using LinkedIn API how to send HTML inside xml message - api

hi i am using the linkedin api to send invitations . in the message
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<person path='/people/~'/>
<person path="/people/abcdefg" />
<subject>Congratulations on your new position.</subject>
<body>You're certainly the best person for the job!</body>
in the <body> section i am trying to add some HTML .
<b>You're certainly the best person for the job!</b>
but the problem is it is shown as text as it is in the message recieved by the friend , instad of that i want to bold the message content . how can i do this . is there any configuration should be done .
i am using codeigniter
function send_messeges($access_token, $xml_atring) {
$profile_url = "";
$xml = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
' . $xml_atring . '
$request = OAuthRequest::from_consumer_and_token($this->consumer, $access_token, "POST", $profile_url);
$request->sign_request($this->method, $this->consumer, $access_token);
$auth_header = $request->to_header("");
$response = $this->httpRequest($profile_url, $auth_header, "POST", $xml);
return $response;
please help . thanks in advance

If you want to wrap html in xml, you have to use a construct like this:
<xmltag><![CDATA[<b>html text</b>]]></xmltag>
But be careful to read the api docs:
body mailbox-item yes The body of the message. Cannot contain HTML.
Must be editable by the member sending the message.
This shows you cannot use html here.
You can however use basic string formatting such as newlines to have at least some paragraphs:
This is done via \n (escaped newline) within the string.


How to break string data coming from Api response in Laravel

This my data coming from Api : "TAX_BREAKUP": "ab=4835,ay=1400,at=852,cb=4835,cy=1400,ct=852"
#foreach(explode(',', $data['TAX_BREAKUP']) as $amt)
Adult Price₹ {{$amt}}
An this is code which I am trying to break the string.
If I understand your question, what you want is :
$Tax_arr = explode(',', $data['TAX_BREAKUP']);
foreach($Tax_arr as $amt){
$amt_arr = explode('=', $amt);
echo $amt_arr[0]." is ".$amt_arr[1]."<br>";
$amt_arr[0] is the attribute name and $amt_arr[1] is the value

How to add elements / attributes to xml file in karate [duplicate]

I need to parse and print ns4:feature part. Karate prints it in json format. I tried referring to this answer. But, i get 'ERROR: 'Namespace for prefix 'xsi' has not been declared.' error, if used suggested xPath. i.e.,
* def list = $Test1/Envelope/Body/getPlan/planSummary/feature[1]
This is my XML: It contains lot many parts with different 'ns' values, but i have given here an extraxt.
<S:Envelope xmlns:S="">
<ns9:getPlan xmlns:ns10="" xmlns:ns9="" xmlns:ns8="" xmlns:ns7="" xmlns:ns6="" xmlns:ns5="" xmlns:ns4="" xmlns:ns3="" xmlns:ns2="">
<ns9:planSummary xsi:type="ns4:Plan" xmlns:xsi="">
<ns5:description>Test Plan</ns5:description>
<ns4:category xsi:nil="true"/>
<ns4:poolGroupId xsi:nil="true"/>
This is the xPath i used;
Note: I saved above xml in a separate file test1.xml. I am just reading it and parsing the value.
* def Test1 = read('classpath:PP1/data/test1.xml')
* def list = $Test1/Envelope/Body/*[local-name()='getPlan']/*[local-name()='planSummary']/*[local-name()='feature']/*
* print list
This is the response i am getting;
16:20:10.729 [ForkJoinPool-1-worker-1] INFO - [print] [
How can i get the same in XML?
This is interesting, I haven't seen this before. The problem was you have an attribute with a namespace xsi:nil="true" which is causing problems when you take a sub-set of the XML but the namespace is not defined anymore. If you remove it first, things will work.
Try this:
* remove Test1 //poolGroupId/#nil
* def temp = $Test1/Envelope/Body/getPlan/planSummary/feature
Another approach you could have tried is to do a string replace to remove troublesome stuff in the XML before doing XPath.
EDIT: added info on how to do a string replace using Java. The below will strip out the entire xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="ns4:Plan" part.
* string temp = Test1
* string temp = temp.replaceAll("xmlns:xsi[^>]*", "")
* print temp
So you get the idea. Just use regex.
Also see:

Calling Yahoo Weather API from VoiceXML

I'm trying to make a voice weather system with voiceXML and the Yahoo Weather API. To develop my program I'm using voxeo evolution.
To call the Weather API I'm using the data vxml tag with an srcexpr because I need a dynamic URL (the program asks the user for a city to check weather in).
Here is my code:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<vxml version = "2.1">
<form id="mainMenu">
<field name="City">
Please, name a spanish city.
<grammar src="city.grammar"/>
<!-- code taken from the javascript example of the yahoo weather api -->
var callbackFunction = function(data) {
var wind =;
<data srcexpr=" * from weather.forecast where woeid in (select woeid from geo.places where text='"+City+", spain')&callback=callbackFunction"/>
The program doesn't work because of the data tag to connect to the weather API, but I don't know why. Do someone know why is failing?
I finally solved my problem making a php script to connect to the yahoo api and calling it using submit tag in VoiceXML.
$City = $_REQUEST["City"];
$Day = $_REQUEST["Day"];
$BASE_URL = "";
$yql_query = 'select * from weather.forecast where woeid in (select woeid from geo.places(1) where text="('.$City.', spain)") and u="c"';
$yql_query_url = $BASE_URL . "?q=" . urlencode($yql_query) . "&format=json";
$session = curl_init($yql_query_url);
curl_setopt($session, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER,true);
$yahooapi = curl_exec($session);
$weather = json_decode($yahooapi,true);
$weather_resumen = $weather['query']['results']['channel']['item']['forecast'];
$weather_today = $weather_resumen[0]['day'];
// yahoo api returns an array with the weather for the next week ordered by
// day (0 -> today, 1 -> tomorrow...). Function get_day gets the index of
// the day the user said
$index_weather = get_day($weather_today, $Day);
$condition_index = $weather_resumen[$index_weather]['code'];
$weather_condition = $cond_met[intval($condition_index)];
$min_temp = $weather_resumen[$index_weather]['low'];
$max_temp = $weather_resumen[$index_weather]['high'];
echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>";
<vxml version="2.1" xml:lang="es-ES">
<form id="form_main">
The weather for <?php echo $Day ?> in <?php echo $City ?> is <?php echo $weather_condition ?>. The lowest temperature will be <?php echo $min_temp ?> and the highest <?php echo $max_temp ?>.

Video upload with Graph API from user's desktop

i am trying to upload a local video to Facebook through the Graph API.
Here is an example from Facebook:
That works nice, and i get an JSON response after submitting the from.
How can I get the respone ID, for use in, e.g. Javascript or directly as an GET-parameter on my server?
I don't want to upload the video on an public accessable server and then redirect the video upload to Facebook by using curl or something like that.
Has anyone an idea or an example of how i can get this to work?
Here is the example i used:
$app_id = "YOUR_APP_ID";
$app_secret = "YOUR_APP_SECRET";
$my_url = "YOUR_POST_LOGIN_URL";
$video_title = "YOUR_VIDEO_TITLE";
$code = $_REQUEST["code"];
if(empty($code)) {
$dialog_url = ""
. $app_id . "&redirect_uri=" . urlencode($my_url)
. "&scope=publish_stream";
echo("<script>top.location.href='" . $dialog_url . "'</script>");
$token_url = ""
. $app_id . "&redirect_uri=" . urlencode($my_url)
. "&client_secret=" . $app_secret
. "&code=" . $code;
$access_token = file_get_contents($token_url);
$post_url = ""
. "title=" . $video_title. "&description=" . $video_desc
. "&". $access_token;
echo '<form enctype="multipart/form-data" action=" '.$post_url.' "
echo 'Please choose a file:';
echo '<input name="file" type="file">';
echo '<input type="submit" value="Upload" />';
echo '</form>';
Taken from this page:
This is the whole response i get from the form (JSON response):
"id": "xxxxx19208xxxxx"
The problem is that the JSON response is inline in the page.
I thought to set a target in the form to an inline iframe but then i will not be able to access the JSON code.

How to append a parameter to current page using CHtml::link?

Using Yii, and trying to append a Lang=xx to the end of the current page url and present it on the page.
I put the below code in the protected/views/layout/main.php
<?php echo CHtml::link('English', array('','lang'=>'en'), array('class'=>'en')) ?>
<?php echo CHtml::link('中文', array('','lang'=>'tw'), array('class'=>'tw')) ?>
<?php echo CHtml::link('日本語', array('','lang'=>'jp'), array('class'=>'jp')) ?>
With standard pages like "/site/index", or controller action pages like "/site/contact", they work fine. But with the standard static pages like "site/page?view=about", it's not working. The url expected should be something like "site/page?view=about&lang=tw", but instead, it gives me "site/page?lang=tw".
How can I fix that?
I ended up doing it with langhandeler extension and url rules and map [site]/[path]?lang=[language code] to [site]/[language code]/[path]
And then I coded the links like below:
$request = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
$path_a = explode("/",$request);
$haveLang = isSet($_GET["lang"]);
$uri = ($haveLang?
substr($request, strlen($path_a[1])+1) //strip language prefix and the slash
:$request); //don't process if the page is in default language
echo CHtml::link(CHtml::encode(Yii::app()->name), CHtml::normalizeUrl(($haveLang?'/'.$_GET["lang"].'/':'/')), array('id'=>'logo'));
<div id="lang_switch">
echo CHtml::link('English', CHtml::normalizeUrl($uri), array('class'=>'en')); //no need to add default language prefix
echo CHtml::link('中文', CHtml::normalizeUrl('/tw'.$uri), array('class'=>'tw'));
echo CHtml::link('日本語', CHtml::normalizeUrl('/jp'.$uri), array('class'=>'jp'));
that pretty much solved my problem. I hope this could help out someone else in the future.
you can give chtml link like this
$language = 'en';
CHtml::link("English", array('site/about/lang/' . $language));
site/about/lang/en = controller/action/lang/en
i hope this will help you.