How do I tell a Dojo custom build about external libraries? - dojo

In my Dojo build, I'm pulling in some third party libraries.
As I go through the build process, I'm getting errors due to ReferenceErrors.
This is fine. This makes sense.
However, I'd like to tell the Dojo build process about the things that are being referenced. In essence, this would be akin to passing externs to the Closure Compliler.
Thus, my question: How do I tell the Dojo build process about references that it cannot infer from my code base?
This is using Dojo 1.8

I just ran into this myself. Now I'm assuming that the ReferenceErrors you referred to are for browser objects like navigator, window, document, and the like. If so, then this is a problem introduced by the Dojo build process itself, because the build is performed by dojo.js running inside of Rhino where browser global objects are not defined. It's a dojo/Rhino error, not a closure compiler error, so there's nothing you can pass to closure to change this. For example, a script like
will break your dojo build if it is included in a dojo layer. When the dojo AMD loader resolves the dependency of a script like the above, it will run the body of the function, resulting in a ReferenceError because window does not exist in Rhino.
To get around this, wrap the script as an AMD module
define([], function(){
and then the function body will NOT be executed by the AMD loader during dojo build.


IntelliJ call hierarchy with dependencies

In IntelliJ, it is possible to decompile single class from a dependency jar and see that there is a function call to our prod class. But this is not useful for finding all calls to the method.
There is an option to include dependencies in call hierarchy feature (Ctrl+Alt+H), but seems like it doesn't work for a specific case.
To use this functionality of searching dependencies, should source code of dependency be available?
Does this mean that IntelliJ can index only dependencies with source code?
Seems that I met the same puzzle like you did, I click the notice upper under the tag "download the source" and it makes!
I can use "open call hierarchy" function to see the function hierarchy in source code.

Is it possible to include vuetify in a library bundle?

I have two Vue projects, one is an app that is injected in an older website via script-tag and a second project, that is a form, that uses own logic and vuetify components. The later should be used in other projects also and gets props from where it is used. Therefore it should be compiled as a library.
If i compile it as app i can transfer data via a global JS variable, but i would like to use the components like any other library. (Just import it and put it in the <template> like so: <MyComponent ..props../>)
If i compile it as a library i got all sorts of vuetify not correctly initialized. After i cleared them my HTML looked excactly like my code (eg:<v-app>...</v-app>) without any errors.
The 'serve' from the standard installation worked without a problem in the component project.
The component project is created with vue create project and modified according to
I already searched online and got only so far, my question on the vue discord was left unanswered, so my questions are:
1. Is this even possible to do?
2. If it is, could you please point me in a direction, or give a summary of what i have to do?
3. If not, is there another way of achieving this, except for copying the raw code into each project?
Short answer, yes. Is it recommended, no.
The best way to do this is to export your form component as a library so that it can be imported into other projects but exclude any dependencies like Vuetify, which should be imported separately. This avoids versioning errors.
The Vue docs on packaging for npm are useful as is this article

Piranha CMS: Problem with custom block in manager interface

I am trying to add a custom block. I followed the steps in following two links:
In the CMS manager, I added the custom block to a page, but the block content is empty. Looks like the Vue.js didn't get associated to the custom block. I have set the block component attribute to the Vue.js.
I added the Vue.js by calling below method in the startup. Did I miss something to create a custom block?
Move your "mycustomblock.js" file to the folder "wwwroot/js/" instead of the default "assets/js/". That way the file will be visible to Vue.js
Something is not working with the assets folder, probably it cannot be reached by Vue.js
after the Project is compiled. I had the same problem and this solution worked for me.
void Configure in Startup.cs will then look something like this (I simplified the syntax a bit compared to the documentation):
Adding a custom block and many other tasks have been difficult for me. Trial and error, and no knowledgebase to fall back on. The documentation is a fantastic start, and "Step by step" guides would be a good idea for the future (but I guess time is very limited).

Upgrade from Dojo 1.4 to 1.8

I am working on the Migration of Dojo from 1.4 to 1.8. I have a project in which there are some jsp pages in which dojo is written and it takes the path of dojo from an xml file.
I have changed the path from dojo 1.4 Library to dojo 1.8 Library, but after doing this the referneces to the dojo widgets are throwing an error
e.g dijit.byId("idofwidget")
ERROR : dijit.byId("idofwidget") is null or not an object.
Please guide how to resolve the issue and it would be better if basics steps to upgrade can be provided.
Thanks in Advance
If you're really going to upgrade to Dojo 1.8, then you will have to rewrite your code into AMD, for example:
// Load the modules you need
require([ "dijit/registry", "dojo/ready", "dojo/parser" ], function(registry, ready) {
// Wait until DOM is finished + widgets on the page are parsed
ready(function() {
// Retrieve widget instance
One important thing to know is that you don't upgrade Dojo, you migrate it (at least when using pre- and post-1.7). This usually involves that you can not simply change the Dojo library, but you will have to migrate your code as well.
There are some articles about migrating from pre-1.7 to post-1.7, for example this article about migrating.
Sitepen also provided a tool called the Dojo AMD converter which can convert your modules into AMD syntax, it's not 100% guaranteed that it will work, but it puts you one step closer (at least). They also have an article about migrating, which you can find here.

How to include legacy module in Dojo AMD

I'm trying to migrate an application from dojo 1.6 to version 1.9.1, and I've a legacy module that I didn't want to migrate yet (it's pretty complex and will take me some time to understand). The Dojo docs indicate you can load legacy modules along with AMD modules, but when I try, I'm getting a "dojo.provide is not a function" when the loader tries to load the legacy module.
My script:
require([..., "agsjs/dijit/TOC","dojo/domReady!"],
function(..., TOC) {
//Add Legend
var toc = new TOC({
map: map,
}, 'legendDiv');
The first line of code of the module:
Everything works until the loader tries to load the agsjs/dijit/TOC module, where I get a "dojo.provide is not a function" error. How do I solve this without having to refactor the entire module to AMD? Thanks
In order for legacy modules to load, you need to run the loader in legacy mode, which means you cannot set async: true. As long as you are running with async: false (the default), you will be able to load and use legacy modules from AMD modules, and vice-versa.
A good point of AMD is that you don't have to use "dojo" and "dijit" global variables now. If you don't want change all those calls in your old modules, you may try to wrap you old module in a
"dojo", "dijit",
], function(declare, dojo, dijit) {
return declare([/*your parent widgets*/], {
//your old module content at here, maybe you need make little modifications of your old module
So that those functions may still works.
This link may provide everything you need: