i am using wicked_pdf and generating pdf of users records.image tag is not working when pdf is generate.So i use this trick and write this code in application helper.
def pdf_image_tag(image, options = {})
options[:src] = File.expand_path(Rails.root) + '/public' + image
tag(:img, options)
and in my view i call like this
<%= pdf_image_tag(#image.snap.url(:thumb)) unless #image.blank? %>
This is working fine for chrome and display image perfectly but not for other browsers.
Can any one give better suggestion.
Use the built-in helper wicked_pdf_image_tag
<%= wicked_pdf_image_tag(#image.snap.url(:thumb)) unless #image.blank? %>
I want to store pages in the database that are dynamically added/edited/etc. Along with the page title and content I also supply which layout to use and a controller name and view name in order to support the instantiation of models which the view (e.g. text field in the pages table) will use.
I'm having trouble rendering the text from the database and having the layout still be used.
class AboutController < BaseController
def index
#model_data = ...
render_dynamic_page("about", "index")
class BaseController < ApplicationController
layout "public"
def render_dynamic_page(controller_name, action_name)
page = Page.where("`controller_name` = :controller_name AND `action_name` = :action_name", { :controller_name => controller_name, :action_name => action_name }).first
render :layout => page.layout_name, :text => page.content
I'm using :text here and I've also tried :inline but both seem to not render the content within the layout.
How can I accomplish this?
Normally if you want to allow users to edit the html pages in a rails application, and store the pages in a DB, the standard way is to use the template language called liquid.
It allows you to define dynamic content, ideal for CMS systems in rails, I think its better you have a look first.
following are some important links
liquid home page
rails cast about liquid
git hub page
and there are lots of resources in SO itself. :)
I was so close - I just had to switch the order of the parameters to the render method:
render :inline => page.content, :layout => (page.layout_name || "public")
I also added a default layout to use public in case a page.layout_name was not specified in the database. The other thing that's worth mentioning is the difference between :text and :inline - only :inline seems to actually "process" the content as if it were an ERB whereas the :text option just literally outputs the raw text.
Note : I ended up creating an ERB for each page using ERB.new(page.content), caching the list of dynamic ERBs and then pulling the pre-rendered ERB from the cache and displaying it using:
render :inline => the_cached_erb.result(binding), :layout => (page.layout_name || "public")
There is still some weird behavior going on but I think it will work in the end.
Just FYI and for greater tools variety you may want to check out Mercury editor:
In my Rails 3.1 app, I have a text field for comments and I want to be able to allow people to include clickable links (instead of just the url showing as plain text), as well as having the text field recognize when a user had line breaks in their text field (without the user adding html). How can I do this?
This works for showing a link if a user puts the html for a href:
<%= simple_format(#user.description) %>
And this works for recognizing and displaying the line breaks from carriage returns in the text_field:
<%= h(#user.description).gsub(/\n/, '<br/>').html_safe %>
However, I haven't figured out how to do both, together.
How about this?
#Doesnt work in this case
#<%= simple_format( h(#user.description).gsub(/\n/, '<br/>') ).html_safe %>
Seems like you need auto_link function to achieve this. Though it is removed from rails 3.1 it is available as a gem. So if you are using rails 3.1 or later you need to get this from a separate gem
#in Gemfile
gem "rails_autolink", "~> 1.0.9"
#in application.rb
require 'rails_autolink'
bundle install
#now in you view use it like
<%= h auto_link(simple_format(text)) %>
auto_link not only converts urls but also email addresses in clickable link. Get the document here.
Reference Links:
Use the Rinku Gem
Link is here.
It brilliantly solves the problem. Enjoy!
I finally managed to get Hpricot and Rails working together as below:
def deck
require 'hpricot'
require 'open-uri'
#doc = open("http://www.keo.co.za/") { |f| Hpricot(f) }
deck view:
<%=(#doc/"#list-of-posts h2 ").inner_html%>
which gives me:
KeoTV: D-Day for desperate Boks
Which is awesome, but now I want to render it in a list instead of it just showing me html in one single line? How can I make it show it to me in another output visibly instead of just HTML?
I want to generate QR code for my application which is going to run in Rails 3.0,
Is there any plugin available for that ?
Thanks in Advance,
You can use Google's Chart API
def generate_qr_image( url )
raw "http://chart.apis.google.com/chart?chs=150x150&cht=qr&chl=#{url}&choe=UTF-8"
I think Google changed the api end point.
This worked for me:
= image_tag "https://chart.googleapis.com/chart?chs=150x150&cht=qr&chl=#{url}&choe=UTF-8"
As I understand it, anything based on google charts is deprecated, so not a long term solution.
I've used both the rqrcode gem and one of the many javascript encoders.
I Agree with TrAvid but it won't work, just need a small minute change,
Just assign #url="www.google.com" in the controller and then use this #url in View as
<%= image_tag "https://chart.googleapis.com/chart?chs=150x150&cht=qr&chl=#{#url}&choe=UTF-8" %>
It worked for me great.
I use the rqrcode_png that allow you to save the code as an image or do it like a table. It also let you display the image without saving it.
Here is an example of how save the image
qr = RQRCode::QRCode.new( 'your string', :size => 1, :level => :h )
image = qr.to_img.resize(250,250)
or if you don't want to save it you can
qr = RQRCode::QRCode.new( 'your string', :size => 1, :level => :h )
#png = qr.to_img.resize(250,250).to_data_url
and then in your view <%= image_tag #png %>
I want to have some of my partials as markdown snippets. What is the easiest way to render them using the standard rails erb templating?
Ideally, I'd like to do something like this:
If I have a partial in app/views/_my_partial.md.erb:
My awesome view
Look, I can **use** <%= language %>!
which I reference from a view like so:
<%= render "my_partial", :language => "Markdown!" %>
I want to get output that looks like this:
<h1>My awesome view</h1>
<p>Look, I can <strong>use</strong> Markdown!</p>
Turns out, the Right Way (tm) to do this is using ActionView::Template.register_template_handler:
require 'rdiscount'
module MarkdownHandler
def self.erb
#erb ||= ActionView::Template.registered_template_handler(:erb)
def self.call(template)
compiled_source = erb.call(template)
ActionView::Template.register_template_handler :md, MarkdownHandler
If you require 'markdown_handler' in your config/application.rb (or an initializer), then any view or partial can be rendered as Markdown with ERb interpolation using the extension .html.md:
My awesome view
Look, I can **use** <%= #language %>!
class HomeController < ApplicationController
def index
#language = "Markdown"
Not a pure markdown solution but you can use HAML filters to render markdown, as well as other markup languages.
For example, in app/views/_my_partial.html.haml:
My awesome view
Look, I can **use** #{language}!
Have found way not to use haml in such situation.
in views/layouts/_markdown.html.erb
<%= m yield %>
in app/helpers/application_helper.rb
def m(string)
in Gemfile
gem 'rdiscount'
So, in view you can call it like:
<%= render :partial => "contract.markdown", :layout => 'layouts/markdown.html.erb' %>
And contract.markdown will be formatted as markdown
I just released a markdown-rails gem, which handles .html.md views.
You cannot chain it with Erb though -- it's only for static views and partials. To embed Ruby code, you'd have to use tjwallace's solution with :markdown.
Piling on the solutions already presented, this is an interpolation-ary way in Rails 3 to render a pure Markdown file in a view from a partial without unnecessary indentation using Haml's :markdown filter and the RDiscount gem. The only catch is that your Markdown file is a Haml file, but that shouldn't matter for someone like a copy person.
In Gemfile:
gem 'rdiscount'
In app/views/my_page.html.haml
#{render 'my_partial', language: 'Markdown!'}
In app/views/_my_partial.html.haml
My awesome view
Look, I can **use** #{language}!
If you didn't need the :language variable passed in to the markdown file, you could do away altogether with your Markdown being a Haml file:
In app/views/my_page.html.haml
#{render 'my_partial.md'}
In app/views/_my_partial.md
My awesome view
Sorry, cannot **use** #{language} here!
Don't like those pesky underscores on your Markdown files?
In app/views/my_page.html.haml
#{render file: 'my_markdown.md'}
In app/views/my_markdown.md
My awesome view
Sorry, cannot **use** #{language} here!
Leveraged your answer to make a gem to render for GitHub Flavored Markdown in Rails (via HTML::Pipeline): https://github.com/afeld/html_pipeline_rails
Here is a version similar to #Jacob's but using Redcarpet.
module MarkdownHandler
def self.erb
#erb ||= ActionView::Template.registered_template_handler(:erb)
def self.call(template)
options = {
fenced_code_blocks: true,
smartypants: true,
disable_indented_code_blocks: true,
prettify: true,
tables: true,
with_toc_data: true,
no_intra_emphasis: true
#markdown ||= Redcarpet::Markdown.new(Redcarpet::Render::HTML, options)
ActionView::Template.register_template_handler :md, MarkdownHandler
Full credit to lencioni who posted this in this gist.
And if you'd like to evaluate erb:
erb = ERB.new(template.source).result
#markdown ||= Redcarpet::Markdown.new(Redcarpet::Render::HTML, options)
You can use embedded Markdown in Rails 5. Embedded Markdown is based on the solution provided by Jacob above
Add these to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'coderay' #optional for Syntax Highlighting
gem 'redcarpet'
gem 'emd'
bundle install.
Then create a view app/view/home/changelog.html.md and paste your markdown in that .md file.
Generate a home controller using the following command
rails generate controller home
Add the following line to your route.rb:
get '/changelog', :to 'home#changelog'
That's all. Visit http://localhost:3000/changelog to see your rendered markdown
Source: http://github.com/ytbryan/emd