Are line item properties exposed in the Shopify Order API? - api

Is it possible to retrieve the custom properties (see here for all the order's line items within the Order API?
I need to create a custom report for all orders, but they rely on displaying these properties.

Line item properties are exposed by default through the Order API where they exist. Here's an example line-items XML snippet, notice the 'Monogram' property at the bottom:
<line-items type="array">
<id type="integer">223039148</id>
<requires-shipping type="boolean">true</requires-shipping>
<grams type="integer">0</grams>
<price type="decimal">9.99</price>
<quantity type="integer">1</quantity>
<title>All the Tests</title>
<product-id type="integer">90620559</product-id>
<variant-id type="integer">212221205</variant-id>
<variant-title nil="true"/>
<fulfillment-status nil="true"/>
<name>All the Tests</name>
<properties type="array">
Note that the properties array will be absent if it's empty, so make sure you cater for that in your code.


Sulu: how to query custom entity type?

I have defined custom entity type "matches" and it is back-end editable, everything works as expected.
Now I need a way to query content in that type. Can smart content field type do that? I expected that xml like this would do the trick:
<property name="matches" type="smart_content">
<!-- #see -->
<title lang="en">Matches</title>
<title lang="de">Streichhölzer</title>
<param name="provider" value="lists"/>
<param name="types" value="matchevents"/>
<param name="max_per_page" value="5"/>
<param name="page_parameter" value="m"/>
But that didn't help. Can it be done with "smart_content" field type? I yes - how? If no - what would be the best way to achieve that?
you have to create a custom DataProvider for your entity and then use your provider in the xml-definition.
So you have to create a repository which implements the DataProviderRepositoryInterface. This repository is used to query the entity.
Furthermore you also have to create the actual dataprovider service. This class should extend form the BaseDataProvider and finally you have to make the service definition with the tag sulu.smart_content.data_provider and an alias.
The alias is used in the xml-file e.g.
<property name="matches" type="smart_content">
<title lang="en">Matches</title>
<title lang="de">Streichhölzer</title>
<param name="provider" value="myCustomDataProviderAlias"/>
Check out the documentation for a step by step tutorial on how to create a custom data provider.

WSO2 esb access node from xml in property

i stored an XML document in a property:
<property expression="$body//*" name="InDoc"
scope="default" type="OM"/>
in a later step of the proxy a want to access the XML doucment.
<log level="custom">
<property name="InDoc" expression="get-property('InDoc')"/>
gives the whole XML document. But I would like to access only some parts of the XML e.g. only one value in a later step of the proxy. I already tried
<log level="custom">
<property name="InDoc" expression="get-property('InDoc')//AAA"/>
or this
<log level="custom">
<property name="InDoc" expression="$ctx:InDoc//AAA"/>
But both do not work. Is there another way?
Thanks in advance.
I think both way should work fine. The expression support XPath 1.0. You can run any XPath after the "get-property" in expression.
But you need check,
make sure you use the right XPath.
So you can log/copy the get-property('InDoc'), and then you can use any XPath tool to validate your XPath.
Namespace of the XPath in expression,
if your xml payload have namespace, make sure your XPath namespace is right, and declare right NS in property.
Through property mediator, you are not going to store XML file, you just retrieving content from it. As you have to retrieve part of it, you can give it through property mediator.
<property expression="$body//*" name="InDoc" scope="default" type="OM"/>
Through expression you should define it.
You can change this and get required parts of xml. If you need few parts, you can add several properties for each and retrieve value from it.

CAS LDAP Search Subtree

I'm using last version of Jasig CAS server (4.0.0) with an LDAP server.
Users are stored under this LDAP structure : ou=Users,ou=SSOTEST,dc=mycompany,dc=com
What I want is to search an user from a top level (example : ou=SSOTEST,dc=mycompany,dc=com).
CAS server has an LdapPersonAttributeDao bean which is looking for an object matching a search filter. Here is the code for this bean :
<bean id="ldapPersonAttributeDao"
<property name="resultAttributeMapping">
| Key is LDAP attribute name, value is principal attribute name.
<entry key="memberOf" value="userMemberOf" />
<entry key="cn" value="userCn" />
And now the searchControls bean which do a lookup at SUBTREE_SCOPE (2) level (according toSearchControls scope level values).
<bean id="searchControls"
p:countLimit="10" />
When I run my CAS server and I try to authenticate, everything works but there are no extra attributes returned.
I think the problem comes from searchScope, which don't seems to be set to wanted value.
Here is output log from the server :
<execute request=[org.ldaptive.SearchRequest#-1312441815::baseDn=ou=SSOTEST,dc=mycompany,dc=com, searchFilter=[org.ldaptive.SearchFilter#-3391
91059::filter=uid={0}, parameters={0=myuser}], returnAttributes=[], searchScope=null, timeLimit=0, sizeLimit=10 [...]
I know its been some time since this question was asked. But I managed to fix this problem by adding:
<bean class="org.springframework.context.annotation.CommonAnnotationBeanPostProcessor" />
to deployerConfigContext.xml.
The cause of this issue was that the initalize method in LdapPersonAttributeDao was not being invoked because the #PostConstruct annotation wasn't being executed. For this reason the searchScope variable was never set.

How do I use structural annotations to set SQL type to Date in model first approach

Is it possible to set type to just date (NOT datetime) via entity framework designer?
I had a look around and the only answer that I've found is a post from MSDN forum from a year ago...
I'm very new here and I don't really understand the instructions where they talk about structural annotations...
I can go through the generated SQL script and change each line but I rather not do that...
Structural annotation - nice. It is the first time I heard about this feature but it works. I just tried it. I will try to explain it little bit.
Structural annotations are just random xml added to EDMX file. EDMX file is in fact just XML wich has 4 parts - CSDL, MSL, SSDL and part related to positioning elements in the designer.
CSDL describes entities and associations among entities (defined in the designer)
SSDL describes tables and relations
MSL describes mapping between CSDL and SSDL
If you start with model first (you want to generate database from your model), you have only CSDL part and both SSDL and MSL will be generated by some automatic process (T4 templates executed in workflow) once SSDL is created another T4 template will generate SQL script for database creation.
Structural annotation described in linked MSDN forum's thread is a hint. You will place structural annotation into CSDL part of the EDMX (you must open EDMX as XML - click on the file in solution explorer and choose Open with). My test CSDL describes single User entity with three properties (entity is visible on screenshot later in the answer):
<!-- CSDL content -->
<Schema xmlns=""
Namespace="Model" Alias="Self" >
<EntityContainer Name="ModelContainer" annotation:LazyLoadingEnabled="true">
<EntitySet Name="UsersSet" EntityType="Model.User" />
<EntityType Name="User">
<PropertyRef Name="Id" />
<Property Type="Int32" Name="Id" Nullable="false" annotation:StoreGeneratedPattern="Identity" />
<Property Type="String" Name="Login" Nullable="false" />
<Property Type="DateTime" Name="CreatedAt" Nullable="false">
<custom:SqlType edmx:CopyToSSDL="true">Date</custom:SqlType>
I have added custom namespace definition in Schema element: xmlns:custom="" and defined custom structural annotation for CreatedAt property:
<Property Type="DateTime" Name="CreatedAt" Nullable="false">
<custom:SqlType edmx:CopyToSSDL="true">Date</custom:SqlType>
The name of the namespace or element used for structural annotation are not important - it is absolutely up to you what names do you use. The only important thing is edmx:CopyToSSDL="true" attribute. This attribute is recognized by T4 template used for SSDL creation and it just takes this element and places it to SSDL. Generated SSDL looks like:
<Schema Namespace="Model.Store" Alias="Self"
Provider="System.Data.SqlClient" ProviderManifestToken="2008"
<EntityContainer Name="ModelStoreContainer">
<EntitySet Name="UsersSet" EntityType="Model.Store.UsersSet" store:Type="Tables" Schema="dbo" />
<EntityType Name="UsersSet">
<PropertyRef Name="Id" />
<Property Name="Id" Type="int" StoreGeneratedPattern="Identity" Nullable="false" />
<Property Name="Login" Type="nvarchar(max)" Nullable="false" />
<Property Name="CreatedAt" Type="datetime" Nullable="false">
<custom:SqlType xmlns:custom="">Date</custom:SqlType>
The only point was moving the structural annotation to SSDL. All annotations are accessible in metadata through some name value collection. Now you need to modify T4 template responsible for SQL script generation to recognize this annotation and use the value defined in the annotation instead of type defined in the property. You can find the template in:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE\Extensions\Microsoft\Entity Framework Tools\DBGen\
Copy template file to new location (so that you don't modify the original one) and replace default table creation with this:
-- Creating table '<#=tableName#>'
CREATE TABLE <# if (!IsSQLCE) {#>[<#=schemaName#>].<#}#>[<#=tableName#>] (
for (int p = 0; p < entitySet.ElementType.Properties.Count; p++)
EdmProperty prop = entitySet.ElementType.Properties[p];
[<#=Id(prop.Name)#>] <#
if (prop.MetadataProperties.Contains(""))
MetadataProperty annotationProperty = prop.MetadataProperties[""];
XElement e = XElement.Parse(annotationProperty.Value.ToString());
string value = e.Value.Trim();
<#=value#> <# } else { #> <#=prop.ToStoreType()#> <# } #> <#=WriteIdentity(prop, targetVersion)#> <#=WriteNullable(prop.Nullable)#><#=(p < entitySet.ElementType.Properties.Count - 1) ? "," : ""#>
Now the last point is changing the template used for SQL script generation. Open EDMX file in the designer and go to model's properties (just click somewhere in the designer while you have properties window opened). Change DDL Generation Template to the template you modified.
Run Generate Database from Model and it will create SQL script containing:
-- Creating table 'UsersSet'
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[UsersSet] (
[Id] int IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[Login] nvarchar(max) NOT NULL,
[CreatedAt] Date NOT NULL
This is probably the most advanced and hidden feature of EDMX I have seen yet. Annotations together with custom T4 templates can get you a lot of control over both class and SQL generation. I can imagine using this to define for example database indexes or unique keys when using model first or add selectively some custom attributes to generated POCO classes.
The reason why this is so hidden is that there is no tooling support in VS out-of-the box to use this.
From NuGet look for TiraggoEdmx, it serves up all the low level information from your EDMX files in a very nice way. See

Change nhibernate config with nant xmlpoke

How can I change the connection string from nhibernate.config file using nant
the problem is that all examples are about changing attribute value, but nhibernate has inner text
<hibernate-configuration xmlns="urn:nhibernate-configuration-2.2">
<property name="connection.connection_string">Data Source.\server;Database=UnitTestDb;UID=user;pwd=pass;</property>
<property name="dialect">NHibernate.Dialect.MsSql2008Dialect</property>
<property name="connection.provider">NHibernate.Connection.DriverConnectionProvider</property>
<property name="connection.driver_class">NHibernate.Driver.SqlClientDriver</property>
<property name="show_sql">true</property>
<property name="connection.release_mode">auto</property>
<property name="adonet.batch_size">500</property>
I need to change property connection.connection_string
<xmlpoke file="${nhibernate.file}"
this does not work in this case.
The sample xpath you're using refers to elements named add with attributes called key. In your case you are looking for property elements with attributes called name.
Next, since you want to change the inner text and not the #value attribute on the property element you should remove the trailing attribute reference.
And finally, since the NHibernate xml has a specific namespace you will have to inform xmlpoke to use the correct namespace.
So the task should look like this:
<xmlpoke file="${nhibernate.file}"
<namespace prefix="nhc" uri="urn:nhibernate-configuration-2.2" />
Note: I've not tested this out, but general xml/xpath rules are in work here so I hope it works. Also, it could be that there is a way to indicate to xmlpoke that the specified namespace should be the default and thus eliminate the need to namespace prefix all the various parts in the xpath.
Good luck!