NSLocale currency symbol, show before or after amount value - objective-c

I am using StoreKit to implement an in app purchase store in my application.
I have a custom design and it means that the value of the price should be white and large, and the currency symbol smaller, darker and aligned to the top of the price value.
I can get the currency symbol without any problems by using the NSLocale in SKproduct's priceLocale property, and the value of the price in the price property.
My problem is knowing when I should put the currency symbol before the price and when to put it after the price.
I could easily use the NSNumberFormatter to get this worked out "out of the box", but since my layout defines a different style for the value and currency symbol, I've found myself in a position where a more manual workaround is required.
Any thoughts ?

You have everything you need in your SKProduct instance. Just use NSNumberFormatter in conjunction and that's it.
NSNumberFormatter *priceFormatter = [[NSNumberFormatter alloc] init];
[priceFormatter setNumberStyle:NSNumberFormatterCurrencyStyle];
for (SKProduct *product in response.products) {
[priceFormatter setLocale:product.priceLocale];
NSLog(#"Price for %# is: %#",product.localizedTitle,[priceFormatter stringFromNumber:product.price]);
Swift 3+
let priceFormatter = NumberFormatter()
priceFormatter.numberStyle = .currency
for product in response.products {
priceFormatter.locale = product.priceLocale
let localizedPrice = priceFormatter.string(from: product.price)
print("Price for \(product.localizedTitle) is: \(localizedPrice)")

The locale object doesn't seem to provide this information directly, but of course the number formatter must know it. You're not supposed to ask (new-style) number formatters for their format directly, although that'll probably work, and you can then look for the currency symbol, ¤, in the format string.
Possibly better would be to create a CFNumberFormatter, which does explicitly allow you to view its format, and then inspect that string:
// NSLocale and CFLocale are toll-free bridged, so if you have an existing
// NSNumberFormatter, you can get its locale and use that instead.
CFLocaleRef usLocale = CFLocaleCreate(NULL, CFSTR("en_US"));
CFNumberFormatterRef usFormatter = CFNumberFormatterCreate(NULL, usLocale, kCFNumberFormatterCurrencyStyle);
CFLocaleRef frLocale = CFLocaleCreate(NULL, CFSTR("fr_FR"));
CFNumberFormatterRef frFormatter = CFNumberFormatterCreate(NULL, frLocale, kCFNumberFormatterCurrencyStyle);
NSString * usString = (__bridge NSString *)CFNumberFormatterGetFormat(usFormatter);
NSString * frString = (__bridge NSString *)CFNumberFormatterGetFormat(frFormatter);
NSUInteger loc = ([usString rangeOfString:#"¤"]).location;
NSLog(#"Currency marker at beginning for US? %#", (loc == 0) ? #"YES" : #"NO");
loc = ([frString rangeOfString:#"¤"]).location;
NSLog(#"Currency marker at end for FR? %#", (loc == [frString length] - 1) ? #"YES" : #"NO");

I use this solution (Swift):
let currencyFormat = CFNumberFormatterGetFormat(CFNumberFormatterCreate(nil, locale, .CurrencyStyle)) as NSString
let positiveNumberFormat = currencyFormat.componentsSeparatedByString(";")[0] as NSString
let currencySymbolLocation = positiveNumberFormat.rangeOfString("¤").location
return (currencySymbolLocation == 0) ? .Before : .After
The accepted answer should be fixed since the CFNumberFormatterGetFormat sometimes (for some locales) returns double value: ¤##,#00.0;-¤##,#00.0 which includes a negative number format. Make sure to parse that string.

My solution for this was to set the decimal style and set the minimum number of significant digits.
static NSNumberFormatter *NumberFormatter;
if (!NumberFormatter) {
NumberFormatter = [[NSNumberFormatter alloc] init];
[NumberFormatter setNumberStyle:NSNumberFormatterDecimalStyle];
[NumberFormatter setUsesSignificantDigits:YES];
[NumberFormatter setMinimumSignificantDigits:2];
NSString *formattedNumberString = [NumberFormatter stringFromNumber:#(valueInEuro)];
NSString *stringInEuro = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"€ %#", formattedNumberString];

I have created an extension of SKProduct, putting things where they belong imho.
extension SKProduct
var localizedPrice: String {
let numberFormatter = NSNumberFormatter()
numberFormatter.numberStyle = .CurrencyStyle
numberFormatter.locale = self.priceLocale
numberFormatter.formatterBehavior = .Behavior10_4
return numberFormatter.stringFromNumber(self.price)!
That way of formatting is, by the way, also exactly what Apple suggests in the In-App Purchase Programming Guide, section Retrieving Product Information.

Swift 3
An extension function on Locale:
extension Locale {
func IsCurrenySymbolAtStart() -> Bool {
let currencyFormatter = NumberFormatter()
currencyFormatter.numberStyle = .currency
currencyFormatter.locale = self
let positiveFormat = currencyFormatter.positiveFormat as NSString
let currencySymbolLocation = positiveFormat.range(of: "¤").location
return (currencySymbolLocation == 0)
let displayCurrencySymbolAtStart = NSLocale.current.IsCurrenySymbolAtStart()


NSDecimalNumber addition losing decimal places

I am trying to make a calculator iphone app and my teacher said we had to use NSDecimalNumber. I am having a lot of trouble with it. I am trying to get the addition part of it right, but I am having trouble when adding a number like 1.24 to a whole number like 33. The result comes out to be 34 when I want it to be 34.24. Does anyone know how to make it so it comes out this way? Here is the relevant parts of the code
-(void)outputNumber: (NSDecimalNumber*) number
//used to format number of decimal places
NSNumberFormatter* formatter = [[[NSNumberFormatter alloc] init] autorelease];
[formatter setMaximumFractionDigits:self.afterDecimal];
//output the number to calculator
NSString* formatNumber = [formatter stringFromNumber:[NSNumber numberWithDouble:[number doubleValue]]];
self.inputLabel.text = [NSString stringWithFormat: #"%#", formatNumber];
if (self.isWaiting == TRUE) {
self.numberB = number;
//change button title default color
[self.myButton setTitleColor:[UIColor colorWithRed:.196 green: .3098 blue: .52 alpha: 1] forState: 0];
else {
self.numberA = number;
if (self.binaryTag == 6) {
self.numberC = [self.numberB decimalNumberByAdding: self.numberA];
Actually NSNumberFormatter doesn't work correctly with NSDecimalNumber. It converts everything to a double first.
When using NSDecimalNumber, try to use its own methods to round it and then convert it into NSString. With a NSNumberFormatter you will just lose the precision.

How do I force a sign-character on the output of an NSNumberFormatter

I want to use a number formatter to generate my output, so the number is automatically formatted for the user's locale, but I want it to work like "%+.1f" does in printf(), that is always have a sign specified.
NSNumberFormatter *nf = [[NSNumberFormatter alloc] init];
nf.numberStyle = NSNumberFormatterDecimalStyle;
nf.maximumFractionDigits = 1;
double val = 3.1234;
label.text = [NSString stringWithFormat: #"XXX %# XXX", [nf stringFromNumber: [NSNumber numberWithDouble: val]]];
I want the label to come out "XXX +3.1 XXX" in the US and the appropriate but equivalent string for any other location. The only things I can find are setPositiveFormat: and setPositivePrefix:.
But I don't want to set the format since I don't know how to format numbers in other countries; I don't know if a plus-sign is used to designate a positive number in Arabic or Russian or some culture I have not thought of. I do know, for example, that decimal points, commas, spaces, etc., all have different meanings in European countries compared to the U.S. - Could the same be true for +/- signs?
What I do currently is:
label.text = [NSString stringWithFormat: #"XXX %s%# XXX", (val < 0) ? "" : "+",
[nf stringFromNumber: [NSNumber numberWithDouble: val]]];
But this presumes that '+' and '-' are correct for all formats.
I'm sure it must be there since it is a standard formatting thing that has been in printf() since the dark ages...
How about this:
NSNumberFormatter *nf = [[NSNumberFormatter alloc] init];
nf.numberStyle = NSNumberFormatterDecimalStyle;
nf.maximumFractionDigits = 1;
double val = 3.1234;
NSString *sign = (val < 0) ? [nf minusSign] : [nf plusSign];
NSString *num = [nf stringFromNumber:#(abs(val))]; // avoid double negative
label.text = [NSString stringWithFormat: #"XXX %#%# XXX", sign, num];
You may need to check to see if num has the sign prefix or not so it isn't shown twice.
Edit: After some playing around, it has been determined, for the "Decimal" style, that no current locale uses a positivePrefix. No current locale uses a plusSign other than the standard + character. No current locale uses a negativePrefix that is different than minusSign. No current locale uses either positiveSuffix or negativeSuffix.
So an easier approach would be to do:
NSNumberFormatter *nf = [[NSNumberFormatter alloc] init];
nf.numberStyle = NSNumberFormatterDecimalStyle;
nf.maximumFractionDigits = 1;
[nf setPositivePrefix:[nf plusSign]];
[nf setNegativePrefix:[nf minusSign]];
label.text = [nf stringFromNumber:#(val)];
This case it's simple, just add the prefix:
nf.positivePrefix= nf.plusSign;
Though it won't use the user's locale, you can do the following to generate the +/- sign without the somewhat expensive overhead of an NSNumberFormatter:
// assume 'number' is an NSNumber
label.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%+.02f", [number floatValue]];
Simple Case:
let f = NumberFormatter()
f.positivePrefix = f.plusSign
Currency Case :
Hack needed, because setting the prefix to plusSign only will remove the currency symbol.
let f = NumberFormatter()
f.numberStyle = .currency
f.positivePrefix = f.plusSign + f.currencySymbol
There is a bit more work depending on the locale.. The currency symbol may be before, or after, but this is probably another subject..
Even if it is another subject, I'd say a possible solution to the problem above is to subclass NSNumberFormatter :
override func string(from number: NSNumber) -> String? {
returns ( number.doubleValue >= 0 ? super.plusSign : "" ) + super.string(from: number)
This way, NSNumberFormatter should manage the currency position while your subclass simply prepend the + sign. No time to test this in depth, but at least it is an approach.
The underlying formatting language for NSNumberFormatter doesn't have any provision for what you want to do -- it will allow you to specify a localized positive sign on exponents, but not for the entire formatted string. Nor does NSLocale seem to make available the localized positive sign.
Aside from making a dummy string that includes an exponent, pulling the localized positive sign out, and putting your final formatted string together by hand, I think you're out of luck.
A reusable formatter in swift:
var numberFormatter: NSNumberFormatter {
let formatter = NSNumberFormatter()
formatter.numberStyle = .DecimalStyle
formatter.locale = NSLocale(localeIdentifier: "it_IT")//your Locale
formatter.maximumFractionDigits = 2
formatter.minimumFractionDigits = 0
formatter.positivePrefix = formatter.plusSign
return formatter
Then use it:
let myDoubleValue = 12.00
let myStringNumber = numberFormatter.stringFromNumber(myDoubleValue)!
I don't think any of the previous answers will actually take into consideration everything you mentioned in your question.
It is true that NumberFormatter does not have an option to set the plus sign visible for all positive numbers when formatting currency values.
Also, replacing prefixes and suffixes will likely break the format for some regions and always replacing a prefix will only work if the set locale uses the currency symbol on the left.
A simple way to address this without losing the locale formatting can be seen below:
var value: Double = 3.1234
let formatter = NumberFormatter()
formatter.numberStyle = .currency
formatter.maximumFractionDigits = 1
if value > 0 {
return formatter.string(for: value.negated())?.replacingOccurrences(
of: formatter.minusSign,
with: formatter.plusSign
} else {
return formatter.string(for: value)
Even though this can be seen as hack, it's an effective way to achieve everything you mentioned without manually writing a number formatter.

How do I convert an integer to the corresponding words in objective-c?

Is there a way in Objective-C on iOS to spell out an integer number as text?
For example, if I have
NSInteger someNumber = 11242043;
I would like to know some function so that would return a string similar to "eleven million two hundred forty two thousand forty three."
Apple has a lot of handy formatting functionality built in for many data types. Called a "formatter," they can convert objects to/from string representations.
For your case, you will be using NSNumberFormatter, but if you have an integer you need to convert it to an NSNumber first. See below example.
NSInteger anInt = 11242043;
NSString *wordNumber;
//convert to words
NSNumber *numberValue = [NSNumber numberWithInt:anInt]; //needs to be NSNumber!
NSNumberFormatter *numberFormatter = [[NSNumberFormatter alloc] init];
[numberFormatter setNumberStyle:NSNumberFormatterSpellOutStyle];
wordNumber = [numberFormatter stringFromNumber:numberValue];
NSLog(#"Answer: %#", wordNumber);
// Answer: eleven million two hundred forty-two thousand forty-three
If you'd like to learn more about formatters:
Power of extension for Swift 5
import Foundation
public extension Int {
var asWord: String? {
let numberValue = NSNumber(value: self)
let formatter = NumberFormatter()
formatter.numberStyle = .spellOut
return formatter.string(from: numberValue)
var value = 2
if let valueAsWord = value.asWord {
//do something with your worded number here
print("value worded = \(valueAsWord)")
} else {
print("could not word value :(")
Note: Edited to protect against formatter.string(from: returning nil which is highly not likely, but still possible.
value worded = two
From the docs:
Specifies a spell-out format; for example, “23” becomes “twenty-three”.
Available in iOS 2.0 and later.
Declared in NSNumberFormatter.h.
As your question isn't very specific, I won't post full-fledged code source either.
With Swift 5 / iOS 12.2, NumberFormatter has a numberStyle property that can be set with value NumberFormatter.Style.spellOut. spellOut has the following declaration:
case spellOut = 5
A style format in which numbers are spelled out in the language defined by the number formatter locale.
For example, in the en_US locale, the number 1234.5678 is represented as one thousand two hundred thirty-four point five six seven eight; in the fr_FR locale, the number 1234.5678 is represented as mille deux cent trente-quatre virgule cinq six sept huit.
This style is supported for most user locales. If this style doesn't support the number formatter locale, the en_US locale is used as a fallback.
The Playground code below shows how to convert an integer to a spell-out text using NumberFormatter spellOut style:
import Foundation
let integer = 2018
let formatter = NumberFormatter()
formatter.numberStyle = NumberFormatter.Style.spellOut
let spellOutText = formatter.string(for: integer)!
print(spellOutText) // prints: two thousand eighteen
We can do this in swift like this.
let formatter = NSNumberFormatter()
formatter.numberStyle = NSNumberFormatterStyle. SpellOutStyle
println("\(identifier) \(formatter.stringFromNumber(1234.5678))")
You can use the below function to convert an integer to words using swift native number style.
func toWords<N>(number: N) -> String? {
let formatter = NumberFormatter()
formatter.numberStyle = .spellOut
switch number {
case is Int, is UInt, is Float, is Double:
return formatter.string(from: number as! NSNumber)
case is String:
if let number = Double(number as! String) {
return formatter.string(from: NSNumber(floatLiteral: number))
return nil
print(toWords(number: 12312))
print(toWords(number: "12312"))
For my own reference, this is #moca's answer, but ready for use:
- (NSString *) spellInt:(int)number {
NSNumber *numberAsNumber = [NSNumber numberWithInt:number];
NSNumberFormatter *formatter = [NSNumberFormatter new];
[formatter setNumberStyle:NSNumberFormatterSpellOutStyle];
return [formatter stringFromNumber:numberAsNumber];
Note: This is using ARC.

parsing string into different kind of number string

I have a string called realEstateWorth with a value of $12,000,000.
I need this same string to remain a string but for any number (such as the one above) to be displayed as $12 MILLION or $6 MILLION. The point is it needs the words "MILLION" to come after the number.
I know there is nsNumberFormatter that can convert strings into numbers and vice versa but can it do what I need?
If anyone has any ideas or suggestions, it would be much appreciated.
Thank you!
So as I see it, you have two problems:
You have a string representation of something that's actually a number
You (potentially) have a number that you want formatted as a string
So, problem #1:
To convert a string into a number, you use an NSNumberFormatter. You've got a pretty simple case:
NSNumberFormatter *f = [[NSNumberFormatter alloc] init];
[f setNumberStyle:NSNumberFormatterCurrencyStyle];
NSNumber *n = [f numberFromString:#"$12,000,000"];
// n is 12000000
That was easy! Now problem #2:
This is trickier, because you want a mixed spell-out style. You could consider using an NSNumberFormatter again, but it's not quite right:
[f setNumberStyle:NSNumberFormatterSpellOutStyle];
NSString *s = [f stringFromNumber:n];
// s is "twelve million"
So, we're closer. At this point, you could perhaps maybe do something like:
NSInteger numberOfMillions = [n integerValue] / 1000000;
if (numberOfMillions > 0) {
NSNumber *millions = [NSNumber numberWithInteger:numberOfMillions];
NSString *numberOfMillionsString = [f stringFromNumber:millions]; // "twelve"
[f setNumberStyle:NSNumberFormatterCurrencyStyle];
NSString *formattedMillions = [f stringFromNumber:millions]; // "$12.00"
if ([s hasPrefix:numberOfMillionsString]) {
// replace "twelve" with "$12.00"
s = [s stringByReplacingCharactersInRange:NSMakeRange(0, [numberOfMillionsString length]) withString:formattedMillions];
// if this all works, s should be "$12.00 million"
// you can use the -setMaximumFractionDigits: method on NSNumberFormatter to fiddle with the ".00" bit
I don't know how well this would work in anything other than english. CAVEAT IMPLEMENTOR
Worst case scenario, you could implement a category on NSString to implement the behaviour you want.
In the method that you would do in that category you could take an NSNumberFormatter to bring that string to a number and by doing some modulo operation you could define if you need the word Million, or Billion, etc. and put back a string with the modulo for Million or other way you need it to be.
That way you could just call that method on your NSString like this :
NSString *humanReadable = [realEstateWorth myCustomMethodFromMyCategory];
And also.
NSString are immutable, so you can't change it unless you assign a new one to your variable.
I'd recommend storing this value as an NSNumber or a float. Then you could have a method to generate an NSString to display it like:
- (NSString*)numberToCurrencyString:(float)num
NSString *postfix = #"";
if (num > 1000000000)
num = num / 1000000000;
postfix = #" Billion";
else if (num > 1000000)
num = num / 1000000;
postfix = #" Million";
NSString *currencyString = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%.0f%#", num, postfix];
return currencyString;
Note: Your question states that your input needs to remain a string. That's fine. So you'd need to 1.) first parse the number out of the string and 2.) then reconvert it to a string from a number. I've shown how to do step 2 of this process.

Make a float only show two decimal places

I have the value 25.00 in a float, but when I print it on screen it is 25.0000000.
How can I display the value with only two decimal places?
It is not a matter of how the number is stored, it is a matter of how you are displaying it. When converting it to a string you must round to the desired precision, which in your case is two decimal places.
NSString* formattedNumber = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%.02f", myFloat];
%.02f tells the formatter that you will be formatting a float (%f) and, that should be rounded to two places, and should be padded with 0s.
%f = 25.000000
%.f = 25
%.02f = 25.00
Here are few corrections-
//for 3145.559706
Swift 3
let num: CGFloat = 3145.559706
print(String(format: "%f", num)) = 3145.559706
print(String(format: "%.f", num)) = 3145
print(String(format: "%.1f", num)) = 3145.6
print(String(format: "%.2f", num)) = 3145.56
print(String(format: "%.02f", num)) = 3145.56 // which is equal to #"%.2f"
print(String(format: "%.3f", num)) = 3145.560
print(String(format: "%.03f", num)) = 3145.560 // which is equal to #"%.3f"
#"%f" = 3145.559706
#"%.f" = 3146
#"%.1f" = 3145.6
#"%.2f" = 3145.56
#"%.02f" = 3145.56 // which is equal to #"%.2f"
#"%.3f" = 3145.560
#"%.03f" = 3145.560 // which is equal to #"%.3f"
and so on...
You can also try using NSNumberFormatter:
NSNumberFormatter* nf = [[[NSNumberFormatter alloc] init] autorelease];
nf.positiveFormat = #"0.##";
NSString* s = [nf stringFromNumber: [NSNumber numberWithFloat: myFloat]];
You may need to also set the negative format, but I think it's smart enough to figure it out.
I made a swift extension based on above answers
extension Float {
func round(decimalPlace:Int)->Float{
let format = NSString(format: "%%.%if", decimalPlace)
let string = NSString(format: format, self)
return Float(atof(string.UTF8String))
let floatOne:Float = 3.1415926
let floatTwo:Float = 3.1425934
print(floatOne.round(2) == floatTwo.round(2))
// should be true
In Swift Language, if you want to show you need to use it in this way. To assign double value in UITextView, for example:
let result = 23.954893
resultTextView.text = NSString(format:"%.2f", result)
If you want to show in LOG like as objective-c does using NSLog(), then in Swift Language you can do this way:
println(NSString(format:"%.2f", result))
IN objective-c, if you are dealing with regular char arrays (instead of pointers to NSString) you could also use:
printf("%.02f", your_float_var);
OTOH, if what you want is to store that value on a char array you could use:
sprintf(your_char_ptr, "%.02f", your_float_var);
The problem with all the answers is that multiplying and then dividing results in precision issues because you used division. I learned this long ago from programming on a PDP8.
The way to resolve this is:
return roundf(number * 100) * .01;
Thus 15.6578 returns just 15.66 and not 15.6578999 or something unintended like that.
What level of precision you want is up to you. Just don't divide the product, multiply it by the decimal equivalent.
No funny String conversion required.
in objective -c is u want to display float value in 2 decimal number then pass argument indicating how many decimal points u want to display
e.g 0.02f will print 25.00
0.002f will print 25.000
Here's some methods to format dynamically according to a precision:
+ (NSNumber *)numberFromString:(NSString *)string
if (string.length) {
NSNumberFormatter * f = [[NSNumberFormatter alloc] init];
f.numberStyle = NSNumberFormatterDecimalStyle;
return [f numberFromString:string];
} else {
return nil;
+ (NSString *)stringByFormattingString:(NSString *)string toPrecision:(NSInteger)precision
NSNumber *numberValue = [self numberFromString:string];
if (numberValue) {
NSString *formatString = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%%.%ldf", (long)precision];
return [NSString stringWithFormat:formatString, numberValue.floatValue];
} else {
/* return original string */
return string;
[TSPAppDelegate stringByFormattingString:#"2.346324" toPrecision:4];
=> 2.3453
[TSPAppDelegate stringByFormattingString:#"2.346324" toPrecision:0];
=> 2
[TSPAppDelegate stringByFormattingString:#"2.346324" toPrecision:2];
=> 2.35 (round up)
Another method for Swift (without using NSString):
let percentage = 33.3333
let text = String.localizedStringWithFormat("%.02f %#", percentage, "%")
P.S. this solution is not working with CGFloat type only tested with Float & Double
Use NSNumberFormatter with maximumFractionDigits as below:
NSNumberFormatter *formatter = [[NSNumberFormatter alloc] init];
formatter.maximumFractionDigits = 2;
NSLog(#"%#", [formatter stringFromNumber:[NSNumber numberWithFloat:12.345]]);
And you will get 12.35
If you need to float value as well:
NSString* formattedNumber = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%.02f", myFloat];
float floatTwoDecimalDigits = atof([formattedNumber UTF8String]);
lblMeter.text=[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%.02f",[[dic objectForKey:#"distance"] floatValue]];