Shutdown JBoss 7 AS along with host-controller - jboss7.x

I use JBoss 7.1.1-FINAL AS. Its configured to startup in domain mode with default settings. I use the file to start up the server which starts 4 java processes:
In order to shutdown the server, i invoke the following command:
./ --connect controller=host:9999 /host=master:shutdown
This brings down the 2 servers, server-one and server-two.
I would like to know how to stop host-controller and process-controller.
Thanks for the help.

The command mentioned above is the command to shutdown the server. Apparently, this started working recently. I do not know what the issue was. The host-controller and the process-controller also shutdown with this command.

You can try either command. They both work for me;stopping all processes. #1 is the shorthand command connecting to the controller.
./ --connect /host=master:shutdown
./ --connect controller=localhost:9999 /host=master:shutdown


AEROSPIKE_ERR_CONNECTION Bad file descriptor,; Not able to connect to local node from aql

I have installed aerospike on my mac my following this installation steps
All the validations are working fine. I am able to connect to the cluster using browser chrome. Below is the screen shot.
I have also installed the AQL tools following the instructions here.
But I'm unable to connect to local node from aql.
$ aql
2017-11-21 16:06:09 WARN Failed to connect to seed 3000.
Error -1: Failed to connect
$ asadm
Aerospike Interactive Shell, version 0.1.11
ERROR: Not able to connect any cluster.
Also, I have noticed the Java client is giving error.
AerospikeClient client = new AerospikeClient("localhost", 3000);
when I changed the localhost to actual Ip returned by vagrant ssh -c "ip addr"|grep 'global eth1' it is working fine.
How to connect with aql using customer parameters? I want to pass ip address and port as parameters to aql. Any suggestions.
$ aql --help - discusses all various command line options.
$ aql -h a.b.c.d -p 1234
There is another possibility, you have your owned port instead of the default 3000, so when you try to connect to aerospike, you can try to run command like : aql -p4000
Hope this may help you
Seems like the port is not getting freed even after exiting the vagrant console.
Tried closing all the terminal windows and then starting again. But no luck.
Finally, restarting the system resolved the issue.

keep server running on EC2 instance after ssh is terminated

Currently, I have two servers running on an EC2 instance (MongoDB and bottlepy). Everything works when I SSHed to the instance and started those two servers. However, when I closed the SSH session (the instance is still running), I lost those two servers. Is there a way to keep the server running after logging out? I am using Bitvise Tunnelier on Windows 7.
The instance I am using is Ubuntu Server 12.04.3 LTS.
For those landing here from a google search, I would like to add tmux as another option. tmux is widely used for this purpose, and is preinstalled on new Ubuntu EC2 instances.
Managing a single session
Here is a great answer by Hamish Downer given to a similar question over at
I would use a terminal multiplexer - screen being the best known, and tmux being a more recent implementation of the idea. I use tmux, and would recommend you do to.
Basically tmux will run a terminal (or set of terminals) on a computer. If you run it on a remote server, you can disconnect from it without the terminal dying. Then when you login in again later you can reconnect, and see all the output you missed.
To start it the first time, just type
Then, when you want to disconnect, you do Ctrl+B, D (ie press Ctrl+B, then release both keys, and then press d)
When you login again, you can run
tmux attach
and you will reconnect to tmux and see all the output that happened. Note that if you accidentally lose the ssh connection (say your network goes down), tmux will still be running, though it may think it is still attached to a connection. You can tell tmux to detach from the last connection and attach to your new connection by running
tmux attach -d
In fact, you can use the -d option all the time. On servers, I have this in my >.bashrc
alias tt='tmux attach -d'
So when I login I can just type tt and reattach. You can go one step further >if you want and integrate the command into an alias for ssh. I run a mail client >inside tmux on a server, and I have a local alias:
alias maileo='ssh -t tmux attach -d'
This does ssh to the server and runs the command at the end - tmux attach -d The -t option ensures that a terminal is started - if a command is supplied then it is not run in a terminal by default. So now I can run maileo on a local command line and connect to the server, and the tmux session. When I disconnect from tmux, the ssh connection is also killed.
This shows how to use tmux for your specific use case, but tmux can do much more than this. This tmux tutorial will teach you a bit more, and there is plenty more out there.
Managing multiple sessions
This can be useful if you need to run several processes in the background simultaneously. To do this effectively, each session will be given a name.
Start (and connect to) a new named session:
tmux new-session -s session_name
Detach from any session as described above: Ctrl+B, D.
List all active sessions:
tmux list-sessions
Connect to a named session:
tmux attach-session -t session_name
To kill/stop a session, you have two options. One option is to enter the exit command while connected to the session you want to kill. Another option is by using the command:
tmux kill-session -t session_name
If you don't want to run some process as a service (or via an apache module) you can (like I do for using IRC) use gnome-screen Install screen
screen keeps running on your server even if you close the connection - and thus every process you started within will keep running too.
It would be nice if you provided more info about your environment but assuming it's Ubuntu Linux you can start the services in the background or as daemons.
sudo service mongodb start
nohup python &
(Use nohup if you want are in a ssh session and want to prevent it from closing file descriptors)
You can also run your app using Apache mod_wsgi. (Running under the apache service) More info here:
Hope this helps.
Addition: (your process still runs after you exit the ssh session)
Take this example
import time
Then run:
$ python3 &
[1] 3027
$ ps -Af | grep -v grep | grep
ubuntu 3027 2986 0 18:50 pts/3 00:00:00 python3
$ exit
Then ssh back to the server
$ ps -Af | grep -v grep | grep
ubuntu 3027 1 0 18:50 ? 00:00:00 python3
Process still running (notice with no tty)
You will want the started services to disconnect from the controlling terminal. I would suggest you use nohup to do that, e.g.
ssh my.server "/bin/sh -c nohup /path/to/service"
you may need to put an & in there (in the quotes) to run it in the background.
As others have commented, if you run proper init scripts to start/stop services (or ubuntu's service command), you should not see this issue.
If on Linux based instances putting the job in the background followed by disown seems to do the job.
$ ./script &
$ disown

How to exit prompt when starting a weblogic administration server remotely?

I am trying to start Weblogic Admin server using start-up script (./ from a remote host using a different user. The server starts fine but prompt is stuck, it does not return
Background: We have multiple admin servers in different environment and the requirement is all has to be started/stopped from a central automation server which has a password less sudo connectivity to all Weblogic hosts.
I am using command :
{ssh -l user remote-address '/spare/app/oracle/product/Middleware/user_projects/domains/example_domain/bin/./startWebLogenter code & > /dev/null < /dev/null'}
As admin server is spawning a child shell, the parent shell is not closing and it keeps holding the prompt.
Please Advise.
A common approach is to use the nohup command. Try this:
ssh -l user remote-address '/usr/bin/nohup /spare/app/oracle/product/Middleware/user_projects/domains/example_domain/bin/./ & > /dev/null < /dev/null'

fabric appears to start apache2 but doesn't

I'm using fabric to remotely start a micro aws server, install git and a git repository, adjust apache config and then restart the server.
If at any point, from the fabfile I issue either
sudo('service apache2 restart') or run('sudo service apache2 restart') or a stop and then a start, the command apparently runs, I get the response indicating apache has started, for example
[] sudo: service apache2 start
[] out: * Starting web server apache2
[] out: ...done.
[] out:
However, if I try to connect, the connection is refused and if I ssh into the server and run
sudo service apache2 status it says that "Apache is NOT running"
Whilst sshed in, if run
sudo service apache start, the server is started and I can connect. Has anyone else experienced this? Or does anyone have any tips as to where I could look, in log files etc to work out what has happened. There is nothing in apache2/error.log, syslog or auth.log.
It's not that big a deal, I can work round it. I just don't like such silent failures.
Which version of fabric are you running?
Have you tried to change the pty argument (try to change shell too, but it should not influence things)?
You can set the pty argument like this:
sudo('service apache2 restart', pty=False)
Try this:
sudo('service apache2 restart',pty=False)
This worked for me after running into the same problem. I'm not sure why this happens.
This is an instance of this issue and there is an entry in the FAQ that has the pty answer. Unfortunately on CentOS 6 doesn't support pty-less sudo commands and I didn't like the nohup solution since it killed output.
The final entry in the issue mentions using sudo('set -m; service servicename start'). This turns on Job Control and therefore background processes are put in their own process group. As a result they are not terminated when the command ends.
When connecting to your remotes on behalf of a user granted enough privileges (such as root), you can manage system services as shown below:
from fabtools import service
P.S. Its requires the installation of fabtools
pip install fabtools
Couple of more ways to fix the problem.
You could run the fab target with --no-pty option
fab --no-pty <task>
Inside fabfile, set the global environment variable always_use_pty to False, before your target code executes
env.always_use_pty = False
using pty=False still didn't solve it for me. The solution that ended up working for me is doing a double-nohup, like so:
#! /usr/bin/env bash
nohup java -jar myapp.jar 2>&1 &
sudo("nohup ./ &> nohup.out", user=env.user, warn_only=True)

Selenium: Invalid "already running" error when starting server

I am trying to get the Selenium server up and running. However, when I type:
java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.0b3.jar
I get an Exception:
Selenium is already running on port 4444. Or some other service is.
I have tried to stop it, just in case it really is running:
That gets me the message:
ERROR Server Exception: sessionId should not be null; has this session been started yet?
If I just write:
I get:
Forbidden for Proxy
This worked for me:
If selenium server is already running on port 4444 then it will shut down the server and says
if selenium is not running on this port 4444 then by hitting above url will give you
"Unable to connect"
try this:
lsof -i -n -P | grep 4444
and kill the process it says is on :4444
kill -9 $(lsof -ti tcp:4444)
The error message Selenium offers up is a little confusing. It really should be telling you you're making a syntax error. I had this problem as well. Make sure the cmd string is PRECISELY like this:
That means using the full command shutDownSeleniumServer, and make sure the s in shut is lower-case (That was my mistake).
Hope this helps.
To shut down the server you can use:
It will give message OKOK , means it got shutdown. If the server is not running then it will show "This web page not available"
To check the selenium server status , use this
It will give OK if server is running , if not running then it will show webpage not available
If you are using Windows, you can open the task manager and locate the java.exe or javaw.exe process and kill it. This will release port 4444 and you should be able to restart the Selenium server.
I had the same error but no server was running.
Tuned out the java version was in cause. Make sure you are running java 7 or higher:
java -version
lsof returned no results in my case.
On a Ubuntu machine I had to do the following:
sudo netstat -tapen | grep ":4444 "
Reply was like:
tcp6 0 0 XXXXXXXXX:4444 :::* LISTEN 107 31526 **10479**/java
And to kill the Selenium server process identified (in my case) with 10479
sudo kill 10479
In OSX if you follow the command from #HaloWebMaster (lsof -i -n -P | grep 4444) the next step is to take the PID (usually a 4 - 5 digit number indicating the process ID) and run the following command:
kill -9 <PID>
You shouldn't need sudo unless the process was started by another user or root.
If you started Selenium using Java (instead of via whatever testing framework you may or may not be using), you can kill all leftover Selenium instances with:
pkill java
That's guaranteed to kill any java relics (including selenium if started this way) - but be careful here - caveat is that you might be killing other procs too (due to the way pkill works). In my case, I want to kill anything running in the JVM, so this solved it for me.
As per the comment from Goldberg below, note that this will not kill any driver services or browsers running on your system!
I had the same problem , I started my Jboss AP where i have my application deployed and after that tried to run the selenium server and couldn t start. The problem was that Jboss uses the same port that Selenium server uses, so what I did is to start selenium server on a different port
java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.0b3.jar -port 1234 -htmlSuite "*firefox" "http://localhost:8080/" "path to the suite" "path to the results"
For Windows, try this:
taskkill /PID <ProcessID> /F
If you get a 403 error on 127.0.01:4444 and not a 404 one, something is running there. (You're positive it cannot be a previous instance Selenium ? It'd be the most logical.)
Sometimes Selenium continue running in the background after an unexpected exit. I'd suggest checking the running processes, or rebooting the machine if everything else fails.
It happens to me frequently when Hudson asks Selenium-Server to run some tests and it fails in the middle for some reasons. Killing the process solves the problem.
That ERROR Server Exception: sessionId should not be null; has this session been started yet? message comes from Selenium. If you're seeing it, there's a Selenium server running on that port number.
If all the above is not working, please save your work and reboot your system. It will solve the problem
The link of Andre works fine for me.
As 4444 is the default port of Selenium check this as well.