SQL Order By Within A Count(Distinct) - sql

I have the following tables:
1 | 1 | file1.txt
2 | 2 | file2.txt
3 | 3 | file3.txt
4 | 2 | file4.txt
5 | 4 | file5.txt
1 | 1 | file6.txt
2 | 2 | file7.txt
3 | 4 | file8.txt
1 | 1
2 | 1
3 | 1
4 | 1
1 | Company1
My goal is to have a list of vendors and a count of the number of orders where a file is connected for each type. For example, the end result of this data should be:
Company1 | 4 | 4 | 3
Because at least 1 type1 file was attached to 4 distinct orders and at least 1 type2 file was attached to 3 distinct orders. Currently my SQL code looks like this:
SELECT vendor.ve_id, vendor.ve_name,
FROM ordr
WHERE ordr.or_vendor = vendor.ve_id) as OR_COUNT,
FROM filetype1 INNER JOIN ordr ON filetype1.f1_ordr = ordr.or_id
WHERE ordr.or_vendor = vendor.ve_id) as F1_CT,
FROM filetype2 INNER JOIN ordr ON filetype2.f2_ordr = ordr.or_id
WHERE ordr.or_vendor = vendor.ve_id) as F2_CT
FROM vendor
ORDER BY vendor.ve_name
Unfortunately this yields the following results:
Company1 | 4 | 5 | 3
My only guess is that because I'm using COUNT(DISTINCT) the COUNT is automatically assuming the DISTINCT is ordering by F1_ID instead of by F1_ORDR
If anyone can assist me on how to tell the COUNT(DISTINCT) to order by F1_ORDR that would be most helpful. I have searched the vast internet for a solution but its hard to explain what I want to a search engine, forums, etc. My database uses Microsoft SQL Server. My knowledge of database management is almost completely self taught, so I'm just glad I made it this far on my own. My expertise is in web design. Thank you for your time.

Your SQL yields the result you want for me.
Two pieces of advice
Order is a bad name for a table - it conflicts with a reserved word, and will cause you no end of hassle
You should join your tables like so
FROM filetype1
inner join [order]
on filetype1.f1_order = or_id
rather than using a where clause
Perhaps try this instead
vendor.VE_ID, vendor.VE_NAME,
count(distinct or_id),
count(distinct f1_order),
count(distinct f2_order)
left join [order]
on vendor.VE_ID = [order].OR_VENDOR
inner join filetype1
on [order].OR_ID = filetype1.F1_ORDER
left join filetype2
on [order].OR_ID = filetype2.F2_ORDER
group by
vendor.VE_ID, vendor.VE_NAME

Try this:
vendor vdr
LEFT OUTER JOIN [order] odr
ON vdr.VE_ID = odr.OR_VENDOR
INNER JOIN filetype1 ft1
ON odr.OR_ID = ft1.F1_ORDER
LEFT OUTER JOIN filetype2 ft2
ON odr.OR_ID = ft2.F2_ORDER

I will propose you this:
Merge filetype1 and filetype2 tables in one table(filetype) and add another field named - f_type(for instance) of type INT or TINTYINT to store the filetype (1 or 2). This has the benefits of painlessly adding another filetype later
Now the query will look something like this:
count(DISTINCT filetype.f_order),
INNER JOIN `order`
ON filetype.f_order = `order`.or_id
ON `order`.or_vendor = vendor.ve_id
GROUP BY vendor.ve_id,filetype.f_type
This will give the count of orders for filetype.
For the total orders just add another query:
SELECT count(*) FROM `order`


Complex SQL Joins with Where Clauses

Being pretty new to SQL, I ask for your patience. I have been banging my head trying to figure out how to create this VIEW by joining 3 tables. I am going to use mock tables, etc to keep this very simple. So that I can try to understand the answer - no just copy and paste.
Supplies_ ID Item_Description
1 | PaperClips
2 | Rubber Bands
3 | Stamps
4 | Staples
ID SuppliesID RequisitionNumber
1 | 1 | R1234a
6 | 4 | R1234a
2 | 1 | P2345b
3 | 2 | P3456c
4 | 3 | R4567d
5 | 4 | P5678e
ID RequsitionNumber OrigDate TransType OpenClosed
1 | R1234a | 06/12/20 | Req | Open
2 | P2345b | 07/09/20 | PO | Open
3 | P3456c | 07/14/20 | PO | Closed
4 | R4567d | 08/22/20 | Req | Open
5 | P5678e | 11/11/20 | PO | Open
And this is what I want to see in my View Results
Supplies_ID Item RequsitionNumber OriginalDate TransType OpenClosed
1 | Paper Clips | P2345b | 07/09/20 | PO | OPEN
2 | Rubber Bands | Null | Null | Null | Null
3 | Stamps | Null | Null | Null | Null
4 | Staples | P56783 | 11/11/20 | PO | OPEN
I just can't get there. I want to always have the same amount of records that we have in the ICS_Supplies Table. I need to join to the ICS_Orders Table in order to grab the Requisition Number because that's what I need to join on the ICS_Transactions Table. I don't want to see data in the new added fields UNLESS ICS_Transactions.TransType = 'PO' AND ICS_Transactions.OpenClosed = 'OPEN', otherwise the joined fields should be seen as null, regardless to what they contain. IF that is possible?
My research shows this is probably a LEFT Join, which is very new to me. I had made many attempts on my own, and then posted my question yesterday. But I was struggling to ask the correct question and it was recommended by other members that I post the question again . .
If needed, I can share what I have done, but I fear it will make things overly confusing as I was going in the wrong direction.
I am adding a link to the original question, for those that need some background info
Original Question
If there is any additional information needed, just ask. I do apologize in advance if I have left out any needed details.
This is a bit tricky, because you want to exclude rows in the second table depending on whether there is a match in the third table - so two left joins are not what you are after.
I think this implements the logic you want:
select s.supplies_id, s.item_description,
t.requisition_number, t.original_date, t.trans_type, t.open_closed
from ics_supplies s
left join ics_transaction t
on t.transtype = 'PO'
and t.open_closed = 'Open'
and exists (
select 1
from ics_order o
where o.supplies_id = s.supplies_id and o.requisition_number = t.requisition_number
Another way to phrase this would be an inner join in a subquery, then a left join:
select s.supplies_id, s.item_description,
t.requisition_number, t.original_date, t.trans_type, t.open_closed
from ics_supplies s
left join (
select o.supplies_id, t.*
from ics_order o
inner join ics_transaction t
on t.requisition_number = o.requisition_number
where t.transtype = 'PO' and t.open_closed = 'Open'
) t on t.supplies_id = s.supplies_id
This query should return the data for supplies. The left join will add in all orders that have a supply_id (and return null for the orders that don't).
,s.Item_Description as [Item]
,t.OrigDate as [OriginalDate]
from ICS_Supplies s
left join ICS_Orders o on o.supplies_id = s.supplies_id
left join ICS_Transactions t on t.RequisitionNumber = o.RequisitionNumber
where t.TransType = 'PO'
and t.OpenClosed = 'Open'
The null values will automatically show null if the record doesn't exist. For example, you are joining to the Transactions table and if there isn't a transaction_id for that supply then it will return 'null'.
Modify your query, run it, then maybe update your question using real examples if it's possible.
In the original question you wrote:
"I only need ONE matching record from the ICS_Transactions Table.
Ideally, the one that I want is the most current
So the goal is to get the most recent transaction for which the TransType is 'PO' and OpenClosed is 'Open'. That the purpose of the CTE 'oa_cte' in this code. The appropriate transactions are then LEFT JOIN'ed on SuppliesId. Something like this
with oa_cte(SuppliesId, RequsitionNumber, OriginalDate,
TransType, OpenClosed, RowNum) as (
select o.SuppliesId, o.RequsitionNumber,
t.OrigDate, t.TransType, t.OpenClosed,
row_number() over (partition by o.SuppliesId
order by t.OrigDate desc)
from ICS_Orders o
join ICS_Transactions t on o.RequisitionNumber=t.RequisitionNumber
where t.TransType='PO'
and t.OpenClosed='OPEN')
select s.*, oa.*
from ICS_Supplies s
left join oa_cte oa on s.SuppliesId=oa.SuppliesId
and oa.RowNum=1;

Can i merge the result of two queries?

I'm trying to retrieve some statistics from my database, to be concrete i'm look to show how many todo's is completed vs the total of a checklist.
The structure is as follows
A category has many Cards, has many checklists, has many assessments.
I can get the amount of assessments or completed assessments with the following query.
SELECT count(a.id) AS completed_count, a.checklist_id, ca.category_id
FROM assessments a
JOIN checklists ch ON ch.id = a.checklist_id
JOIN cards ca ON ca.id = ch.card_id
WHERE a.complete
GROUP BY a.checklist_id, ca.category_id;
This will give me something like this.
completed_count | checklist_id | category_id
2 | 3 | 2
1 | 2 | 2
2 | 5 | 3
I could then do a query, to get the total amount, by removing the WHERE a.complete, and write some code that matches the two results.
But what i really want, is a result like this.
completed_amount | total_amount | checklist_id | category_id
2 | 2 | 3 | 2
1 | 1 | 2 | 2
2 | 2 | 5 | 3
I just can't wrap my head around, how i can achieve that.
I think conditional aggregation does what you want:
SELECT sum( (a.complete)::int ) AS completed_count,
count(*) as total_count
a.checklist_id, ca.category_id
FROM assessments a JOIN
checklists ch
ON ch.id = a.checklist_id JOIN
cards ca
ON ca.id = ch.card_id
GROUP BY a.checklist_id, ca.category_id;

INNER JOIN Need to use column value twice in results

I've put in the requisite 2+ hours of digging and not getting an answer.
I'd like to merge 3 SQL tables, where Table A and B share a column in common, and Table B and C share a column in common--Tables A and C do not.
For example:
Table A - entity_list
entity_id | entity_name | Other, irrelevant columns
1 | Microsoft |
2 | Google |
Table B - transaction_history
transaction_id | purchasing_entity | supplying_entity | other, irrelevant columns
1 | 2 | 1
Table C - transaction_details
transactional_id | amount_of_purchase | Other, irrelevant columns
1 | 5000000 |
Using INNER JOIN, I've been able to get a result where I can link entity_name to either purchasing_entity or supplying_entity. And then, in the results, rather than seeing the entity_id, I get the entity name. But I want to substitute the entity name for both purchasing and supplying entity.
My ideal results would look like this:
1 [transaction ID] | Microsoft | Google | 5000000
The closes I've come is:
1 [transaction ID] | Microsoft | 2 [Supplying Entity] | 5000000
To get there, I've done:
SELECT transaction_history.transaction_id,
FROM transaction.history
INNER JOIN entity_list
ON transaction_history.purchasing_entity=entity_list.entity.id
ON transaction_history.transaction_id=transaction_details.transaction_id
I can't get entity_name to feed to both purchasing_entity and supplying_entity.
Here is the query:
SELECT h.transaction_id, h.purchasing_entity, purchaser.entity_name, h.supplying_entity, supplier.entity_name, d.amount_of_purchase
FROM transaction_history h
INNER JOIN transaction_details d
ON h.transaction_id = d.transaction_id
INNER JOIN entity_list purchaser
ON h.purchasing_entity = purchaser.entity_id
INNER JOIN entity_list supplier
ON h.supplying_entity = supplier.entity_id

PostgreSQL Using COUNT to form statistical results

I have a few tables that make up a media catalog of live/studio music, where each media item has zero-many show dates, CDs and Vinyl associated to it. The query I have at the moment pulls out statistics that results in a tabular set of data for the all the media items available. I'm having trouble now extending the query to include finer grained statistics on each associated table.
media(id , title)
cd(media_fk, type)
gig(id, date)
media_gigs(gig_fk, media_fk)
Query I have thus far:
SELECT m.id, m.title, COUNT(DISTINCT c.id) as cds, COUNT(DISTINCT v.id) as vinyl, gig.id as gid, gig.date as gdate
FROM media m
LEFT JOIN cd c on m.id = c.media
LEFT JOIN vinyl v on m.id = v.media
LEFT JOIN media_gigs g on m.id = g.media
LEFT JOIN gig gig on g.gig = gig.id
GROUP BY m.id, gig.id;
Which produces:
id | title | cds | vinyl | gid | gdate
1 | title 1 | 5 | 1 | may-11-1989-kawasaki | 1989-05-11
1 | title 1 | 5 | 1 | may-13-1989-tokyo | 1989-05-13
2 | title 2 | 6 | 0 | apr-29-1998-nagoya | 1998-04-29
2 | title 2 | 6 | 0 | may-6-1998-tokyo | 1998-05-06
2 | title 2 | 6 | 0 | may-7-1998-tokyo | 1998-05-07
3 | title 3 | 6 | 2 | dec-1-1986-new-york-city | 1986-12-01
3 | title 3 | 6 | 2 | dec-5-1986-quebec-city | 1986-12-05
3 | title 3 | 6 | 2 | nov-19-1986-tokyo | 1986-11-19
3 | title 3 | 6 | 2 | nov-20-1986-tokyo | 1986-11-20
cd.type is an enum type of [silver,cdr,pro-cdr] that I'm wanting to add to the results. So, the the end goal is to have 3 additional columns that are a count of the type of cd associated to each media item. I've not found the correct syntax using COUNT or otherwise to aggregate the cd based on its type, so looking for a push in the right direction. I'm fairly new to SQL so what I have so far may be a bit naive.
Using PG 9.3.
You can use the CASE function to determine the cd type and do a SUM based on the result, as below:
COUNT(DISTINCT c.id) as cds,
COUNT(DISTINCT v.id) as vinyl,
gig.id as gid, gig.date as gdate,
SUM(case cd.type
when 'silver' then 1
else 0
end) silver,
SUM(case cd.type
when 'cdr' then 1
else 0
end) cdr,
SUM(case cd.type
when 'pro-cdr' then 1
else 0
end) pro_cdr
FROM media m
LEFT JOIN cd c on m.id = c.media
LEFT JOIN vinyl v on m.id = v.media
LEFT JOIN media_gigs g on m.id = g.media
LEFT JOIN gig gig on g.gig = gig.id
GROUP BY m.id, gig.id;
Conditional Expressions on PostgreSQL 9.3 Manual
Enumerated Types on PostgreSQL 9.3 Manual
As other poster has mentioned, you can do this with a SUM(CASE WHEN <cond1> THEN 1 ELSE 0) construction on the c.type column.
There are some other problems with your SQL I would like to mention:
Incorrect use of LEFT JOIN
You group on a value that might be NULL: gig.id. This is probably because of incorrect use of the LEFT JOIN. Only use left join if you want to keep rows in the result set that have no match in the joining table.
So on the CD table a left join is correct, because you also want to be able to show that there are 0 cd's. On the media_gigs and the gigs table you probably want an INNER JOIN, because there always has to be a match.
Edit: It's possible that I mistakenly thought this was incorrect. I assumed from the sample data that you don't want to display media for which there is no gig.
Non-grouping, non-aggregate columns
In your query you select columns that you don't group on, which are not aggregate functions (like SUM, COUNT). While some Db dialects may accept this, it is bad practice. For instance, take the following query:
SELECT x, y, SUM(z) FROM t
If y is not functionally dependant on x, that is, if there can be different values of y for one value of x, it is not clear which of these values should be displayed. Therefore your should always write it like this:
SELECT x, y, SUM(z) FROM t
GROUP BY x, y;

SQL many-to-many select help needed

I have 2 tables
|bidkey | customerkey
| 1 | 1
| 1 | 2
| 1 | 3
| groupkey | customerkey
| 1 | 1
| 1 | 2
| 1 | 3
What I'm trying to get is a result that will look like
| bidkey | groupkey
| 1 | 1
I've tried a cursor and joins but just don't seem to be able to get what i need any ideas or suggestions
EDIT: customers can belong to more that one group also
I am not sure who meaningful your sample data is. However following is a simple example.
select distinct b.bidkey, g.gkey
from bidcus b
inner join cusgroup g
b.cuskey = g.cuskey
and g.gkey = 10;
1 10
Reference: SQLFIDDLE
In order to have a working Many-to-Many relationship in a database you need to have an intermediary table that defines the relationship so you do not get duplicates or mismatched values.
This select statement will join all bids with all groups because the customer matches.
Select bidkey, groupkey
From customer_groups
Inner Join bid_customer
Where customer_groups.customerkey = Bid_customer.customerkey
Hers is a sample Many to Many Relationship:
For your question:
You will need another table that joins the data. For example, GroupBids
customer_groups and bid_customer would have a one-to-many relationship with GroupBids
You would then do the following select to get your data.
Select bidkey, groupkey
From bid_customer
inner join GroupBids
ON bid_customer.primarykey = GroupBids.idBidKey
inner join customer_groups
ON customer_groups.primarykey = GroupBids.idCustomerGroupkey
This would make sure only related groups and bids are returned