Unable to render combo box in dialog - dojo

I want to show a popup dialog containing a dijit.ComboBox with data populated using ajax request or data store.
The problem I am facing is that the combobox is always disabled.
My selected code is:
<div dojoType="dojo.data.ItemFileReadStore" id="osTypeStore" data-dojo-id="osTypeStore" url="/AjaxPopulateOS.json">
<select id="osType" data-dojo-type="dijit.form.ComboBox"
store: osTypeStore,
placeHolder: 'Select a schdule type'" >
Any ideas

I believe it is because there are no items in it? Is it grayed out totally - and have the Disabled class parameter set?
Check that dijit.byId('osTypeStore') returns a store and that it has items in it.
If this is the case, change your code to
store: 'osTypeStore'
Note the quotes. This forces parser to evaluate the string into a dijit - and the store might not have been initialized correctly as a true variable at the point it is read. In other words, in combobox constructor - the javascript variable is undefined.
If this does not help, try forcing to set store after onShow has run for your dialog.
dialog.onShow = function() {
dijit.byId('osType').set('store', dijit.byId('osTypeStore'));

Try forcing it to enabled using the property of the combo
enabled: true,
Other than that, check it using Firebug or debug bar or something similar :)


how to show default placeholder in angular ng-select model?

so when my form group get loaded my drop down looks like this
my ng select code is
placeholder="select By Device"
<ng-option [value]="1">Desktop</ng-option>
<ng-option [value]="2">Laptop</ng-option>
<ng-option [value]="3">Tablet</ng-option>
<ng-option [value]="4">Mobile</ng-option>
I want clearable option true because its filter
and when i click on close icon (clearable icon) i see placeholder like this
basically it should look like this when it gets loaded instead of empty option
so how do i do this
please help !!
Ok so I resolved issue you just have to assign null value to form control name
this.myForm = new FormGroup({
'byDevice':new FormControl(null)
like this
Thanks !!

How to adjust datepicker view inside ag grid cell render template?

I use cell rendering in my ag-grid for editing a date field.Inside that cell datePicker is added as shown
view of my cell
But when i am clicking the date icon date picker view is like it is fully mounded inside the cell and not visible properly.the below picture shows my issue
selector: 'app-gender-renderer',
template: ` `
<input type="text" id="recording_date_to" [(ngModel)]="changedRecDateTo" (change)="edit()"
ngbDatepicker #d="ngbDatepicker" style="z-index: 0;"
class="form-control input-sm" />
<button class="glyphicon glyphicon-calendar" (click)="d.toggle()" type="button"></button>
Tried z index , it is also not working..
Can anyone please help me to solve this ?
Thank You in advance
As mentioned before, to be able to use DatePicker in cell you need to create cellEditor instead of cellRenderer, however, cellEditor just like an extension for cellRenderer.
So for angular, you need to use ICellEditorAngularComp interface and take care of
agInit(params: any): void // for init value which would be used in DatePicker
getValue(): any // for passing value back to the grid (and update the cell)
don't forget to return true in isPopup(): boolean method - for correct visibility.
Now, about DatePicker itself, I'm using #danielmoncada/angular-datetime-picker
(but for sure you can use anything)
And there are a few things that you need to take care :
what type of value is the datepicker library using
what type of value you will use for view and for database
and it could be handled with getValue and valueFormatter methods
That's all for theory, check my demo below and feel free to ask anything related, will try to help.
Two things...
First, if you are really using a date picker in a cell renderer, don't.
That should be done in a cell editor, not a renderer.
Second, if you want to have an editor that is not constrained by the cell,
you have to specify that the editor is a 'popup' editor by implementing isPopup() in your editor, and returning true.
The documentation for this is at https://www.ag-grid.com/javascript-grid-cell-editing/#popup

Disable p-dropdown depending selection of another p-dropdown PrimeNG

I am using PrimeNG in my angular app, I have issue with p-dropdown
I have two dropdowns for country and caste_category, I provide caste_reservation for only India , in case of other country selection , the OPEN option from caste_category needs to get selected and make the disable that dropdown.
If I have well understood your need, you have to set onChange event on country dropdown. This event will call a method that will trigger disabled property on caste dropdown depending on the country selected. It will also select OPEN option on this dropdown if the country is not India.
<p-dropdown [options]="countries" [(ngModel)]="applicant.country" (onChange)="updateCountry()"></p-dropdown>
<p-dropdown [options]="castes" [(ngModel)]="caste" [disabled]="disableCasteDropdown"></p-dropdown>
updateCountry() {
if(this.applicant.country!=='India') {
this.disableCasteDropdown = true;
this.caste = 'o';
} else {
this.disableCasteDropdown = false;
this.caste = null;
See Plunker
Is it what you're looking for ?
If you are using Directive form controls you can disable the input, dropdown etc... by adding disabled: true in the form control
Using disabled attribute in html results to this message in console :
It looks like you're using the disabled attribute with a reactive form directive. If you set disabled to true
when you set up this control in your component class, the disabled attribute will actually be set in the DOM for
you. We recommend using this approach to avoid 'changed after checked' errors.
form = new FormGroup({
first: new FormControl({value: 'Nancy', disabled: true}, Validators.required),
last: new FormControl('Drew', Validators.required)

Resetting a field to its default value

I want to be able to reset all text fields to their default values when a button is clicked.
What I've done so far is query for all text fields and bind a function I wrote called 'textChanged' to the change event as follows:
require(["dojo/on","dojo/query"], function(on,query){
The function is defined as follows:
function textChanged(newVal)
I found I can reset the value in the body of the function by doing the assignment:
newVal.target.value = newVal.target.defaultValue;
If this function is triggered by a change event.
What I want to do is if a button is clicked, then I want to execute the newVal.target.value = newVal.target.defaultValue and am having trouble getting the context correct.
I've tried preserving the 'this' variable when it is called as well as preserving the 'newVal' parameter. If I try setting the value outside of the the context, then the update doesn't preserve. I've tried setting the 'this' value to some other value (nt = this) and the newValue to another variable (nv = newValue) and then I want to execute:
nv.target.value = nv.target.defaultValue;
and although it clears the field on the form, when the form is submitted, its actual value is still the manually modified value. I noticed that the 'this' is different from when I textChanged is called from the change event verses when I call it directly in my button clicked context.
I tried calling it using 'hitch' to set the context of this to its value that it had from the change event, but that doesn't seem to set the correct context:
require(["dojo/on", "dojo/_base/lang"], function(on, lang) {
lang.hitch(nt, textChanged(nv));
To be precise - inside textChanged I display the value of 'this' using console.log(this);
When textChanged is invoked when the text changes from the UI, 'this' is:
Yet when it is invoked from clicking my button that calls it via the
lang.hitch(nt, textChanged(nv));
'this' is:
Window fauxRedirect.lsw?applicationInstanceId=guid%3A1eae6af09bf6f543%3A-6644aeb4%3A13a8a4c429e%3A-7ffe&zWorkflowState=2&zTaskId=p1&applicationId=2&zComponentName=CoachNG&zComponentId=3028.b1094dc3-da2b-461a-8d56-f6444891c174&zDbg=2#%20%20
I've confirmed that 'nt' is indeed the same '
So, I'm trying to execute the textChanged function such that 'this' is set to that value.
Or, if there is a better way to reset a field to its default from another control - that would work as well.
Thanks in advance.
I'm not sure of the full context of what you are trying to do, so don't know if this answers your question?
You can reset all of the widgets within a form to their default value as long as they are wrapped in a dijit/form/Form widget. If all the widgets are wrapped correctly it should be a simple matter of calling reset() on the form.
NB: This will not work for native elements (ie. standard <input> or <textarea> fields, they must be dijit/form/TextBox ...etc).
<form data-dojo-type="dijit/form/Form" data-dojo-id="theForm">
<label for="field1">Field 1:</label>
type="text" id="field1" name="field1"
data-dojo-type="dijit/form/TextBox" value="default1"
/><br />
<label for="field2">Field 1:</label>
type="text" id="field2" name="field2"
data-dojo-type="dijit/form/TextBox" value="default2"
<br /><br />
Clicking the reset button here should reset the fields to: field1="default1" and feield2="default2".
The form is calling each widget's reset() method. If you create your own widgets you need to ensure that their reset() method works correctly (as well as the _getValueAttr() method for setting their value).

jQuery radio button change function not being triggered when it should

I have a problem with this jQuery Change function:
<input type="radio" name="words" value="8" checked><span class="word">word1</span>
<input type="radio" name="words" value="6"><span class="word">word2</span>
The problem is that the event gets only triggered when I click the first option (value=8) which is checked by default.
How Can I trigger the event when clicking any other option?
Please note: I have tried the above function on both Chrome and Firefox and I have the same problem.
should be $("input[name='words']").change(function(){
You are only binding the event handler to :checked elements. So as the first input has the checked property set, that's the only one that receives the event handler. Remove :checked and it should work fine:
Here's a working example. Note that I've also removed the # character from your selector. You haven't needed it since like jQuery 1.2 or something like that.
That finds all the input elements with the name words (actually, it won't work: the XPath-style # attribute selector has been removed since jQuery 1.3) that are checked and binds an event handler to them. If the elements are not checked when the selection is made, no event handlers will be bound to them.
The easiest solution is to bind to all relevant elements, and only fire code if they have been unchecked:
$('input[name="words"]').change(function() {
if (!this.checked) { // checkbox was checked, now is not
working link
You've subscribed change function only to the radiobuttons whitch is checked (:checked). Remove it from selector.
Code: http://jsfiddle.net/DRasw/1/
Give id property of Radio buttons
Add property of OnClick="CheckClick()" on second redio button.
In jquery CheckClick() function
if ($('#rb2').attr('checked')) {
alert('rb2 test');