Visual Studio 2012 ClickOnce publishing default webpage -

I am publishing applications to my website using the ClickOnce publishing tool within Visual Studio 2012, which publishes the webpage which checks for prerequisites and then downloads the application. However, this is formatted completely differently to my website.
Is there a way I can pass Visual Studio a template of some sort which it can use to create the webpages, as otherwise I have to go through and manually change all of the stylings for every application/update I publish. I know I can use an external CSS file to do this, but the webpages are created with inline styling, which was causing problems with the way it was laid out when I tried this last night.
I found this from
To customize the publish Web page
Publish your ClickOnce application to a Web location. For more information, see How to: Publish a ClickOnce Application using the Publish Wizard.
On the Web server, open the Publish.htm file in Visual Web Designer or another HTML editor.
Customize the page as desired and save it.
Optional. To prevent Visual Studio from overwriting your customized publish Web page, uncheck Automatically generate deployment web page after every publish in the Publish Options dialog box. For more information, see Publish Options Dialog Box.
Which means I would have to change each page manually. Does anyone know of a way to pass a template in for VS to use, or is each webpage created on the fly when I click publish?

Optional. To prevent Visual Studio from overwriting your customized publish Web page,
uncheck Automatically generate deployment web page after every publish in the Publish
Options dialog box. For more information, see Publish Options Dialog Box.
This is what you want to do, I guess?


Launch webpage in sublime text 2

I am new to sublime text 2.
I wanted to know how can I browse my web page in sublime text 2.
Earlier I was using Visual Studio where I can right-click on a web page and view it in browser of choice. It either used IIS express or it's in built Cassini web server for this.
I need same functionality with sublime. Please guide me how I can I acheive that.
Thanks in advance.
There is a package for that:
May be installed with Package Control using the standard way. Search for View in browser.

Publish Web Site Dialog is not opening in Visual studio Professional edition 2012

When i try to open the Publish Web Site Dialog in VS 2012, Publish Web Dialog is opening.
Me and my friend using VS 2012, When i try to open the same project in my friend pc(File->Open Website) and click build->Publish Web Site, Publish Web Site Dialog is opening,but when i tried the same procedure in my pc, to open the same project in my pc, Publish Web Dialog is opening instead of Publish Web Site Dialog
What will be the issues? I need to open Publish Web Site dialog instead of Publish Web Dialog
What i need to change?
Any ideas??
Here i attached the screenshots of Publish web and Publish Web Site
You can use the Publish Web Dialog like the Publish Web Site Dialog.
First of all you need to cretate a new profile from the main window.
Step 1:Just click on the select box than on "create new profile". Give a name to your profile.
Step 2:Click on "Connection" menù on the left. In the window on the left choose the publish method which you need (ftp , filesystem etc.).
Step 3: Click on publish button (it is on the bottom)
Please select the settings check the precompile during publishing.
Then the publishing, .cs files doesn't available

Security notification bar

I need to add a web reference in Visual Studio 2012 (because service reference generates a blank reference CS and I have given up after hours of googling).
When I go to add the web reference (add service reference → advanced → add web reference) and enter the WSDL URL I get the IE Notification Bar in the dialog with the message:
To help protect your security, your web browser has blocked this site from downloading files to your computer. The option to "Download file" does not work.
I've changed IE security settings to minimum and added the domain to the list of trusted sites but did not have any effect. I also uninstalled IE10 completely and still get the notification bar. I am using Windows 8.
Anyone shed any light on this or had any success adding a web reference in VS 2012?
If you can download the WSDL with your browser, download it and save it to a file. You can then reference it from Visual Studio by pointing it to that file. Or you can use svcutil.exe or wsdl.exe to generate a proxy from the commandline.

Deploy SQL Server Reports Locally

i am very new to SQL server Reporting Services.I have developed reports in SQL Server Where do i deploy them in order to use them into my web application?
To include the report in your ASP.NET application, here you will need to use a custom control however, Microsoft does not provide a custom control like crystal report viewer custom control, in fact you will find it deployed in the samples directory of Reporting service. The custom control is located at
C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\Reporting Services\Samples\Applications\ReportViewer
You can just go and open that project and compile it and use the ReportViewer DLL in your ASP.NET application. This can be done by opening your toolbox, then click Add/remove and click browse and select the ReportViewer.DLL I included the source and the DLL in the source in case you cannot find it or you didn't install the sample applications of reporting service. Anyway after selecting the DLL you have to select the custom control from the list.
You will find the name of the Custom Control ReportViewer "Microsoft Sample Report Viewer Application"
When you are done, just include the custom control in your ASP.NET page and change the following properties.
First you have to select the report path and this should be something
like :- My Reports/Report1 - exactly the sample folder you deployed
your reports in.
Second you have to edit the ServerURL and here you enter your
reporting service location http://localhost/reportserver/ this is the
reporting server location, while /reports is the report server web management so take care not to get mixed up.
Once both are done, you can start viewing your report by accessing your ASP.NET web page.
Now enter the location of your web application and choose the page that contains the custom control

Is it possible to use ASP.NET Web Control into a Webpart project?

I'm developing a webpart in Visual Studio 2010 for SharePoint 2010, and I would like to know if I could add a web control I've already developed for a web application in the past.
When I try to add a new item into the project, I only see the option for adding a Server Control, but it only creates a .cs file instead of a control.
Yes, but you will have to make sure that it's strong-named and can be placed into the server's Global Assembly Cache as that is where all web parts are deployed to. Additionally, if it's not a visual web part, you'll have to create it dynamically in code instead of having a drag and drop surface like a normal ASP.NET application.
Generally speaking, it's not too much different than using a server control in a normal ASP.NET application.
To add a custom server control to your application, you can right click inside the toolbox and select "Choose Items...". You can then browse to your custom assembly containing the server control and click OK. After that, it will appear in your toolbox and you can just drag and drop it onto your visual ascx web part.