NHibernate Cascade Delete on children when clearing a collection - nhibernate

I've searched so many places and still can't find the a answer I'm looking for.
I'm using NHibernate 3.2 - Mapping by Code
I Have the following Mapping files:
public class ParentMapping: EntityMapping<Parent>
public ParentMapping()
Set(x => x.Children, map =>
}, r => r.OneToMany());
public class ChildMapping: JoinedSubclassMapping<Child> // This is a subclass of something else.
public RequiredSkillMapping()
ManyToOne(x => x.Parent, map => { map.NotNullable(true); });
The cascade save works fine.
session.Save(parent) will save the children and associate them correctly.
When I try to call:
var parent = session.Get<Parent>(1);
session.Save(parent); or session.SaveOrUpdate(parent) or session.Update(parent)
The entities stay associated to the parent.
I had it working by calling:
foreach(var child in parent.Children)
I was hoping that there would be a way to just save the parent?

Cascade means that operations on the parent are cascaded to the child.
When inserting the parent, the children are inserted too.
When deleting the parent, the children are deleted too.
Update is special in NH, but it also means when calling update with the parent, that the children are "updated" too.
and so on
The collection itself belongs to the parent, so changes on the collection are stored with the parent. But there is no reason to delete the children when they are not in the collection anymore. NH can't know if you need them for anything else.
There is cascade-delete-orphans.
map.Cascade(Cascade.All | Cascade.DeleteOrphans)
It means that items that had been in the collection, and are removed from the collection get deleted. It may be useful in your case. Note that it is not possible to use items for anything after removing from the collection. You can't even add them to another parent.
To make NH remove unused items automatically correctly in every case would require persistent garbage collection. This is highly inefficient and is not implemented by NH.
"foreach child delete" is OK. That's something you may have to do to tell NH when the children are not used anymore and need deletion.


NHibernate - three bidirectional relations between three classes gives N+1

I'm having bit complicated object model that forms a triangle. There is User entity that has collections of Items and Taxonomies. Item has a taxonomy, too. And for convenience, I wanted Item and Taxonomy to know its owner and Taxonomy to know its Item, if any. See diagram:
So this makes three bi-directional relations. My problem is when I map it in NHibernate like that and asking for user with given ID, I'm getting Select N+1 problem.
At first, User is loaded with eagerly fetched Items. Then Taxonomies are loaded with eagerly fetched Item connected to it. And this is as expected and as defined in mappings. But now there is N+1 queries to load Items related with Taxonomies.
This is redundant as all parts of object graph was already loaded. Thie problem disappears when I make my User-Item relation unidirectional from User side (there are only 2 queries, as expected), but I don't want to remove that backward relationship. Is it possible to have optimal fetching with all three relations bidirectional?
Here are my mapping parts:
public class UserOverride : IAutoMappingOverride<User>
public void Override(AutoMapping<User> mapping)
mapping.HasMany(x => x.Items).Inverse()
mapping.HasMany(x => x.Taxonomies).Inverse()
public class ItemOverride : IAutoMappingOverride<Item>
public void Override(AutoMapping<Item> mapping)
mapping.References(x => x.Taxonomy); // many-to-one
public class TaxonomyOverride : IAutoMappingOverride<Taxonomy>
public void Override(AutoMapping<Taxonomy> mapping)
mapping.HasOne(x => x.Item).PropertyRef(x => x.Taxonomy)
And I query my database the simplest possible way:
var user = session.Get<User>(1);
Because mappings will effect all queries, I like to live by the rule that mappings should only be changed to eagerly load if an entity is NEVER useful without an other entity. In your situation, if you ever just want Users, and could care less about the Item and the Taxonomy records, you will be doing extra database work for no benefit.
I would advise you perform the eager loading via the other route- in your query.
Session.QueryOver<User>().Where(u => u.Id == 1)
.join.QueryOver<Items>(u => u.Items)
.Join.QueryOver<Taxonomy>(i => i.Taxonomy)

NHibernate - Orphans not deleting - Foreign Key set to null

I'm sending a JSON collection from Javascript through a REST web service to be Deserialized using Json.NET and then finally updated in the DB using NHibernate (I'm using Fluent).
My Json is:
"ID": 1,
"Name": "ObjectName",
"Keys": [
"ID": 6,
"Name": "ID"
My difficulty is that when I remove a child from the 'Key' collection in Javascript, the subsequent update only nulls the foreign key of the child - it doesn't actually delete it. I have setup what I think is the correct mappings on both the parent and child:
Object one-to-many mapping:
// one-to-many
HasMany(x => x.Keys)
Key many-to-one mapping:
// many-to-one
References(x => x.Object)
NHibernate code that performs the update:
using (var transaction = Session.BeginTransaction())
Although this example is bidirectional, I have also attempted uni-directional mappings, but so far this has had no effect; the child record persists in the database, although the association itself is broken (FK set to null).
Anything obvious that I'm missing?
Ok, the problem here lies in the fact that using the Json.NET Deserializer in a normal capacity essentially creates a new object - this object is then persisted by NHibernate. The end result is the record in the database is kept, as are all the child objects that exist in the new child object collection - however children that were removed are orphaned - since the where not removed directly from the persisted NHibernate object using .Remove or .Clear.
The solution is in two parts. Firstly, we have to use the CustomCreationConverter of Json.NET to pass in an instance of the existing object to be worked on (merge).
public static T Deserialize<T>(T existingObject, string json)
return JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<T>(json, new ObjectConverter<T>(existingObject));
public class ObjectConverter<T> : CustomCreationConverter<T>
public T ExistingObject { get; set; }
public ObjectConverter(T existingObject)
ExistingObject = existingObject;
public override T Create(Type objectType)
return ExistingObject;
This alone will not work however, as the exiting objects child collections will be added to by the children in the json collection. The remedy this, and to ensure that NHibernate knows what to do when receiving the resulting object, we need to do a bit of a Json.NET hack.
Json.Net > Serialization > JsonSerializerInternalReader.cs
private object PopulateList(IWrappedCollection wrappedList, JsonReader reader, string reference, JsonArrayContract contract)
// Edit // Clear the collection
After re-compiling, and re-adding the DLL - it works - children that are removed in javascript are finally removed from the DB as well.

deleting a subclass, deletes the parent as well

I have a situation where I'm using a table per subclass for association. The mappings are fine until I try and delete a record from the subclass table. The delete cause's not only the subclass to be deleted, but also the parent. I can understand this feature may be by design, but is there anyway to just delete the subclass?
Here's my sample code.
public class ParentClassMap : ClassMap<Parent>
public ParentClassMap ()
Id(x => x.ParentId).Column("ParentId").GeneratedBy.Identity()
... other properties
public class ChildClassMap : SubClassMap<Child>
public ChildClassMap()
... other properties
Now when I query for a record, everything seems fine
Child child = session.CreateCriteria<Parent>().Add(Restrictions.Eq("ParentId", 1)).UniqueResult<Parent>();
But when I delete the child, the sql executed includes updates to all tables that reference either Parent or Child, then the deletion of Child then Parent.
I only want to delete the Child Object, is this possible?
No, it's not possible.
Think about it in OOP terms: if you have an object of the class Dog that inherits from Animal, does it makes sense to "delete the dog, but leave the animal"?
Which brings me to the next point: if you can delete "part" of an object, then you should not be using a subclass, but an association (probably one-to-one or many-to-one)

NHibernate : Root collection with an root object

I want to track a list of root objects which are not contained by any element. I want the following pseudo code to work:
using (session1 = [...]) {
IList<FavoriteItem>list = session1.Linq<FavoriteItem>().ToList();
var item5 = list.First(i => i.Name = "Foo");
item5.Name = "Bar";
using (session2 = [...]) {
This should automatically insert item1 and item2, delete item3 and item3 and update item5 (i.e. I don't want to call sesssion.SaveOrUpdate() for all items separately.
Is it possible to define a pseudo entity that is not associated with a table? For example I want to define the class Favorites and map 2 collection properties of it and than I want to write code like this:
using (session1 = [...]) {
var favs = session1.Linq<Favorites>();
favs.FavoriteColors.Add(new FavoriteColor(...));
favs.FavoriteMovies.Add(new FavoriteMovie(...));
using (session2 = [...]) {
FavoriteColors and FavoriteMovies are the only properties of the Favorites class and are of type IList and IList. I do only want to persist the these two collection properties but not the Favorites class.
Actually I want a IPersistentCollection object that tracks adds and removes that belongs to no parent entity and stands for itself (the same stuff that happens to collection properties of entities, only in my case I have no parent entity). This works perfectly well if the collections belong to an entity in which case I can add and remove items between two sessions.
Any help is much appreciated.
A simpler solution than a pseudo entity would be to wrap the list in an object that manages the things you want.
public class FavoriteList : IEnumerable
private List<FavoriteItem> list;
private ISession session;
public FavoriteList(ISession session)
list = session.Linq<FavoriteItem>().ToList();
this.session = session;
public void Add(FavoriteItem item)
public void Remove(FavoriteItem item)
session.Delete(item); //or something like that
public IEnumerator GetEnumerator()
return (list as IEnumerable).GetEnumerator();
I still have not found a real solution to this problem. My work around so far is that I have added the collection as a child collection property to another entity from which only one instance exists so far. But this solution breaks if there will be more instances of this entity and it has the disadvantage that the version of it is incremented every time a item is added or removed.
The other work around would have been to create a pseudo entity with no properties/columns (except an ID).
The third alternative I could think of is recreating the whole collection every time which is quite slow and does not work if other entities are referencing one of the items.
The last alternative would be to reimplement the dirty checking functionality myself but this would add some complexity and code duplication.
If somebody knows better alternatives I would be glad for any comments.

Nhibernate - how to delete children?

I'm working on a project with NHibernate that classes similar to the following:
public class Parent {
public IList Children {get;set;}
// ...
public class Child {
// ...
I've got the Children property set to cascade all / delete orphan. Since I'm using the aggregate pattern and instances of Child class will only ever be referenced in the context of a Parent, I don't have a ChildRepository to delete the children directly - only a ParentRepository. However, when I retrieve the Parent object and call Parent.Children.Clear(), the children from the database are never deleted. How can I achieve this?
Deleting child entities is this easy - just remove them from the collection and then save the parent entity. The collection should be mapped with all-delete-orphans.
session.Save( parent );
// or
session.Save( parent );
You can do this without Save() calls as well, unless your FlushMode is Never.
Using #Chris's UnitOfWork abstractionm this could look like:
using (var uow = new UnitOfWork()) {