How do I edit a Shopify Web Hook? - shopify

I need to have the Shopify Web Hook parsed in the way I want it to look myself, I want it to HTTP POST only a few lines of information that are taken from the order that the Web Hook will be sent for.
I work with third parties that need order information that I send to them, these third parties have to adapt in 1 way or another to the web hooks but as of right now Web Hooks looks fairly limiting. Is there any way I can edit the contents of a web hook through the Shopify API???
I want to make use of the Web Hooks but be able to use it as a regular HTTP POST mechanism where I can choose myself exactly what I will send to the link I set to have the information sent to.

It works like this.
Shopify sends you an Order via Webhook. It's not sophisticated computing. They just keep on sending the complete order to your URL endpoint until you return a 200 OK status that you got it or they just give up on you.
Now that you have the entire order, you parse it, take out only the note stuff you want, and now YOU can send just your precious note stuff to your favorite person via HTTP POST using your computing engine... be it some PHP, Python, Ruby, Java or .Net concoction.
Shopify ==(order)==> Your App (you process) ===> do what you want...


Adding Customer records via Liquid?

Basically, I'm looking for the absolute simplest way to add an email (which is effectively a Customer object with no other parameters) to my list of Customers. The use-case is a jQuery-based pop-up email collector that I'm writing because I'm not happy with/don't want to pay for more established solutions.
Everything is working correctly, except I'm stuck on how exactly to authenticate to my Shopify store. Via Javascript I can only perform a few API calls, none of which I need. There are also very complex solutions for creating full-fledged apps for Shopify which are able to do everything, but I think that's overkill for this one API request I need to make.
I know that all I need to do is make a POST request once authenticated per these instructions. What is the best way to do this?
If you want to create user from jQuery you can generate using AJAX POST call in appropriate URL generated using Private App, but be careful before placing authorization details in front end since it will be visible and any one can misuse it.
The better way is to create user using HTTP Post call from some server side language like JAVA or PhP or some language.

Is it possible to serve HTML dynamically in Shopify?

I'm thinking something like pulling in a json file and generating a page from it. I'm just wanting to know if this is a possibility in Shopify.
We're wanting to move our current site completely over to Shopify, and we're hoping we can still have much of the functionality we got from angular and node.
Yes you can do this through Application proxies.
An application proxy is a feature that fetches and displays data on a
Shopify shop page from an outside location that you, the developer,
specify. For app developers, this means that the content on these
proxy pages can be dynamic; capable of being updated as much as you
feel necessary. App developers can use application proxies to display
image galleries, statistics and custom forms, just to name a few
Basically when Shopify receives an HTTP request on a proxied path, it forwards that request to your specified URL so you can do as you wish. Even further, if you set the Content-Type: application/liquid on your response headers, Shopify will render the template for you; so you could use your very own liquid templates making this page look and behave exactly as the rest of your shop.
There's information on how to get started on the official Shopify Documentation.

Regarding the use of API's

My app is a Personal Assistant who's main job is to redirect the user to something that complies with his/her wishes. I realize, for example that has no API. My question is that can I, say open the browser app with the url as>&sort=re.
Is this considered as using their API? Not just AllRecipies, but numerous other such services. If I am using this method, then do I have to request API key, etc? I am not retrieving anything. I am simply redirecting the user to their page with the query pre-written. Does this require all the licensing fees, API Key, etc?
Do I have to agree to this fees(If they ask), Request API Key, etc?
With the particular URL in question, it is simply an HTML web server URL, rather than a web API, as such. You can still get data out of it, but you'd have to parse the HTML yourself to extract what you want from the HTML response.
They may have an API that you can use to access data more directly as JSON, XML, etc, but you'll have to look into that yourself. And you will possibly require an API key to access it. But perhaps not, if it's publicly available and they don't care how many calls they get to it by anonymous users.
You may find this resource useful. It contains a lot of open APIs and code snippets to access them:
If you are simply trying to hit a URL or directing a user to this particular URL which you already know and is static meaning you always hit the same url without change in parameters, then this is not considered an API call and will not be requiring any API key.
However, if they have some APIs exposed, you will need to go through their documentation and using this API most likely requires the use of an API key(alhough this might not be true always). Usually, most platforms have a bunch of APIs available for different scenarios and these are called based on user specific parameters and requirements.

Notification on Feeds URL

I am .net developer.I need some clarification in the feeds notification.
I have some list of RSS feed url (e.g more than 100 URL).
My question is I want to develop a console application to get notification if the new item comes in any of the 100 URLS.
What is exact way to do this. Please guide me.
Can we make use of the pubsubhub protocol for this requirement or any other simple approach is available to do this.
Yes, PubSubHubbub is a protocol that you could use for this. Now, it's not implemented by all feeds out there, so you'll have to resort to polling. Another option is to use services like Superfeedr which provide a webhook mechanism to notify your application when a feed has been updated.

Tracking query strings in Shopify, using webhooks and admin options

I was redirected here by Shopify support. I have three main questions for a project I'll be working on and wanted to see how possible some of the things would be.
We are looking to develop a plugin for use with Shopify to track purchases through the use of a link shortener (to see which link referred what purchases, etc.). I have a few questions that I'm not 100% sure on even after reading through the documentation.
The first problem that I seem to have is tracking the query string that the link shortener appends to the URL once it redirects. For this service, they use "?visit_id={hash}" and I need to be able to access this--at the very least on the "Thank You" page after an order. I saw in the docs that there is "landing_page_ref" ( but considering our query string is "visit_id" instead of one of the acceptable parameters, how would I be able to use that query string?
Lastly, I just have a question about how webhooks work with plugins that are on the app store. I know I can just call webhooks to wherever I want, like my personal server, but if this app gets onto the app store, I obviously don't want to hook everything to my own server. Is there a way to make it run on the store itself, and which URL should I use?
Lastly, what is the preferred method for handling configuration options for the plugin? Is there a way to hook into the admin backend or would all configuration have to be in a file within the plugin?
I'll do my best to answer these for you. It sounds like you're used to building plugins for something like Wordpress - Shopify apps are a bit different.
You can't access anything on the thank you page for the order.
The thank you page/checkout process goes through a secured Shopify page that you don't have access to - so if you want information about what your URL shortener attached to the store pages, you'll need to retrieve it while they're on the page (using something like a ScriptTag + Javascript to track the query string), or hope that it's inside the Order when you retrieve it later (using the API or a webhook).
Webhooks need to talk to a server you run.
They send the information to you, and then you process it and deal with it. If you want to use webhooks, you will need to run a server with your app on it for the webhooks to talk to.
You manage your own config.
Because you're running your own server to handle those webhooks, you handle configuration for your plugin there. The apps I've worked on typically have their own database for managing configuration options, as well as an admin panel to manage them (it's what the user accesses when they click 'Log Into [Your App]' on the "Manage Apps" screen).
You'll need to run your own server to host your Shopify app.