Testing dynamic attributes with cucumber, undefined method - ruby-on-rails-3

We have a Style model with dynamic attributes, which can be saved by filling one field with the attribute key and the next field with the value.
A typical params hash looks like this:
{"utf8"=>"✓", "style"=>{"collection_id"=>"48", "program_id"=>"989", "number"=>"454632", "name"=>"t67f", "category_id"=>"19", "field_KEY"=>"VALUE"}, "commit"=>"save", "id"=>"4521"}
This works as intended when clicking it through, and the "field_KEY" => "VALUE" pair creates a new dynamic attribute with a getter(field_KEY) and setter(field_KEY=) method.
The Problem is: If the process is simulated with cucumber, something calls the getters for all keys in the hash before the attributes are set, including field_KEY.
Normal attributes will return nil for a new record, but since the getter for field_KEY has not yet been created, this results in an
`UndefinedMethodError: undefined method 'field_KEY'`.
Now my question: would you rather track down the caller of the field_KEY getter and mess around with cucumber, or should I try to simulate a fake method, something like:
def check_method(method_name)
if method_name =~ /^field_/
... # let the Error be raised
Better ideas or solutions are more than welcome

The Problem was:
The call to field_KEY came from pickle, because I included the step
And the style's "field_KEY" should be "VALUE"
which looks like this:
Then(/^#{capture_model}'s (\w+) (should(?: not)?) be #{capture_value}$/) do |name, attribute, expectation, expected|
actual_value = model(name).send(attribute)
expectation = expectation.gsub(' ', '_')
case expected
when 'nil', 'true', 'false'
actual_value.send(expectation, send("be_#{expected}"))
when /^[+-]?[0-9_]+(\.\d+)?$/
actual_value.send(expectation, eql(expected.to_f))
actual_value.to_s.send(expectation, eql(eval(expected)))
I still don't know why the dynamic_attribute getter had not been created up to this point.
What I ended up doing:
In my opinion (also, it solved the problem ;)), cucumber tests should be black-box tests, thats why I chose to change the steps and now I use
And the "key1" field should contain "KEY"
which checks if the field has been filled with the correct value after the page reloads.


Rails: How to use instance method in Active Record Query

I am having a filter query which should return all the records where either
attribute (column) "status" is not "done", or
instance method "completeness_status" does not return "done"
The query is something like that:
Studies.where("studies.status != ? OR studies.completeness_status != ?", "done", "done")
but I am getting error that column completeness_status does not exist.
Unfortunately, the column status is not continuously updated, so I cannot use it only. Also, the instance method "completeness_status" is based on records from other tables.
I try to add a scope to my model and use this instance method as scope but also I was not successful.
Also, I tried to used it as class method but then I do not know how to call it from where clause.
def self.completeness_status(study)
# code
def self.completeness_status_done?(study)
# code return true or false
Any Idea how to solve that.
You cannot use instance methods inside your query. But if you like to check the condition of completeness for only one row, then you can use it as instance method:
first_study = Study.first
Also, if you provide more information about what is going on inside your completeness_status_done? then maybe I can give you some ideas to use scopes.

how to generate a subfactory based on condition of a parent attribute

I have a factory like so:
class PayInFactory(factory.DjangoModelFactory):
class Meta:
model = PayIn
def card(self):
if self.booking_payment and self.booking_payment.payment_type in [bkg_cts.PAYMENT_CARD, bkg_cts.PAYMENT_CARD_2X]:
I'm trying to generate a field card only if the booking_payment field has a payment_type value in [bkg_cts.PAYMENT_CARD, bkg_cts.PAYMENT_CARD_2X]
The code goes into that statement but card field is empty after generation.
How can I do that properly ?
Is SubFactory allowed in lazy_attribute ?
I'd like to be able to modify Card field from PayInFactory if possible like so:
>>> PayInFactory(card__user=some_user)
PostGeneration won't do as I need this Card to be available before the call to create. I overrided _create and it may use the card if available.
Thanks !
The solution lies in factory.Maybe:
class PayInFactory(factory.django.DjangoModelFactory):
class Meta:
model = models.PayIn
card = factory.Maybe(
lambda o: o.booking_payment and o.booking_payment.payment_type in ...
# Fetch 'user' one level up from CardFactory: PayInFactory
However, I haven't tested whether the extra params get actually passed to the CardFactory, nor what happens when CardFactory is not called — you'll have to check (and maybe open an issue on the project if you get an unexpected behaviour!).

How can I dry this Rails Controller Action further

Our application uses a number of environments so we can experiment with settings without breaking things. In a typical controller action, I have something like this:
def some_action
if #foo.development_mode == 'Production'
#settings = SomeHelper::Production.lan(bar)
elsif #foo.development_mode == 'Beta'
#settings = SomeHelper::Beta.lan(nas)
elsif #foo.development_mode == 'Experimental'
#settings = SomeHelper::Experimental.lan(nas)
Since we have dozens of these, I figured I could try and dry things up with something like this:
#settings = "SomeHelper::#{#foo.development_mode}.lan(bar)"
Which obviously doesn't work - I just get:
How can I reduce this down or do I have to stick with what I've got??
If your concern is that you're ending up with a String rather than the object, you can use String.constantize (Rails only, with standard Ruby you'd have to implement this; it uses Object.const_get(String))
Another option would be .const_get (e.g. Object.const_get(x) where x is your string), you it doesn't, on its own, nest correctly, so you would have to split at "::", etc.
Also, there's the option of using eval to evaluate the String.
But note: eval should be used with great care (it's powerful), or not at all.
This means that instead of:
#settings = "SomeHelper::#{#foo.development_mode}.lan(bar)"
You could run:
#settings = "SomeHelper::#{#foo.development_mode}".constantize.lan(bar)
Useful Sources:
In the first case, #settings receives the result of the method SomeHelper::Production.lan(bar); in the second, #settings just gets a string. You could use the send method of Object linked here to fire the method, or eval, but this wouldn't be my first choice.
It looks like you might be reinventing a wheel -- Rails already has the concept of "environments" pretty well wired into everything -- they are defined in app/config/environments. You set the environment when you launch the server, and can test like Rails.env.production?. To create new environments, just copy the existing environment file of the one closest to the new one, e.g. copy production.rb to beta.rb and edit as necessary, then test Rails.env.beta?, for example.
But this still leaves you testing which one all over the place. You can add to the config hash (e.g. config.some_helper.lan = 'bar'), which value you can assign to #settings directly. You have to make sure there's either a default or it's defined in all environments, but I think this is probably the right approach ... not knowing exactly what you aim to accomplish.

Rails 3 - Record.send not working

I have a view that shows all of my customers. I have a Customer model that is backing this view. There is a method in the model that will change an attribute from "" to a persons initials, "jh". Here is the method.
def print(item, attribute)
value = item.send(attribute)
item.send(attribute + '=', "jh")
item.send(attribute + '=', "")
When I run this code from the console, it works perfectly. When I try it in the app, nothing changes. I am getting the proper 'value' that I expect, but it is never turned into an empty string. I am sure I am missing something simple here, but please help. Thanks.
I don't see any problem with this code, and I tried it on both a plain ruby object and on an ActiveRecord model and both worked as expected. So I suspect something funny is happening that is specific to your code.
I would suggest in any case that rather than construct a setter via string concatenation, you should use Ruby's native instance_variable_set:
def print(item, attribute)
value = item.send(attribute)
item.instance_variable_set("##{attribute}", "jh")
item.instance_variable_set("##{attribute}", "")
One caveat with this method is that it will create an instance variable if none previously existed.

Rails 3 after_save old value

How do you work with the old values of a record being updated?
For instance in the following code block how would I run a query using the previous winner_id field after I determine that it has indeed changed?
if self.winner_id_changed?
old_value = self.changed_attributes
#do stuff with the old winner....
An example output of self.changed_attributes would be:
Do I really have to convert this to a string and parse out the value in order to perform a query on it? old_value[:winner_id] doesn't seem to do anything.
Use where instead of find, and the following inject method on changes to generate the desired hash:
if self.winner_id_changed?
old_value = self.changes.inject({}) { |h, (k,v)| h[k] = v.first }
old_user = User.where(old_value)
#do stuff with the old user....
You can also use ActiveRecord dirty methods such as:
to get specific attribute's old value. Full documentation may be found here.