How can I let user input a value not listed in a pull-down list? - ruby-on-rails-3

This is really a "best practices" question: Assume I have a dynamically generated pull-down list populated with suggested values (e.g. [Vanilla, Strawberry, Chocolate]). How do I give the user the option of selecting one of the suggested values OR inputting a new value (e.g. "Rocky Road")?
One approach would be to populate the list with a None of the Above entry ([Vanilla, Strawberry, Chocolate, None of the Above]) and write my controller so that if None of the Above is selected, it will then render a form with a text field instead of the pull-down. But that feels horribly clunky.
Is there some elegant GUI technique for this sort of thing, perhaps using JQuery?

I suggest you to use simple text input with jquery autocomplate plugin don't use pull-down list. Autocomplate can work with datas you populated. If user inputs a new value, in controller use find_or_create_by dynamic activerecord method.


request yadcf AND vs OR option for multi_select

Searching for an answer I found ambiguous multi_select filter - AND and OR condition - javascript and looked in the code. I don't see any way to have the multi_select support AND (intersection) and OR (union, the default).
Consider the Tags column in I would like to see a checkbox, or better a toggle button (not sure the best text, maybe AND and OR as defaults, but even better if the text is configurable) to set behavior.
In this case, assume Tags is multi_select and set to Tag1, Tag2. AND function would show only first two rows. OR function (default) would show all rows except 7 and 10.
I'm not sure this could be achieved with multi_select_custom_func as I'm not sure how to implement the toggle button.
Right now you can use only one AND / OR but not both (with the help of multi_select_custom_func) , but you can open an enhancement request asking for adding checkbox (with configurable label) which will allow you to implement different logic when checked / unchecked inside your multi_select_custom_func implementation

Capybara/Selenium: Speeding up Dropdown Selecting?

So this is a bit of a performance question regarding Selenium Webdriver (Chromedriver) and Capybara.
I have some react-select dropdowns with quite a bit of data in them. For some reason the react-selects take a VERY VERY long time to pick out the option in them. The code is pretty simple and I grabbed it from here:
But it basically comes down to:
page.find('.Select-option', text: 'the text').click
Thing is, this works fine. But it takes an extremely long time (Upwards of a minute a dropdown). Capybaras defense these dropdowns have a LOT of options to select from, so I thought selecting from the top-most item would be the fastest, but that doesn't seem to affect it.
Does Capybara/Selenium hold the "options" in a different sorted list somewhere or something? Since i'd assume selecting from a top option in the dropdown would be faster, but it doesn't seem to be?
Generally, when using the text option, find first finds all the elements that match using the locator with the current selector type. In your case your selector type is defaulting to :css, and the locator is .Select-option. So Capybara will find all elements with the class Select-option and then it will go through each of those elements comparing the text to see what matches (and checking visibility), but it will have to compare all of them to make sure the selector isn't ambiguous.
One way to speed that up would be to use first with a minimum option
page.first('.Select-option', text: 'the text', minimum: 1).click
which can skip some of the text and visibility checking since it doesn't have to worry about ambiguous elements. Another solution would be to skip the text option altogether and write it into an XPath along the lines of
page.find(:xpath, XPath.css('.Select-option')['the text')]).click # Haven't verified this is 100% correct but it should be close
If you're doing this a lot in your app you may want to consider creating a custom selector for this
Capybara.add_selector(:react_option) do
xpath do |locator|
# You can add other filters in here - see
which would then allow you to do
page.find(:react_option, 'the text').click
Note, if you can limit the element types it will also make the query more efficient, so if all of the elements are <li> elements you might want to do something like

Filling parameter with value from Zeconfig_var table

I have the following selection parameter:
I would like to populate it with the results from a ZECONFIG_VAR table.
At what point would I do this. Selection Screen Output, Start of Selection, or other. I am trying to allow users the ability to decide what version of the web service they would like to call. The config table will have different url's for the different versions.
I have looked at this Answer and the tutorial provided does not make sense to me.
I would do it at the event INITIALIZATION
However, it may be even easier to just create a search-help, and assign it to p_ver using the following:
parameters: p_ver(2) visible lenghth 5 MATCHCODE OBJECT zshelpname.
Esti is right that you probably want to fill an internal table from the DB table during INITIALIZATION.
But to the populate the listbox parameter, you need to put the call to VRM_SET_VALUES in AT SELECTION-SCREEN OUTPUT.

Enumeration in the dialog box

My tableViewController with a list of items of various types will provide a button to show a modal dialog box. This dialog box (similar to alert view) will provide the user with an exclusive choice from a list of 6 options.
Based on what the user chooses and confirms, the list in the main tableview controller screen will be filtered down to only show items that match the selected type.
At the moment, I have those six types listed in a typedefed enum. So far so good.
However I also need to be able to populate my custom dialog box with six nsstrings whose names will match the types used in the enumeration.
How to reconciliate this enum with my requirement for a source of those strings, but in such a way that I would ensure some level of consistency between the two? I do not want to hardcode anything.
You need a helper method that returns a string for each enum value. This should be written to deal with possible localization. All of your data and event handling should be based on the enum value. The string should be used for display.
The helper method should take an enum value and use a switch statement to return the proper string.
I can think of a few:
Change the enum to a bunch of strings. This makes things a bit tedious if they need to be integers too (-[NSArray indexOfObject:]).
Make a C array of strings. This lets you use C99's handy syntax:
NSString * const names[] = {
[Foo] = #"Foo",
[Bar] = #"Bar",
Autogenerated code to do the above.
Both of these will make i18n rather painful. This might not be relevant if it's contract work that will only need to be in one language, but it's Bad Practice.
Using button indexes as keys works until you decide you need to remove buttons in the middle. String keys work much better in the general case (I wrote a UIAlertView/UIActionSheet wrapper that accept (key,title) pairs and returned the key instead of the button index).
I take your remark that you "do not want to hardcode anything" to mean that you don't want any string constants in your code. So:
You could simply assign the strings to your sheet's UI elements (perhaps check boxes, for example) and give those UI elements tag values that match your enumeration (something you could query as your sheet closes). This has the additional benefit that you can easily localize the sheet.
If you want to keep the strings separate from your sheet, you could create a .strings file (perhaps you could call it Enumeration.strings or some such) formatted something like this:
"001" = "string one";
"002" = "string two";
"010" = "string ten";
and you could then retrieve the strings using your enumeration values like this:
NSString *myString = NSLocalizedStringFromTable([NSString stringWithFormat:#"%03d", myEnumerationValue], #"Enumeration", #"");
but then you'd have to have a way of plugging the strings into your UI, keeping track of UI elements through IBOutlets. Note that I used three decimal places here; perhaps you could get by with two, or even one. Finally, you get the ability to localize as in the first suggestion.

How to handle ViewModel and Database in C#/WPF/MVVM App

I have a task management program with a "Urgency" field. Valid values are Int16 currently mapped to 1 (High), 2 (Medium), 3 (Low), 4 (None) and 99 (Closed). The urgency field is used to rank tasks as well as alter the look of the items in the list and detail view.
When a user is editing or adding a new task they select or view the urgency in a ComboBox. A Converter passes Strings to replace the Ints. The urgency collection is so simple I did not make it a table in the database, instead it is a, ObservableCollection(Int16) that is populated by a method.
Since the same screen may be used to view a closed task the "Closed" urgency must be in the ItemsSource but I do not want the user to be able to select it. In order to prevent the user from being able to select that item in the ComboBox but still be able to see it if the item in the database has that value should I...
Manually disable the item in the ComboBox in code or Xaml (I doubt it)
Change the Urgency collection from an Int16 to an Object with a Selectable Property that the isEnabled property of the ComboBoxItem Binds to.
Do as in 2 but also separate the urgency information into its own table in the database with a foreign key in the Tasks table
None of the above (I suspect this is the correct answer)
I ask this because this is a learning project (My first real WPF and first ever MVVM project). I know there is rarely one Right way to do something but I want to make sure I am learning in a reasonable manner since it if far harder to Unlearn bad habits
I would favor option 2. Sounds very MVVM-stylish to me.
Option 3 would be favorable, when there are other applications or when you have reports accessing the "Urgency" field. Reason: Otherwise you will need to duplicate the knowledge of mapping between Int16 and their meaning. Move the knowledge to the database to keep it in one place.
Maybe consider Enums to make the code more expressive:
enum Urgency { High=1, Medium=2, Low=3, Closed=99 };
This way you will have something nice looking for evaluating the IsEnabled property like this:
if (urgency == Urgency.Closed) return false;
When you need to store the numeric value of the enum, you will need to make a cast to Int16 beforehand.
I think that I'd first fix this in the view. Have a TextBlock that displays "Closed", and a ComboBox that displays the other values, and then use a data trigger to set IsVisible on both depending on whether or not Urgency is 99.
I'd do this not because it's the best technical solution (it's probably not) but because it's (possibly) the best UI solution. If the user can't ever modify a closed item, it's a little misleading to display "Closed" even in a disabled ComboBox, since the ComboBox means, visually, "Here's something you can change." That it's disabled just prompts the user to wonder what he has to do to enable it. Using a TextBlock is an unambiguous way of saying "this is just how it is."