Query returned non-zero code: 10, cause: FAILED - hive

when I use the Hive to select the id from a table there are some errors occurring as follows:
Query returned non-zero code: 10, cause: FAILED : Error in semantic analysis: Line 1:68 Invalid table alias or column reference 'Goldman'
can any body give me some questions?

Your error seems to indicate that you are doing a select for a column named Goldman that does not exist. You attempting to do an HQL query for a column goldman or you are attempting to do a query for rows in which a specific column has Goldman.


How do I query in Google Bigquery from a table that has Null in a date column?

I'm using BigQuery and I'm supposed to query from a table but the table has a date column and part of the values are Nulls.
I receive the following error:
Error while reading table: test.first_spend_day, error message: Could not convert value to date. Error: Invalid date: 'NULL'. Row 3746; Col 3. File: 1mkoqxim8H6TRt20V2Yob9MnF9hC7aUXG4wtzf-jFE20
I tried to cast the column as string and also tried to add a where clause "if not null"
Didn't help
Try to use SAFE_CAST() instead of CAST().
See https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/reference/standard-sql/conversion_functions#safe_casting

invalid operation about projection query on TDengine

When I execute projection query on TDengine database, I met an error.
The statement is :
select * from d_soil_cover_record group by cap_time;
The error information is:
DB error:invalid operation:projection query on columns not allowed(0.004000s)
I checked the document, but could not determine the cause. How should I change it?

How to add a string literal as one selected column for select queries?

I want to have query like below
select "RETRY" as code , name from process ;
then the results are
code | name
I want to add one string literal as column for all rows returned by select query. I am trying this in PostgreSQL, but getting the following error:
SQL Error [42703]: ERROR: column "RETRY" does not exist
Position: 8
yny idea how to do this in a PostgreSQL select query?
double quote refers column name of that table thats why you are getting error you have to use single quote
select 'RETRY' as code , name from process ;
String literals need to be enclosed in single quotes in SQL:
select 'RETRY' as code, name
from process;

Invalid table name with table search

In BigQuery I am using the following query:
AND '1810'
Where properati-data-public:properties_mx.properties_sell_201501 is a valid table. When I use the query with multiple tables, I get the following error:
Query Failed
Error: Invalid table name: `properati-data-public:properties_mx.properties_sell_201***`
you should use:
. vs. :
20* vs. 201***
Also put below as a first line in your query to assure you are in Standard SQL mode

Error creating database table using FirebirdSQL

I'm trying to add tables to a FirebirdSQL database using FlameRobin but I'm getting the following error:
Error: *** IBPP::SQLException ***
Context: Statement::Prepare( CREATE TABLE drinks
) )
Message: isc_dsql_prepare failed
SQL Message : -104
can't format message 13:896 -- message file C:\Windows\firebird.msg not found
Engine Code : 335544569
Engine Message :
Dynamic SQL Error
SQL error code = -104
Token unknown - line 3, column 5
I've tried googling the problem but have been unable to find a solution. Does anyone know what the issue is here?
As it stands it looks like the CREATE TABLE in the question is the actual statement. In that case you are getting the error because it is simply invalid syntax:
If I execute this in Flamerobin, I get almost the same error (except for me at line 2, column 5 (the first .), as the parser expects a column name there. At the ... you need to specify the actual columns (and optionally constraints) of the table.
For example: