RavenDB String.Contains on multi map index - ravendb

So far I have an index like this:
public class Animals_Search : AbstractMultiMapIndexCreationTask<Animals_Search.Result> {
public class Result {
public object[] Content { get; set; }
public Animals_Search() {
AddMap<Dog>(a => from b in a select new Result { Content = new object[] { b.Name, b.Breed} });
AddMap<Cat>(a=> from bin docs select new Result { Content = new object[] { b.Name, b.Breed} });
Index(x => x.Content, FieldIndexing.Analyzed);
And a query like this:
session.Query<Animals_Search.Result, Animals_Search>()
.Search(a => a.Content, match)
This works if I provide search terms like "Collie" or "Terrier", but not "Coll" or "Terr"
How do I rewrite the query to work something like String.Contains("Terr")?

RavenDB make it hard to do contains query, because for the most part, they aren't needed.
What you probably want is to do a StartsWith, instead.
session.Query<Animals_Search.Result, Animals_Search>()
.Where(a => a.Content.StartsWith(match))


Get data from database with where clause using API

I have a table named SerialNumbers containing some columns in it.
I want to get the data with SNum based on scanned value which has been listed in an Array.
Below is my code:
public class SNController : ApiController
public HttpResponseMessage AllSN()
using (SNDBContext dbContext = new SNDBContext())
string[] SNum = { "01070A2", "01070A3", "01070A4" };
var SerialNum = dbContext.SNumbers.Where(x => x.SN == "01070A2")
.Select(p => new { p.Name, p.Status})
return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, SerialNum );
When I try to hardcoded this part var SerialNum = dbContext.SNumbers.Where(x => x.SN == "01070A2"), its working.
How can I solve this issue?
Use Contains method in Where clause.
var SerialNum = dbContext.SNumbers.Where(x => SNum.Contains(x.SN))
.Select(p => new { p.Name, p.Status})

Ravendb Search with OrderBy not working

Im using the latest build of RavenDB (3.0.3800)
When I run a simple query with a Search and Orderby the Search is ignored. If I remove the OrderBy the Search works and returns the correct results
var query = _session.Query<Index_All.ReduceResult, Index_All>()
.Customize(x => x.WaitForNonStaleResults())
.Search(x => x.SearchTerm, "Some String")
.OrderBy(x => x.PublishDate);
This just returns all results, ignoring my Search completely.
Here is my Index:
public class Index_All : AbstractIndexCreationTask<MyDocuemnt,Index_All.ReduceResult>
// query model
public class ReduceResult
public string SearchTerm { get; set; }
public DateTimeOffset PublishDate { get; set; }
public Index_All()
Map = documents => from d in documents
let customer = LoadDocument<Customer>(d.Customer.Id)
let owner = LoadDocument<Customer>(d.Owner.Id)
select new
SearchQuery = new object[]
Index(x => x.SearchTerm, FieldIndexing.Analyzed);
I have no idea why this is happening, the only work around i have is to return the result unordered. Can anyone spot what the problem is here ?
You probably don't want the orderby to work. The result of a [full text] Search is going to be ordered by Lucene score. That's going to give you the best matches for the search terms provided by the user. Given that, ordering by publish date would "ruin" the quality of the results.
However, I just tried this with v30k, and it appears to use the order by properly after filtering using Search.
Edit - I notice you're using "SearchTerm" for the query model and the analyze expression, but you're indexing "SearchQuery". Make those the same and it should work.

RavenDB - Adding Index breaks unrelated queries

When I add the index below to my raven database a simple query like
return Session.Query<R>().FirstOrDefault(x => x.RId == Id);
Always returns null. Only after forcing Raven to remove my custom index does desired functionality return. Why is this?
The Index with side effects:
public class RByLatestCommentIndex : AbstractIndexCreationTask<R>
public RByLatestCommentIndex()
void SetMap()
Map = r => r.Select(x => new
Id = x.Id,
TimeStamp = x.Comments.Count() > 0 ? x.Comments.Max(u => u.Created)
: x.Created
}).OrderByDescending(y => y.TimeStamp).Select(r => new { Id = r.Id });
public class RIdTransformer : AbstractTransformerCreationTask<R>
public RIdTransformer()
TransformResults = ids => ids.Select(x => LoadDocument<R>(x.Id));
In response to Ayende Rahien's comment:
There's a query in the DB which would otherwise be used (Auto/R/ByRID) but the index used looks like this, puzzling enough:
from doc in docs.Rs select new { Images_Count__ = doc.Images["Count()"], RId = doc.RId }
What explains this behaviour? And, will I have to add a static index to be able to query R by RId ?

RavenDB Index is not working when using SelectMany in Map Function

Based on this article from Ayende i have created the following index definition
public class ProductsSearch : AbstractIndexCreationTask<Product, ProductsSearch.Result>
public class Result
public string Query { get; set; }
public ProductsSearch()
Map = products => from product in products
select new
Query = new object[]
product.Tags.Select(tag => tag.Name),
product.Tags.SelectMany(tag => tag.Aliases, (tag, alias) => alias.Name)
Index(x => x.Query, FieldIndexing.Analyzed);
One difference is that i must use a SelectMany statement to get the aliases of a tag.
A tag can have many aliases (i. e. tag: mouse alias:pointing device)
I have no idea why the SelectMany line breaks the index. If i remove it, the index works.
This should work:
Map = products => from product in products
from tag in product.Tags
from alias in tag.Aliases
select new
Query = new object[]

How use QueryOver on NHibernate to select custom result

I have this code to return all colors with have some text:
public IEnumerable<Color> FindStartingWith(string term)
return Session.QueryOver<Color>().Where(color => color.Name.IsLike(text, MatchMode.Anywhere)).List();
But what I want to do, is return a STRING IEnumerable containing only a list of color.Name...
How can I do that with QueryOver?
Syntax may not be exactly right but should be somethign like:
public IEnumerable<string> FindStartingWith(string term)
return Session.QueryOver<Color>()
.Select(color => color.Name)
.Where(color => color.Name.IsLike(text, MatchMode.Anywhere))