Is it bad practice to return a mutable object when the return value is an immutable object? - objective-c

If I have this method:
+ (NSDictionary *)dictionaryFromQueryString:(NSString *)queryString
NSMutableDictionary *this = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
NSArray *fields = [queryString componentsSeparatedByString:#"&"];
for(NSString *field in fields)
NSArray *fieldParts = [field componentsSeparatedByString:#"="];
NSString *value = #"";
if(fieldParts.count > 1)
value = [[fieldParts subarrayWithRange:NSMakeRange(1, fieldParts.count - 1)] componentsJoinedByString:#"="];
[this setObject:unescape(value) forKey:unescape(fieldParts[0])];
return this;
Is it then bad practice that I return a NSMutableDictionary instead of a NSDictionary?
Should I convert it to a NSDictionary with return [this copy];?

It depends.
Sergio's answer is correct, save for one very important issue:
What happens when your object that contains the mutable dictionary mutates the dictionary after another object retrieves it? Unless that other object is written specifically to support the potential that the dictionary might mutate, the other object is now going to be in an inconsistent state.
Given that copy is fast for a dictionary as it is a shallow immutable copy, you are generally far better off always returning a copy than returning a reference to the mutable version. If you find that your code is pounding on the method that makes a copy, then cache an immutable copy in your object and vend that, invalidating it whenever the mutable backing store changes.

I don't think it is bad practice. The net effect of doing this is that the receiver of your NSDictionary will not try to modify the object (although the object is mutable). This is perfectly safe and it makes sense since your consumer method is kept more general (it can work both with mutable and non mutable objects).

Returning an immutable object this way isn't really bad practice, because NSMutableDictionary is a subclass of NSDictionary. This is polymorphism, so it's 'all good.'
But I would probably return an autoreleased copy like this anyway:
return [NSDictionary dictionaryWithDictionary:this];


Is a NSMutableDictionary in a NSDictionary still mutable?

The question is as simple as the title:
Is a NSMutableDictionary in a NSDictionary still mutable? Is the mdict mutable below?
NSMutableDictionary *mdict = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
NSDictionary *dict = [[NSDictionary alloc] initWithObjectsAndKeys:mdict, #"key", nil];
And, is a NSDictionary in a NSMutableDictionary still immutable?
Further, what if it's array/set instead of dictionary?
Absolutely! Mutability of an object does not change when you place it into a container.
When you place a mutable dictionary into another collection, mutable or immutable, that collection adds a reference to the mutable dictionary object, but it does not change it in any other way. Same goes for placing immutable objects into collections: collections reference these objects without changing their nature.
This remains true while your object is in memory. If you serialize it and then deserialize it back, the process of deserialization may remove mutability. For example, if you save NSMutableDictionary into NSUserDefaults and then read it back, you would get back an immutable dictionary.
Yes. Objects generally don't know when they're placed into a collection, so they can't change their behavior based on that. NSDictionary does copy its keys (precisely so you can change the original object without affecting the dictionary), but it just stores a normal reference to the value.
As long as you access your variables like so
NSMutableDictionary * tempDict = [mdict objectForKey: #"Key"];
NSMutableDictionary * tempDict2 = [arrayVar objectAtIndex: index];
The temp variables retain all the functionality as before

Obj-C: using mutable and returning non mutable classes in methods

In objective-C I find myself creating alot of Mutable objects and then returning them as non mutable objects. Is the way I am doing it here, simply returning the NSMutableSet as an NSSet a good practice? I was thinking maybe I should specify that i make a copy of it.
/** Returns all the names of the variables used in a given
* program. If non are used it returns nil */
+ (NSSet *)variablesUsedInProgram:(id)program
NSMutableSet* variablesUsed = [[NSMutableSet alloc]init];
if ([program isKindOfClass:[NSArray class]]) {
for (NSString *str in program)
if ([str isEqual:#"x"] || [str isEqual:#"y"] || [str isEqual:#"a"] || [str isEqual:#"b"])
[variablesUsed addObject:str];
if ([variablesUsed count] > 0) {
return variablesUsed;
} else {
return nil;
If I were you, I would do it this way.
+ (NSSet *)variablesUsedInProgram:(id)program
NSSet *variablesUsed;
if ([program isKindOfClass:[NSArray class]]) {
NSPredicate *predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:#"SELF = 'x' or SELF = 'y' or SELF = 'z'"];
variablesUsed = [NSSet setWithArray:[program filteredArrayUsingPredicate:predicate]];
int count;
return (count = [variablesUsed count]) > 0 ? variablesUsed : nil;
I find using predicate to filter array quite comprehensive and easy. Rather than dealing with creating a new mutable type and then testing certain condition, adding until the loop; in this scenario, it seems to be easier to use predicate. Hope this helps you.
It depends how much safety you require. If you return the object as an NSSet it will still be an NSMutableSet, so it could easily be cast back to one and modified.
Certainly, if you're creating a public API, I'd recommend returning a copy. For in internal project, perhaps the method signature already makes the intention clear enough.
Its, worth noting that, generally the performance impact of returning a copy is negligible - copying an immutable instance is effectively free whereas each copy sent to a mutable-passing-as-immutable will create another copy. So I would say its good practice to default to.
No. This is an absolutely correct OOP approach (it takes advantage of polymorphism). Every NSMutableSet is a proper NSSet. Don't copy superfluously.
Not a full answer here, consider NSProxy's one, but I want to clarify something.
In your case you create your object from scratch, and you don't set any ivar to point to that object. In my opinion in a good percentage of cases you don't need to make a copy of the mutable object returned. But if there is a good reason to deny the class client from mutating the class, then you should copy the variable.
Consider a property like this:
#property (nonatomic,assign) NSSet* set;
The class client could do this:
NSMutableSet* set= ... ; // inizialized to some value
classInstance.set= set;
// Mutate the set
Once mutated the set it could make the class be in an inconsistent state.
That's why when I have a property with the type of a class that has also a mutable version, I always put copy instead of assign in the property.

'-[__NSCFDictionary setObject:forKey:]: mutating method sent to immutable object'

- (NSMutableDictionary *)updateTemplates:(NSMutableDictionary *)oldTemplates
forSpecType:(NSString *)specType {
// oldTemplates is an NSMutableDictionary pulled from a plist
// specType is used for flexible paths, to eliminate duplicate code
// Make a dict of the parameters object (about to be overwritten)
NSMutableDictionary *parameters = [oldTemplates valueForKeyPath:
[NSString stringWithFormat:#"root.%#.parameters", specType]];
// Dump the new data into the matching object
[oldTemplates setValue:[updateTemplates valueForKeyPath:
[NSString stringWithFormat:#"data.%#", specType]]
forKeyPath:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"root.%#", specType]];
// Put the parameters back, since they don't exist anymore
/* Instant crash, with the debugger claiming something is immutable
* But I just used the exact same method on the line above
* updateTemplates isn't immutable either; it's only when I try to mutate
oldTemplates after putting in updateTemplates -- and only the update
seems to be breaking things -- that I get the exception and crash
[oldTemplates setValue:parameters forKeyPath:
[NSString stringWithFormat:#"root.%#.parameters", specType]];
return oldTemplates;
I could set up a loop to write one object of updateTemplates.specType at a time so only those parts get replaced and then I don't have to do anything with the parameters, but if it's immutable now, it will be when I try to write to it again. That won't do me any good.
If I remember correctly, dictionaries created from plists or NSUserDefaults are immutable by default. You'll have to create a mutable copy manually:
NSMutableDictionary *parameters = [[oldTemplates valueForKeyPath:
[NSString stringWithFormat:#"root.%#.parameters", specType]] mutableCopy];
mutableCopy makes a shallow mutable copy, not a deep mutable copy. If you have an NSDictionary containing key/value pairs where the values are NSDictionary instances, mutableCopy will return a mutable dictionary containing those NSDictionary immutable instances as values.
You either need to do a deep copy or use the plist serialization functionality to decode the plist with the mutable collections option enabled. Or you could compose a new collection derived from the old.
You can simply do:
NSMutableDictionary* oldTemplates = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithDictionary:[oldTemplates valueForKeyPath:
[NSString stringWithFormat:#"root.%#.parameters", specType]]];
This will create a mutable copy from an existing NSDictionary

Objective-C method returns NSDictionary instead of NSMutableDictionary. Why?

I am using the included method to return a pointer to a NSMutableDictionary, that is contained in an NSArray. However, the NSMutableArray (theOne) is being created as a non-mutuable NSDictionary. This is a problem because I want to modify the dictionary after retrieving it with this method.
- (NSMutableDictionary*)getMatFromBoutKey:(NSString*) boutKey
* Returns the mat object with the provided boutKey.
* Returns nil if no mat has that boutKey.
NSUInteger idx = [[event objectForKey:#"mats"] indexOfObjectPassingTest:
^ BOOL (NSMutableDictionary* obj, NSUInteger idx, BOOL *stop)
return [[obj objectForKey:#"boutKey"] isEqualToString:boutKey];
if (idx == NSNotFound)
return nil;
else {
NSMutableDictionary* theOne = [[event objectForKey:#"mats"] objectAtIndex: idx];
return theOne;
Here's an image of the debugger stopped on a breakpoint right after the theOne is first referenced.
Why isn't theOne mutable? How can I return a pointer to the NSMutableDictionary so that I can modify it after I get the value returned to me?
I'm going to assume that you have a dictionary of arrays. Then that array contains a bunch of regular dictionaries. So when you pull it out of the array it is still a regular dictionary regardless of what you assign it to.
For instance, take the following code for example
NSDictionary *dict = [[NSDictionary alloc] init];
NSMutableDictionary *mutDict = dict;
mutDict will contain a regular dictionary because it has not properly been casted to a mutable dictionary.
either make sure when you create the array that is at [event objectForKey:#"mats"] that you put NSMutable dictionaries inside of it OR
NSMutableDictionary* theOne = [[[event objectForKey:#"mats"] objectAtIndex: idx] mutableCopy];
When taking the data out
In general, I think it's better practice to work with immutable objects when mutability isn't strictly necessary. Mutable objects use more memory, and of course have the potential of being accidentally changed. Maybe in the block are being changed to the enumerator(I'm not sure, but it is possible. For faster indexing). If you want to change a mutable object is via mutableCopy. or using a other method.
Is it inserted as mutable elsewhere in the code? If so it should return as mutable, if not you can send it the mutableCopy message to get a mutable copy (that has a reference count of 1, so be sure to release it when necessary).

How careful are you with your return types in Objective-C?

Say you have a method that returns a newly generated NSArray instance that is built internally with an NSMutableArray. Do you always do something like this:
- (NSArray *)someArray {
NSMutableArray *mutableArray = [[NSMutableArray new] autorelease];
// do stuff...
return [NSArray arrayWithArray:mutableArray]; // .. or [[mutableArray copy] autorelease]
Or do you just leave the mutable array object as-is and return it directly because NSMutableArray is a subclass of NSArray:
- (NSArray *)someArray {
NSMutableArray *mutableArray = [[NSMutableArray new] autorelease];
// do stuff...
return mutableArray;
Personally, I often turn a mutable array into an NSArray when I return from methods like this just because I feel like it's "safer" or more "correct" somehow. Although to be honest, I've never had a problem returning a mutable array that was cast to an NSArray, so it's probably a non-issue in reality - but is there a best practice for situations like this?
I used to do the return [NSArray arrayWithArray:someMutableArray], but I was slowly convinced that it doesn't offer any real benefit. If a caller of your API is treating a returned object as a subclass of the declared class, they're doing it wrong.
[NB: See bbum's caveat below.]
It's very common to return an NSMutableArray cast as an NSArray. I think most programmers would realize that if they downcast an immutable object and mutate it, then they're going to introduce nasty bugs.
Also, if you have an NSMutableArray ivar someMutableArray, and you return [NSArray arrayWithArray:someMutableArray] in a KVC accessor method, it can mess up KVO. You'll start getting "object was deallocated with observers still attached" errors.
NSArray is in fact a class cluster, not a type, anyway. So anywhere you see an NSArray, chances are it's already one of several different types anyway. Therefore the 'convert to NSArray' is somewhat misleading; an NSMutableArray already conforms to the NSArray interface and that's what most will deal with.
CocoaObjects fundamentals
In any case, given that you're returning an array (and not keeping it afterwards, thanks to the autorelease) you probably don't need to worry whether the array is mutable or not.
However, if you were keeping the array, then you might want to do this, to prevent the clients from changing the contents.