Which parameter is used for authentication in LDAP - ldap

In case of LDAP authenticaion, what are the parameters that are generally used for authentication. I guess using DN would be a headache for users logging in via ldap because it is too large to remember.
How is the option of using uid or sAMAccountName for authentication where in my implementation, I retrieve the dn of the corresponding uid or sAMAccountName and proceed to authentication.
Am I going the right track?

In LDAP, a connection or session can be authenticated. When an LDAP client makes a new connection to an LDAP directory server, the connection has an authorization state of anonymous. The LDAP client can request that the authorization state be changed by using the BIND request.
A BIND request has two forms: simple and SASL. Simple uses a distinguished name and a password, SASL uses one of a choice of mechanisms, for example, PLAIN, LOGIN, CRAM-MD5, DIGEST-MD5, GSSAPI, and EXTERNAL - all of which except for GSSAPI and EXTERNAL are too weak to use in production scenarios or mission-critical areas.
To Use the simple BIND, construct a BIND request and transmit it to the LDAP directory server. The LDAP directory server will respond with a BIND response in which is contained a result code. The result code is an integer, anything other zero indicates that the BIND request failed. If the result code is zero, the BIND request succeeded and the session authorization state has been changed to that of the distinguished name used in the BIND request.
Each subsequent BIND request on the same connection/session causes the authorization state to be set to anonymous and each successive successful BIND request on the same connection/session causes the authorization state to be set to the authorization state associated with the authentication ID, which is the distinguished name in the case of the simple BIND, but might be something else entirely where SASL is used - modern professional quality servers can map the incoming names to different DNs.
Whichever language is used, construct a BIND request, transmit it to the server, and interpret the response.
If the distinguished name is not known, or is too cumbersome (often the case with web application users who don't know how they are authenticated and would not care if they did know), the LDAP application should search the directory for the user. A successful search response always contains the distinguished name, which is then used in a simple BIND.
The search contains at a minimum, the following:
base object: a distinguished name superior to the user, for example, dc=example,dc=com
a scope: base level, one level below base, or subtree below base. For example, if users are located subordinate to ou=people,dc=example,dc=com, use base object ou=people,dc=example,dc=com and a scope of one-level. These search parameters find entries like: uid=user1,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com
a filter: narrows down the possible search results returned to the client, for example (objectClass=inetOrgPerson)
a list of requested attributes: the attributes from an entry to return to the client. In this case, use 1.1, which means no attributes and returns on the DN (distinguished name), which is all that is required for the simple BIND.
see also
the links in the about section here

LDAP servers only understand LDAP queries; they don't have "usernames" like you and I are used to.
For LDAP, to authenticate someone, you need to send a distinguished name of that person's (or entity's) entry in LDAP; along with their password.
Since you mentioned sAMAccountName I am assuming you are working with Active Directory. Active Directory allows anonymous binds - this means you can connect to it without providing any credentials; but cannot do any lookups without providing credentials.
If you are using python-ldap and Cython (and not IronPython which has access to the various .NET APIs that make this process very easy); then you follow these steps.
Typically you use a pre-set user that has appropriate rights to the tree, and connect to the directory with that user first, and then use that user's access for the rest of the authentication process; which generally goes like this:
Connect to AD with the pre-set user.
Query active directory with the pre-set user's credentials and search for the distinguished name based on the sAMAccountName that the user will enter as their "username" in your form.
Attempt to connect again to Active Directory using the distinguished name from step 2, and the password that the user entered in their form.
If this connection is successful, then the user is authenticated.
So you need two main things:
The login attribute (this is the "username" that LDAP understands)
A LDAP query that fetches information for your users
Following is some rough code that can do this for you:
AD_USER = 'your super user'
AD_PASSWORD = 'your super user password'
AD_BIND_ATTR = 'userPrincipalName' # this is the "login" for AD
AD_URL = "ldap://your-ad-server"
AD_LOGIN_ATTR = 'sAMAccountName' # this is what you user will enter in the form
# as their "login" name,
# this is what they use to login to Windows
# A listing of attributes you want to fetch for the user
def _getbinduser(user):
""" This method returns the bind user string for the user"""
user_dn = AD_DN
login_attr = '(%s=%s)' % (AD_LOGIN_ATTR,user)
attr_search = AD_ATTR_SEARCH
conn = ldap.initialize(AD_URL)
exceptionType, exceptionValue, exceptionTraceback = sys.exc_info()
# Exit the script and print an error telling what happened.
sys.exit("LDAP Error (Bind Super User)\n ->%s" % exceptionValue)
result = conn.search_s(user_dn,
login_attr, attr_search)
exceptionType, exceptionValue, exceptionTraceback = sys.exc_info()
# Exit the script and print an error telling what happened.
sys.exit("LDAP Error (Search)\n ->%s" % exceptionValue)
# Return the user's entry from AD, which includes
# their 'distinguished name'
# we use this to authenticate the credentials the
# user has entered in the form
return result[0][1]
def authenticate(user,password):
bind_attr = AD_BIND_ATTR
user_dn = AD_DN
login_attr = '(%s=%s)' % (AD_LOGIN_ATTR,user)
data = _getbinduser(user)
if len(data) == 1:
return None
# Information we want to return from the directory
# for each user, season to taste.
info = {}
info['name'] = data['cn'][0]
info['email'] = data['mail'][0]
info['phone'] = data['telephoneNumber'][0]
except KeyError:
info['phone'] = 'Not Available'
conn = ldap.initialize(Config.AD_URL)
# Now we have the "bind attribute" (LDAP username) for our user
# we try and connect to see if LDAP will authenticate
return info
return None

One small expansion on Terry's excellent comment. If you store all your users in the same part of the DIT, and use the same attribute to identify them, you can programmatically construct the DN, rather than searching for it.


I'm using alfresco 4.2.c and i'm wondering about LDAP-AD configuration

I'm using alfresco 4.2.c and i'm wondering about LDAP-AD configuration ,
Is it possible to copy the configuration file "ldap-ad-authentication.properties" in the global properties file "alfresco-global.properties" without additional parameters ?
This LDAP-AD conf work perfectly with alfresco community 5.2.0
synchronization.import.cron=0 0 18 * * ?
# This flag enables use of this LDAP subsystem for authentication. It may be
# that this subsytem should only be used for synchronization, in which case
# this flag should be set to false.
# This properties file brings together the common options for LDAP authentication rather than editing the bean definitions
# How to map the user id entered by the user to taht passed through to LDAP
# In Active Directory, this can either be the user principal name (UPN) or DN.
# UPNs are in the form <sAMAccountName>#domain and are held in the userPrincipalName attribute of a user
# The LDAP context factory to use
# The URL to connect to the LDAP server
# The authentication mechanism to use for password validation
# Escape commas entered by the user at bind time
# Useful when using simple authentication and the CN is part of the DN and contains commas
# Escape commas entered by the user when setting the authenticated user
# Useful when using simple authentication and the CN is part of the DN and contains commas, and the escaped \, is
# pulled in as part of an LDAP sync
# If this option is set to true it will break the default home folder provider as space names can not contain \
# Comma separated list of user names who should be considered administrators by default
# This flag enables use of this LDAP subsystem for user and group
# synchronization. It may be that this subsytem should only be used for
# authentication, in which case this flag should be set to false.
# The authentication mechanism to use for synchronization * :) *
# The default principal to bind with (only used for LDAP sync). This should be a UPN or DN * :( *
# The password for the default principal (only used for LDAP sync) * :) *
# If positive, this property indicates that RFC 2696 paged results should be
# used to split query results into batches of the specified size. This
# overcomes any size limits imposed by the LDAP server. * :( *
# If positive, this property indicates that range retrieval should be used to fetch
# multi-valued attributes (such as member) in batches of the specified size.
# Overcomes any size limits imposed by Active Directory. * :( *
# The query to select all objects that represent the groups to import.
# The query to select objects that represent the groups to import that have changed since a certain time.
# The query to select all objects that represent the users to import.
# The query to select objects that represent the users to import that have changed since a certain time.
# The group search base restricts the LDAP group query to a sub section of tree on the LDAP server.
# The user search base restricts the LDAP user query to a sub section of tree on the LDAP server.
# The name of the operational attribute recording the last update time for a group or user.
# The timestamp format. Unfortunately, this varies between directory servers. * :( *
# The attribute name on people objects found in LDAP to use as the uid in Alfresco
# The attribute on person objects in LDAP to map to the first name property in Alfresco
# The attribute on person objects in LDAP to map to the last name property in Alfresco
# The attribute on person objects in LDAP to map to the email property in Alfresco
# The attribute on person objects in LDAP to map to the organizational id property in Alfresco
# The default home folder provider to use for people created via LDAP import
# The attribute on LDAP group objects to map to the authority name property in Alfresco
# The attribute on LDAP group objects to map to the authority display name property in Alfresco
# The group type in LDAP
# The person type in LDAP
# The attribute in LDAP on group objects that defines the DN for its members
# If true progress estimation is enabled. When enabled, the user query has to be run twice in order to count entries.
# Requests timeout, in miliseconds, use 0 for none (default)

LDAP simple bind parameters

I am trying to use ldap for a flask application .
The app.config['LDAP_PROVIDER_URL'] = 'ldaps://appauth.corp.domain.com:636'
(I have replaced the domain for the original name here)
In another script in need the following ldap details
'cn=%s,ou=Users,dc=corp,dc=domain,dc=com' % username,
How do I find the OU,or can i ignore OU and drop it from above. Please let me know if other parameters are correct. I don't know LDAP
The general idea is that you bind as an application account with search privileges to locate the user account, e.g. by his email address, displayName, etc., and then use that DN to rebind using the password he supplied.

Gerrit + LDAP = LDAP authentication unavailable Tuleap

I have been trying to setup gerrit to work with LDAP authentication. I read documentation numerous time some link do not work to the examples documentation pulled from tuleap on subject comes up with different solutions and explanations I have found three different configurations for ldap.inc from tuleap this is very confusing lacking explanation too.
So i am stuck with this problem. I have spent hours reading and trying to sort this out. Can someone tell me what am I doing wrong? here is my
// LDAP server(s) to query for more information on Tuleap users and
// for authentication.
// You may use a comma-separated list if there are several servers available
// (leave blank to disable LDAP lookup).
// To specify secure LDAP servers, use 'ldaps://servername'
$sys_ldap_server = 'techhub.lt';
// To enable LDAP information on Tuleap users, also define the DN
// (distinguised name) to use in LDAP queries.
// The ldap filter is the filter to use to query the LDAP directory
// (%name% are substituted with the value from the user table)
$sys_ldap_dn = 'dc=techhub,dc=lt';
// For LDAP systems that do not accept anonymous binding, define here
// a valid DN and password:
$sys_ldap_bind_dn = "cn=admin,dc=techhub,dc=lt";
$sys_ldap_bind_passwd = "pass";
// LDAP authentication:
// Tuleap only supports authentication with a attempt to bind with LDAP server
// with a DN and a password.
// As the DN is usually long (eduid=1234,ou=people,dc=tuleap,dc=com) people
// usually authenticate themself with a login. So we need to first look
// for the DN that correspond to the given login and once found attempt to bind
// with the given password.
// In order to autenticate successfully users you need to properly
// User login (authentication 1st step)
$sys_ldap_uid = 'uid';
// User unique identifier. It's probably not the uid (or login) because it
// may change. This is a value that never change whatever happens to the
// user (even after deletion). It correspond to ldap_id field in user table
// in database.
// (authentication 2st step)
$sys_ldap_eduid = 'eduid';
// User common name
$sys_ldap_cn = 'cn';
// User email address
$sys_ldap_mail = 'mail';
// Specific DN to look for people
// You may use more than one DN separated by ; if you want to use several branches.
// Example : 'ou=People, dc=st, dc=com ; ou=Extranet, dc=st, dc=com'
$sys_ldap_people_dn = 'ou=people,dc=techhub,dc=lt';
// Filter used to look for user. It should cover a wide selection of
// fields because it's aim to find a user whatever it's given (email, name,
// login, etc).
// By default tooltip search is using ($sys_ldap_cn=%words%*) search filter (Hardcoded)
// You can change for a more sophisticated search
// $sys_ldap_tooltip_search_user='(&(|(sn=%words%*)(givenName=%words%*)(uid=%words%*))(!(givenName=BoiteVocale))(uid=*))';
// By default tooltip search attrs are $sys_ldap_cn and $sys_ldap_uid (Hardcoded)
// You can choose the attributes the search will retrieve
// $sys_ldap_tooltip_search_attrs='uid;sn;givenName';
// On account creation, what it the default user status (A, R, ...)
$sys_ldap_default_user_status = 'A';
// Enable LDAP based authentication for SVN by default for new projects
$sys_ldap_svn_auth = 1;
// Enable LDAP daily synchronization
$sys_ldap_daily_sync = 1;
// Enable usage of LDAP for people management. For instance autocompletion on
// user list, automatic creation of users not already referenced in the forge.
$sys_ldap_user_management = 1;
// Enable ldap group management.
// This allows to mirror a LDAP group defined in LDAP directory within the forge
// Doesn't work yet with only works with OpenLDAP compatible directories yet.
$sys_ldap_grp_enabled = 1;
// Specific DN where the user groups are
$sys_ldap_grp_dn = 'ou=groups,dc=techhub,dc=lt';
// Field that reprsent group name
$sys_ldap_grp_cn = 'cn';
// Field that indicate the membership of a user in a group
$sys_ldap_grp_member = 'uniquemember';
AND gerrit.conf
basePath = git
canonicalWebUrl = http://techhub.lt:2401/
type = H2
database = db/ReviewDB
smtpServer = localhost
user = root
javaHome = /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.7.0-openjdk-
listenAddress = *:29418
listenUrl = http://*:2401/
directory = cache
type = LDAP
server = ldap://techhub.lt
accountBase = ou=people,dc=cro,dc=techhub,dc=lt
groupBase = ou=group,dc=cro,dc=techhub,dc=lt
accountFullName = cn
That's 2 different problems.
Do you manage to authenticate with LDAP accounts on gerrit ?
If yes, I think the problem comes from "$sys_ldap_eduid = 'eduid';" parameter in tuleap ldap config. This attribute should be the unique identifier of one's account in ldap (either you have such an attribute of you can use 'uid' as a fallback.

pingfederate as a adfs claim provider

I'm trying to setup PingFederate as a claim provider in ADFS with the intention that I federate from a PF realm through ADFS to an ADFS RP. I want ADFS to add attributes from Active Directory to the assertion before sending it to the RP. PingFederate is only sending the user's Windows login ID. On the Claim Provider side I'm passing through Name ID. Just for testing, I have tried adding an attribute like this:
c:[Type == "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/05/identity/claims/nameidentifier"]
=> add(Type = "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/05/identity/claims/emailaddress", Value = "myemail#test.com");
I added this on the CP side both above and then below my pass through rule and nothing was added to my assertion. I also tried this on the RP side with no luck.
I guess my question is whether this is possible in ADFS. Ultimately I would like PingFed to send the user's login ID as the name ID, have ADFS lookup the user in Active Directory and add the email address as a claim then send the assertion to the RP. As for adding the attribute from Active Directory, I found this post technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff678048.aspx. Problem is I can't even add a manual value.
For a manual value, use something like:
=> issue(type = "http://contoso.com/partner", value = "Adatum");
For the query, use something like:
Use the normal LDAP rule to produce a loginID claim and then
c:[Type == "http://company.com/claims/loginID", Issuer == "AD AUTHORITY"]
=> issue(store = "Active Directory", types = ("http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/05/identity/claims/emailaddress"), query = ";email;{0}", param = c.Value);
I figured this out. My first use case is to ensure that the AD account exists.
Essentially what is required are 3 claim rules on the CP side:
1 - perform the lookup based on the name ID. I created a custom rule to
c:[Type == "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/05/identity/claims/nameidentifier"]
=> add(store = "Active Directory", types = ("http://schemas.microsoft.com/ws/2008/06/identity/claims/primarysid"), query = "sAMAccountName={0};objectSID;{1}", param = c.Value, param = "MYDOMAI\" + c.Value);
The parameters required in for the query are:
LDAP query to locate the user
Attribute(s) to extract
User's login ID in the format DOMAIN\userid
2 - a claim rule to simply pass the name ID through
3 - a claim rule to simply pass the SID through
On the RP side, I have 2 claim rules to pass the name ID and the SID through. Then I have an Issuance Authorization Rule to ensure that the SID is present as a claim. This is a custom rules with the following:
EXISTS([Type == "http://schemas.microsoft.com/ws/2008/06/identity/claims/primarysid"])
=> issue(Type = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/authorization/claims/permit", Value = "PermitUsersWithClaim");
Seems convoluted but this is what I have. My second use case is to ensure the account is enabled, but I'm not sure if this is possible because the disabled attribute is stored as a bit in the userAccountControl attribute.

Freeradius users operators

I faced with one issue, which I can't understand in Freeradius users file.
My goal is just authenticate external user "shad" with password "test".
I added line in /etc/raddb/users the following line:
shad Cleartext-Password == "test"
Result was Reject. If I change "==" operator to ":=" Authentication is successful.
So my question is the following:
Why I can't use "==" operator while FreeRadius documentation tells:
"Attribute == Value
As a check item, it matches if the named attribute is present in the request, AND has the given value."
And one more question.
In some resourses I faced with such lines:
shad Auth-Type := Local, User-Password == "test"
I tried and it doesn't work. Responce is Reject with log:
[pap] WARNING! No "known good" password found for the user. Authentication may fail because of this.
How the users file works
For the answer below, pairs is referring to Attribute Value Pairs (AVPs), that is, a tuple consisting of an attribute an operator and a value.
There are three lists of attribute(s) (pairs) that are accessible from the users file. These are bound to the request the server is currently processing, and they don't persist across multiple request/response rounds.
request - Contains all the pairs from the original request received from the NAS (Network Access Server) via the network.
control - Initially contains no pairs, but is populated with pairs that control how modules process the current request. This is done from the users file or unlang (the FreeRADIUS policy language used in virtual servers).
reply - Contains pairs you want to send back to the NAS via the network.
The users file module determines the list it's going to use for inserting/searching, by where the pair is listed in the entry, and the operator.
The first line of the entry contains check pairs that must match in order for the entry to be used. The first line also contains control pairs, those you want to be inserted into the control list if all the check pairs match.
Note: It doesn't matter which order the pairs are listed in. control pairs will not be inserted unless all the check pairs evaluate to true.
check and control pairs are distinguished by the operator used. If an assignment operator is used i.e. ':=' or '=' then the pair will be treated as a control pair. If an equality operator such as '>', '<', '==', '>=', '<=', '=~' is used, the pair will be treated as a check pair.
Subsequent lines in the same entry contain only reply pairs. If all check pairs match, reply pairs will be inserted into the reply list.
Cleartext-Password is strictly a control pair. It should not be present in any of the other lists.
Cleartext-Password is one of a set of attributes, which should contain the 'reference' (or 'known good') password, that is, the local copy of the users password. An example of another pair in this set is SSHA-Password - this contains a salted SHA hash of the users password.
The reference password pairs are searched for (in the control list) by modules capable of with authenticating users using the 'User-Password' pair. In this case that module is 'rlm_pap'.
User-Password is strictly a request pair. It should not be present in any of the other lists.
User-Password is included in the request from the NAS. It contains the plaintext version of the password the user provided to the NAS. In order to authenticate a user, a module needs to compare the contents of User-Password with a control pair like Cleartext-Password.
In a users file entry when setting reference passwords you'll see entries like:
my_username Cleartext-Password := "known_good_password"
That is, if the username matches the value on the left (my_username), then insert the control pair Cleartext-Password with the value "known_good_password".
To answer the first question the reason why:
shad Cleartext-Password == "test"
Does not work, it is because you are telling the files module to search in the request list, for a pair which does not exist in the request list, and should never exist in the request list.
You might now be thinking oh, i'll use User-Password == "test" instead, and it'll work. Unfortunately it won't. If the password matches then the entry will match, but the user will still be rejected, see below for why.
Auth-Type is strictly a control pair. It should not be present in any of the other lists.
There are three main sections in the server for dealing with requests 'authorize', 'authenticate', 'post-auth'.
authorize is the information gathering section. This is where database lookups are done to authorise the user, and to retrieve reference passwords. It's also where Auth-Type is determined, that is, the type of authentication we want to perform for the user.
Authenticate is where a specific module is called to perform authentication. The module is determined by Auth-Type.
Post-Auth is mainly for logging, and applying further policies, the modules run in Post-Auth are determined by the response returned from the module run in Authenticate.
The modules in authorize examine the request, and if they think they can authenticate the user, and Auth-Type is not set, they set it to themselves. For example the rlm_pap module will set Auth-Type = 'pap' if it finds the User-Password in the request.
If no Auth-Type is set the request will be rejected.
So to answer your second question, you're forcing pap authentication, which is wrong, you should let rlm_pap set the Auth-Type by listing pap after the files module in the authorize section.
When rlm_pap runs in authenticate, it looks for a member of the set of 'reference' passwords described above, and if it can't find one, it rejects the request, this is what's happening above.
There's also a 'magic' Auth-Type, 'Accept', which skips the authenticate section completely and just accepts the user. If you want the used to do cleartext password comparison without rlm_pap, you can use:
shad Auth-Type := Accept, User-Password == "test"