integration tests with dbunit and jetty - dbunit not populating tables - testing

Hi I'm trying to get an integration test working,
I'm using jetty as container and dbunit to populate a HSQLDB in memory database.
The code I'm using to populate the db with the dataset.xml file works since I use it in my unit test so if anyone could have a look at it and give me some advice it would be very much appreciated.
here's the relevant part of the pom and my code.
<connector implementation="org.mortbay.jetty.nio.SelectChannelConnector">
public static void init() throws Exception {
Context ctx = new InitialContext();
BasicDataSource dataSource = new BasicDataSource();
ctx.bind("jdbc/messages", dataSource);
databaseTester = new DataSourceDatabaseTester(dataSource);

The integration tests are running in a different JVM from the jetty server, therefore an in-memory database is going to have different datasets for the integration test and for the Jetty service.
Your best bet is to use an on-disk database in target/somedir and have both the tests and the servlet container access that database via the hsql prototcol.
And change your jdbc uris to reference the server and port.
To the above end, this plugin looks like it might be useful. Though the author has not published it into the central repository yet (the shame). You can probably use the exec-maven-plugin to start hsqldb if you cannot convince the author of that plugin to push it to central and you want a build that others can use
An alternative is to have your test cases start & stop jetty themselves.


QueryDSL SQL bean generation without connection information

I want to use QueryDSL to do SQL queries in a Spring Boot 2 microservice. This service will execute in different environments and each one of them will have different database connections that will be loaded from the application-.yml files.
Looking at the QueryDSL documentation, it seems that, if I want to generate Q* files for SQL, I have to put the connection details in the pom directly:
But I can't do it because the connection details will vary depending on the profile that's used to run the service and it can't be known at compile time.
Is there a way to create just the Q* files from the domain beans without providing the connection details?

net.masterthought.cucumber.ValidationException: No report file was added

Report is not getting generated When i am using cucumber-maven reporting plugin see image here
Primary Thing: Message "net.masterthought.cucumber.ValidationException: No report file was added!" generally comes when there is something wrong in the configuration of Maven Cucumber Html Report Plugin. (configuration example below)
<!-- output directory for the generated report -->
<!-- supports wildcard or name pattern -->
Secondary Thing, in case you are still using old version of cucumber (1.2.5) so update your POM file with latest available cucumber version or anything above >=4.0.0 in order to have better outcome.
Cucumber Execution via JUnit:
Cucumber Execution via TestNG:
The root cause of this issue is that maven-cucumber-reporting can't find any JSON file in the directory that was defined in the POM. This JSON file is generated using #CucumberOptions annotation in the runner class. So the problem that you see is because you have defined a different directory in #CucumberOptions and in the inputDirectory field within the configuration of the plugin in the POM file.
To solve it, make sure that both directories match. For example:
In the runner file you should have target/cucumber/cucumber.json
#CucumberOptions(features = "classpath:feature", tags = "#component-test",
glue = {"feature.component"},
plugin = {"json:target/cucumber/cucumber.json")
So in the POM you should have <inputDirectory>${}/cucumber</inputDirectory> and you should make sure that jsonFiles property is correctly defined:
So at the end the configuration should look like:

How do you Configure Selenium Server using selenese command from Maven-Selenium plugin?

I am trying to configure the selenium server that is used by the selenese command by the Maven-Selenium plugin from codehaus. I have tried to create multiple executions within the plugin start the server in the pre-integration-test phase, which didn't work. The selenium-server simply went into an infinite loop, listening on a port.
I want to know if there is a way to override/configure the selenium-server that the selenese command uses in the plugin. Please let me know.
Please see the POM snippet below.
<!-- prevent ant:ant versus org.apache.ant:ant collision -->
Try setting startURL to the url of the application under test instead of pointing to the selenium rc server url. For example, if your selenium test case is clicking a link on google, set startURL to
Here's a snippet from my pom that's working**
<!-- <logOutput>true</logOutput> -->
<!-- <timeoutInSeconds>30</timeoutInSeconds> -->
** It works great except that on Mac OS, firefox just stays open and doesn't close?! But, hope that helps.

yui compressor maven: A required class is missing: org.mozilla.javascript.ErrorReporter

I am not able to use yui-compressor maven plugin in my web app. When I run maven I get following error
[INFO] Internal error in the plugin manager executing goal 'net.sf.alchim:yuicompressor-maven-plugin:0.7.1:compress': Unable to load the mojo 'net.sf.alchim:
in the plugin 'net.sf.alchim:yuicompressor-maven-plugin'. A required class is missing: org.mozilla.javascript.ErrorReporter
Later I found that rhino js plugin contains this class org.mozilla.javascript.ErrorReporter. So I included this plugin in dependency tag but still I am getting the same error.
Has anyone came across such error.
--> updating main question to add the pom plugin details
<!-- remove files after aggregation (default: false) -->
<!-- insert new line after each concatenation (default: false) -->
<!-- files to include, path relative to output's directory or absolute path-->
<!--inputDir>base directory for non absolute includes, default to parent dir of output</inputDir-->
<!-- files to exclude, path relative to output's directory-->
Could you try the latest version (1.1)?
The 0.7.1 version doesn't even seem to be on the official repository. Maybe a dependency resolution problem?
See the topic Yui compressor StringIndexOutOfBoundsException on jboss
The only way to use yuicompressor on web app is to manually merge it with rhino dependency. Otherwise, the app to run would require specifying required sequence of jars in classloader loading sequence (youcompressor must go before rhino).
I struggled with the ErrorReporter class missing too. I solved it by building a jar-with-dependencies which I then turned around to use in my web app,
Once I did that, everything worked. In my jar I could see that the org.mozilla.javascript.ErrorReporter.class was in there and Maven would then compile for me.

How to make jetty-maven-plugin deploy a war that is retrieved from a repository?

I'm setting up an integration test module for a good sized web project. The integration test module is separated from the web project itself, and it has it's own pom.
The idea is to use the maven-soapui-plugin to send requests and verify the response. Setting up the soapui-plugin is no hassle. However, I'm having trouble with figuring out how I can tell the jetty-maven-plugin to deploy a war from a remote repository.
If I have understood correctly, the jetty-maven-plugin has a property called '<webApp>/<webApp>' which lets me specify the war file to deploy. The problem is that the war file is not present in the module itself.
I have heard that I can use the maven assembly plugin to retrieve the war from a repository via the projects artifactId, but I am yet to figure out how I would go about doing so.
Here's a summary of what I want:
Retrieve a specific war from a repository or the like, in example via its artifactId.
Deploy this war to the jetty-maven-plugin (goal deploy-war?)
get maven-soapui-plugin to run tests and report the results back in the integration-test phase.
I am pretty sure I've got step 3 covered, but I am very unsure how to achieve step 1 and 2.
Any help is greatly appreciated
It is maybe possible to use dependency:copy to retrieve the war, unpack it and to get the whole thing working with the maven jetty plugin, but this would be hacky and kinda ugly. A cleaner solution would be to use the Maven Cargo plugin and this is my suggestion. Below, a sample POM showing how to retrieve a WAR artifact using its coordinates and how to deploy it on an embedded Jetty container using Cargo:
<groupId>war group id</groupId>
<artifactId>war artifact id</artifactId>
<version>war version</version>
<!-- Container configuration -->
<!-- Configuration to use with the container or the deployer -->
<groupId>war group id</groupId>
<artifactId>war artifact id</artifactId>
<context>war context</context>
<!-- Don't wait, execute the tests after the container is started -->
Finally, just bind the soapui plugin on the integration-test phase.
I'm doing the same thing, John, but I took a different approach with the Jetty plugin. I think the end result is the same. I'm developing an integration-test suite to run against several web service WARs. I'm using dependency:copy in the package phase and then a list of <contextHandler/>s configured for maven-jetty-plugin:
<contextHandler implementation="org.mortbay.jetty.plugin.JettyWebAppContext">
I would prefer to declare the various wars as dependencies and then use dependency:copy-dependencies to set up the wars-to-be-tested directory; this would allow the Maven reactor to figure out that it needs to build my integration-test module after the wars it'll be testing. The problem I ran into was that the Jetty plugin thought that I wanted to "overlay" all of the wars that were listed as dependencies (a concept that I'd never even heard of until I saw it happen); I don't know if allowing that to happen would have hurt anything, but I didn't like it, so I went with the dependency:copy method.
This is just an alternative to using Cargo. I'll be looking into that myself, but I just wanted to provide another way of doing it.