Make lighttpd (lighty) proxy forward HTTPS requests based on Server Name Indication and without returning an SSL cert - ssl

I am currently using lighty as a load-balancing reverse-proxy for two different webapps running on a small farm of HTTP servers:
roundrobbin(URL_1) => Server_Group_1
roundrobbin(URL_2) => Server_Group_2
I want to convert the HTTP servers to HTTPS servers. URL_1 has CERT_1 and URL_2 has CERT_2.
Unlike many people, I do not want to serve certificates from the front-end proxy. I want the front-end proxy to pass the HTTPS requests to secondary proxies: Proxy_1 (serves CERT_1) and Proxy_2 (serves CERT_2).
This should be possible with SNI (Server Name Indication). But everything I have read about SNI gives the example of front-end proxy serving both certs. I do not want to put both of my certs on the fron-end proxy. Call me crazy, but I actually want to hold the certs closer to the apps.
This might seem like a lot of trouble for two URLs. It is. My real case involves dozens of URLs. So it might might seem silly not to store all the certs in one place. But there are 'organizational considerations' which make it advantageous to administer them separately.
So basically, I want to use SNI for pure forwarding and defer SSL termination to downstream.
Thanks for reading. I expect to learn a lot from this!

What you're trying to do doesn't rely on an HTTP reverse proxy but on a reverse proxy at the TCP connection level, with the additional capability of being able to recognise an SSL/TLS Client Hello, look for the Server Name extension and dispatch accordingly.
I realise this isn't quite the answer you're looking for, but I wouldn't look at HTTP servers for this.
It looks like this project might be able to do this (I haven't tried).


Is nginx needed if Express used

I have a nodeJS web application with Express running on a Digital Ocean droplet.The nodeJs application provides back-end API's. I have two react front-ends that utilise the API's with different domains. The front-ends can be hosted on the same server, but my developer tells me I should use another server to host the front-ends, such as cloudflare.
I have read that nginX can enable hosting multiple sites on the same server (i.e. host my front-ends on same server) but unsure if this is good practice as I then may not be able to use cloudflare.
In terms of security could someone tell me If I need nginx, and my options please?
This is a way too open-ended question but I will try to answer it:
In terms of security could someone tell me If I need nginx, and my
options please?
You will need Nginx (or Apache) on any scenario. With one server or multiple. Using Express or not. Express is only an application framework to build routes. But you still need a service that will respond to network requests. This is what Nginx and Apache do. You could avoid using Nginx but then your users would have to make the request directly to the port where you started Express. For example: In terms of security you would better hide the port number and use a Nginx's reverse proxy so that your users will only need to go to
my developer tells me I should use another server to host the
front-ends, such as cloudflare
Cloudflare does not offer hosting services as far as I know. It does offer CDN to host a few files but not a full site. You would need another Digial Ocean instance to do so. In a Cloudflare's forum post I found: "Cloudflare is not a host. Cloudflare’s basic service is a DNS provider, where you simply point to your existing host.".
I have read that nginX can enable hosting multiple sites on the same
Yes, Nginx (and Apache too) can host multiple sites. With different names or the same. As domains (, or subdomains (, in the same server.
... but unsure if this is good practice
Besides if it is a good or bad practice, I think it is very common. A few valid reasons to keep them in separated servers would be:
Because you want that if the front-end fails the back-end API continues to work.
Because you want to balance network traffic.
Because you want to keep them separated.
It is definitively not a bad practice if both applications are highly related.

Nginx serving application and ExpressJS just as backend

I think it's pretty common to use nginx to proxy connections to ExpressJS, so all is done through ExpressJS.
I was thinking, why not use nginx to server the application since it's more simple to setup things like rewrites and let ExpressJS as backend only and then the application communicate to ExpressJS directly on 3000 port.
Is it a bad idea? If not, how often people does this ?
It's very common. But having your front end code directly talk to the node server adds complexity.
You have to handle CORS issues on the node server, including preventing cross site form submissions. See here Properly Understanding CORS with Same Host / Different Port & Security.
SSL is also going to be a bit more complicated. You'll need a wild card certificate.
However, there are some big advantages to using something like ngnix to host your assets. In addition to the ones you enumerated, it sets you up to go serverless. You can host your app out of an S3 bucket our through another content delivery network.

SSL redirection from Apache to Wildfly

I have two projects running on Wildfly-8 and I have two SSL certificates for each of them and one IP.
I figured out that I should have one IP for one SSL certificate.
But I needed to use these two SSL for one IP. I couldn't find a way to do it with Wildfly but there was a way to do it with Apache Server. So,I installed Apache Server up to Wildfly.
I listen https port(443) on Apache and redirect it to Wildfly's http port(I used 8080). It works without any problem.
What I wonder is;
1. Is Apache decrypt request and redirect it to Wildfly?
2. Is it correct way to do it or I have done it by chance?
3. Does this method create a security hole?
I googled some, but I could not find satisfied answers.
Thanks for replies.
For this answer, I'm supposing that by "redirecting" you mean "proxying": Apache receives the request, proxies it to Wildfly, receives an answer from Wildfly, sends the answer to the client.
If you mean something else, then the simple answer is: it is wrong[1].
Is Apache decrypt request and redirect it to Wildfly?
Yes. Apache will receive and send secure data to/from the client. Its communication with Wildfly will be plaintext.
Is it correct way to do it or I have done it by chance?
That's how it's usually done, yes. In other words: a load balancer and/or a proxy in front of Wildfly (Apache in your case). Wildfly itself is not reached directly by the public internet.
Does this method create a security hole?
It does, just like everything else is a security "compromise". In this case, you are trusting your internal network, in the name of a more practical/manageable architecture. If you do not trust your internal network, you should look for another solution. In the general case, the price to pay seems fair to me, as you'll "only" be open to a man-in-the-middle between your Apache and your Wildfly. So, if you trust your internal network, you should trust that there won't be any MITM there.
[1] - As everything else in life, there's no absolute truth. Basically, there are 3 techniques that can be used in a scenario like this: pass through, edge and re-encryption.
Pass through is a "dumb" pipe, where nothing about TLS is known by the proxy. Wildfly would then handle the secure communication with the client. I'm not sure Apache would do this, but this can be done with haproxy in TCP mode;
Edge (or offloading) is the situation I described above: Client talks TLS with Apache, Apache talks plaintext with Wildfly;
Re-encryption, which is like Edge, but the communication between Apache and Wildfly is also TLS, using a different certificate.

What is Reverse SSL? And how to do Reverse SSL?

My client ask me to do reverse ssl on his website. But i'm new on this term. Can anyone help me about this.
Please describe or refer how to do it.
Check out this wiki article.
In the case of secure websites, the SSL encryption is sometimes not
performed by the web server itself, but is instead offloaded to a
reverse proxy that may be equipped with SSL acceleration hardware.
"Doing" reverse SSL means choosing a system/server and configuring it. You should start by asking your client whether they already have a reverse proxy in place or if one needs to be set up.
So setting up reverse SSL (like standard SSL) should not impact your web site's design, the backing code and data store etc. It is Transport Level Security (TLS) and might actually be outside the bounds of the contract with your client.
One use case would be running Apache Tomcat behind an Apache Web Server which handles SSL and acts as reverse proxy. Your client should specify more specifically.

How to put up an off-the-shelf https to http gateway?

I have an HTTP server which is in our internal network and accessible only from inside it. I would like to put another server that would listen to an HTTPS port accessible from outside, and forward the requests to that HTTP server (and send back the responses via HTTPS). I know that there are several ways to do this with some programming involved (and I myself made a temporary solution with Tomcat and a very simple servlet I wrote), but is there a way to do the same just plugging parts already made (like Apache + modules)?
This is the sort of use-case that stunnel is designed for. There is a specific example of using stunnel to wrap an HTTP server.
You should consider whether this is really a good idea, though. Web applications designed for use inside a corporate firewall are often fairly lax about security. Merely encrypting the connections prevents casual eavesdropping, but does not secure the site. If an attacker finds your outward facing server and starts connecting to it, they can still try to find exploitable flaws in the web service (SQL injection, cross-site scripting, etc).
With Apache look into mod_proxy.
Apache 2.2 mod_proxy docs
Apache 2.0 mod_proxy docs