SQL Top and Join - sql

Business Rule: We can only bill for followup events every 90 days. Any events that occur less than 90 days after the previous one cannot be billed, but they need to be recorded.
User requirement: They want to see the date the last event bill was submitted on the tab where they would submit the bill for the current event, to have a visual cue as to whether submitting a bill is worth doing.
Events have an event_id and an event_date in table event. Event_id is a foreign key in table event_bill, which has the submitted_date for the bill.
Events have a foreign key customer_id, for each customer, so a customer can have multiple events in any time period.
Given the current event_id and the customer_id, I'm trying to get the submitted_date for the most recent previous event.
Here's what I've tried:
SELECT TOP 1 (event_id) as prev_event_id
INTO #tmp
FROM event
WHERE customer_id = #custID
AND event_type = 'Followup'
AND event_id < #eventID
ORDER BY event_date DESC
SELECT eb.submitted_date
FROM event_bill eb
JOIN #tmp
ON eb.event_id = #tmp.prev_event_id
This would be all well and good, but my application's database permissions don't allow for the creation of the temp table.
In an attempt without the temp table, I got errors that I can't use the ORDER BY in a derived table, but I need that to make sure I get the last event before the current one for this customer:
SELECT eb.submitted_date
FROM event_bill eb
SELECT TOP 1 (event_id) as prev_event_id
FROM event
WHERE customer_id = #custID
AND event_type = 'Followup'
AND event_id < #eventID
ORDER BY event_date DESC
) x
ON eb.event_id = x.prev_event_id
Could anyone give me a better way to approach this?

Maybe it will help you
SELECT eb.submitted_date
FROM event_bill eb
SELECT event_id as prev_event_id
FROM event
WHERE customer_id = #custID
AND event_type = 'Followup'
AND event_id < #eventID
and event_date =
select max(event_date)
FROM event
WHERE customer_id = #custID
AND event_type = 'Followup'
AND event_id < #eventID
) x
ON eb.event_id = x.prev_event_id

Try this :)
SELECT eb.submitted_date
FROM event_bill eb
eb.event_id IN (
SELECT event.event_id
FROM event
event.customer_id = #custID
AND event.event_type = 'Followup'
AND event.event_id < #eventID
ORDER BY event_date DESC

I would think that the ORDER BY would be accepted with the top. If not, you can do this:
SELECT eb.submitted_date
FROM event_bill eb JOIN
event e
on eb.event_id = e.event_id join
(SELECT customer_id, MAX(eventdate) as maxdate
FROM event
WHERE customer_id = #custID AND
event_type = 'Followup' AND
event_id < #eventID
group by customer_id
) md
ON e.customer_id = md.customer_id and
eb.event_date = md.maxdate
This calculates the maxdate and then uses this for the join.


Query without WHILE Loop

We have appointment table as shown below. Each appointment need to be categorized as "New" or "Followup". Any appointment (for a patient) within 30 days of first appointment (of that patient) is Followup. After 30 days, appointment is again "New". Any appointment within 30 days become "Followup".
I am currently doing this by typing while loop.
How to achieve this without WHILE loop?
CREATE TABLE #Appt1 (ApptID INT, PatientID INT, ApptDate DATE)
SELECT 1,101,'2020-01-05' UNION
SELECT 2,505,'2020-01-06' UNION
SELECT 3,505,'2020-01-10' UNION
SELECT 4,505,'2020-01-20' UNION
SELECT 5,101,'2020-01-25' UNION
SELECT 6,101,'2020-02-12' UNION
SELECT 7,101,'2020-02-20' UNION
SELECT 8,101,'2020-03-30' UNION
SELECT 9,303,'2020-01-28' UNION
SELECT 10,303,'2020-02-02'
You need to use recursive query.
The 30days period is counted starting from prev(and no it is not possible to do it without recursion/quirky update/loop). That is why all the existing answer using only ROW_NUMBER failed.
FROM Appt1
), rec AS (
SELECT Category = CAST('New' AS NVARCHAR(20)), ApptId, PatientId, ApptDate, rn, startDate = ApptDate
WHERE rn = 1
SELECT CAST(CASE WHEN DATEDIFF(DAY, rec.startDate,f.ApptDate) <= 30 THEN N'FollowUp' ELSE N'New' END AS NVARCHAR(20)),
f.ApptId,f.PatientId,f.ApptDate, f.rn,
CASE WHEN DATEDIFF(DAY, rec.startDate, f.ApptDate) <= 30 THEN rec.startDate ELSE f.ApptDate END
FROM rec
ON rec.rn = f.rn - 1
AND rec.PatientId = f.PatientId
SELECT ApptId, PatientId, ApptDate, Category
FROM rec
ORDER BY PatientId, ApptDate;
db<>fiddle demo
| ApptId | PatientId | ApptDate | Category |
| 1 | 101 | 2020-01-05 | New |
| 5 | 101 | 2020-01-25 | FollowUp |
| 6 | 101 | 2020-02-12 | New |
| 7 | 101 | 2020-02-20 | FollowUp |
| 8 | 101 | 2020-03-30 | New |
| 9 | 303 | 2020-01-28 | New |
| 10 | 303 | 2020-02-02 | FollowUp |
| 2 | 505 | 2020-01-06 | New |
| 3 | 505 | 2020-01-10 | FollowUp |
| 4 | 505 | 2020-01-20 | FollowUp |
How it works:
f - get starting point(anchor - per every PatientId)
rec - recursibe part, if the difference between current value and prev is > 30 change the category and starting point, in context of PatientId
Main - display sorted resultset
Similar class:
Conditional SUM on Oracle - Capping a windowed function
Session window (Azure Stream Analytics)
Running Total until specific condition is true - Quirky update
Do not ever use this code on production!
But another option, that is worth mentioning besides using cte, is to use temp table and update in "rounds"
It could be done in "single" round(quirky update):
CREATE TABLE Appt_temp (ApptID INT , PatientID INT, ApptDate DATE, Category NVARCHAR(10))
INSERT INTO Appt_temp(ApptId, PatientId, ApptDate)
SELECT ApptId, PatientId, ApptDate
FROM Appt1;
CREATE CLUSTERED INDEX Idx_appt ON Appt_temp(PatientID, ApptDate);
DECLARE #PatientId INT = 0,
#PrevPatientId INT,
#FirstApptDate DATE = NULL;
UPDATE Appt_temp
SET #PrevPatientId = #PatientId
,#PatientId = PatientID
,#FirstApptDate = CASE WHEN #PrevPatientId <> #PatientId THEN ApptDate
WHEN DATEDIFF(DAY, #FirstApptDate, ApptDate)>30 THEN ApptDate
ELSE #FirstApptDate
,Category = CASE WHEN #PrevPatientId <> #PatientId THEN 'New'
WHEN #FirstApptDate = ApptDate THEN 'New'
ELSE 'FollowUp'
FROM Appt_temp WITH(INDEX(Idx_appt))
SELECT * FROM Appt_temp ORDER BY PatientId, ApptDate;
db<>fiddle Quirky update
You could do this with a recursive cte. You should first order by apptDate within each patient. That can be accomplished by a run-of-the-mill cte.
Then, in the anchor portion of your recursive cte, select the first ordering for each patient, mark the status as 'new', and also mark the apptDate as the date of the most recent 'new' record.
In the recursive portion of your recursive cte, increment to the next appointment, calculate the difference in days between the present appointment and the most recent 'new' appointment date. If it's greater than 30 days, mark it 'new' and reset the most recent new appointment date. Otherwise mark it as 'follow up' and just pass along the existing days since new appointment date.
Finallly, in the base query, just select the columns you want.
with orderings as (
select *,
rn = row_number() over(
partition by patientId
order by apptDate
from #appt1 a
markings as (
select apptId,
type = convert(varchar(10),'new'),
dateOfNew = apptDate
from orderings
where rn = 1
union all
select o.apptId, o.patientId, o.apptDate, o.rn,
type = convert(varchar(10),iif(ap.daysSinceNew > 30, 'new', 'follow up')),
dateOfNew = iif(ap.daysSinceNew > 30, o.apptDate, m.dateOfNew)
from markings m
join orderings o
on m.patientId = o.patientId
and m.rn + 1 = o.rn
cross apply (select daysSinceNew = datediff(day, m.dateOfNew, o.apptDate)) ap
select apptId, patientId, apptDate, type
from markings
order by patientId, rn;
I should mention that I initially deleted this answer because Abhijeet Khandagale's answer seemed to meet your needs with a simpler query (after reworking it a bit). But with your comment to him about your business requirement and your added sample data, I undeleted mine because believe this one meets your needs.
I'm not sure that it's exactly what you implemented. But another option, that is worth mentioning besides using cte, is to use temp table and update in "rounds". So we are going to update temp table while all statuses are not set correctly and build result in an iterative way. We can control number of iteration using simply local variable.
So we split each iteration into two stages.
Set all Followup values that are near to New records. That's pretty easy to do just using right filter.
For the rest of the records that dont have status set we can select first in group with same PatientID. And say that they are new since they not processed by the first stage.
CREATE TABLE #Appt2 (ApptID INT, PatientID INT, ApptDate DATE, AppStatus nvarchar(100))
select * from #Appt1
insert into #Appt2 (ApptID, PatientID, ApptDate, AppStatus)
select a1.ApptID, a1.PatientID, a1.ApptDate, null from #Appt1 a1
declare #limit int = 0;
while (exists(select * from #Appt2 where AppStatus IS NULL) and #limit < 1000)
set #limit = #limit+1;
update a2
a2.AppStatus = IIF(exists(
select *
from #Appt2 a
0 > DATEDIFF(day, a2.ApptDate, a.ApptDate)
and DATEDIFF(day, a2.ApptDate, a.ApptDate) > -30
and a.ApptID != a2.ApptID
and a.PatientID = a2.PatientID
and a.AppStatus = 'New'
), 'Followup', a2.AppStatus)
from #Appt2 a2
--select * from #Appt2
update a2
set a2.AppStatus = 'New'
from #Appt2 a2 join (select a.*, ROW_NUMBER() over (Partition By PatientId order by ApptId) rn from (select * from #Appt2 where AppStatus IS NULL) a) ar
on a2.ApptID = ar.ApptID
and ar.rn = 1
--select * from #Appt2
select * from #Appt2 order by PatientID, ApptDate
drop table #Appt1
drop table #Appt2
Update. Read the comment provided by Lukasz. It's by far smarter way. I leave my answer just as an idea.
I believe the recursive common expression is great way to optimize queries avoiding loops, but in some cases it can lead to bad performance and should be avoided if possible.
I use the code below to solve the issue and test it will more values, but encourage you to test it with your real data, too.
WITH DataSource AS
,CEILING(DATEDIFF(DAY, MIN([ApptDate]) OVER (PARTITION BY [PatientID]), [ApptDate]) * 1.0 / 30 + 0.000001) AS [GroupID]
FROM #Appt1
,IIF(ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY [PatientID], [GroupID] ORDER BY [ApptDate]) = 1, 'New', 'Followup')
FROM DataSource
ORDER BY [PatientID]
The idea is pretty simple - I want separate the records in group (30 days), in which group the smallest record is new, the others are follow ups. Check how the statement is built:
,DATEDIFF(DAY, MIN([ApptDate]) OVER (PARTITION BY [PatientID]), [ApptDate])
,DATEDIFF(DAY, MIN([ApptDate]) OVER (PARTITION BY [PatientID]), [ApptDate]) * 1.0 / 30
,CEILING(DATEDIFF(DAY, MIN([ApptDate]) OVER (PARTITION BY [PatientID]), [ApptDate]) * 1.0 / 30 + 0.000001)
FROM #Appt1
ORDER BY [PatientID]
first, we are getting the first date, for each group and calculating the differences in days with the current one
then, we are want to get groups - * 1.0 / 30 is added
as for 30, 60, 90, etc days we are getting whole number and we wanted to start a new period, I have added + 0.000001; also, we are using ceiling function to get the smallest integer greater than, or equal to, the specified numeric expression
That's it. Having such group we simply use ROW_NUMBER to find our start date and make it as new and leaving the rest as follow ups.
With due respect to everybody and in IMHO,
There is not much difference between While LOOP and Recursive CTE in terms of RBAR
There is not much performance gain when using Recursive CTE and Window Partition function all in one.
Appid should be int identity(1,1) , or it should be ever increasing clustered index.
Apart from other benefit it also ensure that all successive row APPDate of that patient must be greater.
This way you can easily play with APPID in your query which will be more efficient than putting inequality operator like >,< in APPDate.
Putting inequality operator like >,< in APPID will aid Sql Optimizer.
Also there should be two date column in table like
APPDateTime datetime2(0) not null,
Appdate date not null
As these are most important columns in most important table,so not much cast ,convert.
So Non clustered index can be created on Appdate
Create NonClustered index ix_PID_AppDate_App on APP (patientid,APPDate) include(other column which is not i predicate except APPID)
Test my script with other sample data and lemme know for which sample data it not working.
Even if it do not work then I am sure it can be fix in my script logic itself.
CREATE TABLE #Appt1 (ApptID INT, PatientID INT, ApptDate DATE)
SELECT 1,101,'2020-01-05' UNION ALL
SELECT 2,505,'2020-01-06' UNION ALL
SELECT 3,505,'2020-01-10' UNION ALL
SELECT 4,505,'2020-01-20' UNION ALL
SELECT 5,101,'2020-01-25' UNION ALL
SELECT 6,101,'2020-02-12' UNION ALL
SELECT 7,101,'2020-02-20' UNION ALL
SELECT 8,101,'2020-03-30' UNION ALL
SELECT 9,303,'2020-01-28' UNION ALL
SELECT 10,303,'2020-02-02'
;With CTE as
select a1.* ,a2.ApptDate as NewApptDate
from #Appt1 a1
outer apply(select top 1 a2.ApptID ,a2.ApptDate
from #Appt1 A2
where a1.PatientID=a2.PatientID and a1.ApptID>a2.ApptID
and DATEDIFF(day,a2.ApptDate, a1.ApptDate)>30
order by a2.ApptID desc )A2
,CTE1 as
select a1.*, a2.ApptDate as FollowApptDate
from CTE A1
outer apply(select top 1 a2.ApptID ,a2.ApptDate
from #Appt1 A2
where a1.PatientID=a2.PatientID and a1.ApptID>a2.ApptID
and DATEDIFF(day,a2.ApptDate, a1.ApptDate)<=30
order by a2.ApptID desc )A2
select *
,case when FollowApptDate is null then 'New'
when NewApptDate is not null and FollowApptDate is not null
and DATEDIFF(day,NewApptDate, FollowApptDate)<=30 then 'New'
else 'Followup' end
as Category
from cte1 a1
order by a1.PatientID
drop table #Appt1
Although it's not clearly addressed in the question, it's easy to figure out that the appointment dates cannot be simply categorized by 30-day groups. It makes no business sense. And you cannot use the appt id either. One can make a new appointment today for 2020-09-06.
Here is how I address this issue. First, get the first appointment, then calculate the date difference between each appointment and the first appt. If it's 0, set to 'New'. If <= 30 'Followup'. If > 30, set as 'Undecided' and do the next round check until there is no more 'Undecided'. And for that, you really need a while loop, but it does not loop through each appointment date, rather only a few datasets. I checked the execution plan. Even though there are only 10 rows, the query cost is significantly lower than that using recursive CTE, but not as low as Lukasz Szozda's addendum method.
SELECT ApptID, PatientID, ApptDate
WHEN (DATEDIFF(DAY, MIN(ApptDate) OVER (PARTITION BY PatientID), ApptDate) <= 30) THEN 'Followup'
ELSE 'Undecided' END AS Category
FROM #Appt1
SELECT ApptID, PatientID, ApptDate
WHEN (DATEDIFF(DAY, MIN(ApptDate) OVER (PARTITION BY PatientID), ApptDate) <= 30) THEN 'Followup'
ELSE 'Undecided' END AS Category
WHERE Category = 'Undecided'
SET Category = CTE.Category
WHERE t.Category = 'Undecided'
SELECT ApptID, PatientID, ApptDate, Category
I hope this will help you.
SELECT #Appt1.*, RowNum = ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY PatientID ORDER BY ApptDate, ApptID) FROM #Appt1
SELECT A.ApptID , A.PatientID , A.ApptDate ,
Expected_Category = CASE WHEN (DATEDIFF(MONTH, B.ApptDate, A.ApptDate) > 0) THEN 'New'
WHEN (DATEDIFF(DAY, B.ApptDate, A.ApptDate) <= 30) then 'Followup'
LEFT OUTER JOIN CTE B on A.PatientID = B.PatientID
AND A.rownum = B.rownum + 1
ORDER BY A.PatientID, A.ApptDate
You could use a Case statement.
WHEN DATEDIFF(d,A1.ApptDate,A2.ApptDate)>30 THEN 'New'
ELSE 'FollowUp'
END 'Category'
(SELECT PatientId, MIN(ApptId) 'ApptId', MIN(ApptDate) 'ApptDate' FROM #Appt1 GROUP BY PatientID) A1,
#Appt1 A2
A1.PatientID=A2.PatientID AND A1.ApptID<A2.ApptID
The question is, should this category be assigned based off the initial appointment, or the one prior? That is, if a Patient has had three appointments, should we compare the third appointment to the first, or the second?
You problem states the first, which is how I've answered. If that's not the case, you'll want to use lag.
Also, keep in mind that DateDiff makes not exception for weekends. If this should be weekdays only, you'll need to create your own Scalar-Valued function.
using Lag function
select apptID, PatientID , Apptdate ,
case when date_diff IS NULL THEN 'NEW'
when date_diff < 30 and (date_diff_2 IS NULL or date_diff_2 < 30) THEN 'Follow Up'
apptID, PatientID , Apptdate ,
DATEDIFF (day,lag(Apptdate) over (PARTITION BY PatientID order by ApptID asc),Apptdate) date_diff ,
DATEDIFF(day,lag(Apptdate,2) over (PARTITION BY PatientID order by ApptID asc),Apptdate) date_diff_2
from #Appt1
Demo --> https://rextester.com/TNW43808
with cte
IsNull(Lag(ApptDate) Over (partition by PatientID Order by PatientID,ApptDate),ApptDate) PriorApptDate
from #Appt1 tmp
DateDiff(d,PriorApptDate,ApptDate) Elapsed,
Case when DateDiff(d,PriorApptDate,ApptDate)>30
or DateDiff(d,PriorApptDate,ApptDate)=0 then 'New' else 'Followup' end Category from cte
Mine is correct. The authors was incorrect, see elapsed

sql in but with multiple column

I have final sql query like this
UPDATE Booking
set BookingType='Booked'
where BookingType='Defaulter' and BookingId in(SELECT BookingID
FROM ScheduledDues WHERE projectID=#ProjectId and DueFrom <= GETDATE()
GROUP BY BookingID HAVING MAX(DueTill) =0)
Now what i want is that select column to contains ScheduleDues with order by ScheduleDues desc. but cannot do it because it contains in. how can i do it?
SELECT BookingID,Max(DueTill),ScheduledDueID
FROM ScheduledDues WHERE projectID=30 and DueFrom <= GETDATE()
GROUP BY BookingID ,ScheduledDueID order by ScheduledDueID desc
If I understand your question correctly, is this what you try to achieve?
, ScheduledDues.DueTill
-- or you could type , InnerTable.MaxDueTill
, ScheduledDues.ScheduledDueID
SELECT BookingID, Max(DueTill) AS MaxDueTill
FROM ScheduledDues
WHERE projectID=30 and DueFrom <= GETDATE()
GROUP BY BookingID ) InnerTable
JOIN ScheduledDues
ON InnerTable.BookingID = ScheduledDues.BookingID
AND InnerTable.MaxDueTill = ScheduledDues.DueTill
Thus for each booking (that can have multiple Schedule-Ids) you want the schedule-id associated with the maximum due-date. Meaning that for each booking, you get one schedule-id. And you wish to order that schedule-id. (And with the schedule-id being in the original group-by, you got all schedule-ids and not just the one you were looking for.)

SQL Query to show order of work orders

First off sorry for the poor subject line.
EDIT: The Query here duplicates OrderNumbers I am needing the query to NOT duplicate OrderNumbers
EDIT: Shortened the question and provided a much cleaner question
I have a table that has a record of all of the work orders that have been performed. there are two types of orders. Installs and Trouble Calls. My query is to find all of the trouble calls that have taken place within 30 days of an install and match that trouble call (TC) to the proper Install (IN). So the Trouble Call date has to happen after the install but no more than 30 days after. Additionally if there are two installs and two trouble calls for the same account all within 30 days and they happen in order the results have to reflect that. The problem I am having is I am getting an Install order matching to two different Trouble Calls (TC) and a Trouble Call(TC) that is matching to two different Installs(IN)
In the example on SQL Fiddle pay close attention to the install order number 1234567810 and the Trouble Call order number 1234567890 and you will see the issue I am having.
select b.accountnumber,
MAX(b.scheduleddate) as OriginalDate,
b.workordernumber as OriginalOrder,
b.jobtype as OriginalType,
MIN(a.scheduleddate) as NewDate,
a.workordernumber as NewOrder,
a.jobtype as NewType
from (
select workordernumber,accountnumber,jobtype,scheduleddate
from workorders
where jobtype = 'TC'
) a join
select workordernumber,accountnumber,jobtype,scheduleddate
from workorders
where jobtype = 'IN'
) b
on a.accountnumber = b.accountnumber
group by b.accountnumber,
having MIN(a.scheduleddate) > MAX(b.scheduleddate) and
DATEDIFF(day,MAX(b.scheduleddate),MIN(a.scheduleddate)) < 31
Example of what I am looking for the results to look like.
Thank you for any assistance you can provide in setting me on the correct path.
You were actually very close. I realized that what you really want is the MIN() TC date that is greater than each install date for that account number so long as they are 30 days or less apart.
So really you need to group by the install dates from your result set excluding WorkOrderNumbers still. Something like:
SELECT a.AccountNumber, MIN(a.scheduleddate) TCDate, b.scheduleddate INDate
SELECT WorkOrderNumber, ScheduledDate, JobType, AccountNumber
FROM workorders
WHERE JobType = 'TC'
) a
SELECT WorkOrderNumber, ScheduledDate, JobType, AccountNumber
FROM workorders
WHERE JobType = 'IN'
) b
ON a.AccountNumber = b.AccountNumber
WHERE b.ScheduledDate < a.ScheduledDate
AND DATEDIFF(DAY, b.ScheduledDate, a.ScheduledDate) <= 30
GROUP BY a.AccountNumber, b.AccountNumber, b.ScheduledDate
This takes care of the dates and AccountNumbers, but you still need the WorkOrderNumbers, so I joined the workorders table back twice, once for each type.
NOTE: I assume that each workorder has a unique date for each account number. So, if you have workorder 1 ('TC') for account 1 done on '1/1/2015' and you also have workorder 2 ('TC') for account 1 done on '1/1/2015' then I can't guarantee that you will have the correct WorkOrderNumber in your result set.
My final query looked like this:
aggdata.AccountNumber, inst.workordernumber OriginalWorkOrderNumber, inst.JobType OriginalJobType, inst.ScheduledDate OriginalScheduledDate,
tc.WorkOrderNumber NewWorkOrderNumber, tc.JobType NewJobType, tc.ScheduledDate NewScheduledDate
SELECT a.AccountNumber, MIN(a.scheduleddate) TCDate, b.scheduleddate INDate
SELECT WorkOrderNumber, ScheduledDate, JobType, AccountNumber
FROM workorders
WHERE JobType = 'TC'
) a
SELECT WorkOrderNumber, ScheduledDate, JobType, AccountNumber
FROM workorders
WHERE JobType = 'IN'
) b
ON a.AccountNumber = b.AccountNumber
WHERE b.ScheduledDate < a.ScheduledDate
AND DATEDIFF(DAY, b.ScheduledDate, a.ScheduledDate) <= 30
GROUP BY a.AccountNumber, b.AccountNumber, b.ScheduledDate
) aggdata
LEFT OUTER JOIN workorders tc
ON aggdata.TCDate = tc.ScheduledDate
AND aggdata.AccountNumber = tc.AccountNumber
AND tc.JobType = 'TC'
LEFT OUTER JOIN workorders inst
ON aggdata.INDate = inst.ScheduledDate
AND aggdata.AccountNumber = inst.AccountNumber
AND inst.JobType = 'IN'
select in1.accountnumber,
in1.scheduleddate as OriginalDate,
in1.workordernumber as OriginalOrder,
'IN' as OriginalType,
tc.scheduleddate as NewDate,
tc.workordernumber as NewOrder,
'TC' as NewType
workorders in1
out apply (Select min(in2.scheduleddate) as scheduleddate from workorders in2 Where in2.jobtype = 'IN' and in1.accountnumber=in2.accountnumber and in2.scheduleddate>in1.scheduleddate) ins
join workorders tc on tc.jobtype = 'TC' and tc.accountnumber=in1.accountnumber and tc.scheduleddate>in1.scheduleddate and (ins.scheduleddate is null or tc.scheduleddate<ins.scheduleddate) and DATEDIFF(day,in1.scheduleddate,tc.scheduleddate) < 31
Where in1.jobtype = 'IN'

filtering with statement without using from

I want to count products showed in events between two dates. I have to fill 9 columns, each with other product type.
I would like to ask you if there are possibility to short this statement.
Below sql is first working but not effective attempt.
with events(event_id, customer_id) as (
select * from event
where start_date >= :stare_date
and end_date <= :end_date
(select count(*) from event_product where event_id in (select event_id from events where customer_id = customer.customer_id) and product_type = 'YLW') customer_ylw_products -- it works but its ugly and non effective
-- repeat seven times for other type of products
(select count(*) from event_product where event_id in (select event_id from events where customer_id = customer.customer_id) and product_type = 'RTL') customer_rtl_products
from customer
Notice that line
(select event_id from events where customer_id = customer.customer_id)
repeats about 9 times.
I've been trying to short this one by add following:
with events(event_id, customer_id) as (
select * from event
where start_date >= :stare_date
and end_date <= :end_date
**customer_events (event_id, customer_id) as (select * from events)**
(select count(*) from event_product where event_id in (select event_id from customer_events) and product_type = 'RTL') customer_rtl_products
from customers
where customer_events.customer_id = customer.customer_id -- doesnt works
having customer_events.customer_id = customer.customer_id -- doesnt works
Why don't you use case expressions?
events (event_id, customer_id)
AS (
FROM event
WHERE start_date >= :stare_date
AND end_date <= :end_date
FROM customer
WHEN event_product.product_type = 'YLW' THEN 1 END) AS count_YLW
WHEN event_product.product_type = 'RTL' THEN 1 END) AS count_RTL
FROM event_product
ON event_product.event_id = events.event_id
) ev_counts
ON customer.customer_id = ev_counts.customer_id
You could do this without the CTE too if you prefer, just use what you currently have in the CTE as a derived table where events is now placed in the inner join.
footnote select * is a convenience only I don't know what fields are to be used, but they should be specified.
#Used_By_Already thanks for inspire me with inner joins between event_product and event and that Event_product doesnt have column customer_id so I simply added it!
That's my solution
with events(event_id, customer_id) as (
select * from event
where start_date >= :stare_date
and end_date <= :end_date
product_events (customer_id, product_type) as (
select event.customer_id, event_product.product_type
from events,event_product
where event_product.event_id = event.event_id and event_product.product_type in (''product_types'')
(select count(*) from product_events where customer_id = customer.customer_id and product_type = 'RTL') customer_rtl_products
from customers;
Performance for 50 rows in search increased from 45 seconds to only 5!
Thank you so much!

SQL Question: Getting Datediff in days elapsed for each record in a group

Given this table:
How can I get the datediff in days between each status_date for each group of ID_Number? In other words I need to find the number of elapsed days for each status that the ID_Number has been given.
Some things to know:
All ID_Number will have a received_date which should be the earliest date for each ID_Number (but app doesn't enforce)
For each ID_Number there will be a status with a corresponding status_date which is the date that the ID_Number was given that particular status.
The status column doesn't always necessarily go in the same order every time (app doesn't enforce)
All ID_Number will have a closed_date which should be the latest date (but app doesn't enforce)
Sample output:
So for ID_Number 2001, the first date (received_date) is 2009-05-02 and the next date you encounter has a status of 'open' and is 2009-05-02 so elapsed days is 0. Moving on to the next date encountered is 2009-05-10 with a status of 'invest' and the elapsed days is 8 counting from the prior date. The next date encountered is 2009-07-11 and the elapsed days is 62 counting from the previous date.
Edited to add:
Is it possible to have the elapsed days end up as a column on this table/view?
I also forgot to add that this is SQL Server 2000.
What I understand is that you need the difference between the first status_date and the next status_date for the same id and so on up to the closed_date.
This will only work in SQL 2005 and up.
;with test as (
row_number() over (partition by id order by status_date, key ) as rownum
from #test
datediff(d, case when t1.rownum = 1
then t1.received_date
case when t2.status_date is null
then t1.closed_date
else t2.status_date
) as days
from test t1
left outer join test t2
on t1.id = t2.id
and t2.rownum = t1.rownum - 1
This solution will work with SQL 2000 but I am not sure how good will perform:
select *,
case when prev_date is null
then closed_date
else prev_date
status_date )
from (
select *,
isnull( ( select top 1 t2.status_date
from #test t2
where t1.id_number = t2.id_number
and t2.status_date < t1.status_date
order by t2.status_date desc
),received_date) as prev_date
from #test t1
) a
order by id_number, status_date
Note: Replace the #Test table with the name of your table.
Some sample output would really help, but this is a guess at what you mean, assuming you want that information for each ID_Number/Status combination:
select ID_Number, Status, EndDate - StartDate as DaysElapsed
from (
select ID_Number, Status, min(coalesce(received_date, status_date)) as StartDate, max(coalesce(closed_date, status_date)) as EndDate
from Table1
group by ID_Number, Status
) a
The tricky bit is determining the previous status and putting it on the same row as the current status. It would be simplified a little if there were a correlation between Key and StatusDate (i.e. that Key(x) > Key(y) always implies StatusDate(x) >= StatusDate(y)). Unfortunately, that doesn't seem to be the case.
PS: I am assuming Key is a unique identifier on your table; you haven't said anything to indicate otherwise.
FROM StatusUpdates prev
WHERE (prev.ID_Number = cur.ID_Number)
AND ( (prev.StatusDate < cur.StatusDate)
OR ( prev.StatusDate = cur.StatusDate
AND prev.Key < cur.Key
ORDER BY StatusDate, Key /*Consider index on (ID_Number, StatusDate, Key)*/
) PrevKey
FROM StatusUpdates cur
Once you have this as a basis, it's easy to extrapolate to any other info you need from the current or previous StatusUpdate. E.g.
p.Status AS PrevStatus,
p.StatusDate AS PrevStatusDate,
DATEDIFF(d, c.StatusDate, p.StatusDate) AS DaysElapsed
FROM StatusUpdates prev
WHERE (prev.ID_Number = cur.ID_Number)
AND ( (prev.StatusDate < cur.StatusDate)
OR ( prev.StatusDate = cur.StatusDate
AND prev.Key < cur.Key
ORDER BY StatusDate, Key
) PrevKey
FROM StatusUpdates cur
) c
JOIN StatusUpdates p ON
p.Key = c.PrevKey