HAProxy with SSL (https) and Sticky Session - apache

I need to setup Load balancer as an alternative for ELB for Amazon as they have issue in connection timeout.
Currently, Im using HAProxy and it works normally. However, I need to use SSL for users who wants to connect in https (port 443) to the backend apache servers plus sticky session.
What will be the configuration would looks like? I heard that HAProxy doesn't support SSL in native and can use stunnel or nginx / apache to handle the SSL termination.
I would appreciate anyone to share their knowledge and experiences.

To http use something like that.
Change the XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX to your IP address.
listen example-cluster XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:80
mode http
stats enable
stats auth user:password
stick store-request src
stick-table type ip size 200k expire 2m
balance source
cookie JSESSIONID prefix
option httplog
option httpclose
option forwardfor
option persist
option redispatch
option httpchk HEAD /check.txt HTTP/1.0
server example-webl XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:80 cookie A check
server example-web2 XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:80 cookie B check
server example-web3 XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:80 cookie C check
server example-web4 XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:80 cookie D check
server example-web5 XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:80 cookie E check
To your SSL use the mode tcp with balance source:
listen example-cluster-ssl XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:443
mode tcp
reqadd X-Forwarded-Proto:\ https
stick store-request src
stick-table type ip size 200k expire 2m
option persist
option redispatch
option ssl-hello-chk
balance source
server example-webl XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:443 check
server example-web2 XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:443 check
server example-web3 XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:443 check
server example-web4 XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:443 check
server example-web5 XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:443 check
Another way is your upgrade your haproxy to version 1.5, in that version have support to ssl but isn't stable yet.

Take a look at the Stud project on github, which combines extremely well with haproxy, is very performant, scalable, and uses very little resource. Many users are switching to it right now because it's simple and efficient.


how to check the backend server health with https haproxy

I'm using yum to install haproxy 1.5.18 .
THere are two types of backend server, one type is https backend servers, one type is http backend servers. any type has two servers.
enter image description here
in the previous configuration for http visit( both haproxy and was ), i can use
option httpchk HEAD /sabrix/scripts/menu-common.js
to detect whether the web service (http://aaa1.lenovo.com:9080/sabrix ) was working properly and it works fine. but when i want to use to detect https backend server , i found it failed.
mode http
balance roundrobin
option redispatch
option httpchk HEAD /sabrix/scripts/menu-common.js
server sabrix1 ssl check-ssl verify none
server sabrix2 ssl check-ssl verify none
i also tried with
option httpchk GET /check
but both are failed.
You need to specify both the check argument (to enable any checks on the server) as well as the check-ssl argument (to run checks over SSL). Your backend might thus look like this:
balance roundrobin
option redispatch
option httpchk HEAD /sabrix/scripts/menu-common.js
server sabrix1 ssl verify none check check-ssl
server sabrix2 ssl verify none check check-ssl

HA Proxy for EJBCA Web Admin using certificate

I have a new fresh EJBCA installation and I made a copy of it in the same machine in order to test an HA Proxy as a load balancer.
I do the necessary in wildfly config in order to use different port for each instance
I followed this link from the official documentation https://www.ejbca.org/docs/Setting_up_a_HA_Proxy_in_front_of_EJBCA.html
My HAProxy config looks like :
frontend ejbca_front
bind *:8443
option tcplog
mode tcp
default_backend ca_nodes
backend ca_nodes
mode tcp
balance roundrobin
option ssl-hello-chk
server web01 localhost:8453 check
server web02 localhost:8448 check
But when I try to go to the ejbca admin interface on port 8443 the page is not reachable
Any ideas ?
Resolved : The line "option ssl-hello-chk" was not necessary in my use case.

HAPROXY roundrobin DNS on backend server domain

I have read allot of posts and tried several things, but can't seem to get what I want working and stable.
I have HAproxy setup as a pure proxy. The IP/domain of the HAproxy passes ALL to the backend server.
My issues is that the backend server domain has 2 IPs in DNS:
When the provider switches or removes an IP, HAproxy does not update to the "new" IP and gives a backend not reachable error in the logs:
Message from syslogd#localhost at Jul 18 16:15:02 ...
haproxy[3233]: backend b-http has no server available!
But there is a valid and working server on one of the ips. A restart which forces HAproxy to do a lookup normally fixes this, but I'd prefer for it to be automatic.
On HAproxy version haproxy-1.5.18 I have:
frontend f-http
bind :80
default_backend b-http
backend b-http
option forwardfor
server web-1 domain.com:80 check
I have tried on HAproxy version haproxy-1.7.8-1 I have:
resolvers public-dns
nameserver dns2
nameserver dns1
hold valid 10s
frontend f-http
bind :80
default_backend b-http
backend b-http
option forwardfor
server web-1 domain.com:80 resolvers public-dns check
As above dig on domain.com would return 2 A records. I'm thinking that there must be some config which will continue to check the IPs for a valid/working IP and start to use that one on the fly.
Any help is very much appreciated.

Ejabberd with haproxy ssl termination

anyone got successful with ejabberd + ssl termination with haproxy 1.7?
frontend ejabberd
bind *:4000 ssl crt /etc/haproxy/certs/my-domain.com.pem
mode tcp
timeout client 3h
option tcplog
option clitcpka
default_backend ejabberd
backend ejabberd
mode tcp
timeout server 60m
option redispatch
option srvtcpka
option independent-streams
balance leastconn
default-server inter 5s rise 3 fall 3 on-marked-down shutdown-sessions
server ejabberd localhost:5222 check slowstart 120s
it works fine without ssl crt. My smack client gives me a No response received within reply timeout. Timeout was 5000ms (~5s). While waiting for establishing TLS.
I also tried with or without ttls on ejabberd conf
I was able to have the exact configuration working, you need to:
Disable tls in ejabberd since HAProxy is doing the ssl offloading and ejabberd is hosted in the same machine:
Comment the certfile line
Comment the starttls line
Correctly configure your client, I have used pidgin, but you should be able to do the same with smack:
Configure correctly address and port (4000 here)
Ensure that you use "old style TLS" and not STARTTLS, the latter won't work with HAProxy.
Otherwise, if you want clients to use STARTTLS configuration, then you have to configure HAProxy to proxy XMPP encrypted traffic (removing "ssl crt .." )

HAProxy http check on for ssl?

I have some web servers which are MySQL backend. An HAProxy is in front of those web servers. All the web servers are using https.
I tried to use the http check option on both http and https to make sure if the database connection was lost, the HAProxy will failover to another node. My haproxy configuration file:
log /dev/log local0
maxconn 4096
user haproxy
group haproxy
log global
mode http
option httplog
option dontlognull
retries 3
option redispatch
maxconn 2000
timeout connect 5000ms
timeout client 50000ms
timeout server 50000ms
listen http
bind *:80
mode http
balance roundrobin
stats enable
stats auth haproxy:haproxy
cookie JSESSIONID prefix
stick on src table https
option http-server-close
option forwardfor
default-server inter 5s fall 2
option httpchk
http-check expect ! string Database\ error
server sitea cookie sitea check port 80
server siteb cookie siteb check port 80
listen https
bind *:443
mode tcp
balance roundrobin
stick-table type ip size 5000k expire 2h store conn_cur
stick on src
option tcplog
option ssl-hello-chk
default-server inter 5s fall 2
option httpchk
http-check expect ! string Database\ error
server sitea check ssl verify none
server siteb check ssl verify none
Look at the last two lines. If I specified "ssl verify none", my HAProxy can successfully check both Apache and MySQL status. However, I can't open the webpage via https(it prompts me This site can’t provide a secure connection. ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR).
If I remove that parameter, the webpage can be opened again, but all the https servers status become DOWN in the HAProxy.
P.S. I'm using self-signed certificate currently, because I'm still on testing.
I have found the solution: since I am using https on apache nodes, I have to copy ssl certificates content to haproxy. To do that, copy and merge both private key and the certificate content issued by the CA into one single file(In my case, I put it into /etc/haproxy/haproxy.pem).
Modify the haproxy configuration, change
bind *:443
bind *:443 ssl crt /etc/haproxy/haproxy.pem