Triggering iOS build/test job via Github pull request on CloudBees - cloudbees

I would like Jenkins to comment whether a merge passes or fails (much like Travis CI) on Github pull requests. I understand this is a feature on BuildHive. However, I cannot find an option on BuildHive for using customer provided slaves. My question is twofold:
Is there an option to limit builds to customer provided slaves on BuildHive?
Is there a way I could enable comments on pull requests using DEV#cloud (the actual job must be run on a customer provided slave)? If so, could you point me in the right direction to get this set up?

DEV#cloud can validate pull request as BuildHive does, with some additional configuration. See

Answering in the order of your questions:
BuildHive uses the Validated Merge plugin for Git from Jenkins Enterprise to enable Jenkins to perform pull requests and run the builds before doing a push to the main repo. That said, currently you cannot use Customer Provided Executors with BuildHive.
DEV#cloud: Normally, all Jenkins Enterprise plugins are available in a paid tier of DEV#cloud. However, this plugin is not - as the plugin sets up a git server within Jenkins - not easily achievable in a cloud setup. I have created a ticket on CloudBees support requesting that the plugin be made available and the engineering team will investigate into delivering the feature.
Meanwhile, if you like you can use Jenkins Enterprise to use the feature (however it is an on-premises solution).


Keycloak realm/client change management

I am using KeyCloak as my user management tool, and love it.
The data of Keycloak is stored for me on a Postgres database. Over time, more clients are being registered, and other alterations to the realms may be done. My question is: How do I properly keep track of that, and propagate automatically changes between my different environments? For databases, I use liquibase for a purpose like this. I couldn't find anything similar for the Keycloak case.
So, I wanted to ask: How are you folks out there handling this? What am I missing?
It depends on how you're doing the management of those changes. There are generally two approaches:
Using the Keycloak admin console
Using the Keycloak CLI
If you're applying your changes via the admin console, then you can either rely on the database backup or setup a scheduled pipeline in your CI tool to make an export of the Keycloak realm into a file and archive it somewhere.
In case you're using the second approach, then you can have a git repository containing all the Keycloak CLI scripts that you run on your server (e.g. to add a client, to update a realm config, etc.). In that case, you can have them reviewed, versioned and then run as part of an automated pipeline. This will also allow you to run a script on different environments. But of course it comes with a price which is to write a script for every single task that you can typically do in admin console with a couple of clicks.

Using one gitlab ci runner for multi group

I have a VM for execute ci runner, and two groups.
The runner is installed for one group. Is there any way to share it to the other group.
Otherwise, can i install more runner in one VM server.
The answers to both your questions are yes, but for the first, it depends on if you use or a self-hosted version, and what you have access to.
First for the second part, yes, you can register a second (or third, fourth, ...) running on the same physical host. Just go through the registration process again. Also check the concurrent value in your config.toml file since that controls how many jobs can be running concurrently on that host. If it's lower than the number of runners you have, then they can't all be used at the same time, but sometimes that's on purpose. It's up to you to decide.
For the first part, you can install runners that are shared across the whole instance, but if you're using, only the Gitlab team can do this, so you'd have to use their shared runners. In the Group's CI/CD settings page, you can enable or disable Shared Runners from the gitlab instance for that group.
Otherwise, if you're using self-hosted, you can go to the admin area by clicking the wrench icon in the main nav bar, then go to "Runners" under the Overview tag on the left. On this page you can get the instance's registration token. Any runners registered using this token (opposed to a project's token or a group's token) will be available for all groups and projects on the Gitlab instance. You can also edit existing runners so that they aren't "locked" to a single project from here.
More information can be found in the docs.
Currently, GitLab does not support to assign one runner to multiple groups as a group runner. You could assign the runner to the complete GitLab instance instead (as #adam-marshall already mentioned) but then it will be usable by all members of your GitLab server.
You can try gitlab-multi-group-runner which circumvents this problem by assigning a specific runner to all projects of given GitLab groups with the GitLab API. However, this tool needs administration access to the GitLab server.

How to securely set up continuous delivery?

Private master repo and every developer has their own private fork.
Currently using CircleCI, but we'd be happy to switch to satisfy requirements
Branches on master repo are protected with merge restrictions
Build + test on forked pull requests
Deploy to different environments based on master repo branch updates
Not all developers can be fully trusted with production credentials
Partial Solution:
Enable building and passing secrets on forked pull requests (Reference)
Use CircleCI contexts to set environment variables per branch. This allows different deploy targets.
All repo specific secrets as well as all global contexts are now accessible by anyone who can open a PR.
Even if we disable building on forked pull requests, anyone with write access to at least one repo can access all global contexts.
This would seems to be a very common use case. How do other companies solve it?
Is CircleCI not the right tool for this? - No, it is not (see below).
Should we build a custom solution?
CircleCI got back to me and surprisingly this is not a use case they support. Looking into other providers now. Above questions are still unanswered.
I've also contacted TravisCi and SemaphoreCi and it appears that only TravisCi supports building forked PRs and not leaking secrets into them (Reference).
SempahoreCi is missing (1) building forked PRs and (2) hiding secrets from the deployment phase in non-master workflows
CircleCi has restricted contexts, but they would require manually changing workflows. Definitely not easy to set up and I don't fully understand how they would work.

Sonar Analysis of website before deployment

I currently have a website (consisting only of static files) and have currently automated the deployment of the website when changes are pushed to the master branch by using a Jenkins multibranch pipeline.
I'm planning to add an extra set of validations before deployment, and I've come across Sonar. Sonar can't be run on static files on its own; it requires these files to be served by a web server such as Apache2, because it also verifies HTTP headers.
Consequently, as long as my changes are not deployed in production, I will not be able to run Sonar on a particular development branch, and would have to wait until the branch is merged into master to obtain the results.
In this case, can you please give hints on how I can get validations results before deployment?
I would setup a Test environment on another machine. It should mirror your production environment as close as possible. Publish to there first. Run Sonar. If all checks out, then deploy to prod. This is a basic Continuous Deployment scenario.

Need advice regarding deployment on multiple remote machines

Currently I am using ms-deploy to build and deploy on several machines using team-city. In my current scenario, I need to build, package and deploy on Dev. After this I need to deploy this package on test and Live servers (which are on different domain. I understand how we do it but problem is Web transformation only occurs for test and live configs if we build a package. It means if I want to use the same package that is created for Dev cannot be used, as web transformation only occurred for Dev web config. Also know that we can change web config when un-packaging but that parameters are very limited. We have a lot of changes not just the connection string or db changes.
Another solution is to add another step to build packages for test and live as part of Dev deployment but then it means a lot of copying on remote servers, once for test and once for live which is a lot of time consuming due to different domains.
Can you please guide what is the best solution in this scenario. So I can use team-city to publish to Dev and test and live using same package and different web configs in one go.
To configure items at deployment time which are not automatically created for you. You can add a file named parameters.xml to your project and extend what you want to make available at deployment time.
Here's some documentation on the approach Using Deployment Parameters for Web.Config File Settings.