scanf is not waiting for input within my loop? - objective-c

I'm new to Objective-C, and this is really my first program that is interactive. I've been learning for about 2 weeks now.
So, my question is: typically I've noticed when you have multiple scanf's in a row, they each wait for input - however in this situation, where I ask for account owner name, and balance - it fires both NSLog functions instead of waiting for the first input.
Here is my main:
int main(int argc, char* argV[]) {
NSAutoreleasePool * pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
bank *columbiaBank = [[bank alloc] init];
int iteration = 0;
while (true) {
int selection = 0;
NSLog(#"\n1. Add Account \n2. Remove Account \n3. Modify Account \nWhat would you like to do?:");
scanf("%i", &selection);
if (selection == 1) {
NSLog(#"\nEnter account owner:");
char accountOwner;
scanf("%c", &accountOwner);
NSLog(#"\nEnter opening balance:");
float openingBalance;
scanf("%f", &openingBalance);
// create and add new account
bankAccount *newAccount = [[bankAccount alloc] initWithProps:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%c", accountOwner] :[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%i", iteration] :openingBalance];
[columbiaBank addAccount:newAccount];
[newAccount release];
NSLog(#"\nAccount successfully added!");
} else if (selection == 2) {
NSLog(#"\nEnter account id:");
int accountId;
scanf("%i", &accountId);
// remove account
[columbiaBank removeAccount:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%i", accountId]];
NSLog(#"\nAccount successfully removed!");
} else if (selection == 3) {
NSLog(#"\nThe bank currently has %i accounts.", columbiaBank.totalAccounts);
NSLog(#"\nThe bank's current balance from all accounts is $%f", columbiaBank.totalBankBalance);
NSLog(#"\n-- Output of all account info --");
[columbiaBank printAccounts];
} else {
NSLog(#"You did not enter a valid action.");
[columbiaBank release];
[pool drain];
return false;

Other users already said everything about it. The scanf inserts a new line "\n" automatically in the buffer that is passed to the next scanf. This is because any unwritten data is written in the next stream.
I want to add that you can use fflush to clear the stream buffer, in this case you want to use
scanf("%i", &selection);
to clear the buffer of stdin (the console input) after every scanf.
Edit: I didn't know that, but As #Peter Kowalski said the use of fflush(stdin), for input stream, should be avoided because it has an undefined behaviour for input streams. FAQ > Why fflush(stdin) is wrong.
But it seems that there is not a guaranteed method to flush the input stream in C. FAQ > Flush the input stream
I know that in C++ a standard way is to use cin.ignore() after cin >> selection but I don't know how this can be done in C. Maybe some more experienced user can give some insight on what is happening with fflush(stdin).

*[Note: If you are going to use Objective-C you might wish to use input conversion methods from Cocoa rather than mix Cocoa (NSLog) and stdio (scanf). But that doesn't answer your question...]
When parsing integers, floats and even strings scanf skips whitespace - e.g. spaces, tabs, end of line, etc. - and every input line ends with at least an end of line (which may be a carriage return, line feed, or both depending on the system). This means that after reading your first integer there is still, at least, an end of line in the input and the attempt to read a character will return it - hence no wait for input. To discard the remaining, unused, input you can use fpurge. E.g.:
#include <stdio.h>
int main(int argc, char* argV[])
int selection = 0;
fputs("\n1. Add Account \n2. Remove Account \n3. Modify Account \nWhat would you like to do?: ", stdout);
scanf("%i", &selection);
if (selection == 1)
fputs("\nEnter account owner: ", stdout);
fpurge(stdin); // skip any input left in the buffer as %c takes the very next character and does not skip whitespace
char accountOwner;
scanf("%c", &accountOwner);
fputs("\nEnter opening balance: ", stdout);
float openingBalance;
scanf("%f", &openingBalance);
printf("%c - %f\n", accountOwner, openingBalance);
Note that reading in character strings does skip whitespace, so if your account owner was a string you would not need the fpurge.

Presumably you want the account owner name to be more than a single character, but you're only reading a single character in that scanf. If you're trying to enter more than a single character there, the first scanf will read the first character, and since there's more in the input buffer, the next scanf will try to read immediately without waiting for your numeric input. If you are only using a single character for the owner name, then you'll need to consume the newline from the input buffer.
If you want to read a string as the account owner name, you'll need to allocate space for more than one character, and use %s rather than %c as your scanf format string. Also remember to check the return value for scanf. The function will return the number of items successfully scanned, or 0 if no items were scanned, typically due to invalid input, or return EOF.
char accountOwner[26];
// ...
// note that you can specify a width (max length) for a string using scanf
scanfReturn = scanf("%25s", accountOwner);


How to Avoid User String Inputs in Objective-C

My program asks for an integer input and I want to make sure (error trap) that the program would print "invalid" if the user inputs a string or any other character.
I'm new to Objective-C, hope you'll understand.
NSLog(#"1. Apple 2. Orange 3. Mango 4. Banana");
NSLog(#"Choose fruit:");
scanf("%d", &fruit);
**if(fruit>4 || fruit<1){
//If the user inputs any number other than the choices.
else if(...){
//if the user inputs a string or character
I expecting the program would print "Invalid" if it would input a character or string or anything besides the choices.
Im not sure if you still require an answer . Im also fairly new so anyone feel free to add . Im not sure if this is meets your exact requirements but it does what you want it to . Instead of tryign to check for each and every data type what i suggest is check if the entered value is an integer or not . If it is do something else return the error message .Take a look at the below code .
int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {
char str[50] = {0}; // init all to 0
NSLog(#"1. Apple 2. Orange 3. Mango 4. Banana");
NSLog(#"Choose fruit:"); // print buffer
// you can create an NS foundation NSString object from the str buffer
NSString *valueEntered = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:str];
if([valueEntered integerValue]){
printf("do somethinng here\n");
printf("Not an integer\n");
First take the user's input as a NSString , so we can transfer it to a Integer value later onwards. The reason i have initialised it as a character is because Scanf wont allow to pass a String from what i read . So get the user's input as a character set change it to a String and check if it includes a Integer or not . IntegerValue returns the integer that the string holds if there is one , else it returns 0 .
Another method you can try is using ScanInt method in NSScanner. Issue with that is it will check if it includes a integer and return true . So something like "abc32" will also be true in that manner so probably wont be usefull for you .
Please let me know if this is what you expect as i also learnt a few things trying to solve this :)
Check the return value of scanf.
Having said that, using scanf for interactive input is often a recipe for confusion, so it might be a better idea to read input into a string with something like fgets and then analyze the string (possibly, but not necessarily, with sscanf).

Trying to check size of some cin statement

I have some simple user input function which reads what the user types, ignoring any enter's and taking the first character it comes across. I am using the cin.ignore statement because this is part of a menu, and I want to replay the menu if they enter none of the given options, but only once. Now I basically want to have an if-statement which is true iff the user entered only one character (he may enter multiple enter's before this character), so I wanted to use something like sizeof or length, but I couldn't quite get it to work. Can anybody help with this? It would be much appreciated. Also, if anything should be changed about the phrasing of the question, please let me know. Thanks in advance.
char Interface::leesin ( ) {
char invoer;
do {
invoer = cin.get();
} while (invoer == '\n');
return invoer;
the following is a code snippet whereby the user will be presented with a console menu and needs to input a character. The cin will read in only 1 char and then the program can do some processing with this char. The loop will terminate, when the user inputs the char '9'.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
char ch;
do {
//print menu here
cin >> ch; // take in one char only
//perform action based on ch
} while (ch != '9');
return 0;

EXC_BAD_ACCESS when reading 9 characters, but works with less than 9

I'm developing a console app in Objective-C. I've got it working, but when manually testing edge cases, I found a strange behavior that I can't explain.
Basically, I've set up scanf() in a loop, and when the user types invalid info, it prints an "invalid option" message. Then, if the input is less than 9 characters long, it goes through the loop again as intended. But, if the input is 9 characters or longer, it gives a EXC_BAD_ACCESS error on a certain line.(This error doesn't happen if I comment out said line.)I can't figure out any reason why 8 vs 9 characters being read would cause this error. Any ideas?
Below are the two methods that I figure are relevant, with a comment on the line throwing the error. If you think other referenced code may be causing this, let me know and I'll add that code.
-(void)startMenu {
printf("\nGAME OPTIONS\n| WinningScore = %d (w) | Name = %s (n) | Back (b) |\n",
_options.winningScore, [ UTF8String]);
-(void)start {
char selectedOption;
char w = 'w';
char n = 'n';
char b = 'b';
while(YES) {
[self startMenu]; // This line gets the EXC_BAD_ACCESS error
// if the user puts in 9 or more characters.
// If it is commented out, then no error is thrown.
scanf("%s", &selectedOption);
if(selectedOption == w) {
[self setWinningScore];
} else if(selectedOption == n) {
[self setName];
} else if(selectedOption == b) {
} else {
printf("'%s' is not a valid option.\n", &selectedOption);
It this was C (and the post is tagged C) I'd suggest:
char selectedOption;
scanf(" %c", &selectedOption);
printf("'%c' is not a valid option.\n", selectedOption);
The failure showing up after a 9 charterer input is serendipity. scanf("%s", &selectedOption); is certainly wrong for reading a single character. Any input starts causing problems. Use the matching format specifier and variable.
A C-like solution.
If more than 1 char is desire for input, use the idea put forth by #Devolus. Example:
char selectedOption[10];
if (fgets(selectedOption, sizeof selectedOption, stdin) == NULL)
// Get rid of potential trailing \n if desired.
size_t len = strlen(selectedOption);
if (len > 0 && selectedOption[len-1] == '\n') selectedOption[--len] = '\0';
You should use fgets instead of scanf here, as you can limit the number of characters in the buffer.
scanf is potentially unsafe because the buffer can be exceeded.

printf(), fprintf(), wprintf() and NSlog() won't print on XCode

I'm doing a small app for evaluating and analyzing transfer functions. As boring as the subject might seem to some, I want it to at least look extra cool and pro and awesome etc... So:
Step 1: Gimme teh coefficients! [A bunch of numbers]
Step 2: I'll write the polynomial with its superscripts. [The bunch of numbers in a string]
So, I write a little C parser to just print the polynomial with a decent format, for that I require a wchar_t string that I concatenate on the fly. After the string is complete I quickly try printing it on the console to check everything is ok and keep going. Easy right? Welp, I ain't that lucky...
wchar_t *polynomial_description( double *polyArray, char size, char var ){
wchar_t *descriptionString, temp[100];
int len, counter = 0;
SUPERSCRIPT superscript;
descriptionString = (wchar_t *) malloc(sizeof(wchar_t) * 2);
descriptionString[0] = '\0';
while( counter < size ){
superscript = polynomial_utilities_superscript( size - counter );
len = swprintf(temp, 100, L"%2.2f%c%c +", polyArray[counter], var, superscript);
printf("temp size: %d\n", len);
descriptionString = (wchar_t *) realloc(descriptionString, sizeof(wchar_t) * (wcslen(descriptionString) + len + 1) );
wcscat(descriptionString, temp);
//fflush(stdout); //Already tried this
len = wprintf(L"%ls\n", descriptionString);
len = printf("%ls**\n", descriptionString);
len = fprintf(stdout, "%ls*\n", descriptionString);
len = printf("FFS!! Print something!");
return descriptionString;
During the run we can see temp size: 8 printed the expected number of times ONLY WHILE DEBUGGING, if I run the program I get an arbitrary number of prints each run. But after that, as the title states, wprintf, printf and fprintf don't print anything, yet len does change its size after each call.
In the caller function, (application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:, while testing) I put an NSLog to print the return string, and I dont get ANYTHING not even the Log part.
What's happening? I'm at a complete loss.
Im on XCode 4.2 by the way.
What's the return value from printf/wprintf in the case where you think it's not printing anything? It should be returning either -1 in the case of a failure or 1 or more, since if successful, it should always print at least the newline character after the description string.
If it's returning 1 or more, is the newline getting printed? Have you tried piping the output of your program to a hex dumper such as hexdump -C or xxd(1)?
If it's returning -1, what is the value of errno?
If it turns out that printf is failing with the error EILSEQ, then what's quite likely happening is that your string contains some non-ASCII characters in it, since those cause wcstombs(3) to fail in the default C locale. In that case, the solution is to use setlocale(3) to switch into a UTF-8 locale when your program starts up:
int main(int argc, char **argv)
// Run "locale -a" in the Terminal to get a list of all valid locales
setlocale(LC_ALL, "en_US.UTF-8");

How do I get user input without using scanf in a console app?

I'm trying to allow users to simply hit Enter without typing anything, and use this to mean accepting a default value. scanf isn't doing what I want and the app still 'blocks': the next line of code doesn't run.
The only way is to actually type something THEN press Enter.
I tried using NSFileHandle and fileHandleWithStandardInput; however, it seems that the user is now forced to hit Ctrl-D to indicate EOF.
Someone suggested using fgets, but I cannot work out what to pass as 3rd parameter (of FILE* type). Tried stdin but it doesn't 'block'.
How do I accept input from a user, using Objective-C, and at the same time allow the user to simply hit Enter without being forced to type anything? How do I read a single line, even if that line is blank?
Assuming the code doesn't block and the next line runs immediately (as you seemed to indicate early in the question and in a comment), you have a common problem when mixing non-line-based and line-based input.
What happens is you have a newline left in the buffer, and fgets sees that, reads it, and returns, instead of doing what you really want: ignoring it, and then reading a line.
The solution is to simply do the ignoring part yourself, and then call fgets:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
FILE* ignoreline(FILE* stream) {
for (int c; (c = fgetc(stream)) != EOF;) {
if (c == '\n') break;
return stream;
void example_use() {
char buf[1000];
fgets(buf, sizeof buf, stdin);
// or, since it returns the stream, can be more compact:
fgets(buf, sizeof buf, ignoreline(stdin));
int main() { // error handling omitted
int n;
printf("Enter a number: ");
scanf("%d", &n);
char buf[1000];
printf("Enter a line: ");
ignoreline(stdin); // comment this line and compare the difference
fgets(buf, sizeof buf, stdin);
*strchr(buf, '\n') = '\0';
printf("You entered '%s'.\n", buf);
return 0;
Note that it is also common and encouraged to "pair" the ignoreline with the scanf (or other non-line-based input) to turn that into line-based input. You may want to modify it, in that case, so you can tell the difference between input of "42 abc" and "42" (in the "Enter a number" case). Some people just use fgets everywhere, then parse that line with sscanf, and while that works, it's not necessary.
I use getch(); in library conio.h
simply the program waits for any key to be pressed
If you're using Windows, you can use the ReadConsoleInput function (see MSDN for more on this) :
while (ReadConsoleInput(GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE),&keyin,1,&r)) {
if (keyin.EventType!=KEY_EVENT) continue;
if (keyin.Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode==VK_SPACE) break; ///use these VK codes to get any key's input
if (keyin.Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode==VK_F1)
printf("You pressed F1\n");
if (keyin.Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode==VK_F2)
printf("You pressed F2\n",);
}//end while loop
You don't need to hit enter after each key then.This works like a dream for me...
use getchar() to take input without using scanf function...