SQL Matching Float with Nvarchar(50) successfully in SQL Server - sql

I have a field of type nVarchar(50) in TABLEA, that I would like to match against another field in another table, TABLEB with type float, in a table join relationship. How can I successfully match these two fields in my join?
left join UPS u on RTRIM( LTRIM(Str(u.Float_Field,10, 10))) = e.NVarchar_Field

I agree on that it is a bad idea but if you need this for purpose, here is an idea:
You can try CAST(... as nchar(10)) on the float.
Like here

You need to take two things into consideration:
Internal representation of float may cause "tiny" differences between two numbers that seems equal at first (except comparing zero to zero maybe). Take 1.9999999999 and 2.0 as examples.
String representation of floats can also differ as 14.55 is mathematically equal to 1.455E2 but string are presented quite differently (contain different characters).
So the only thing you can actually compare is ranges. You can either compare ranges of floats (imho better) or ranges of strings (provided that you make sure that floats are formatted identically on both sides: same number of digits after decimal point, no exponential notation etc.).
What I mean is that you need to let SQL parse your string down to float (using CONVERT for example) and then check whether the difference between numbers is small enough that you can consider them equal. For example ABS(a - b) < 0.0000001.


SQL data type - recommendation for 'unknown' number

I'm pulling in some external data into my MSSQL server. Several columns of incoming data are marked as 'number' (it's a json file). It's millions of rows in size and many of the columns appear to be decimal (18,2) like 23.33. But I can't be sure that it will always be like that, in fact a few have been 23.333 or longer numbers like 23.35555555 which will mess up my import.
So my question is given a column is going to have some kind of number imported into it, but I can't be sure really how big or how many decimal places it's going to have... do I have to resort to making my column a varchar or is there a very generic number kind of column I'm not thinking of?
Is there a max size decimal, sort of like using VARCHAR(8000) or VARCHAR(MAX) ?
This is the 'data type' of number that I'm pulling in:
Looks like it can be pretty much any number, as per their writing:
"Numbers are arbitrary precision, arbitrary scale numbers."
The way I handle things like this is to import the raw data into a staging table in a varchar(max) column.
Then I use TRY_PARSE() or TRY_CONVERT() when moving it to the desired datatype in my final destination table.
The point here is that the shape of the incoming data shouldn't determine the datatype you use. The datatype should be determined by the usage of the data once it's in your table. And if the incoming data doesn't fit, there are ways of making it fit.
What do those numbers represent? If they are just values to show you could just set float as datatype and you're good to go.
But if they are coordinates or currencies or anything you need for absolute precise calculations float might sometimes give rounding problems. Then you should set your desired minimal precision with decimal and simply truncate what's eventually over.
For instance if most of the numbers have two decimals, you could go with 3 or 4 decimal points to be sure, but over that it will be cut.

Float type storing values in format "2.46237846387469E+15"

I have a table ProductAmount with columns
Amount [FLOAT]
now when I pass value from my form to table it gets stored in format 2.46237846387469E+15 whereas actual value was 2462378463874687. Any ideas why this value is being converted and how to stop this?
It is not being converted. That is what the floating point representation is. What you are seeing is the scientific/exponential format.
I am guessing that you don't want to store the data that way. You can alter the column to use a fixed format representation:
alter table ProductAmount alter amount decimal(20, 0);
This assumes that you do not want any decimal places. You can read more about decimal formats in the documentation.
I would strongly discourage you from using float unless:
You have a real floating point number (say an expected value from a statistical calculation).
You have a wide range of values (say, 0.00000001 to 1,000,000,000,000,000).
You only need a fixed number of digits of precision over a wide range of magnitudes.
Floating point numbers are generally not needed for general-purpose and business applications.
The value gets stored in a binary format, because this is what you specified by requesting FLOAT as the data type for the column.
The value that you store in the field is represented exactly, because 64-bit FLOAT uses 52 bits to represent the mantissa*. Even though you see 2.46237846387469E+15 when selecting the value back, it's only the presentation that is slightly off: the actual value stored in the database matches the data that you inserted.
But i want to store 2462378463874687 as a value in my db
You are already doing it. This is the exact value stored in the field. You just cannot see it, because querying tool of SQL Management Studio formats it using scientific notation. When you do any computations on the value, or read it back into a double field in your program, you will get back 2462378463874687.
If you would like to see the exact number in your select query in SQL Management Studio, use CONVERT:
CONVERT (VARCHAR(50), float_field, 128) -- See note below
Note 1: 128 is a deprecated format. It will work with SQL Server-2008, which is one of the tags of your question, but in versions of SQL Server 2016 and above you need to use 3 instead.
Note 2: Since the name of the column is Amount, good chances are that you are looking for a different data type. Look into decimal data types, which provide a much better fit for representing monetary amounts.
* 2462378463874687 is right on the border for exact representation, because it uses all 52 bits of mantissa.

Formatting real value returned by query from a database

I am using postgresql.The table in my database have column with type REAL.When real value having more than seven zeros postgresql stores it for example as 1e+007.When it is retrieved by query,value return also as 1e+007.But I need the value as 10000000 .What is the solution
You'll have more problems than that if you use floating point numbers for things they aren't suitable for, including pretty much anything where you care about the exact presentation of the number.
I would recommend that you use NUMERIC, a base-10 (decimal) number data type that lets you control precision and scale. See Numeric types. NUMERIC is slower to perform calculations with and consumes more storage so it isn't always the right answer, but it's ideal for a great many applications.
You can use floats, it's just harder because you can't safely compare for exact equality, have to use rounding and formatting functions for display, etc.
regress=> select '1.2'::float8 - '1.0'::float8;
(1 row)
regress=> select '1.2'::numeric - '1.0'::numeric;
(1 row)
Another common solution to problems like these is to use an application defined fixed point representation. If you need (say) 2 decimal places, you just store the number 2000.11 as 200011 in the database, multiplying by 100. This is a common technique in financial applications though it's now more common to use proper decimal data types.
Use SQL CAST. Works for me in DB2
select cast(cast(1e+007 as real) as decimal (15,2)) from sysibm.sysdummy1;
You can set decimal places as per your desired value (15,0).
select to_char(1e+007::real, '9999999999')
More details in the manual: http://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/functions-formatting.html

SQL Server join question

This is on Microsoft SQL Server. We have a query where we are trying to join two tables on fields containing numeric data.
One table has the field defined as numeric(18,2) and the other table has the field defined as decimal(24,4). When joining with the native data types, the query hangs and we run out of patience before it will finish (left it running 6 min…). So we tried casting the two fields to be both numeric(18,2) and the query finished in under 10 seconds. So we tried casting the two fields to be both decimal(18,2) and again the query hangs. Does anyone know the difference between the decimal and numeric data types that would make them perform so differently?
DECIMAL and NUMERIC datatypes are the one and the same thing in SQL Server.
Quote from BOL:
Numeric data types that have fixed
precision and scale.
decimal[ (p[ ,s] )] and numeric[ (p[
,s] )] Fixed precision and scale
numbers. When maximum precision is
used, valid values are from - 10^38 +1
through 10^38 - 1. The ISO synonyms
for decimal are dec and dec(p, s).
numeric is functionally equivalent to
From that, I'm surprised to hear of a difference. I'd expect the execution plans to be the same between the 2 routes, can you check?
Why are you using two datatypes to begin with? If they contain the same type of data (and joining on them implies they do), they should be the same datatype. Fix this and all your problems go away. Why waste server resources continually casting to match two fields that should be defined the same?
You of course may need to adjust the input variables for any insert or update queries to match waht you chose as the datatype.
My guess is that it's not a matter of a specific difference between the two data types, but simply the fact that SQL Server needs to implicitly convert them to match for the join operation.
I don't know why there would be a difference from your first query and the second, where you explicitly convert, but I can see why there might be a problem when you convert to a datatype that doesn't match and then SQL Server has to implicitly convert them anyway (as in your third case). Maybe in the first case, SQL Server is implicitly converting both to decimal(24,4) so as not to lose data and that operation takes longer than converting the other way. Have you tried explicitly converting the numeric(18,2) to a decimal(24,4)?

Difference between DECIMAL and NUMERIC

What's the difference between the SQL datatype NUMERIC and DECIMAL ?
If databases treat these differently, I'd like to know how for at least:
SQL Server
Furthermore, are there any differences in how database drivers interpret these types?
They are the same for almost all purposes.
At one time different vendors used different names (NUMERIC/DECIMAL) for almost the same thing. SQL-92 made them the same with one minor difference which can be vendor specific:
NUMERIC must be exactly as precise as it is defined — so if you define 4 decimal places to the left of the decimal point and 4 decimal places to the right of it, the DB must always store 4 + 4 decimal places, no more, no less.
DECIMAL is free to allow higher numbers if that's easier to implement. This means that the database can actually store more digits than specified (due to the behind-the-scenes storage having space for extra digits). This means the database might allow storing 12345.0000 in the above example of 4 + 4 decimal places, but storing 1.00005 is still not allowed if doing so could affect any future calculations.
Most current database systems treat DECIMAL and NUMERIC either as perfect synonyms, or as two distinct types with exactly the same behavior. If the types are considered distinct at all, you might not be able to define a foreign key constrain on a DECIMAL column referencing a NUMERIC column or vice versa.
They are synonyms, no difference at all.
At least on SQL Server in the ANSI SQL standards.
This SO answer shows some difference in ANSI but I suspect in implementation they are the same
Postgres: No difference
in documentation description in table 8.1 looks same, yet it is not explained why it is mentioned separately, so
according to Tom Lane post
There isn't any difference, in
Postgres. There are two type names because the SQL standard requires
us to accept both names. In a quick look in the standard it appears
that the only difference is this:
17)NUMERIC specifies the data type exact numeric, with the decimal
precision and scale specified by the <precision> and <scale>.
18)DECIMAL specifies the data type exact numeric, with the decimal
scale specified by the <scale> and the implementation-defined
decimal precision equal to or greater than the value of the
specified <precision>.
ie, for DECIMAL the implementation is allowed to allow more digits
than requested to the left of the decimal point. Postgres doesn't
exercise that freedom so there's no difference between these types for
regards, tom lane
also a page lower docs state clearly, that
The types decimal and numeric are equivalent. Both types are part of
the SQL standard.
and also at aliases table decimal [ (p, s) ] is mentioned as alias for numeric [ (p, s) ]
They are actually equivalent, but they are independent types, and not technically synonyms, like ROWVERSION and TIMESTAMP - though they may have been referred to as synonyms in the documentation at one time. That is a slightly different meaning of synonym (e.g. they are indistinguishable except in name, not one is an alias for the other). Ironic, right?
What I interpret from the wording in MSDN is actually:
These types are identical, they just have different names.
Other than the type_id values, everything here is identical:
SELECT * FROM sys.types WHERE name IN (N'numeric', N'decimal');
I have absolutely no knowledge of any behavioral differences between the two, and going back to SQL Server 6.5, have always treated them as 100% interchangeable.
for DECIMAL(18,2) and NUMERIC(18,2)? Assigning one to the other is technically a "conversion"?
Only if you do so explicitly. You can prove this easily by creating a table and then inspecting the query plan for queries that perform explicit or - you might expect - implicit conversions. Here's a simple table:
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[NumDec]
[num] [numeric](18, 0) NULL,
[dec] [decimal](18, 0) NULL
Now run these queries and capture the plan:
CONVERT(DECIMAL(18,0), [num]), -- conversion
CONVERT(NUMERIC(18,0), [dec]) -- conversion
FROM dbo.NumDec
UNION ALL SELECT [num],[dec]
FROM dbo.NumDec WHERE [num] = #dec -- no conversion
UNION ALL SELECT [num],[dec]
FROM dbo.NumDec WHERE [dec] = #num; -- no conversion
we have explicit conversions where we asked for them, but no explicit conversions where we might have expected them. Seems the optimizer is treating them as interchangeable, too.
Personally, I prefer to use the term DECIMAL just because it's much more accurate and descriptive. BIT is "numeric" too.