Extract text without header and footer with PDFBox - lucene

I use the PDFTextStripper class to extract pdf text before Lucene indexation.
Is there a possibility to exclude pdf header and footer from text extracted ?

You can use text extraction by area if you know where exactly the header and footer are there in the document. Hope this helps.


How we can put Hyperlink footer text to many Pdf?

How we can put Hyperlink footer text to many PDF.
Like if we want to add our website ( www.websitename.com ) name to many PDF of every page footer.
Thanks in Advance!

pandoc markdown to pdf showing file names next to image

When I convert a markdown file to pdf using pandoc, any image links such as
the pdf includes the image but has a "Figure n:" under the image. How can I suppress this behaviour?
Secondly, if I include a header using
\lhead{\includegraphics[width=3cm]{/Users/pdd/Documents/DATA/Work/Logo/DCM logo email image.jpg}}
in my template.latex file, the pdf includes the image but displays the image name before the image, inserts a horizontal line under the image and places "Heading 1" on the right of the page as an additional header. Again, how can I suppress this behaviour?
Many Thanks
If you use a filename for the image that does not contain any spaces, the heading disappears. That's the simple and quick solution to this, even if it's not the most satifactory.

Filtering out the header and footer text using pdfbox

I'm trying to get the text from a pdf document using pdfbox, the problem is I'm getting the header and footer text as well. Does anyone know if there's a way to filter that out? Maybe via some settings in TextPosition?

Read ALL content of an RTF file including headers and footers

I need to read the text content of RTF files including headers and footers. I am able to read the body text by loading the file into a Rich Text Box and using its Text property. But the RTB does not recognize headers and footers per posts I found on the internet.
So my question is, how can I read all text content from an RTF file.
Do this when you open a file:
RichTextBox1.LoadFile(<file path>, RichTextBoxStreamType.RichText)

using "PDFBox" how to identify "Table of contents" page

I am using apache pdfbox framework to read pdf text content.
I have to get the content from "Table of Content" page (if present in the pdf), should be able to identify the Table of content page through pdfbox api.
kindly provide your suggestions.
The table of content in a PDF file is not easily identified by any structure you can just pull from the PDF document. You will have to do text extraction and identify the table of content by its properties.
PDF in general doesn't contain content structure such as table of contents, chapters, headers, footers or even paragraphs or lines of text.