS 'Amount'
from kist
group by kist.plantnaam, kist.Plantmaat having count(*) = 1 -- or provide necessary conditions

Using Count case

So I've been just re-familiarizing myself with SQL after some time away from it, and I am using Mode Analytics sample Data warehouse, where they have a dataset for SF police calls in 2014.
For reference, it's set up as this:
incident_num, category, descript, day_of_week, date, time, pd_district, Resolution, address, ID
What I am trying to do is figure out the total number of incidents for a category, and a new column of all the people who have been arrested. Ideally looking something like this
Category, Total_Incidents, Arrested
Battery 10 4
Murder 200 5
Something like that..
So far I've been trying this out:
SELECT category, COUNT (Resolution) AS Total_Incidents, (
Select COUNT (resolution)
from tutorial.sf_crime_incidents_2014_01
where Resolution like '%ARREST%') AS Arrested
from tutorial.sf_crime_incidents_2014_01
group by 1
order by 2 desc
That returns the total amount of incidents correctly, but for the Arrested, it keeps printing out 9014 Arrest
Any idea what I am doing wrong?
The subquery is not correlated. It just selects the count of all rows. Add a condition, that checks for the category to be equal to that of the outer query.
SELECT o.category,
count(o.resolution) total_incidents,
(SELECT count(i.resolution)
FROM tutorial.sf_crime_incidents_2014_01 i
WHERE i.resolution LIKE '%ARREST%'
AND i.category = o.category) arrested
FROM tutorial.sf_crime_incidents_2014_01 o
You could use this:
SELECT category,
COUNT(Resolution) AS Total_Incidents,
SUM(CASE WHEN Resolution LIKE '%ARREST%' THEN 1 END) AS Arrested
FROM tutorial.sf_crime_incidents_2014_01
GROUP BY category