delegate ItemClick event handling to child's click event handling (scaleform) - actionscript-2

ItemClick event is of gfx.control.ScrollingList.
This ScrollingList MovieClip has two child buttons.
I'd like to handle these children's click event.
private function configUI() {
// MyList : ScrollingList;
MyList.addEventListener( "itemClick", this, "OnListItemClicked" );
private function OnListItemClicked( e : Object ) {
// how???
// e.renderer?
e.renderer is of type "MyListItemRenderer extends ListItemRenderer".

if you're using CLIK AS3 the event should actually be of type
It includes the 'itemData' for the clicked list item (the data you gave the list which corresponds to the entry the user clicked on) and 'index' the index that was clicked. Also, by default the list marks as 'selected' the item that was clicked, so you could just ask the list:
private function OnListItemClicked( e : ListEvent )
var myDataObj:Object = e.itemData;
var clickedIdx:int = e.index;
// or
clickedIdx = MyList.selectedIndex;
If you're using the AS2 CLIK I imagine it is similar, but I've not used that version so can't say for sure.


FLEX Button event handling

I have a scenario where i have 5 buttons which call the same method when clicked. These buttons are clicked in various conditions, but now i want to know how we determine that which particular button has been clicked, from the called method.
For example, i have been calling chocolate() method when i click the buttons, eclairs, dailrymilk, cadbury, snickers and kitkat. Now i will click anyof these buttons from the UI and i want to know which one is clicked. this event has to be handled in the chocolate() method only.
Please suggest me how can i implement this. I am using Adobe Flex 3
If you are not using the addEventListeners but are setting the click property in your buttons you could do something like that:
<s:Button id="snickers"
<s:Button id="kitkat"
private function chocolate(type:String):void
trace("button", type, "was clicked");
if(type == "snickers")
// do stuff
else if(type == "kitkat")
// do something else
if you are working with event listeners you could determine the buttons from their ids, for example:
<s:Button id="snickers"
<s:Button id="kitkat"
// add your event listeners somewhere like in onCreationComplete
snickers.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, chocolate);
kitkat.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, chocolate);
private function chocolate(e:MouseEvent):void
// is the component that has dispatched the event (a button in this case)
var type:String =;
trace("button", type, "was clicked");
if(type == "snickers")
// do stuff
else if(type == "kitkat")
// do something else

Google Script app.createServerHandler Missing ; before statement line 8

I'm working on a Leave Request form on our Google site. If I comment out the app.createServerHandler line it is fine. What am I missing from the below code?
var app = UiApp.createApplication().setTitle('OIT Leave Request');
//Create a panel to hold the form elements
var panel = app.createVerticalPanel().setId('panel');
//Create event handlers for form
var AllDayBoxHandler() = app.createServerHandler('AllDayBoxEvent');
Check this link.
I believe what you're trying to do is depreciated. But either way I think your setting the handler wrong. Something like:
function doGet(e) {
var app = UiApp.createApplication().setTitle('OIT Leave Request');
//Create a panel to hold the form elements
var panel = app.createVerticalPanel().setId('panel');
//Create event handlers for form
var AllDayBoxHandler = app.createServerHandler('AllDayBoxEvent');
//Not exactly sure what events a panel can get
//A button would have a .addClickHandler method
return app;
//The event handler method
function AllDayBoxEvent(e) {
// your code

How to catch opened event on a ComboBox with Dojo?

I want to know whether a combo box has been opened and call a function that displays an progress bar while it loads the data from a store. I've check the API but no I didn't find any suitable event for what I'm doing.
What I want to do is start a progress bar while the combobox is populated from the store. I've created a widget with the combobox and the progress bar (a custom class) and "decorate" openDropDown function with aspect.before. This is the code I've written:
postCreate: function() {
this.comboBox, 'openDropDown',
lang.hitch(this, function(){
lang.hitch(this.progressBar, 'decrease')
But it seems is not using the right progressBar object.
It sounds like you are looking for something like an "onOpen" event. as of Dojo 1.10 The Dijit/Combobox widget does not support an event like the one you are describing, however it does support a number of other events that might meet your requirements.
I recommend looking into the api for a list of possible events:
However the following code will create a custom "onOpen" event like what you are describing. I've provided a jsfiddle which demos this new event
var comboBox = new ComboBox({
id: "stateSelect",
name: "state",
value: "California",
store: stateStore,
searchAttr: "name"
}, "stateSelect")
// grab the existing openDropDown method
var openDropDownFunction = comboBox.openDropDown;
newFunction = function(){
topic.publish("openDropDown") // add the custom "openDropDown" event trigger
return openDropDownFunction.apply(this);
// replace the old comBox method will our new function
comboBox.openDropDown = newFunction;
// Subscribe to the custom openDropDown event and do something when it fires
topic.subscribe("openDropDown", function(){
console.log("Open Drop Down even trigger");

dijit.CheckedMenuItem - Changing the checked value in runtime

This is how I create the dropdown menu with checkboxes using dijit.
var menu = new dijit.Menu({
id : 'layerMenu'
dojo.forEach(layerList, function(layer) {
menu.addChild(new dijit.CheckedMenuItem({
label : layer.title,
id : layer.title.replace(" ",""),
checked : layer.visible,
onChange : function(evt) {
if (layer.layer.featureCollection) {
//turn off all the layers in the feature collection even
//though only the main layer is listed in the layer list
dojo.forEach(layer.layer.featureCollection.layers, function(layer) {
} else {
var button = new dijit.form.DropDownButton({
label :,
id : "layerBtn",
iconClass : "esriLayerIcon",
title :,
dropDown : menu
I can access the individual dijit.CheckedMenuItem at runtime when the onChange event fired because I know their id. Since dijit does not has a RadioButton for MenuItem, is there a way I can change the checked status in runtime. Using "this.Id" and "evt", I can know which one is being check/uncheck by the user. Technically I can try to uncheck the other checked items if necessary to simulate the radio button behavior.
Can someone tell me how I can check/uncheck dijit.CheckedMenuItem in runtime? What properties and functions I need to call?
You should be able to just set checked to false on the other CheckedMenuItem widgets
To uncheck any given checkedMenuItem.

Which events are attached to an element?

How can I receive all events attached to an element with dojo?
dojo.query('#mydiv') // which events does #mydiv has?
To get all events on a DOM element:
// Get my div
myDiv = dojo.byId("myDiv");
// Obtain all event-related attributes
var events = dojo.filter(
function(item) {
return, 2) == 'on';
// Execute first found event, just for fun
If you get myDiv using dojo.query, remember that dojo.query returns an array, so your element would be in myDiv[0].
This solution does not work with events attached with dojo.connect. There probably is a way to extract this info from Dojo inner workings, but you would have to delve into the source code to understand how.
Another option is that you explicitly manage all dojo.connect events with a global registry. You could use dojox.collections to make this easier. For example, creating a global registry whose keys will be the dom nodes, and values will be the handles returned by dojo.connect (these handles contain the dom node, the type of event and the function to execute):
// On startup
eventRegistry = new dojox.collections.Dictionary();
// Registering an event for dom node with id=myDiv
var handle1 = dojo.connect(dojo.byId("myDiv"), "onclick", null, "clickHandler");
// Check if event container (e.g. an array) for this dom node is already created
var domNode = handle1[0];
if (!eventRegistry.containsKey(domNode))
eventRegistry.add(domNode, new Array());
// Add another event later to myDiv, assume container (array) is already created
var handle2 = dojo.connect(dojo.byId("myDiv"), "onmouseover", null, "mouseHandler");
// Later get all events attached to myDiv, and print event names
allEvents = eventRegistry.item(domNode);
function(item) {
// Item is the handler returned by dojo.connect, item[1] is the name of the event!
You can hide the annoying check to see if event container is already created by creating a subclass of dojox.collections.Dictionary with this check already incorporated. Create a js file with this path fakenmc/EventRegistry.js, and put it beside dojo, dojox, etc:
dojo.declare('fakenmc.EventRegistry', dojox.collections.Dictionary, {
addEventToNode : function(djConnHandle) {
domNode = djConnHandle[0];
if (!this.containsKey(domNode))
this.add(domNode, new Array());
Using the above class you would have to dojo.require('fakenmc.EventRegistry') instead of 'dojox.collections.Dictionary', and would simply directly add the dojo connect handle without other checks:
eventRegistry = new fakenmc.EventRegistry();
var handle = dojo.connect(dojo.byId("myDiv"), "onclick", null, "clickHandler");
// Get all events attached to node
var allEvents = eventRegistry.item(dojo.byId("myDiv"));
This code is not tested, but I think you get the idea.
If its only for debugging purpose. You can try dijit.byId("myId").onClick.toString(); in your firebug console and you can see the entire onclick code this works even if the function is anonymous you can view the content of anonymous content.