How do you mock the querystring in a WCF service? - wcf

I have a WCF service which has methods that depend on reading values (OData) from the http request's querystring. I'm trying to write unit tests which inject in mock values into the querystring, then when I call the method it would use these mock values rather than erroring due to the request context not being available.
I've tried using WCFMock (which is based on Moq) however I don't see a way to set or get the querystring from the WebOperationContext that it provides.
Any ideas?

I ended up using the IOC pattern to solve this, creating an IQueryStringHelper interface that is passed into the constructor of the service. If it isn't passed in then it'll default to use the "real" QueryStringHelper class. When running test cases, it'll use an overloaded service constructor to pass in the TestQueryStringHelper instance, which lets you set a mock value for the querystring.
Here is the querystring helper code.
public interface IQueryStringHelper {
string[] GetParameters();
public class QueryStringHelper : IQueryStringHelper {
public string[] GetParameters() {
var properties = OperationContext.Current.IncomingMessageProperties;
var property = properties[HttpRequestMessageProperty.Name] as HttpRequestMessageProperty;
string queryString = property.QueryString;
return queryString.Split('&');
public class TestQueryStringHelper : IQueryStringHelper {
private string mockValue;
public TestQueryStringHelper(string value) {
mockValue = value;
public string[] GetParameters() {
return mockValue.Split('&');
And the service implementation:
public partial class RestService : IRestService {
private IAuthenticator _auth;
private IQueryStringHelper _queryStringHelper;
public RestService() : this(new Authenticator(), new QueryStringHelper()) {
public RestService(IAuthenticator auth, IQueryStringHelper queryStringHelper = null) {
_auth = auth;
if (queryStringHelper != null) {
_queryStringHelper = queryStringHelper;
And how to consume it from a test case:
string odata = String.Format("$filter=Id eq guid'{0}'", "myguid");
var service = new RestService(m_auth,new TestQueryStringHelper(odata));
var entities = service.ReadAllEntities();
Hopefully this helps someone else.


How to retrieve current application root URL in .net core within a static method?

I am currently using the Request.Scheme and Request.Host to composite Uri object to get AbsoluteUri for my .net core MVC application.
Uri location = new Uri($"{Request.Scheme}://{Request.Host}");
string applicationRootURL = location.AbsoluteUri;
But this only works in a non-static method.
As I need to re-use this method in another controller, I am thinking to make this action method static. If I do that, the compiler will complaint about the Request.Scheme and Request.Host.
I am wondering what's other options I have to achieve this?
Thank you.
This is what I have for ControllerA with ActionMethodA
public class ControllerA
public bool ActionMethodA()
Uri location = new Uri($"{Request.Scheme}://{Request.Host}");
string applicationRootURL = location.AbsoluteUri;
return false;
And in another ControllerB, I want to ActionMethodB to invoke ActionMethodA from ControllerA:
public class ControllerB
public void ActionMethodB()
var result = ActionMethodA();
Is creating an Extension Method to the ControllerA is the most proper way to handle this kind of scenario?
Thank you.
You can also define an extension method directly for the HttpRequest class and use the BuildAbsolute method of the UriHelper class to build the uri.
public static class HttpRequestExtensions
public static string GetURI(this HttpRequest request)
return UriHelper.BuildAbsolute(request.Scheme, request.Host);
And use it:
public IActionResult ContollerMethod()
var uri = Request.GetURI();
// your code
You can write an extension method to a controller or HttpContext object. In the following example I have added an extension method to the controller.
public static class ControllerExtensions
public static string GetURI(this Controller controller)
Uri location = new Uri($"{ controller.Request.Scheme}://{controller.Request.Host}");
string applicationRootURL = location.AbsoluteUri;
return applicationRootURL;
Once the extension method is written you can call it in the following manner.
public IActionResult Index()
var url = this.GetURI();
return View();
Make sure to import namespace of an extension method in your calling code

XUnit Test Constructor dependence injection with Autofac

I am implementing Xunit with Autofac, I could make it work by below code:
using (var scoped = DbFixture.Container.Resolve<UserReponsitory>())
var result = (scoped.GetAll()).ToList().Count();
Assert.Equal(2, result);
But I want to inject UserReponsitory to test method instead of using DbFixture.Container.Resolve. Is it possible to make below code work?
namespace XUnitTestPro
public class UnitTest1:IClassFixture<DbFixture>
private IUserReponsitory _userReponsitory;
public UnitTest1(IUserReponsitory userReponsitory)
_userReponsitory = userReponsitory;
public void Test1()
//using (var scoped = DbFixture.Container.Resolve<UserReponsitory>())
// var result = (scoped.GetAll()).ToList().Count();
// Assert.Equal(2, result);
var result = _userReponsitory.GetAll().ToList().Count();
Assert.Equal(2, result);
namespace XUnitTestPro
public class DbFixture
public static IContainer Container { get; set; }
public DbFixture()
var builder = new ContainerBuilder();
var option = new DbContextOptionsBuilder<UserContext>().UseSqlServer("Server=(localdb)\\MSSQLLocalDB;Database=EFProject;Trusted_Connection=True;MultipleActiveResultSets=true").Options;
UserContext context = new UserContext(option);
Container = builder.Build();
At present, I got below error, it seems to be related with IClassFixture<DbFixture> and public UnitTest1(IUserReponsitory userReponsitory) are different.
Message: The following constructor parameters did not have matching
fixture data: IUserReponsitory userReponsitory
Is there any way to achieve below code without call DbFixture.Container.Resolve which is similar to inject MVC Controller?
public UnitTest1(IUserReponsitory userReponsitory)
_userReponsitory = userReponsitory;
In other words, how could I dependence inject Unit Test class?
Any help would be appreciated.
Dependency Injection support in xUnit is kinda limited.
When you implement IClassFixture<DbFixture> interface, then xUnit expects one DbFixture parameter in it's constructor, and the type of the parameter depends on T in IClassFixture<T>.
That being said, when you implmenent IClassFixture<DbFixture> your constructor must look like public UnitTest1(DbFixture). But you have IUserRepository, so xUnit doesn't know what to inject in there.
You can also implement multiple IClassFixture<T> types, but you can use each T only once per test class.
From the official xUnit docs on shared context (IClassFixture<T>):
Important note: uses the presence of the interface IClassFixture<> to know that you want a class fixture to be created and cleaned up. It will do this whether you take the instance of the class as a constructor argument or not. Simiarly, if you add the constructor argument but forget to add the interface, will let you know that it does not know how to satisfy the constructor argument.
It's still possible to use the IoC container resolve it, just not with constructor injection.
public class DbFixture
public IContainer Container { get; private set; }
public DbFixture()
var builder = new ContainerBuilder();
var option = new DbContextOptionsBuilder<UserContext>().UseSqlServer("Server=(localdb)\\MSSQLLocalDB;Database=EFProject;Trusted_Connection=True;MultipleActiveResultSets=true").Options;
UserContext context = new UserContext(option);
Container = builder.Build();
public class UnitTest1:IClassFixture<DbFixture>
private IUserReponsitory _userReponsitory;
public UnitTest1(DbFixture fixture)
// resolve it here
_userReponsitory = fixture.Container.Resolve<IUserRepository>();
public void Test1()
//using (var scoped = DbFixture.Container.Resolve<UserReponsitory>())
// var result = (scoped.GetAll()).ToList().Count();
// Assert.Equal(2, result);
var result = _userReponsitory.GetAll().ToList().Count();
Assert.Equal(2, result);
However, the question is rather is that good way to use it? Not sure what you want to reach, but if you want do unit tests, then you don't have to use IoC container at all or concrete classes, just mocks and the type you are testing.
If you want do integration tests on ASP.NET Core MVC / WebApi, then you should rather use TestServer class which spins up the whole application with all IoC you have configured there already.
If you already have constructor injection enabled in your unit tests, you are nearly done. In the constructor of your test, inject a
namespace XUnitTestPro
public class UnitTest1:IClassFixture<DbFixture>
private Func<Owned<UserReponsitory>> _userRepositoryFactory;
public UnitTest1(Func<Owned<UserReponsitory>> userRepositoryFactory )
_userReponsitoryFactory = userReponsitoryFactory;
public void Test1()
//using (var scoped = DbFixture.Container.Resolve<UserReponsitory>())
// var result = (scoped.GetAll()).ToList().Count();
// Assert.Equal(2, result);
using (var scoped = userReponsitoryFactory())
var result = (scoped.Value.GetAll()).ToList().Count();
Assert.Equal(2, result);
The Func is a factory that allows you to return a Owned. Owned is a container that allows you to dispose your object on your own (the using block)

GWT with Serialization

This is my client side code to get the string "get-image-data" through RPC calls and getting byte[] from the server.
CommandMessage msg = new CommandMessage(itemId, "get-image-data");
cmain.ivClient.execute(msg, new AsyncCallback<ResponseMessage>() {
public void onFailure(Throwable caught) {
public void onSuccess(ResponseMessage result) {
if (result.result) { is byte[].
From the server side I got the length of the data is 241336.
But I could not get the value in onSuccess method. It is always goes to onFailure method.
And I got log on Apache: Type '[B' was
not included in the set of types which can be serialized by this
SerializationPolicy or its Class object could not be loaded.
How can I do serialisation in GWT?
1) Create a pojo which implements Serializable interface
Let this pojo has all the data you want in the response of RPC service, in this case image-data
2) Pass this pojo in the response for your RPC service.
The below tutorial has enough information for creating RPC service
The objects you transfer to and from the server has to implement IsSerializable.
All your custom Objects within the Object you are transferring also needs to implement IsSerializable.
Your objects cannot have final fields and needs an no argument constructor.
You need getters and setters.
A common serialize object in GWT:
public class MyClass implements IsSerializable {
private String txt;
private MyOtherClass myOtherClass; // Also implements IsSerializable
public MyClass() {
public String getTxt() {
return this.txt;
public void setTxt(String txt) {
return this.txt = txt;
public String getMyOtherClass() {
return this.myOtherClass;
public void setMyOtherClass(MyOtherClass myOtherClass) {
return this.myOtherClass = myOtherClass;

WCF avoiding too many endpoints for experts

I have a lot of businesses services already implemented, and I´m exposing them as services by WCF.
I don´t like the idea to have one endpoint to each service..... it could be a problem to maintain in the future as my repository grows.......
I´d like to know wcf´s experts opinions if the code below would be a good approach an them I can move ahead with this solution.
Business Service A:
public interface IServiceA
object AddA(object a);
object Update();
Business Service B:
public interface IServiceB
object AddB(object b);
object Update();
Concrete implementation for Service A
public class ConcreteServiceA : IServiceA
public object AddA(object a)
return null;
public object Update()
return null;
Concrete implementation for Service B
public class ConcreteServiceB : IServiceB
public object AddB(object b)
return null;
public object Update()
return null;
My single service is partial to separate concerns to each service.
Note that it´s constructors depends on both business services above, will be injection using IoC
Partial for constructors
public partial class WCFService
IServiceA _a;
IServiceB _b;
public WCFService()
: this(new ConcreteServiceA(), new ConcreteServiceB())
public WCFService(IServiceA serviceA, IServiceB serviceB)
_a = serviceA;
_b = serviceB;
Partial class implementing only IServiveA
public partial class WCFService : IServiceA
object IServiceB.AddB(object b)
return _b.AddB(b);
object IServiceB.Update()
return _b.Update();
Partial class implementing only IServiceB
public partial class WCFService : IServiceB
object IServiceA.AddA(object a)
return _a.AddA(a);
object IServiceA.Update()
return _a.Update();
And in the client side, I using like that:
var endPoint = new EndpointAddress("http://localhost/teste");
ChannelFactory<IServiceA> _factoryA = new ChannelFactory<IServiceA>(new BasicHttpBinding(), endPoint);
IServiceA serviceA = _factoryA.CreateChannel();
var netTcpEndPoint = new EndpointAddress("net.tcp://localhost:9000/teste");
ChannelFactory<IServiceB> _factoryB = new ChannelFactory<IServiceB>(new NetTcpBinding(), netTcpEndPoint);
IServiceB serviceB = _factoryB.CreateChannel();
I really appreciate any opinion or other suggestions.
There's nothing wrong with multiple endpoints - it's part of the process. What is wrong, however, is duplicating functionality over multiple endpoints. How many "UpdateThis's" or "AddThat's" developers need? This can get out of control and makes for a maintenance headache. Just look at your constructor, it will grow and grow as you add new services and consolidate them into one service.
Think coarse-grained not fine-grained.
As an alternative, maybe you can try passing request objects as a parameter and returning response objects. This approach may streamline your code and help you avoid the maintenance issues you mention in your post and gives you a suggestion.
So, it looks something like this:
// Your service will return a very generic Response object
public interface IService
Response YourRequest(Request request);
// Your service implementation
public partial class WCFService : IService
Response IService.YourRequest(Request request)
//inspect the Request, do your work based on the values
//and return a response object
// Your request object
public class Request()
object YourClass{get;set;}
DoWhat Action{get;set;} //enum, constants, string etc.
int ID {get; set;}
// Your response object
public class Response()
bool Success {get; set;}
// Create Request object
var request = new Request(){YourClass = YourClassName , Action DoWhat.Update(), ID=1};
// Your service call
var endPoint = new EndpointAddress("http://localhost/teste");
ChannelFactory<IService> _factory = new ChannelFactory<IService>(new BasicHttpBinding(), endPoint);
IService service = _factory.CreateChannel();
var response = service.YourRequest(request);
So, now you've removed the fine-grained approach and replaced it with course-grained one. Let me know if you'd like more detail.

How to do Setup of mocks with Ninject's MockingKernel (moq)

I'm having a really hard time trying to figure how I can do .SetupXXX() calls on the underlying Mock<T> that has been generated inside the MockingKernel. Anyone who can shed some light on how it is supposed to work?
You need to call the GetMock<T> method on the MoqMockingKernel which will return the generated Mock<T> on which you can call your .SetupXXX()/VerifyXXX() methods.
Here is an example unit test which demonstrates the GetMock<T> usage:
public void Test()
var mockingKernel = new MoqMockingKernel();
var serviceMock = mockingKernel.GetMock<IService>();
serviceMock.Setup(m => m.GetGreetings()).Returns("World");
var sut = mockingKernel.Get<MyClass>();
Assert.AreEqual("Hello World", sut.SayHello());
Where the involved types are the following:
public interface IService { string GetGreetings(); }
public class MyClass
private readonly IService service;
public MyClass(IService service) { this.service = service; }
public string SayHello()
return string.Format("Hello {0}", service.GetGreetings());
Note that you can access the generated Moq.MockRepository (if you prefer it over the SetupXXX methods) with the MoqMockingKernel.MockRepository property.