How to verify if the image in Selenium using Webdriver - selenium

How would I verify the image is displaying is the correct path/name in Selenium using WebDriver?
I started using this code but not sure :
string _active = "<img style="display: ;" alt="Active" src="../App_Themes/Default/images/check.png"/>";

I would like to clarify to you that this code
does not give you the html code for the image tag but a IWebElement object. And you can read the various attributes of this WebElement by using the GetAttribute method.
You will have to get the src attribute of the img tag you are looking for by locating the image(webelement) by xpath and then
IWebElement element = driver.FindElement(By.XPath("Your xpath"));
string path = element.GetAttribute("src");
Now you can verify the path of your image. Hope this helps you.


How can i get the value from div class in TestNG selenium?

I am using TestNG and selenium for testing web app.
<div class="infoMessage">The request has been successfully submitted.</div>
In the my TestNG class file, like any other HTML elments for div element also
I have
WebElement resultdiv;
Now that I got the webelement in resultdiv, how can i read the content "The request has been successfully submitted" ?
Just at a quick glance, it seem like you can try use className instead xpath:
WebElement resultdiv;
Use .getText(); to achieve:
String text = resultdiv.getText();
Hi #bnath002 You can use Contains text Xpath, below is the code. this code always work for text.
WebElement element = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//div[contains(text(),'The request has been successfully submitted.')]"));
String innerText= element.getText();
System.out.println("Your inner text is: "+innerText);
I'm a little unfamiliar with #FindBy, but i'm assuming you could use getText() as normal. But if everything went as planned and the xpath located your element successfully, you should be able to retrieve the text with the following :)
WebElement element = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//*[#id='wrapper']/table/tbody/tr[1]/td/div"));
String innerText= element.getText();
System.out.println("Your inner text is: "+innerText);

How to get color from the color pallete in selenium webdriver in C#

I'm very new to selenium and I'm experiencing an error when I'm going to select a colour from a colour palette.
When I'm trying to find that web element using XPath system returns an "Element not found" exception.
Someone please help me :)
IWebElement BGColorDropdown = driver.FindElement(By.XPath("/html/body/div[6]/div[2]/div/div[22]/span/span/span[2]/span"));
//Select value form "BG Color dropdown list"
IWebElement BGColorDropdownValue = driver.FindElement(By.XPath("//*[#id='4f9e73b0-6ffd-465c-bbee-7a8214e76a78']/div[3]/div/div/a"));BGColorDropdownValue.Click();
id attribute that you're trying to use in your XPath is dynamic. Try selectors from below code instead:
IWebElement BGColorDropdown = driver.FindElement(By.LinkText("Add new record"));
IWebElement BGColorDropdownValue = driver.FindElement(By.XPath("//div[#data-container-for='BG_COLOR']/following::span[#class='k-icon k-i-arrow-s']"));
Also note that you should use relative XPath instead of absolute as it's more flexible, reliable and verbose

How can i write my own xpath from the html code

I have followig HTML code and want X path for the text "Analytics & Research"
<div id="LLCompositePageContainer" class="column-wrapper">
<div id="compositePageTitleDiv">
<h1 class="page-header">Analytics & Research</h1>
I am getting following xpath using chrome, but that didnt work.
this is my code
WebElement header = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//div[#id='LLCompositePageContainer']/div[#id='compositePageTitleDiv']/h1[#class='page-header']"));
String header2 = header.getText();
and following error I am getting
Exception in thread "main" org.openqa.selenium.NoSuchElementException:
Unable to find element with xpath ==
(WARNING: The server did not provide any stacktrace information)
Command duration or timeout: 10.34 seconds For documentation on this
error, please visit:
Please try to use the below xpath:
If the element is inside the iframe. Then use the below code:
// Switching to the frame
// Storing the value of the Analytics & Research
String text = driver.findElement(By.xpath(".//div[#id='compositePageTitleDiv']/h1")).getText();
// Switching back to original window
Hope this helps.
This is how it can be used :
WebElement element= driver.findElement(By.xpath("//*[#id='compositePageTitleDiv']"));
Or in case it is nested, can be accessed like this as well
WebElement element = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//html/body/div[3]/div[3]/"));
this is just a rough syntax.
No need to use Xpath here if you could simply locate the element using Asuming are using Java, you should try as below :-
WebElement el = drive.findElement("compositePageTitleDiv"));
String text = el.getText();
Edited :- If element not found, may it is timing issues you need to implement WebDriverWait to wait for element until visible on the page as below :-
WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(webDriver, implicitWait);
WebElement el = wait.until(ExpectedConditions.visibilityOfElementLocated("compositePageTitleDiv")));
String text = el.getText();
Note :- if your element is inside any frame, you need to switch that frame before finding element as :- driver.switchTo().frame("your frame name or id");
Hope it helps..:)
You can also use
This is the best way to reach to the specific web element, using contains minimize the chances of error.
The correct xpath is
But you could have find your answer easily with some researchs on google...

How to get the URL of the hyperlink in Selenium driver?

I want to get URL's of hyperlinks present on current page using Selenium Web driver. Can anyone help.
To get the URL of all the links on a page, you can store all the elements with tagname 'a' in a WebElement list and then you can fetch the href attribute to get the link of each WebElement.
you can refer to the following code :
List<WebElement> links = driver.findElements(By.tagName("a")); //This will store all the link WebElements into a list
for(WebElement ele: links) // This way you can take the Url of each link
String url = ele.getAttribute("href"); //To get the link you can use getAttribute() method with "href" as an argument
Just get them from the href attribute using getAttribute() (assuming you are in java):
WebElement link = driver.findElement(By.tagName("a"))
String url = link.getAttribute("href")

Modify innerHTML using Selenium

I have this element:
WebElement element = ...
string val = element.getAttribute("innerHTML");
All I want to do is to change this innerHTML on my web page.
Is it possible?
Try this:
WebElement element = ...
"var ele=arguments[0]; ele.innerHTML = 'my new content';", element);
Selenium WebDriver does not have any direct methods to do so to change the DOM itself. However we can use JavascriptExecutor to use javascript to modify the DOM.
check this example to change the background color. You will get an idea to change the innerHTML as well.
in python use this :
element = driver.find_element_by_id("some_id")
driver.execute_script("arguments[0].innerText = 'what_you_want_to_show'", element)