PhoneGap plugin: AudioEncode success callback never called - objective-c

I'm using the AudioEncode plugin for PhoneGap (Cordova) on iOS. After updating a couple of lines for a newer version of Cordova, it appears to be correctly encoding wav files as m4a. In the Xcode console I see:
doing success callback
When I look at the file system on the phone, the wav file has indeed become a m4a. However, the success callback (where I upload the file to a server) is never run. This is the relevant code in the plugin:
-(void) doSuccessCallback:(NSString*)path {
NSLog(#"doing success callback");
NSString* jsCallback = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#(\"%#\");", self.successCallback, path];
[self writeJavascript: jsCallback];
[self.successCallback release];
My code in the app goes like this:
function encodeSuccess (path) {
console.log('Audio encoded to M4A! Preparing to upload...')
// file transfer code...
console.log('Preparing to encode audio file...')
window.plugins.AudioEncode.encodeAudio(entry.fullPath, encodeSuccess, fail)
I'm assuming the doSuccessCallback function in the plugin needs to be updated, but I don't have experience with Objective C or PhoneGap plugins, so I'm stuck at this point.
Any ideas?
In the Objective C function posted above, I tried logging self.successCallback, and it logged as <null>. Then I went up to the top of the main encodeAudio function, and the argument which is assigned to self.successCallback ([arguments objectAtIndex:1]) also logs as <null>. So, it seems to me that the callbacks are not being passed into the main function successfully.
This is the AudioEncode.h file, maybe someone can spot the problem here:
#interface AudioEncode : CDVPlugin {
NSString* successCallback;
NSString* failCallback;
#property (nonatomic, retain) NSString* successCallback;
#property (nonatomic, retain) NSString* failCallback;
- (void)encodeAudio:(NSArray*)arguments withDict:(NSDictionary*)options;

Ok, I figured this out by reading the basic examples in the Cordova Plugin Development Guide closely. The problem was with the ordering of parameters for cordova.exec(), which must have changed recently.
I plan to submit a pull request on GitHub with a working version of the plugin, but for now, here's the basic solution.
Before asking this question, I had updated the imports in AudioEncode.h from #import <PhoneGap/PGPlugin.h> to:
#import <Cordova/CDVPlugin.h>
#import <Cordova/CDVPluginResult.h>
Any reference to PGPlugin should also be updated to CDVPlugin, and PhoneGap should become cordova.
Here's the crux of the problem: in AudioEncode.js, cordova.exec() (where the original plugin calls PhoneGap.exec()) needs to be called like this:
AudioEncode.prototype.encodeAudio = function(audioPath, successCallback, failCallback) {
cordova.exec(successCallback, failCallback, "AudioEncode", "encodeAudio", [audioPath]);
If you don't order the parameters like this, the callbacks won't be passed in (although audioPath was...). Look at the docs for more details, but the parameters have to be the two callbacks first, the module name, the module action, and finally an array of extra parameters.
Then, you'll need to read in the parameters in the main encodeAudio function like this:
self.callback = [[arguments objectAtIndex:0] retain];
NSString* audioPath = [arguments objectAtIndex:1];
Note that there is only one callback object now, which contains references to the success and fail callbacks. This means that whenever the plugin sets up variables for successCallback and failCallback, you now only need callback (e.g. #synthesize callback). This is also declared in the AudioEncode.h file with #interface and #property.
Now, when actually firing the callbacks & returning data (in the doSuccessCallback and doFailCallback functions), you need to use CDVPluginResult, like this:
CDVPluginResult* pluginResult = nil;
NSString* javaScript = nil;
pluginResult = [CDVPluginResult resultWithStatus:CDVCommandStatus_OK messageAsString:path];
javaScript = [pluginResult toSuccessCallbackString:self.callback];
[self writeJavascript: javaScript];
[self.callback release];
Until I get the updated module up on GitHub, this should help anyone to get the plugin working.


iOS 11 - Core Data - UIColor no longers works as transformable attribute

I store colours in my binary Core Data store using a transformable attribute, specifying the class of the attribute as UIColor like so:
#import "CoreDataEntity+CoreDataClass.h"
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#interface CoreDataEntity (CoreDataProperties)
+ (NSFetchRequest<CoreDataEntity *> *)fetchRequest;
#property (nullable, nonatomic, retain) UIColor *transformable;
#property (nullable, nonatomic, copy) NSString *string;
In the iOS 11 Beta this has stopped working with an error like this :
NSUnderlyingException=value for key 'NS.objects' was of unexpected class 'UIColor'. Allowed classes are '{(\n NSDecimalNumber,\n NSData,\n NSUUID,\n NSNumber,\n NSDate,\n NSArray,\n NSOrderedSet,\n NSDictionaryMapNode,\n NSString,\n NSSet,\n NSDictionary,\n NSURL,\n NSNull\n)}'.}";
NSUnderlyingException = "Can't read binary data from file";
I managed to replicate the specific problem in an XCode project on GitHub (Must be run with the XCode Beta twice to get the error).
In the demo project the store type is controlled by NSPersistentStoreDescription and setting it to NSBinaryStoreType, which I do in the AppDelegate in the exanple project, and I add objects in application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions, otherwise it's the standard template from an iOS11 app with core data. Plus a small datamodel and classes.
If you run the project twice, the first time it creates the datastore and everything is fine. The second time, the datastore tries to open and crashes the app. This problem only seems to be related to binary datastores from what I can tell, if I use an SQL backed datastore it works. However, my app is in the wild and uses binary.
I've reported it to Apple as a bug and sought help on the developer forums, but Apple has not acknowledged the bug and no help was coming.
I'm getting a bit worried as the iOS11 release date draws nearer and I have no solution, my app just won't work in iOS11.
I've tried changing the property to NSData and seeing if it was possible to just unarchive the data, but it seems it's still stored internally as a UIColor somehow and the database just won't open.
Can anyone see a workaround? I have the app in the wild, and possibly pushing out an update to convert the datastores before iOS11 could work for some, but that isn't going to guarantee all users get the fix and they could lose their data.
Radar number : 33895450
It just occured to me that this applies to any transformable attribute in core data, the values supported in the error message are just the default property types.
Just out of curiosity I filled out all the fields for the transformable attribute (it was never required before).
I added "NSKeyedUnarchiveFromData" to value transformer name of the core data entity, it should be the default, but you never know. No effect. It must be using the value transformer anyway to know that it's a UIColor.
I filled in the custom class field to be UIColor, no effect.
Edit 5 : I noticed earlier that UIColor now supports NSSecureCoding, should security somehow be the issue somehow overlooked in the other store typed.
Edit : Now that iOS is released, i’ve used one of my TSIs to further escalate this. Do i get them back if i have to use one to get them to fix their software?
Edit : Apple got back to me on my TSI, they said it’s under investigation, there is no workaround, and to wait on the bug. They refunded my TSI because they couldn’t help.
Edit 8: Same problem on macOS High Sierra, with NSColor instead of UIColor.
Apple still have not given me any feedback on my actual bug report.
Well Apple got back to me, there are new persistentStore options!
The text I got from apple:
/* Allows developers to provide an additional set of classes (which
must implement NSSecureCoding) that should be used while decoding a
binary store. Using this option is preferable to using
*/ COREDATA_EXTERN NSString * const NSBinaryStoreSecureDecodingClasses
/* Indicate that the binary store should be decoded insecurely. This
may be necessary if a store has metadata or transformable properties
containing non-standard classes. If possible, developers should use
the NSBinaryStoreSecureDecodingClasses option to specify the contained
classes, allowing the binary store to to be securely decoded.
Applications linked before the availability date will default to using
this option.
*/ COREDATA_EXTERN NSString * const NSBinaryStoreInsecureDecodingCompatibilityOption
It's not immediately clear, but basically you have to supply an NSSet of classes you use as transformable attributes that comply with NSSecureCoding as an option when opening your persistent store.
An example for mine using the UIColor :
NSError *localError;
NSDictionary *options;
if (#available(iOS 11.0, *)) {
options = #{
NSMigratePersistentStoresAutomaticallyOption : #YES,
NSInferMappingModelAutomaticallyOption : #YES,
NSBinaryStoreSecureDecodingClasses : [NSSet setWithObjects:[UIColor class], nil]
} else {
// Fallback on earlier versions
options = #{
NSMigratePersistentStoresAutomaticallyOption : #YES,
NSInferMappingModelAutomaticallyOption : #YES,
NSPersistentStore *newStore = [self.psc addPersistentStoreWithType:NSBinaryStoreType configuration:#"iOS" URL:psURL options:options error:&localError];
EDIT: Adding a solution for the newer way to open core data persistent stores using NSPersistentStoreDescription. This code is based on the current core data template.
- (NSPersistentContainer *)persistentContainer {
// The persistent container for the application. This implementation creates and returns a container, having loaded the store for the application to it.
#synchronized (self) {
if (_persistentContainer == nil) {
NSURL *defaultURL = [NSPersistentContainer defaultDirectoryURL];
defaultURL = [defaultURL URLByAppendingPathComponent:#"CoreDataTransformableAttribBug.binary"];
_persistentContainer = [[NSPersistentContainer alloc] initWithName:#"CoreDataTransformableAttribBug"];
NSPersistentStoreDescription *desc = [NSPersistentStoreDescription persistentStoreDescriptionWithURL:defaultURL];
desc.type = NSBinaryStoreType;
if (#available(iOS 11.0, *)) {
[desc setOption:[NSSet setWithObjects:[UIColor class], nil] forKey:NSBinaryStoreSecureDecodingClasses];
_persistentContainer.persistentStoreDescriptions = #[desc];
[_persistentContainer loadPersistentStoresWithCompletionHandler:^(NSPersistentStoreDescription *storeDescription, NSError *error) {
if (error != nil) {
// Replace this implementation with code to handle the error appropriately.
// abort() causes the application to generate a crash log and terminate. You should not use this function in a shipping application, although it may be useful during development.
Typical reasons for an error here include:
* The parent directory does not exist, cannot be created, or disallows writing.
* The persistent store is not accessible, due to permissions or data protection when the device is locked.
* The device is out of space.
* The store could not be migrated to the current model version.
Check the error message to determine what the actual problem was.
NSLog(#"Unresolved error %#, %#", error, error.userInfo);
} else {
NSLog(#"Description = %#", storeDescription);
return _persistentContainer;
I also updated my gitHub project with the fix in a branch
George did all the hard work. I only applied it to Swift. Here is my solution. I put it into my NSPersistentDocument descendant.
override func configurePersistentStoreCoordinator(for url: URL, ofType fileType: String, modelConfiguration configuration: String?, storeOptions: [String : Any]? = nil) throws {
var options = storeOptions != nil ? storeOptions! : [String:Any]()
if #available(OSX 10.13, *) {
options[NSBinaryStoreSecureDecodingClasses] = NSSet(object: NSColor.self)
options[NSMigratePersistentStoresAutomaticallyOption] = true
options[NSInferMappingModelAutomaticallyOption] = true
try super.configurePersistentStoreCoordinator(for: url, ofType: fileType, modelConfiguration: configuration, storeOptions: options)
Now I can read my files again. Thanks George!

Phonegap Cordova call javascript functions from Objective-C

I am facing some Objective-C lackiness of knowledge in my PhoneGap App.
I have a library that I need to implement in Objective-C. This Library has some callbacks that I receive in a delegate Class ( called CCController ) :
[MyLib sharedInstance].delegate = self;
This Class is instanciated in the AppDelegate.m like this :
CCController *myClass = [CCController alloc];
[myClass init];
Then, when my Lib sends events, the functions in my CCController are called.
I need, at this point, to call my Javascript functions with a parameter.
How can I implement this ?
I have tried calling a function in AppDelegate.m which contains this :
NSString* jsString = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"myJSFunction(\"%#\");", stringParameter];
[self.viewController.webView stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString:jsString];
But without success, nothing is called in my JS...
How can I implement this ? Thanks for help :)
You have to create a plugin and put the native code there instead using it in the AppDelegate.m.
From the plugin class you can do this:
NSString* jsString = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"myJSFunction(\"%#\");", stringParameter];
[self.webView stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString:jsString];
Plugin development guide

'unrecognized selector sent to instance'?

I'm new to Objective C and having trouble understanding why I am getting this error. I've checked other similar questions, but haven't been able to resolve the issue.
The error is "-[NSConcreteMutableData base64Decoded]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x6e15610"
Here is a snippet of the problem code, where the call to base64Decoded is causing the crash.
#import "DDData.h"
- (NSString *)decodeBase64:(NSString *)input
NSData* dataDecoded = [[input dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding] base64Decoded];
return [NSString stringWithUTF8String:[dataDecoded bytes]];
And in DDData.h:
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#interface NSData (DDData)
- (NSData *)base64Decoded;
and DDData.m:
#implementation NSData (DDData)
- (NSData *)base64Decoded
// Excluding function code, as it never gets to here
Just a note that the Project has ARC enabled. Any ideas as to what might be the issue here? Thanks.
EDIT: I have adjusted the above code to help debug the error:
NSData* dataDecoded = [input dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
[dataDecoded base64Decoded];
dataDecoded gets a value from dataUsingEncoding, it is not nil when the call to base64Decoded is made. When I step over to the called to base64Decoded, it crashes.
Insert a break point in your code and step through it and you'll see exactly where it breaks.
You may also want to check that the DDData files are properly included in your project by looking at the target membership of those files, the .m should be ticked.
SimonH pointed out the solution correctly in one of the sub-comments. I was having the same problem with a custom method i defined in a NSData category. The solution better explained:
Make sure the .m file is included in the projects Build Phases->Compile Sources.
Right click on the .m file in the project navigator and click "Show file Inspector". Under File Inspector make sure you check the target you are building for otherwise it wont be included and the calling that method will crash.
You get that kind of message if you try to execute an undefined method on an object. Try it like this:
NSData *dataDecoded = [[input dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding] base64EncodedString];
There is no base64Decoded method as far as I know, but there is base64EncodedString. So when you send the base64Decoded message to your NSData object, it isn't recognized because it's simply not there.
Follow below debugging steps to resolve it.
Put breakpoints in your code and check step by step where that is breaking.
Also, check if you have added DDData.m source file in your project target properly.
You should also check the object presence before using it. Check below sample code.
- (NSString *)decodeBase64:(NSString *)input {
if(input) {
NSData *utfData = [input dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
if(utfDFata) {
NSData* dataDecoded = [utfDFata base64Decoded];
return [NSString stringWithUTF8String:[dataDecoded bytes]];

IOS values passed to a view are lost or forgotten

This is my first app, and actually isn't even fully mine but rather involves re-working an existing app to add functionality.
It involves a JSON feed which I'm successfully reading in and then trying to pass the value of a URL to a view. Here's the code from my app delegate that is successfully fired once the feed is read in:
- (void)JSONFetch:(MYJSONFetch *)fetch gotTheCollection:(id)collection
[UIApplication sharedApplication].networkActivityIndicatorVisible = NO;
self.testViewController.feedURL = [NSURL URLWithString:[collection objectForKey:#"Listings"]];
[JSONFetch release];
JSONFetch = nil;
Then in my testViewController I have this viewDidLoad method:
- (void)viewDidLoad {
[super viewDidLoad];
[self startDownload];
Eventhough, when I debug, the gotTheCollection method passes a value to the feedURL of the view, it then fails on the if(self feedURL) check within the view and thus the view never gets populated.
As I'm so new to this code I've no idea if the sequence is wrong, or maybe it's how I'm passing the variable.
I know the description is relatively vague but even on a basic level I don't know if this functionality works in objective C, it doesn't cause any errors though, just sits there not loading because it can't get the data.
UPDATE: Definition of FeedURL follows, in the H file:
#property (nonatomic, retain) NSURL *feedURL;
then in the M file:
#synthesize feedURL;
Thanks for the help guys, I finally decided to just restart the entire upgrade as the project had become a mess of reworked code and I couldn't be sure what worked and what didn't. As a result there's no clear answer to this but I imagine Franks was probably the closest so I'll mark that as the answer.
The NSURL is being autoreleased, you will need to retain it yourself
Assign the NSURL to feedURL, like so
self.testViewController.feedURL = [[NSURL URLWithString:[collection objectForKey:#"Listings"]] retain];
This will also mean you will have to release it yourself.

twitpic API GSTwitPicEngine error while setAccessToken

I tried to use GSTwitPicEngine class for sharing image on twitter
but its giving error
As we have to set [twitpicEngine setAccessToken:token];
if I am right, I am using _accessToken of class SA_OAuthTwitterEngine as token
_accessToken was private in class SA_OAuthTwitterEngine, I set it to public and also
#property (nonatomic, readonly) OAToken *accessToken;
#synthesize accessToken = _accessToken;
and then in action
twitPicEngine = [GSTwitPicEngine twitpicEngineWithDelegate:self];
[twitPicEngine setAccessToken:twitterObj.accessToken];
[twitPicEngine uploadPicture:[shareDict objectForKey:#"image"] withMessage:[shareDict objectForKey:#"image_msg"]];
But Application getting crash while setAccessToken with log
-[OAToken parameters]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x6327e30
*** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '-[OAToken parameters]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x6327e30'
Please help if you able to find any thing wrong
Amit Battan
Unfortunately, GSTwitPicEngine is not using the same version of oauth-consumer than the fabulous Twitter+Oauth library (SAOAuthTwitterEngine). I assume you are using that library for posting messages to twitter.
The crash is because OAToken from Twitter+Oauth doesn´t implement the "parameters" method.
Today I spent the entire morning tweaking the several libraries to avoid crashes.
Here you can download a sample project I created for posting a twitpic photo to twitter with a message.
The project has all the latest versions of all libraries from github.
Instructions for making my TestTwitpic project work:
In TestTwitpic-Prefix.pch set the variables for:
#define kTwitterOAuthConsumerKey #""
#define kTwitterOAuthConsumerSecret #""
#define kTwitPicAPIKey #""
In RootViewController you can change these lines to your needs. To change the photo:
//change [UIImage imageNamed:#"image.jpg"] for whatever UIImage you want to upload
//change #"my photo" for whatever title you want for your photo in twitpic website
[twitpicEngine uploadPicture:[UIImage imageNamed:#"image.jpg"] withMessage:#"my photo"];
and this one to change message sent to twitter:
//I post to twitter the title of the photo and the twitpic url but you can post whatever you want
[engine sendUpdate:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%# %#", [[[response objectForKey:#"request"] userInfo] objectForKey:#"message"], [[response objectForKey:#"parsedResponse"] objectForKey:#"url"]]];
If you want to create your own project based on this sample. Do the following:
Import into your project (drag and drop) the Twitpic folder with all the libraries that are inside.
Add these frameworks to your project:
In Build Settings add "$SDKROOT/usr/include/libxml2" to the "Header Search Paths" (mark it as recursive)
In Build Settings add -lxml2 to "Other linker flags"
If you want to know what I did for fixing the libraries, I will tell you more or less what I remember I did:
Import Twitter+Oauth, GSTwitPicEngine, OARequestHeader, TouchJSON, and ASIHTTPRequest libraries.
Set GSTwitPicEngine to use TouchJSON instead of YAJL.
Added the category NSString+URLEncoding from oauth-consumer github project as OARequestHeader was missing it.
Modified all occurrences of NSDictionary* foo = [toke parameters] inside OARequestHeader with the line:
NSDictionary *foo = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject:[token key] forKey:#"oauth_token"];
Created a method getAccessToken in SAOAuthTwitterEngine to return the private _accessToken variable.
In requestFinished: inside GSTwitPicEngine
change the line:
response = [[CJSONDeserializer deserializer] deserialize:responseString error:&error];
with the line:
response = [[CJSONDeserializer deserializer] deserialize:[responseString dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding] error:&error];
as GSTwitPicEngine wrongly assumed deserialize:error: method accepts an NSString instead of an NSData.
You can set Access token & Access Secret for twitpic after getting from twitter engine i.e
(void) setAccessToken: (OAServiceTicket *) ticket withData: (NSData *) data
Create object of "GSTwitPicEngine.m" class in "SA_OAuthTwitterEngine.m" & pass Access token & Access Secret to "GSTwitPicEngine.m" and set delegate methods of "GSTwitPicEngine.m" in "SA_OAuthTwitterEngine.m"
And one more change...
must cross check URLEncoding while genrating OAuth Header i.e
[requestHeader generateRequestHeaders]
this will be according to "OAuthConsumer" classes in Twitter Library