How to resolve ambiguity without backtracking in ANTLR? - antlr

: atom
| atom BINARY expr -> ^(BINARY atom expr)
I would like to resolve this without backtracking if possible. Using backtracking breaks my code for some reason. There isn't a lot of documentation on syntactic predicates, I'm wondering how to do this with predicates instead.


How to make a simple calculator syntax highlighting for IntelliJ?

I'm making a custom language support plugin according to this tutorial and I'm stuck with a few .bnf concepts. Let's say I want to parse a simple calculator language that supports +,-,*,/,unary -, and parentheses. Here's what I currently have:
package com.intellij.circom;
import com.intellij.lexer.FlexLexer;
import com.intellij.psi.tree.IElementType;
import com.intellij.circom.psi.CircomTypes;
import com.intellij.psi.TokenType;
%class CircomLexer
%implements FlexLexer
%function advance
%type IElementType
%eof{ return;
WHITESPACE = [ \n\r\t]+
NUMBER = [0-9]+
{WHITESPACE} { return TokenType.WHITE_SPACE; }
{NUMBER} { return CircomTypes.NUMBER; }
expr ::=
expr ('+' | '-') expr
| expr ('*' | '/') expr
| '-' expr
| '(' expr ')'
| literal;
literal ::= NUMBER;
First it complains that expr is recursive. How do I rewrite it to not be recursive? Second, when I try to compile and run it, it freezes idea test instance when trying to parse this syntax, looks like an endless loop.
Calling the grammar files "BNF" is a bit misleading, since they are actually modified PEG (parsing expression grammar) format, which allows certain extended operators, including grouping, repetition and optionality, and ordered choice (which is semantically different from the regular definition of |).
Since the underlying technology is PEG, you cannot use left-recursive rules. Left-recursion will cause an infinite loop in the parser, unless the code generator refuses to generate left-recursive code. Fortunately, repetition operators are available so you only need recursion for syntax involving parentheses, and that's not left-recursion so it presents no problem.
As far as I can see from the documentation I found, grammar kit does not provide for operator precedence declarations. If you really need to produce a correct parse taking operator-precedence into account, you'll need to use multiple precedence levels. However, if your only use case is syntax highlighting, you probably do not require a precisely accurate parse, and it would be sufficient to do something like the following:
expr ::= unary (('+' | '-' | '*' | '/') unary)*
unary ::= '-'* ( '(' expr ')' | literal )
(For precise parsing, you'd need to split expr above into two precedence levels, one for additive operators and another for multiplicative. But I suggest not doing that unless you intend to use the parse for evaluation or code-generation.)
Also, you almost certainly require some lexical rule to recognise the various operator characters and return appropriate single character tokens.

Antlr4 No viable alternative at input symbols

I'm implementing a simple program walker grammar and I get this common error in multiple lines. I think it is caused by same reason, but I'm new to antlr so I couldn't figure it out.
For example, in this following code snippet:
: (declaration)*
I got error:
No viable alternative at input '!'
after EOF, and I got a similar error with:
: INT VARNUM '=' expression ';'
-> ^(DECL VARNUM expression)
I got the error:
No viable alternative at input '->'
After reading other questions, I know that matching one token with multiple definitions can cause this problem. But I haven't test it with any input yet, I got this error in intelliJ. How can I fix my problem?
This is ANTLR v3 syntax, you're trying to compile it with ANTLR v4, which won't work.
Either downgrade to ANTLR v3, or use v4 syntax. The difference comes from the fact that v4 doesn't support automatic AST generation, and you're trying to use AST construction operators, which were removed.
The first snippet only requires you to remove the !. Parentheses aren't necessary.
: declaration*
As for the second one, remove everything after the ->:
: INT VARNUM '=' expression ';'
If you need to build an AST with v4, see my answer here.

ANTLR4 Negative lookahead workaround?

I'm using antlr4 and I'm trying to make a parser for Matlab. One of the main issue there is the fact that comments and transpose both use single quotes. What I was thinking of a solution was to define the STRING lexer rule in somewhat the following manner:
(if previous token is not ')','}',']' or [a-zA-Z0-9]) than match '\'' ( ESC_SEQ | ~('\\'|'\''|'\r'|'\n') )* '\'' (but note I do not want to consume the previous token if it is true).
Does anyone knows a workaround this problem, as it does not support negative lookaheads?
You can do negative lookahead in ANTLR4 using _input.LA(-1) (in Java, see how to resolve simple ambiguity or ANTLR4 negative lookahead in lexer).
You can also use lexer mode to deal with this kind of stuff, but your lexer had to be defined in its own file. The idea is to go from a state that can match some tokens to another that can match new ones.
Here is an example from ANTLR4 lexer documentation:
// Default "mode": Everything OUTSIDE of a tag
COMMENT : '<!--' .*? '-->' ;
CDATA : '<![CDATA[' .*? ']]>' ;
OPEN : '<' -> pushMode(INSIDE) ;
XMLDeclOpen : '<?xml' S -> pushMode(INSIDE) ;
// ----------------- Everything INSIDE of a tag ------------------ ---
mode INSIDE;
CLOSE : '>' -> popMode ;
SPECIAL_CLOSE: '?>' -> popMode ; // close <?xml...?>
SLASH_CLOSE : '/>' -> popMode ;

How to resolve a shift/reduce conflict forcing a shift or a reduce?

When there is a shift/reduce conflict in Yacc/Bison, is it possible to force the conflict to be solved exactly as you want? In other words: is it possible explicitly force it to prioritize the shift or the reduce?
For what I have read, if you are happy with the default resolution you can tell the generator to not complain about it. I really don't like this because it is obfuscating your rational choice.
Another option is to rewrite the grammar to fix the issue. I don't know if this is always possible and often this makes it much harder to understand.
Finally, I have read the precedence rules can fix this. I clueless tried that in many ways and I couldn't make it work. Is it possible to use the precedence rule for that? How?
Though my ambiguous grammar is very different, I can use the classical if-then-else from the Bison manual to give a concrete example:
%token IF THEN ELSE variable
| if_stmt
IF expr THEN stmt
| IF expr THEN stmt ELSE stmt
As far as I can tell, it is not possible to direct the parser to resolve a S/R conflict by choosing to reduce. Though I might be wrong, it is probably ill-advised to proceed this way anyway. Therefore, the only possibilities are either rewriting the grammar, or solving the conflict by shifting.
The following usage of right predecence for THEN and ELSE describes the desired behavior for the if-then-else statement (that is, associating else with the innermost if statement).
%token IF THEN ELSE variable
%right THEN ELSE
: expr
| if_stmt
: IF expr THEN stmt
| IF expr THEN stmt ELSE stmt
: variable
By choosing right association for the above tokens, the following sequence:
IF expr1 THEN IF expr2 THEN IF expr3 THEN x ELSE y
is parsed as:
IF expr1 THEN (IF expr2 THEN (IF expr3 THEN (x ELSE (y))))
and Bison does not complain about the case any longer.
Remember that you can always run bison file.y -r all and inspect file.output in order to see if the generated parser state machine is correct.
Well, the default resolution for a shift/reduce conflict is to shift, so if that's what you want, you don't need to do anything (other than ignoring the warning).
If you want to resolve a shift/reduce conflict by reducing, you can use the precedence rules -- just make sure that the rule to be reduced is higher precedence than the token to be shifted. The tricky part comes if there are multiple shift/reduce conflicts involving the same rules and tokens, it may not be possible to find a globally consistent set of precedences for the rules and tokens which resolves things the way you want.

Yacc "rule useless due to conflicts"

i need some help with yacc.
i'm working on a infix/postfix translator, the infix to postfix part was really easy but i'm having some issue with the postfix to infix translation.
here's an example on what i was going to do (just to translate an easy ab+c- or an abc+-)
exp: num {printf("+ ");} exp '+'
| num {printf("- ");} exp '-'
| exp {printf("+ ");} num '+'
| exp {printf("- ");} num '-'
|/* empty*/
num: number {printf("%d ", $1);}
obiously it doesn't work because i'm asking an action (with the printfs) before the actual body so, while compiling, I get many
warning: rule useless in parser due to conflict
the problem is that the printfs are exactly where I need them (or my output wont be an infix expression). is there a way to keep the print actions right there and let yacc identify which one it needs to use?
Basically, no there isn't. The problem is that to resolve what you've got, yacc would have to have an unbounded amount of lookahead. This is… problematic given that yacc is a fairly simple-minded tool, so instead it takes a (bad) guess and throws out some of your rules with a warning. You need to change your grammar so yacc can decide what to do with a token with only a very small amount of lookahead (a single token IIRC). The usual way to do this is to attach the interpretations of the values to the tokens and either use a post-action or, more practically, build a tree which you traverse as a separate step (doing print out of an infix expression from its syntax tree is trivial).
Note that when you've got warnings coming out of yacc, that typically means that your grammar is wrong and that the resulting parser will do very unexpected things. Refine it until you get no warnings from that stage at all. That is, treat grammar warnings as errors; anything else and you'll be sorry.