T-Sql getting data from tempdb table - sql

I'm using Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 (RTM) - 10.50.1600.1 (X64) and I'm trying to make a SELECT statement to a table that have been created like this:
SET #Sql = 'SELECT 1 AS id, ''123'' AS value INTO #tmp_prueba'
EXECUTE ( #Sql )
SELECT * FROM #tmp_prueba
But I'm noticed that the table not exists
How can I get the data from the table?

The temporary table that you created in #sql is out-of-scope of the outer query.
Here is one way to do what you want:
SET #Sql = 'SELECT 1 AS id, ''123'' AS value INTO #tmp_prueba;
select * from #tmp_prueba'
create table #tmp_prueba (id int, value varchar(255));
insert into #tmp_prueba
EXECUTE( #Sql );
SELECT * FROM #tmp_prueba
Here are the changes. FIrst, I select everything from the temproary table in the #sql query. Second, I create a temporary table (with the same name in this case) to hold the results. Now, I can insert the results from the execute into the table. Voila! The data is there.

Temp table are created on Tempdb, therefor you can also do this:
SET #Sql = 'SELECT 1 AS id, ''123'' AS value INTO ##tmp_prueba'
EXECUTE ( #Sql )
Select * from tempdb..##tmp_prueba


Search a table name across multiple databases SQL SERVER 2019

I have a table, and the table name is AADatatimeBB in DatabaseB.
My SQL service Have multiple databases DatabaseA,DatabaseB,DatabaseC,DatabaseD
If I do not know the table: AADatatimeBB in which Database, how can I search it?
I can use the following query to search the table if I know the table in which Database.
Select the Database Name in the available Database list and run the query
where table_name like '%DATASET%'
With the following query you can retrieve the names of all databases.
SELECT name, database_id, create_date
FROM sys.databases ;
FROM sys.databases ;
If you want the names of tables in a database, you can use the following query
USE master
FROM information_schema.tables
USE model
FROM information_schema.tables
USE ...
FROM information_schema.tables
The following code retrieves all databases and returns all tables of each database in a while loop.
Declare #tempTable Table
name varchar(100)
--Container to Insert records in the inner select for final output
Insert into #tempTable
FROM sys.databases
-- Keep track of #tempTable record processing
Declare #name varchar(100)
Declare #SQL VarChar(1000)
While((Select Count(*) From #tempTable)>0)
Set #name=(Select Top 1 name From #tempTable)
--get all db tables
SELECT #SQL = 'USE ' + QUOTENAME(#name) + ' SELECT * FROM information_schema.tables'
Exec (#SQL)
Delete #tempTable Where name=#name
If you want to use SQL LIKE Operator, follow the code below
SELECT #SQL = 'USE ' + QUOTENAME(#name) + ' SELECT * FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_name LIKE ''%a%'''

If condition not working inside dynamic sql

In below dynamic sql I am trying to check whether temporary table (#Table) already exists if not then create using some other table.
But my problem is that irrespective what is the value in IF condtion, I am always getting error for select statement which is inside If condition
There is already an object named '#Table' in the database.
Below is the sql code.
declare #sqlstring varchar(max)
set #sqlstring=N'
select * into #Table from mst_country
if(object_id(''tempdb..#Table'') is null)
select * into #Table from mst_country_bkp
Can any one please let us know why it can be happening?
You need to drop the temp table once you are done with your query like this:
declare #sqlstring varchar(max)
set #sqlstring=N'
IF OBJECT_ID(''tempdb.dbo.#Table'', ''U'') IS NOT NULL
select * into #Table from mst_country
if(object_id(''tempdb..#Table'') is null)
select * into #Table from mst_country_bkp
The issue is that you cannot have two SELECT INTO inside the same sql statement. This is a leftover from SQL 6.5 which did not have deferred name resolution. Try this:
declare #sqlstring varchar(max)
set #sqlstring=N'
IF OBJECT_ID(''tempdb.dbo.#Table'', ''U'') IS NOT NULL
select * into #Table from mst_country
insert into #Table(col1,col2,....)
select col1,col2,.... from mst_country_bkp
When compiling the sqlserver doesn't allow you creating the same temporary table in the same scope twice. You can actually cheat the sqlserver like this, so it doesn't realize that the temporary table was already created:
declare #sqlstring varchar(max)
set #sqlstring=N'
exec(''select * into #Table from mst_country'')
if(object_id(''tempdb..#Table'') is null)
select * into #Table from mst_country_bkp

Insert dynamic query results into un-defined temp table?

I'm defining a long dynamic query and I'd like to insert it's results into a table. However, I'd prefer not to define the table first. Is this possible?
The query works correctly, I see the expected results if I run this:
declare #query VARCHAR(MAX)
#query = 'SELECT
--a bunch of stuff involving joins and pivots and such
execute (#query)
But neither of these attempts to select into an un-defined temp table work:
--attempt 1
declare #query VARCHAR(MAX)
#query = 'SELECT * INTO #T1 (
--a bunch of stuff involving joins and pivots and such
execute (#query)
--attempt 2
declare #query VARCHAR(MAX)
#query = 'SELECT
--a bunch of stuff involving joins and pivots and such
execute (#query)
select * INTO #T1 execute (#query)
One workaround is to use global temp table:
SET #query = 'SELECT * INTO ##T1 FROM (
--a bunch of stuff involving joins and pivots and such
SELECT * -- reasign to local temp table to avoid reserving global ##T1 name
INTO #T1 -- if needed you can skip this part and work only on global table
FROM ##T1;
The normal local temporary table won't work, because Dynamic SQL creates new context. The table is in that context and will cease to exist when code is executed, so you cannot use it outside Dynamic-SQL.

How to get table from EXEC sp_executesql in #TempTable, within a stored procedure

I need some help
My goal:
I have a #query in a stored procedure which is working perfectly. Now I have to perform more operation on the returning table from #query execution within same stored procedure. e.g I have to add more columns in the returning table and add new data from more queries.
My problem:
I am not able to get returning table form (EXEC sp_executesql) into a variable (#TempTable). And one more problem is that the number of columns returning are not known (dynamic).
Steps should be like this:
Declare TempTable
TempTable = EXEC sq_executesql
Add new columns to TempTable
Fill more data
Kindly guide me
this can be achieved using global temp tables like below :
SET #Column = 'YouColumnList' -- id,name etc. created by you dynamically.
IF( Object_id('tempdb..##IntermediateTable') IS NOT NULL )
DROP TABLE ##IntermediateTable
SET #sql = '
SELECT ' + #Column + '
Into ##IntermediateTable
FROM YourTable
WHERE id = 123
EXEC sp_executesql
IF( Object_id('tempdb..#temptable') IS NOT NULL )
DROP TABLE #temptable
INTO #temptable
FROM ##IntermediateTable
IF( Object_id('tempdb..##IntermediateTable') IS NOT NULL )
DROP TABLE ##IntermediateTable
FROM #temptable --resulting temptable to use. alter it or do whatever desired.

Execute sp_executeSql for select...into #table but Can't Select out Temp Table Data

Was trying to select...into a temp Table #TempTable in sp_Executedsql.
Not its successfully inserted or not but there Messages there written
(359 row(s) affected) that mean successful inserted?
Script below
SET #Sql = 'select distinct Coloum1,Coloum2 into #TempTable
from SPCTable with(nolock)
where Convert(varchar(10), Date_Tm, 120) Between #Date_From And #Date_To';
SET #Sql = 'DECLARE #Date_From VARCHAR(10);
SET #Date_From = '''+CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),DATEADD(d,DATEDIFF(d,0,GETDATE()),0)-1,120)+''';
SET #Date_To = '''+CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),DATEADD(d,DATEDIFF(d,0,GETDATE()),0)-1,120)+''';
'+ #Sql;
EXECUTE sp_executesql #Sql;
After executed,its return me on messages (359 row(s) affected).
Next when trying to select out the data from #TempTable.
Select * From #TempTable;
Its return me:
Msg 208, Level 16, State 0, Line 2
Invalid object name '#TempTable'.
Suspected its working only the 'select' section only. The insert is not working.
how fix it?
Using a global temporary table in this scenario could cause problems as the table would exist between sessions and may result in some problems using the calling code asynchronously.
A local temporary table can be used if it defined before calling sp_executesql e.g.
CREATE TABLE #tempTable(id int);
execute sp_executesql N'INSERT INTO #tempTable SELECT myId FROM myTable';
SELECT * FROM #tempTable;
Local temporary table #table_name is visible in current session only, global temporary ##table_name tables are visible in all sessions. Both lives until their session is closed.
sp_executesql - creates its own session (maybe word "scope" would be better) so that's why it happens.
In your #sql string, don't insert into #TempTable. Instead, call your SELECT statement without an INSERT statement.
Finally, insert the results into your temporary table like so:
INSERT INTO #tmpTbl EXEC sp_executesql #sql
Also, you'll need to declare the temporary table if you use this approach
//define columns here...
your temp table in dynamic SQL is out of scope in the non dynamic SQL part.
Look here how to deal with this: A bit about sql server's local temp tables
Temporary tables only live as long as the connection that creates them. I would expect that you're unintentionally issuing the select on a separate connection. You can test this by momentarily doing your insert into a non-temporary table and seeing if your data is there. If that is the case you can go back to your original solution and just be sure to pass the connection object to your select.
declare #sql varchar(1000)
set #sql="select * into #t from table;"
set #sql =#sql + "select * from #t;"
execute SP_EXECUTESQL #sql
This worked for me
declare #sql nvarchar(max)
create table #temp ( listId int, Name nvarchar(200))
set #sql = 'SELECT top 10 ListId, Name FROM [V12-ListSelector].[dbo].[List]'
insert into #temp
exec sp_executesql #sql
select * from #temp
drop table #temp
To work around this issue use a CREATE TABLE #TEMPTABLE command first to generate an empty temp table before running sp_executesql. Then run the INSERT INTO #TEMPTABLE with sp_executesql. This will work. This is how I overcome this problem as I have a setup in which all my queries are usually run via sp_executesql.
This one worked for me:
SET #Query=(SELECT * FROM MyTable) ;
SET #Query=(SELECT 'SELECT * INTO dbo.TempTable FROM ('+#Query +') MAIN;');
EXEC sp_executesql #Query;
SELECT * INTO #TempTable FROM dbo.TempTable;
DROP TABLE dbo.TempTable;
SELECT * FROM #TempTable;
Note, from T-SQL 2021 onwards, dm_exec_describe_first_result_set() can be used to build a temporary table in the right shape to INSERT INTO - as it gives you the column names and types that will be returned from your dynamic SELECT or EXEC ... so you can build dynamic SQL to ALTER a temporary table into the shape you need.
DECLARE #strSQL NVarChar(max) = 'EXEC [YourSP] #dtAsAt=''2022-11-09'', #intParameter2=42'
--*** Build temporary table: create it with dummy column, add columns dynamically
--*** using an exec of sys.dm_exec_describe_first_result_set() and dropping the dummy column
CREATE TABLE #tblResults ([zz] INT);
DECLARE #strUpdateSQL NVarChar(max);
QUOTENAME([name]), ' ',
[system_type_name], ';')
, ' ') WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY [column_ordinal])
FROM sys.dm_exec_describe_first_result_set (#strSQL, NULL, 0)
SET #strUpdateSQL += 'ALTER TABLE #tblResults DROP COLUMN [zz];'
EXEC (#strUpdateSQL);
--*** Now we have #tblResults in the right shape to insert into, and use afterwards
INSERT INTO #tblResults EXEC (#strSQL);
SELECT * FROM #tblResults;
--*** And tidy up