Objective-C malloc with c array of array - objective-c

I have as property in a view, an array of array like this:
#interface MyView : UIView
#property (nonatomic) CGPoint **matrix;
in the controller that own this view I have load the data in the -viewDidLoad and free memory in the -viewDidUnload like this:
- (void)viewDidLoad
self.myView.matrix = malloc(sizeof(CGPoint*) * array1Size);
for (int k = 0; k < array1Size; k++) {
self.myView.matrix[k] = malloc(sizeof(CGPoint) * innerArraySize);
- (void)viewDidUnload
for (int k = 0; k < array1Size; k++) {
self.myView.matrix[k] = nil;
self.myView.matrix = nil;
[self setMyView:nil];
[super viewDidUnload];
While profiling I see a leak here. Can someone help me where I'm wrong?
i try to remove free code from viewDidUnload and use dealloc like this:
-(void)dealloc {
[self freeArray];
- (void) freeArray {
for (int k = 0; k < 5; k++) {
self.myView.matrix[k] = NULL;
self.myView.matrix = NULL;
then I embed init code in:
if (self.graphView.matrix == NULL) {
now no more leak, THANKS!

Your code does not make sure that each setup of the matrix is matched by exactly one tear down. For example, viewDidUnload is not guaranteed to be called. Also, you have no guards against duplicate setup or tear down.
If you really need the C array of arrays, a better approach would be to create it in the initializer of the view (initWithFrame: or initWithCoder:) and remove it in its dealloc.
Edit: To alleviate your concerns regarding dealloc and ARC:
You can certainly override dealloc in ARC and rely on it being called. The only difference is that you cannot explicitly call the overridden implementation ([super dealloc]). ARC will insert that for you.

Use an array of CGPoint:
#property (nonatomic) CGPoint *matrix;
.... init ...
matrix = (CGPoint*) malloc(arraySize * sizeof(CGPoint));
- (void) dealloc
Then you simply set/get CGPoint structures directly in the array:
CGPoint someCGPoint = {0,0};
matrix[i] = someCGPoint;
someCGPoint = matrix[i];
That'll be faster and more memory efficient than CGPoint**. And your leak is gone.


Is it a bad practice to use C array inside Objective C class?

I wonder is there any drawbacks when use alloc/free with pure C array inside Objective-C class?
For example:
#import "CVPatternGrid.h"
#implementation CVPatternGrid
#synthesize row = _row;
#synthesize column = _column;
#synthesize count = _count;
#synthesize score = _score;
- (id)initWithRow:(NSInteger)row column:(NSInteger)column {
if (self = [super init]) {
_grid = [self allocateNewGrid:row column:column];
return self;
- (NSInteger)moveCount {
return _count;
- (bool**)allocateNewGrid:(NSInteger)row column:(NSInteger)column {
bool **p = malloc(row * sizeof(bool*));
for (int i = 0; i < row; ++i) {
p[i] = malloc(column * sizeof(bool));
return p;
- (void)generateNewGrid:(NSInteger)row column:(NSInteger)column {
[self freeGrid];
_grid = [self allocateNewGrid:row column:column];
_count = [self.algorithmDelegate generateGrid:_grid];
_score = _count * 100;
- (BOOL)isMarkedAtRow:(NSInteger)row column:(NSInteger)column {
return YES;
- (void)freeGrid {
for (int i = 0; i < _row; ++i) {
- (void)dealloc {
[self freeGrid];
It's perfectly normal to use a C array in an Obj-C class. There are no low level data types in Obj-C — every class, including NSArray, NSString, etc, is using primitive C types internally.
However you are doing a few things wrong:
Do not use #synthesize unless you need to. In this case you don't need it, so delete those lines of code.
Do not use _foo to access variables unless you need it, again in this case you don't need it in any of your use cases (except, arguably, in your init and dealloc methods. But I would argue it should not even be used there. Other people disagree with me). My rule is to only use _foo when I run into performance issues when using self.foo syntax. There are also edge case issues such as KVO where you might run into problems when using an accessor inside init/dealloc. In the real world I have never run into any of those edge cases in more than 10 years of writing Obj-C — I always use accessors, unless they're too slow.
Some implementation details about how to declare an #property of a C array: Objective-C. Property for C array

Dynamic Accessibility Label for CALayer

How do I make a CALayer accessible? Specifically, I want the layer to be able to change its label on the fly, since it can change at any time. The official documentation's sample code does not really allow for this.
The following assumes that you have a superview whose layers are all of class AccessableLayer, but if you have a more complex layout this scheme can be modified to handle that.
In order to make a CALayer accessible, you need a parent view that implements the UIAccessibilityContainer methods. Here is one suggested way to do this.
First, have each layer own its UIAccessibilityElement
#interface AccessableLayer : CALayer
#property (nonatomic) UIAccessibilityElement *accessibilityElement;
now in its implementation, you modify the element whenever it changes:
#implementation AccessableLayer
... self.accessibilityElement.accessibilityLabel = text;
The AccessableLayer never creates the UIAccessibilityElement, because the constructor requires a UIAccessibilityContainer. So have the super view create and assign it:
#pragma mark - accessibility
// The container itself is not accessible, so return NO
- (BOOL)isAccessibilityElement
return NO;
// The following methods are implementations of UIAccessibilityContainer protocol methods.
- (NSInteger)accessibilityElementCount
return [self.layer.sublayers count];
- (id)accessibilityElementAtIndex:(NSInteger)index
AccessableLayer *panel = [self.layer.sublayers objectAtIndex:index];
UIAccessibilityElement *element = panel.accessibilityElement;
if (element == nil) {
element = [[UIAccessibilityElement alloc] initWithAccessibilityContainer:self];
element.accessibilityFrame = [self convertRect:panel.frame toView:[UIApplication sharedApplication].keyWindow];
element.accessibilityTraits = UIAccessibilityTraitButton;
element.accessibilityHint = #"some hint";
element.accessibilityLabel = #"some text";
panel.accessibilityElement = element;
return element;
- (NSInteger)indexOfAccessibilityElement:(id)element
int numElements = [self accessibilityElementCount];
for (int i = 0; i < numElements; i++) {
if (element == [self accessibilityElementAtIndex:i]) {
return i;
return NSNotFound;

C-style Multidimensional Array in ARC Objective-C

I'm trying to implement an n x n multidimensional array of ints in Objective-C, and because using NSMutableArray seems to be too much of an overhead I decided to implement it using only C's malloc and free. My question is, is the code below correct (no memory leaks) under ARC Objective-C?
#interface TwoDimensionalArray
int **array;
int size;
#implementation TwoDimensionalArray
- (id)initWithSize: (int)s
if(self = [super init])
size = s;
array = malloc(sizeof(int*) * size);
for(int i = 0; i < size; i++)
array[i] = malloc(sizeof(int) * size);
for (int j = 0; j < size; j++)
array[i][j] = 0;
return self
- (id)init
return [self initWithSize:1];
- (void)dealloc
for(int i = 0; i < size; i++)
array[i] = nil;
array = nil;
If this is not correct, or if you think there is a definitely better way to do it in Objective-C without doing mallocs, please tell me. Thanks.
ARC implements automatic memory management for Objective-C objects and blocks, but does not
automate malloc/free.
(References: Clang/ARC documentation: General,
ARC Release Notes: FAQ.)
So your question is unrelated to ARC: Everything you malloc() must be
free()'d (and dealloc is good place to do so). From the first look your code looks OK.
(Small remarks: Zeroing the array pointers in dealloc is not necessary, but
NULL would be the appropriate pointer value to assign, nil is meant for Objective-C objects.)
I do not know how much overhead using Objective-C collections such as NSMutableArray
would cause, that should be tested (as already said in the comments) by profiling.

Int value becoming larger when sent to method

Simply separating the method call
Tile *tile = [[Tile alloc] initWithX:x Y:y];
into two separate lines such as:
Tile *tile = [Tile alloc];
[tile initWithX:x Y:y];
caused the method to stop receiving the ints as memory pointers. I'm baffled as to why this occurred but it fixed the problems. Any explanations as to why this happened would be appreciated. Thanks to all for the help!
This is a bit of a weird question as I've run into this problem while doing a tutorial at: http://www.iphonegametutorials.com/2010/09/23/cocos2d-game-tutorial-building-a-slide-image-game/.
The program I have typed out works except for the switching of tiles, and I have looked in the XCode debugger and it seems that my x and y values for the Tile class are being set way to absurdly high values. The weird thing is, when the values are passed to the method (initWithX:Y:) from the original method (initWithSize:imgSize:) they are what they should be, but when they arrive at the method they are huge (for example: in one instance an x passed as '1' becomes '1065353216' when it arrives at the method.)
I have a feeling that it may be pointing to the memory location of the passed int, but I don't see any reason why it should be in my code. See below.
-(id)initWithSize:(CGSize)aSize imgSize:(int)aImgValue {
self = [super init];
imgValue = aImgValue;
size = aSize;
OutBorderTile = [[Tile alloc] initWithX:-1 Y:-1];
content = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:size.height];
readyToRemoveTiles = [NSMutableSet setWithCapacity:50];
for(int y = 0; y < size.height; y++) {
NSMutableArray *rowContent = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:size.width];
for (int x = 0; x < size.width; x++) {
Tile *tile = [[Tile alloc] initWithX:x Y:y];
[rowContent addObject:tile];
[readyToRemoveTiles addObject:tile];
[tile release];
[content addObject:rowContent];
[content retain];
[readyToRemoveTiles retain];
return self;
-(id)initWithX:(int)posX Y:(int)posY {
self = [super init];
x = posX;
y = posY;
return self;
Everything should be the same as in the linked tutorial, but I can't see anybody else complaining of the same problem.
I have also noted that if I go into the debugger and manually change the posX and posY values in the initWithX method that the tile switching code works, so my problem definitely lies with the really large int values forming in that method.
Edit for Jim: Hopefully this shows a more complete picture of the layout I have for the Tile object.
#interface Tile : NSObject {
int x, y, value;
CCSprite *sprite;
#property(nonatomic, readonly) int x, y;
#property(nonatomic) int value;
#property(nonatomic, retain) CCSprite *sprite;
#implementation Tile
#synthesize x, y, value, sprite;
// Code is logged in below.
-(id)initWithX:(int)posX Y:(int)posY {
self = [super init];
x = posX;
y = posY;
return self;
Somewhere, the x and/or y value are being assigned to a pointer. One thing I would check is to make sure you aren't declaring your ints as pointers to ints. I.e. int *x, etc.

C array of Objective C objects

I'm trying to create a C array of objective C NSStrings using malloc. I'm not doing it right, but I don't think I'm far off. Maybe someone can point me in the right direction.
Let's say we want 5 strings in our array for the sake of argument.
#interface someObject : NSObject {
NSString **ourArray;
#property () NSString **ourArray;
#implementation someObject
#synthesize ourArray;
-(id)init {
if((self = [super init])) {
self->ourArray = malloc(5 * sizeof(NSString *));
return self;
-(NSString *)getStringAtPos3 {
if(self.ourArray[3] == nil) {
self.ourArray[3] = #"a string";
return self.ourArray[3];
When I set a breakpoint in getStringAtPos3 it doesn't see the array element as nil so it never goes into the if statement.
mallocing an array of pointers is done as follows:
self->ourArray = malloc(5 * sizeof(NSString *));
if (self->ourArray == NULL)
/* handle error */
for (int i=0; i<5; i++)
self->ourArray[i] = nil;
malloc doesn't make guarantees about the contents of the returned buffer, so set everything to nil explicitly. calloc won't help you here, as a zero pattern and nil/NULL aren't the same thing.
Edit: even though zero and null may be the same on i386 and arm, they are not the same conceptually, just like NULL and nil are strictly not the same. Preferably, define something like
void *allocStringPtrs(size_t n)
void *p = malloc(sizeof(NSString *));
if (p == NULL)
// throw an exception
for (size_t i=0; i<n; i++)
p[i] = nil;
return p;
One issue is this:
self->ourArray = malloc(5 * sizeof(NSString *)); // notice the sizeof()
I figured out the problem - I should have been using calloc, not malloc. While malloc simply allocates the memory, calloc
contiguously allocates enough space for count objects that are size bytes of memory each and returns a pointer to the allocated memory. The allocated memory is filled with bytes of value zero.
This means you get an array of nil objects essentially as in objective c 0x0 is the nil object.