Rails sorting associations with Ransack - ruby-on-rails-3

first time poster. I am trying to sort a table of users using the Ransack gem and Kaminari for pagination. When I use name, id, etc. sorting works but when I try an association with posts_count, sorting breaks and won't work. Note: in the view, 'u.posts.count' work correctly. I have tried custom scopes in the users model, and creating custom objects for the search params but nothing seems to work. I think I am having trouble either in the default scope or the #search object not having the data. Need help!
Here are some relevant snippets:
has_many :posts, :dependent => :destroy
belongs_to :user
default_scope :order => 'post.created_at DESC'
def index
#title = "User Index"
#search = User.search(params[:q]) # Ransack
#total_users = User.all.count
# .per(10) is the per page for pagination (Kaminari).
#users = #search.result.order("updated_at DESC").page(params[:page]).per(10) #This displays the users that are in the search criteria, paginated.
<%= sort_link #search, :posts_count, "No. of Posts" %> #Sort links at column headers
<% #users.each do |u| %> #Display everything in the table
<%= u.posts.count %>
<% end %>

You can add a scope to your User model:
def self.with_posts
joins(:posts).group('posts.id').select('users.*, count(posts.id) as posts_count')
and use it like this:
#search = User.with_posts.search(params[:q]) # Ransack
then, you can treat posts_count like any other attribute.

I found a solution:
def index
sql = "users.*, (select count(posts.id) from posts\
where posts.user_id = users.id) as count"
#search = User.select(sql).search(params[:q])
if params[:q] && params[:q][:s].include?('count')
#users = #search.result.order(params[:q][:s])
#users = #search.result
<th><%= sort_link #search, :count, "posts count" %></th>


Why isn't my search method working in Ruby on Rails?

In my Ruby on Rails application, I have a cinema system and am trying to return the screen a showing is in when a user searches for the showing.
To display the search drop down I am using this code in my _application.html.erb:
<%= render( :partial => '/screen_lookup', :locals => {:showings => #showings = Showing.all, :my_path => '/screens/display_screens_by_showing' })%>
Which renders the search from the _screen_lookup.html.erb:
<%= form_tag my_path, :method=>'post', :multipart => true do %>
<%= select_tag ('showings_id'),
options_from_collection_for_select(#showings, :id, :showing_times, 0 ),
:prompt => "Showings" %>
<%= submit_tag 'Search' %>
<% end %>
And uses the display_screens_by_showing in the screens_controller:
def display_screens_by_showing
#screens = Screen.showing_search(params[:showing_id])
if #screens.empty?
# assign a warning message to the flash hash to be displayed in
# the div "feedback-top"
flash.now[:alert] = "There are no films of that genre."
# return all products, in alphabetical order
#screens = Screen.all
render :action => "index"
And this searches using the method in the screen.rb model:
def self.showing_search(showing_id)
screen = Showing.where("id = ?", showing_id).screen_id
self.where("id = ?", screen)
Now, the problem I am having is that because a showing belongs_to a screen, and a screen has_many showings, I need to be able to search for the showing, and store that showing's screen_id in a variable to search for the screen that showing is in with, which I have tried doing in the model:
screen = Showing.where("id = ?", showing_id).screen_id
self.where("id = ?", screen)
But the error I am getting is:
NoMethodError in ScreensController#display_screens_by_showing
undefined method `screen_id' for #<ActiveRecord::Relation []>
These are the model relationships:
class Showing < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :screen
class Screen < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :showings
What code will get my search working?
The problem is that where doesn't return a record, it returns a relation that can be enumerated or chained, instead you want to use find or find_by to return a single record, which is kind equivalent to where + first
screen = Showing.find(showing_id).screen_id
which is sort of like doing
screen = Showing.where(id: showing_id).first.screen_id
If you want to pass a hash you can use find_by which will be like this
screen = Showing.find_by(id: showing_id).screen_id
I'm not sure what you're doing exactly, but i think those two lines can be merged into a single query ( not sure what it should be returning, but I'm assuming a screen )
def self.showing_search(showing_id)

comma separated string with Advance Search

I've added an Advance Search to my Book App using this tutorial. Everything works fine, but now I am trying to find a Book by its Tags.
I got the advance search to work if the user enters one Tag into the :keywords text_field.
Is there a way to search various tags by splitting the keyword string with commas?
(ex: fun, kid stories, action)
Would allow me to search books with fun OR kids stories OR actions.
How can I search multiple tags via a comma separated string?
Note: I created a search method that I think could help, but I am not sure how to combine it with the single keyword search.
class Book < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :book_mappings
has_many :tags, through: :book_mappings
class BookMapping < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :book
belongs_to :tag
class Tag < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :book_mappings
has_many :books, through: :book_mappings
class Search < ActiveRecord::Base
def books
#books ||= find_books
def find_books
books = Book.order(:name)
###This works for a single word but NOT if I have multiple tags separated by commas
books = books.joins(:tags).where("tags.name like ?", "%#{keywords}%") if keywords.present?
def search(keywords)
return [] if keywords.blank?
cond_text = keywords.split(', ').map{|w| "name LIKE ? "}.join(" OR ")
cond_values = keywords.split(', ').map{|w| "%#{w}%"}
all(:conditions => (keywords ? [cond_text, *cond_values] : []))
<%= form_for #search do |f| %>
<div class="field">
<%= f.label :keywords %><br />
<%= f.text_field :keywords %>
<% end %>
Here is a simple solution. Just add a like statement for each keyword.
To filter books with all the tags
if keywords.present?
books = books.joins(:tags)
keywords.tr(' ','').split(',').each do |keyword|
books = books.where("tags.name like ?", "%#{keyword}%")
To filter books with any of the tags
if keywords.present?
books = books.joins(:tags)
keyword_names = keywords.split(', ')
cond_text = keyword_names.map{|w| "tags.name like ?"}.join(" OR ")
cond_values = keyword_names.map{|w| "%#{w}%"}
books = books.where(cond_text, *cond_values)

rails OR query based on multiple checkbox selections

This seems like it should be a common problem but I'm having trouble finding an answer. Basically I want to have a form with 10 or so checkboxes which I'm creating with check_box_tag. When the form is submitted I want to generate a query that return all records that match ANY of the checked selections. So, the number of checked selections will vary.
So, for example, if I have
class Book < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :author
I want to generate something like
Book.where("author_id = ? or author_id = ?", params[authors[0]], params[authors[1]]) if there are two boxes checked, etc.
Thanks for any insight.
Will this work for you?
Book.where(author_id: [array_of_author_ids])
You need to collect author_ids from params first
I recently had to do something similar, this is how I achieved this. It's pretty clever (at least I think so. :))
I created a query model that serializes the query column (text field) in JSON. I use a form to get the query data from the user with selection fields.
class BookQuery < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :books
# loop through each foreign key of the Book table and create a hash with empty selection
def self.empty_query
q = {}
Book.column_names.each do |column_name|
next unless column_name.ends_with?("_id")
q.merge column_name => []
I'm using Author as an example below:
<%= form_for #book_query do |f| %>
<% for author in Author.all %>
<%= check_box_tag "book_query[query][author_ids][]", author.id, false%>
<%= author.name %>
<% end %>
<%= f.submit "Save Query" %>
<% end %>
When this form is submitted you ended up with parameters like this:
When the form is submitted it generates this parameter:
Parameters: {"utf8"=>"✓", "authenticity_token"=>"XXXXXXXXXXX", "book_query"=>{"query"=>{"author_ids"=>["2", "3"]}}, "commit"=>"Save Query"}
Now in the BookQuery controller's create action you can just do what create function always does:
def create
#book_query = BookQuery.build(params[:book_query])
if #book_query.save
flash[:success] = "Book query successfully saved."
redirect_to ...
flash[:error] = "Failed to save book query."
render :new
But by default rails serializes the data in hash type:
1.9.3p194 :015 > pp BookQuery.find(9).query
BookQuery Load (0.7ms) SELECT "book_queries".* FROM "book_queries" WHERE "book_queries"."id" = $1 LIMIT 1 [["id", 9]]
"--- !ruby/hash:ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess\nauthor_ids:\n- '2'\n- '3'\n"
=> "--- !ruby/hash:ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess\nauthor_ids:\n- '2'\n- '3'\n"
In BookQuery model, add the following:
serialize :query, JSON
But rail would change the IDs to string:
1.9.3p194 :018 > query = JSON.parse(BookQuery.find(10).query)
BookQuery Load (0.5ms) SELECT "book_queries".* FROM "book_queries" WHERE "book_queries"."id" = $1 LIMIT 1 [["id", 10]]
=> {"author_ids"=>["2", "3"]}
1.9.3p194 :019 > query["author_ids"]
=> ["2", "3"]
What I did then is override the attribute accessors in BookQuery model:
The below has to be done because the hash returns strings, not ids in integer.
def query=(query)
query.each_pair do |k, v|
if query[k].first.present?
write_attribute(:query, query)
# just want to avoid getting nil query's
def query
read_attribute(:query) || {}
To find book with this query, you can simply add this function to your Book model:
def self.find_by_book_query(book_query, options = {})
options[:conditions] = book_query.query
find(:all, options)
Now you get a customizable query string based on the model definition Book and everything works like the Rails way. :)

Rails filtering with acts_as_taggable gem

I am working the acts-as-taggable-on gem and have a question about how to filter down search results based on tags users select. Here's an abridged look at my controller:
class PhotosController < ApplicationController
def index
#photos = Photo.where(["created_at > ? AND is_approved = ?", 1.months.ago, true])
#tags = ["Animals", "Architecture", "Cars", "Flowers", "Food/Drink", "General", "Landscape", "Mountains", "Nature"]
def search_by_tag(tag)
#photos = Photo.where('tagged_with LIKE ?', tag)
<% #tags.each do |tag| %>
<%= link_to tag, {:search_by_tag => tag}, :class => "tag" %>
<% end %>
This lists out all of the tags from the hash #tags defined in index, but clicking them doesn't actually filter anything down. Here's a look at what clicking one of those links produces in the log:
Started GET "/photos?search_by_tag=Animals" for at Sun Oct 09 17:11:09 -0400 2011
Processing by PhotosController#index as HTML
Parameters: {"search_by_tag"=>"Animals"}
SQL (0.5ms) SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type = 'table' AND NOT name = 'sqlite_sequence'
The result I want is for the page to display only Photos that are tagged_with whichever tag was clicked on. I can't quite figure out how to accomplish this.
(Side-question: I can't seem to find a way to list out all of the tags from the tags table that acts-as-taggable-on generated. Doing something like Photo.tagged_with or Photo.tags doesn't work. I am able to see the "tags" table the gem created, and the entries inside of it; I'm just not really clear how to handle that using this gem)
Any thoughts greatly appreciated.
I've updated my code and am a bit closer.
class PhotosController < ApplicationController
def search_by_tag
#photos = Photo.tagged_with(params[:tag_name])
<% Photo.tag_counts_on(:tags).map(&:name).each do |tag| %>
<%= link_to tag, {:action => 'search_by_tag', :tag_name => tag}, :class => "tag" %>
<% end %>
I believe this is closer, but still working through this...
You have a number of errors in your code:
Your link_to call is actually calling the index action.
Your search_by_tag method is expecting an argument, where it should be using the params hash to access the parameters passed to it in the web request.
tagged_with is a class method added by acts_as_taggable_on, not a field in your table - therefore you can't use it in the where method like you have done.
Finally, to get all the tag names: Photo.tag_counts_on(:tags_or_whatever_you_tagged_on).map(&:name)
Take a look at the acts_as_taggable_on documentation and you'll see examples of how to use tag_counts_on and tagged_with.
As for the Rails things: http://guides.rubyonrails.org/ http://railsforzombies.org/ and/or http://railscasts.com/

Rails HABTM fields_for – check if record with same name already exists

I have a HABTM-relation between the models "Snippets" and "Tags". Currently, when i save a snippet with a few tags, every tag is saved as a new record.
Now i want to check if a tag with the same name already exists and if that´s the case, i don´t want a new record, only an entry in snippets_tags to the existing record.
How can i do this?
class Snippet < ActiveRecord::Base
accepts_nested_attributes_for :tags, :allow_destroy => true, :reject_if => lambda { |a| a.values.all?(&:blank?) }
<% f.fields_for :tags do |tag_form| %>
<span class="fields">
<%= tag_form.text_field :name, :class => 'tag' %>
<%= tag_form.hidden_field :_destroy %>
<% end %>
Ok, i´m impatient… after a while i found a solution that works for me. I don´t know if this is the best way, but i want to show it though.
I had to modify the solution of Ryan Bates Railscast "Auto-Complete Association", which handles a belongs_to-association to get it working with HABTM.
In my snippet-form is a new text field named tag_names, which expects a comma-separated list of tags.
Like Ryan, i use a virtual attribute to get and set the tags. I think the rest is self-explanatory, so here´s the code.
View "_snippet.html.erb"
<div class="float tags">
<%= f.label :tag_names, "Tags" %>
<%= f.text_field :tag_names %>
Model "snippet.rb":
def tag_names
# Get all related Tags as comma-separated list
tag_list = []
tags.each do |tag|
tag_list << tag.name
tag_list.join(', ')
def tag_names=(names)
# Delete tag-relations
# Split comma-separated list
names = names.split(', ')
# Run through each tag
names.each do |name|
tag = Tag.find_by_name(name)
if tag
# If the tag already exists, create only join-model
self.tags << tag
# New tag, save it and create join-model
tag = self.tags.new(:name => name)
if tag.save
self.tags << tag
This is just the basic code, not very well tested and in need of improvement, but it seemingly works and i´m happy to have a solution!