API Error Code: 191 occurs only in Page Tab application - facebook-javascript-sdk

I've this error only when the app is in the page tab:
API Error Code: 191
API Error Description: The specified URL is not owned by the application
Error Message: redirect_uri is not owned by the application.
In page tab http://www.facebook.com/pages/ConMar/268459383261877?sk=app_148000545338378 if you click on "Invita Amici" you see the error.
But with the App in facebbok I don't have the problem, it works fine: http://apps.facebook.com/family-and-friends/
Both "URL canvas:" and "Page Tab URL:" ar set to: "http://www.d4v1d3.com/family-friends/"
I use the example code:
appId : 'xxxxxxxxxx',
frictionlessRequests: true
function sendRequestViaMultiFriendSelector() {
FB.ui({method: 'apprequests',
message: 'My Great Request'
}, requestCallback);
Do you know why I' ve the error just in the case of page tab?

Go to your app settings and make the additional configuration under Basic Settings.
If your domain is http://inspiration.nyp.edu.sg
If you are working on localhost
You can refer to Sending msg and post on own wall function no longer work for more information.


Facebook js api - "unsupported get request" error

I'm trying to get some (I think allowed) information in my app. I have an access token that has the following info:
App ID: <my app id> : iHOUSEListingPoster - Test 001
Type: User
App-Scoped User ID: <user id> : Joe Webb
Valid: True
Scopes: email, pages_show_list, pages_read_engagement, pages_manage_posts, public_profile
I'm trying this:
FB.api( "/me",
{fields: 'name'},
function(get_fb_info_response) {
console.log("Here: ", get_fb_info_response
And getting this error:
"Unsupported get request. Object with ID 'me' does not exist, cannot be loaded due to missing permissions, or does not support this operation"
I have tried with both "/me" and "/me/". And while I want name, picture and email, I tried limiting it to just name, and still. What am I missing here?
Try this:
FB.api('/me?fields=name', function(response) {
console.log('me', response);
I'm not sure if api function from FB does have this signature you're using.
After searching at Facebook docs, found that the signature you were using is valid as well. Then, I went to do some tests here. And I was able to reproduce the same error you have mentioned when calling the function like this:
FB.api("/<123>/", "GET", { fields: 'name' }, function(response) {
console.log('response', response);
To fix it, you need to remove < and >, for example:
FB.api("/123/", "GET", { fields: 'name' }, function(response) {
console.log('response', response);
Calling /me and /me/ endpoint returned no error in my test.
In this screenshot you can see the tests I have run directly at my browser's console.
Ok, I finally figured out what the problem is/was here (sheepish face). We have a couple of Facebook accounts here at the company. One is the container for my app and it's test app, the other is a more general company account. I was logged into the general company account. When I tried my app, it grabbed some random app from that account, which wasn't the app that matched the access token (which I think is possible wrong on Facebook's part), therefore this error was thrown.
Once I logged into the correct Facebook account, all works as expected.

How to login with HTTP basic authentication to ACCESS the website- Test Cafe with Gherkin and cucumber

All links, project name and company name has been modified and are not original.
We have a basic HTTP authentication popup that appears when we are accessing out test/staging environments.
I am wondering, how can I enter the login information into the popup login window or send an api request in advance to save the cookie?
Because otherwise, I can't run the automation on our test environment. When the test access the page, I see a white website showing "unauthorized" in small letters.
This is what the login prompt looks like when accessing the Test/Staging env
We are using following plugin: https://www.npmjs.com/package/gherkin-testcafe
What I am asking is very similar to this question: Testing http basic authentication with Cucumber and RSpec in Rails 3.2.3
I have tried adding a role and using TestCafe http-authentication.html
Here is what I have tested so far:
TestCafe trying to use role:
const { Role } = require('testcafe');
const regularAccUser = Role('https://website/login', async t => {
await t
.typeText('#login', 'username')
.typeText('#password', 'password')
Given("I am open Dealer's login page", async t => {
await t
That gives me:
ERROR CompositeParserException: Parser errors:
(7:3): expected: #EOF, #Comment, #BackgroundLine, #TagLine, #ScenarioLine, #ScenarioOutlineLine, #Empty, got 'Correct action happens when user provide either wrong or correct login information'
at Function.Errors.CompositeParserException.create (/Users/dennis/Projects/src/company/project/node_modules/gherkin/lib/gherkin/errors.js:27:13)
at Parser.parse (/Users/dennis/Projects/src/company/project/node_modules/gherkin/lib/gherkin/parser.js:72:45)
at specFiles.forEach.specFile (/Users/dennis/Projects/src/company/project/node_modules/gherkin-testcafe/src/compiler.js:43:33)
at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
at GherkinTestcafeCompiler.getTests (/Users/dennis/Projects/src/company/project/node_modules/gherkin-testcafe/src/compiler.js:42:20)
at getTests (/Users/dennis/Projects/src/company/project/node_modules/testcafe/src/runner/bootstrapper.js:79:47)
at Generator.next (<anonymous>)
at step (/Users/dennis/Projects/src/company/project/node_modules/babel-runtime/helpers/asyncToGenerator.js:17:30)
at /Users/dennis/Projects/src/company/project/node_modules/babel-runtime/helpers/asyncToGenerator.js:28:13
If I try using:
import {Role} from 'testcafe'
I get:
(function (exports, require, module, __filename, __dirname) { import { Role } from 'testcafe';
SyntaxError: Unexpected token {
Using TestCafe's HTTP Authentication:
Feature: Login with correct and wrong info functionallity
username: 'username',
password: 'password',
Correct action happens when user provide either wrong or correct login information
Scenario: Should NOT be able to login without filling in any credentials
Given I am open Dealer's login page
When I am login in with "empty" and "empty"
Then I should NOT be able to press the login button
I am getting following:
Feature: Login with correct and wrong info functionallity
✖ Scenario: Should NOT be able to login without filling in any credentials
1) Cannot obtain information about the node because the specified selector does not match any node in the DOM tree.
  | Selector('button[data-qa="qa-login-submit-button"]')
 > | Selector('button[data-qa="qa-login-submit-button"]')
Browser: Chrome 72.0.3626 / Mac OS X 10.14.3
32 | }
33 |});
34 |
35 |Then("I should NOT be able to press the login button", async t => {
36 | await t
> 37 | .expect(submitButton.hasAttribute('disabled')).ok()
38 | .expect(h1.exists).eql(true);
39 |});
It is basically showing me a white screen and saying: "**unauthorized**" in small letters.
You don't need any post/get requests with the Basic HTTP. Instead, you can log in using the Role mechanism:
When you switch to a role for the first time, TestCafe internally creates a branch of this role for this particular test run. All cookies set by your further actions will be appended to this branch. This branch will be used whenever you switch back to this role from the same test run.

Facebook login (xcode8) Swift3 Not working

I try every solution from internet for this problem .
I use : Version 8.0 beta 6 (8S201h) Swift 3
I setup :
Info.plist from facebook dev site with current app data ,
AppDelegate ,
Put FBlogin btn (also try custom FB login btn) ,
import FB SDK (last) ,
Single Sign On YES - facebook dev
set localhost for App domain
I add also web login component (in ios ap i put webview), to try alternative solution . Not working...
Please go to repo :
this is the link of project :
I post this question on facebook dev help page and they tell me to
turn on KayChain Sharing . This help me to move from dead point.
I have some success with fbsdkloginmanager with popup login windows.
After entering email and pass in popup app show -already authorized ...
I press confirm i got my user name , friends (logged in )etc.
But this login.loginBehavior = FBSDKLoginBehavior.native and native button (delegate) not woking ..
New error log :
-canOpenURL: failed for URL: "fbauth2:/" - error: "(null)"
screenshoot1 :
This is working code but works slow also error log and popup(screenshoot1) are still here :
var login = FBSDKLoginManager()
// login.loginBehavior = FBSDKLoginBehavior.native
login.loginBehavior = FBSDKLoginBehavior.web
// login.logOut()
login.logIn(withReadPermissions: ["public_profile", "email", "user_friends"], from: self ) {
(loginResult: FBSDKLoginManagerLoginResult?, error: Error?) in
if (error != nil) {
print("Process error2")
else if (loginResult?.isCancelled)! {
else {
print("Logged in2")

Sending email through Appcelerator Cloud API

I was trying to send email through Appcelerator Cloud Service, in my Titanium app. The code I'm using is the standart one, given at the documentation site. But the email is not being sent.
template: 'welcome',
recipients: '*******#gmail.com'
function (e) {
if (e.success) {
Titanium.API.info('Email sent successfully.');
} else {
Titanium.API.info('Error:\\n' +
((e.error && e.message) || JSON.stringify(e)));
It give the this error, 'Email template welcome is not found'. I was thinking that template is the message to be sent in email. There is no help on API about this attribute , template. Can anybody explain it to me? I'll be thankful.
The error shows that you haven't created an email template on the ACS website yet. The following steps will help you to create email template
Log in to your Appcelerator App Console
click "Manage ACS" under the app you're working on
click the "Email Templates" tab
"Create an Email Template".
also you can setup your SMTP settings as follows which worked for me.
Username: ________#gmail.com
Password: gmail account password
TLS: true/ false (both will work)
SMTP Address: smtp.gmail.com
Port: 587
Domain : www.gmail.com
That error means you haven't created an email template on the ACS website yet. Log in to your Appcelerator App Console, click "Manage ACS" under the app you're working on, then click the "Email Templates" tab, and "Create an Email Template".

Google Apps API (Calendar v3) returns 404 error

I had been working with the Google API (Calendar v3) for a while without problems until I started to receive error messages a week ago. I can still authorize but any request I make returns a 404 error. I also tried to use another Google Apps account and had the same issue.
// Load the API and make an API call.
function makeApiCall() {
gapi.client.load('calendar', 'v3', function() {
var request = gapi.client.calendar.events.list({
'calendarId': 'primary'
request.execute(function(resp) {
console.log (resp);
The console log is:
code: 404
data: Array[1]
error: Object
message: "Not Found"
proto: Object