How do I keep my database in sync with TICoreDataSync? - objective-c

I've been working on this problem for a while now. Here's what happens:
My app is launched. It already has existing data in the core data store. It then connects to Dropbox using TICoreDataSync.
Then I connect a second device, which also has existing data. I connect it up to Dropbox the same way.
What then happens is that when I sync, it syncs data between the two harmoniously. Any changes i make on one device are sent to the other after a sync on both devices. The problem is, I want the existing data in the database to be uploaded to Dropbox and included in the sync, so both devices have all data.
How can I do this?

This is actually not how TICoreDataSync was intended to work. It will not merge those two store files for you, but will rather pull down the store file uploaded by the first device to the second device and then keep those store files in sync. From your description it sounds like you are skipping the whole store upload and download steps during sync manager registration.


Storing large data in react native for offline usage

For our app we need the app the work offline 100% with the most recent data.
Normally the app uses a symfony api platform API to fetch data paginated server side.
But when someone is using the app in a area without Internet he still need to be able to access all data to make a new job and que it for when he is online.
So our tough is to make a json that has all the data and send it to the phone when the phone has connection.
When the phone is using the app live, it will use pagination from server and fetch data.
And when offline it will use the local downloaded data file.
Problem is the data is large, so storing it is the problem.
We are now using redux persist and we see so many people have problems with crashes and mobile ram.
We also thought of using sqlite or just async to store a json file, or download a sqlite file from the app.
How do you guys feel about this
You can use react-native-local-mongodb. This can help you store a json database on your phone.
Other option is to have react-native-sqlite-storage in case your database has to be relational and requires table.
You will have to sync this local copy with the server once this user is online. This too can be done if you have the timestamp saved of the last sync. So after that, you ll just have to sync the data created after that timestamp.
However, I had also implemented react redux persist and it didnt crash. I suppose, the reason for crash must me something else.

UIDocument VS CoreData External Binary Data VS File Manager

I have an iOS 7 app, that is using Core Data. Some of the Core Data objects has a related (one to one relationship) images that are > 1MB & < 4MB and are stored in the app’s Document folder. Core Data objects only stores image names as string.
I want to integrate iCloud support for the app so I can sync data between devices. I am planning to use iCloud Core Data storage to sync Core Data objects. But what to do with the images?! After reading different posts, I found a couple of options that are highlighted underneath. I am struggling to pick one, that would suit me best. It would be nice to know someones experience/recommendations. What I should be careful with, or what didn't I think of? I also need to consider migration of the existing data to the option I will pick.
OPTION 1. Store UIImage in the Core Data as Binary Data with External Binary Data option (read here). At this moment is seems to be the easiest solution, but I guess not the best. From Documentation:
It is better, however, if you are able to store BLOBs as resources on
the filesystem, and to maintain links (such as URLs or paths) to those
Also will the external files be synced? If so, how reliable the sync would be if the user quits on minimises the app, will the sync process resume? From about External File References:
In our testing, when this occurs, iCloud does not always know how to
resolve the relationship and can throw exceptions. If you plan to use
iCloud syncing, consider unchecking this box in your iCloud entities
OPTION 2. Store images using UIDocument (good tutorial here) and somehow track relation between Core Data entry and UIDocument. From what I understand whatever I put in this directory will be automatically synchronised to the iCloud by a system daemon. So if the user quits the app, the images will still be synced to the iCloud, right?
OPTION 3. Using FileManager(more info here). I haven’t read a lot about this approach, but I think it can also work.
OPTION 4. Any other?
There are similar posts (e.g. Core Data with iCloud design), but unfortunately they don't fully answer my question.
Seems Apple will reject application because of large database iCloud synchronization.
I think the best solution is to store images on a remote host, and keep Image URL in CoreData.
And also Local path of image should be resolvable from remote URL.
So the algorithm will look like this ->
1) Getting Remote URL from CoreData.
2) Resolve local path of image.
3) If local image exists retrieve it, otherwise read it from remote and save it to local storage.
You can have a look to Amazon S3 server here.

Ideal location of db on IOS

I am using phonegap for IOS app development. Now, phonegap tries to find the db by default in 'NSCachesDirectory', but whenever IOS runs into memory problems, it tries to delete data from 'NSCachesDirectory', so, the data is not secured. If i am not mistaken, this problem was solved in cordova 2.1.0, where the back-up of data is taken and then restored afterwards. So, just wanted to confirm if i am heading in the right direction or data itself can be stored in 'NSDocumentDirectory' so that data is secured and somehow phonegap looks for db in 'NSDocumentDirectory' and not Caches direcory. Thanks.
Only documents and other data that is user-generated, or that cannot otherwise be recreated by your application, should be stored in the /Documents directory(You can store DB in Documents directory)
Data that can be downloaded again or regenerated should be stored in the /Library/Caches directory.

How to store small to medium sets of data in iOS (for easy iCloud-sync)?

I have an iOS application that currently manages a small bunch of settings (via NSUserDefaults, I know how to sync these via iCloud) and some list data.
Let's say as an example I want to store a list of <color name / color / comment>. So I create a custom type, that is called ColorInfo. In my app I need to store multiple values of ColorInfo, I'd try and achieve that using an NSMutableArray or a database, but both are not easily synchronizable via the iCloud.
What ways to manage lists of data do you prefer in your iOS apps to meet the following two requirements?
You should be able to easily store the data persistently on the local phone.
You should be able to easily sync the data via the iCloud.
You want to use UIDocument its designed for local archiving and iCloud persistence.
Developer Doc
Do not use the key value storage. It is very.. weird.
I would make my own version of the key value storage by creating a local file and a remote file of the same name. To sync, you have to download the remote file and combine its contents with the local data. Write it to the file and upload the file.

Testing on blackberry device - adding and removing app multiple times

It would be useful for many people to know how to completely remove an application from your device when testing.
I have downloaded my app many times now, and likewise have deleted it many times. The problem is when deleting the app, it does not remove things like the persistent object related to my app, or the images downloaded through the app. So, when I download the next build, I have no idea if something broke that is related to building the persistent object or fetching the images since those elements already exist from the last build.
I don't know if this is a cache thing. I don't know if this is expected and I have to use some utility to wipe this data after deleting the app. I can't really find much info through basic web searches.
Any information would be appreciated.
Blackberry Bold 9000. 4.6 OS. tested with both SD card and no SD card.
Objects stored in the PersistentStore are automatically deleted on uninstall if their interfaces were defined in your project. If they are from the standard BlackBerry API then they will stick around until they're deleted. E.G if you save a String in the PersistentStore it will stay in the PersistentStore but if you save a class you created it will be deleted on an uninstall. So if you want to have those objects be deleted automatically just create a wrapper class and save that.
Images stored on the filesystem will not be deleted until you or some application deletes them. However, it should be easy for you to write an app that clears everything out.
Another solution you could implement is making your app somewhat self-aware of its data.
Create a simple String value that you persist (or optionally, persist it in a Hashtable so you can store many properties this way) that includes "Version".
At startup of the GUI app, compare the stored "Version" against the application's current version. If the stored version doesn't exist, or if it exists and matches, take no action.
If it exists and does not match, automatically clean up old persisted data; or alternatively prompt the user to see if they want that data to be deleted (which one is better will depend on your implementation)
You can also use CodeModuleListener to listen for an uninstall event -- when that happens, you can clean up at that time as well or instead.
(As an aside and a bit of shameless self promotion, I am actually currently working on a shareable library for Blackberry that makes managing persistence much easier, as well as desktop data backup/restore. I'm doing this as part of the BBSSH project, but I'll be splitting it off into a separate library of core components and publishing it under a dual GPL/optional commercial license. It will contain hooks for data cleanup and data versioning. )