plotting robot path - robot

I am writing code for rrt(rapidly exploring random trees) which is a sampling based motion planning algorithm.I wrote the code in MATLAB but now i am writing it in c++.
I want to know how can we plot the robot path in real time with all the obstacles.
What I want is this: I want to see my robot traversing the space.So basically it's about the graphics.I am trying to use sfml but I am having problems with it.Some people suggested using opencv or opengl but I think they are not easy to use.I am looking for a simple to use library.
If opencv or opengl is the answer then please tell me what specifically i need to use in these libraries.I am working on linux(ubuntu 11.10)

You might want too look into using the internal matlab compiler for generating a standalone application directly from your M-code. That way you don't have to rewrite everything form scratch.
I have used the following link a couple of times just to refresh my memory
Eg if you have made an M function with the following content(Example from link):
function y=PolyValue(poly,x)
poly=[1 2 -1 4 -5];
x=[5, 6];
y=polyval(poly, x)
you could use the command
mcc -m PolyValue
to compile the program.
This command would then give you the files necessary for implementation in a larger c++ program.
It should even support Gui elements and graphs.

Something like
may be what you are looking for.
I've worked in both OpenCV for some image recognition projects and OpenGL for rendering displays and whether you go with a library like above or render it yourself is really up to how complex the display needs to be. Ask yourself some questions about how many different obstacle scenarios you are looking at. Are there a large multitude of possible shapes for the obstacles and the robot? Is the problem deterministic (in terms of both the robot's movement and the environment)?
In terms of OpenGL and OpenCV being not easy to use for those new to them, this is very much the case, but choosing to work in C++ makes the problem more difficult for beginners. As another user has mentioned, wrapping your Matlab code instead of throwing it away may be a viable option. Even running the matlab engine in the background to run your scripts through C++ may be viable, if speed is not a critical factor. See for more information.


Is it impractical to use GNU Radio without the Companion GUI?

I have a relatively new M1-based Macbook but Companion isn't stable. It will, for example, crash as soon I as I try to choose the "File" or "Edit" menus and has crashed while I was attempting to adjust parameters.
I am able to communicate with and obtain samples from my Ettus N210 just fine but I'd like to eventually try to use the DVB-S2 receive blocks.
This is all a bit new to me, but I'm an experienced Python programmer and don't mind if I have to write some code. I don't necessarily need a Qt application to be generated--I'm fine with wiring things up and writing data to a file.
Is it practical to do this? Can someone point me to a resource, perhaps a tutorial, on writing things without using the Companion code generator?
The GNU Radio Companion (GRC) is just a design tool. It's a companion.
GNU Radio has tutorials that explain writing flow graphs in Python.
Go to and click on "Understanding a Flowgraph's Python Code".
Didactically, most of the things you need to learn are of the "what is the logic behind doing this DSP", which is really a math/signal processing thing, not just a Python coding excercise. Unless you've built similar signal processing flow systems before, I'd strongly discourage trying to do what you're intending to do. Get a VM in which GRC works (see comment), and do the tutorials from start to finish in the specified order. Trying to learn GNU Radio, flowgraph-based DSP design AND doing all by hand instead of having a handy graphical design tool is a recipe for frustration.

How do you draw text in DirectX 12?

This is a follow-up question of How do you draw text in DirectX 11?
In Direct3D-12, things got much more complex and since it's new I couldn't find any suitable libraries online.
I'm building a basic Direct3D12 FPS Test application, and I like to display the FPS data on screen with my rendered image.
The general answer to questions like this is "if you have to ask, then you probably should be using DirectX 11." DirectX 12 is a graphics expert API that provide immense control, and is not particularly concerned with ease-of-use for novices. See this thread for more thoughts in this vein.
With that out of the way, one option is to use device interop and Direct2D/DirectWrite. See Working with Direct3D 11, Direct3D 10 and Direct2D.
UPDATE: DirectX Tool Kit for DirectX 12 is now available. It includes a SpriteFont / SpriteBatch implementation that will draw text on Direct3D 12 render targets. See this tutorial.
Pure DirectX 12, then you need to load the font glyph data into a vertex buffer and render with a vertex shader and pixel shader. You mentioned libraries online, will this is expert stuff and fortunately James Stanard at Microsoft release a how to with their open source MiniEngine project. He handles multiple fonts, antialiasing, and drop shadows in DirectX 12.
Find the project files at GitHub and check out Textrender.h and Textrender.cpp
If you want maximum feature set with minimum work you probably should go with DirectWrite on top of a D3D11 interop device, like Chuck said in his answer.
If you want to roll your own high performance text rendering you may want to take a look at the text renderer in the miniengine example repository on github, it has some interesting ideas.
Unfortunately the only ways have already been described. Interface with DirectWrite or create your glyph file system.
What you are doing is importing a texture file with glyphs on it, cutting out small squares around each character from the glyph texture file, and then gluing it all together to form a string. It results in some faster drawing (in some case).
I think the approach to this as referenced by the others is slightly outdated and destined to fail. Direct3D11 had the same lack of text drawing support as Direct3D12 (perhaps misinformation on that). It was Direct3D9 which had the built in text drawing support, which nonetheless worked fine, and later supported sprite batch drawing where you could render all text in one sprite.
It seems backwards to state that you simply "need to know" or "are not an expert" to implement such a basic yet tedious system. Such a system is destined to fail in the same way why no one wants to use Assembly to code something they can code in C and onward.
The D3D11 and D3D12 math library also suffers from the same failures. To define and convert vectors you are better off including D3D9X math or custom math structures because the newer methods included are so backwards. "Someone" made it and must like it, but I remember making a complaint showing how easy it is to do vector operations before vs afterward, it nearly doubles or triples the amount of lines needed to perform basic vectors operation and conversions, not even counting the amount of references and learning time you would need to see how someone else's lib works. It seems to be a big failure presented by mathematicians who were never good at programming.

Alternatives for Using MATLAB Files and Deploying Them into DLL's

I have some source code for the BaNa Noise Resilient Pitch Detection Algorithm downloaded here, and I am planning to use the code they provided as a library for a mobile app I'm making. It's written in Objective-C for MATLAB and so I'd probably need to deploy it to a DLL to be able to use it for external applications.
The only thing is that I'm a student, and I don't really have the funds to purchase MATLAB just to be able to work with this algorithm, and so I'm downloading Octave, which was a suggested alternative. This should be able to make working and editing the code for my research possible, but my concern is if I can deploy the code into usable libraries for the application in which I'm going to make using the Unity Game Engine.
I'm not sure if the direction I'm going at will bring me to a dead-end or not, so I'd like to ask for insights regarding this.
What I have now:
1) Source code in MATLAB (.m files)
2) Octave (currently downloading, I'm not even sure if it has the built-in methods I need)
What I plan to do:
1) Use Octave to edit code and test out if the code I have works
2) Deploy it to a DLL file (Is this even possible with Octave?)
3) Use that DLL in Unity3D
Would you guys have any suggestions, alternative workarounds, or foreseeable problems I may encounter with this? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you in advance,
Depending on what functionality from MATLAB (and especially toolboxes), the code should run just fine in Octave, maybe with some minor modifications. If however, the code relies heavily on some toolbox functionality that has not been implemented in Octave, then you have a fair amount of recoding to do.
There is not easy way that I know of to generate a DLL from Octave. Having said that, have a look at How do I create a simple Octave distributable without installing Octave and this section of the Octave documentation on the subject of generating standalone programs from Octave, it might point you in the right direction.

Analog circuit simulation library?

I'm working on a genetic programming tool and I'd like to evolve analog circuits. Can anyone suggest a library or tool or even a reference for hooking my GP code up? I just need some way to have something like SPICE evaluate the circuits that are created by my code. I've seen reference to plain text representations of the circuits (netlists) which are used by tools like SPICE. I'd like to know if there is a better way to connect to a simulator than to run it and pass the netlist on standard input. My code is written in C, in case you're wondering what sort of library I'm interested in.
Modelica has various circuit analysis capabilities.
SPICE is the reference electronics simulator.
I think it's mostly written in Forth, these days mostly using a Forth-to-C translator. I'd try to integrate it simply reading its text output to pick the values you want to {min/max}imize

3d files in

I know this will be a difficult question, so I am not necessarily looking for a direct answer but maybe a tutorial or a point in the right direction.
What I am doing is programing a robot that will be controlled by a remote operator. We have a 3D rendering of the robot in SolidWorks. What I am looking to do is get the 3D file into VB (probably using DX9) and be able to manipulate it using code so that the remote operator will have a better idea of what the robot is doing. The operator will also have live video to look at, but that doesn't really matter for this question.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Sounds like a tough idea to implement. Well, for VB you are stuck with MDX 1.1(Comes with DirectX SDK) or SlimDX (or other 3rd party Managed DirectX wrapper). The latest XNA (replacement for MDX 1.1/2.0b) is only available for C# coder. You can try some workaround but it's not recommended and you won't get much community support. These are the least you need to get your VB to display some 3d stuffs.
If you want to save some trouble, you could use ready made game engine to simplified you job. Try Ogre, and it's managed wrapper MOgre. It was one of the candidate for my project. But I ended up with SlimDX due to Ogre not supporting video very well. But since video is not your requirement, you can really consider it. Most sample would be in C# also, so you need to convert to VB.Net to use. It won't be hard.
Here comes the harder part, you need to export your model exported from SolidWorks to DirectX Format (*.x). I did a quick search in google and only found a few paid tools to do that. You might need to spend a bit on that or spend more time looking for free converter tools.
That's about it. If you have more question, post again. Good Luck
I'm not sure what the real question is but what I suspect that you are trying to do is to be able to manipulate a SW model of a robot with some sort of a manual input. Assuming that this is the correct question, there are two aspects that need to be dwelt with:
1) The Solidworks module: Once the model of the robot is working properly in SW, a program can be written in VB.Net that can manipulate the positional mates for each of the joints. Also using VB, a window can be programmed with slide bars etc. that will allow the operator to be able to "remotely" control the robot. Once this is done, there is a great opportunity to setup a table that could store the sequencial steps. When completed, the VB program could be further developed to allow the robot to "cycle" through a sequence of moves. If any obstacles are also added to the model, this would be a great tool for collission detection and training off line.
2) If the question also includes the incorporation of a physical operator pendent there are a number of potential solutions for this. It would be hoped that the robot software would provide a VB library for communicating and commanding the Robot programatically. If this is the case, then the VB code could then be developed with a "run" mode where the SW robot is controlled by the operator pendent, instead of the controls in the VB window, (as mentioned above). This would then allow the opertor to work "offline" with a virtual robot.
Hope this helps.