Oracle <> , != , ^= operators - sql

I want to know the difference of those operators, mainly their performance difference.
I have had a look at Difference between <> and != in SQL, it has no performance related information.
Then I found this on,
it suggests that in 10.2 onwards the performance can be quite different.
I wonder why? does != always perform better then <>?
NOTE: Our tests, and performance on the live system shows, changing from <> to != has a big impact on the time the queries return in. I am here to ask WHY this is happening, not whether they are same or not. I know semantically they are, but in reality they are different.

I have tested the performance of the different syntax for the not equal operator in Oracle. I have tried to eliminate all outside influence to the test.
I am using an database. No other sessions are connected and the database was restarted before commencing the tests.
A schema was created with a single table and a sequence for the primary key
CREATE TABLE loadtest.load_test (
CREATE SEQUENCE loadtest.load_test_seq
The table was indexed to improve the performance of the query.
ALTER TABLE loadtest.load_test
ADD CONSTRAINT pk_load_test
CREATE INDEX loadtest.load_test_i1
ON loadtest.load_test (a, n);
Ten million rows were added to the table using the sequence, SYSDATE for the timestamp and random data via DBMS_RANDOM (A-Z) and (0-99) for the other two fields.
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM load_test;
1 row selected.
The schema was analysed to provide good statistics.
EXEC DBMS_STATS.GATHER_SCHEMA_STATS(ownname => 'LOADTEST', estimate_percent => NULL, cascade => TRUE);
The three simple queries are:-
SELECT a, COUNT(*) FROM load_test WHERE n <> 5 GROUP BY a ORDER BY a;
SELECT a, COUNT(*) FROM load_test WHERE n != 5 GROUP BY a ORDER BY a;
SELECT a, COUNT(*) FROM load_test WHERE n ^= 5 GROUP BY a ORDER BY a;
These are exactly the same with the exception of the syntax for the not equals operator (not just <> and != but also ^= )
First each query is run without collecting the result in order to eliminate the effect of caching.
Next timing and autotrace were switched on to gather both the actual run time of the query and the execution plan.
Now the queries are run in turn. First up is <>
> SELECT a, COUNT(*) FROM load_test WHERE n <> 5 GROUP BY a ORDER BY a;
26 rows selected.
Elapsed: 00:00:02.12
Execution Plan
Plan hash value: 2978325580
| Id | Operation | Name | Rows | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time |
| 0 | SELECT STATEMENT | | 26 | 130 | 6626 (9)| 00:01:20 |
| 1 | SORT GROUP BY | | 26 | 130 | 6626 (9)| 00:01:20 |
|* 2 | INDEX FAST FULL SCAN| LOAD_TEST_I1 | 9898K| 47M| 6132 (2)| 00:01:14 |
Predicate Information (identified by operation id):
2 - filter("N"<>5)
0 recursive calls
0 db block gets
22376 consistent gets
22353 physical reads
0 redo size
751 bytes sent via SQL*Net to client
459 bytes received via SQL*Net from client
3 SQL*Net roundtrips to/from client
1 sorts (memory)
0 sorts (disk)
26 rows processed
Next !=
> SELECT a, COUNT(*) FROM load_test WHERE n != 5 GROUP BY a ORDER BY a;
26 rows selected.
Elapsed: 00:00:02.13
Execution Plan
Plan hash value: 2978325580
| Id | Operation | Name | Rows | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time |
| 0 | SELECT STATEMENT | | 26 | 130 | 6626 (9)| 00:01:20 |
| 1 | SORT GROUP BY | | 26 | 130 | 6626 (9)| 00:01:20 |
|* 2 | INDEX FAST FULL SCAN| LOAD_TEST_I1 | 9898K| 47M| 6132 (2)| 00:01:14 |
Predicate Information (identified by operation id):
2 - filter("N"<>5)
0 recursive calls
0 db block gets
22376 consistent gets
22353 physical reads
0 redo size
751 bytes sent via SQL*Net to client
459 bytes received via SQL*Net from client
3 SQL*Net roundtrips to/from client
1 sorts (memory)
0 sorts (disk)
26 rows processed
Lastly ^=
> SELECT a, COUNT(*) FROM load_test WHERE n ^= 5 GROUP BY a ORDER BY a;
26 rows selected.
Elapsed: 00:00:02.10
Execution Plan
Plan hash value: 2978325580
| Id | Operation | Name | Rows | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time |
| 0 | SELECT STATEMENT | | 26 | 130 | 6626 (9)| 00:01:20 |
| 1 | SORT GROUP BY | | 26 | 130 | 6626 (9)| 00:01:20 |
|* 2 | INDEX FAST FULL SCAN| LOAD_TEST_I1 | 9898K| 47M| 6132 (2)| 00:01:14 |
Predicate Information (identified by operation id):
2 - filter("N"<>5)
0 recursive calls
0 db block gets
22376 consistent gets
22353 physical reads
0 redo size
751 bytes sent via SQL*Net to client
459 bytes received via SQL*Net from client
3 SQL*Net roundtrips to/from client
1 sorts (memory)
0 sorts (disk)
26 rows processed
The execution plan for the three queries is identical and the timings 2.12, 2.13 and 2.10 seconds.
It should be noted that whichever syntax is used in the query the execution plan always displays <>
The tests were repeated ten times for each operator syntax. These are the timings:-
Whilst there is some variance of a few hundredths of the second it is not significant. The results for each of the three syntax choices are the same.
The syntax choices are parsed, optimised and are returned with the same effort in the same time. There is therefore no perceivable benefit from using one over another in this test.
"Ah BC", you say, "in my tests I believe there is a real difference and you can not prove it otherwise".
Yes, I say, that is perfectly true. You have not shown your tests, query, data or results. So I have nothing to say about your results. I have shown that, with all other things being equal, it doesn't matter which syntax you use.
"So why do I see that one is better in my tests?"
Good question. There a several possibilities:-
Your testing is flawed (you did not eliminate outside factors -
other workload, caching etc You have given no information about
which we can make an informed decision)
Your query is a special case (show me the query and we can discuss it).
Your data is a special case (Perhaps - but how - we don't see that either).
There is some other outside influence.
I have shown via a documented and repeatable process that there is no benefit to using one syntax over another. I believe that <> != and ^= are synonymous.
If you believe otherwise fine, so
a) show a documented example that I can try myself
b) use the syntax which you think is best. If I am correct and there is no difference it won't matter. If you are correct then cool, you have an improvement for very little work.
"But Burleson said it was better and I trust him more than you, Faroult, Lewis, Kyte and all those other bums."
Did he say it was better? I don't think so. He didn't provide any definitive example, test or result but only linked to someone saying that != was better and then quoted some of their post.
Show don't tell.

You reference the article on the Burleson site. Did you follow the link to the Oracle-L archive? And did you read the other emails replying to the email Burleson cites?
I don't think you did, otherwise you wouldn't have asked this question. Because there is no fundamental difference between != and <>. The original observation was almost certainly a fluke brought about by ambient conditions in the database. Read the responses from Jonathan Lewis and Stephane Faroult to understand more.
" Respect is not something a programmer need to have, its the basic
attitude any human being should have"
Up to a point. When we meet a stranger in the street then of course we should be courteous and treat them with respect.
But if that stranger wants me to design my database application in a specific way to "improve performance" then they should have a convincing explanation and some bulletproof test cases to back it up. An isolated anecdote from some random individual is not enough.

The writer of the article, although a book author and the purveyor of some useful information, does not have a good reputation for accuracy. In this case the article was merely a mention of one persons observations on a well known Oracle mailing list. If you read through the responses you will see the assumptions of the post challenged, but no presumption of accuracy. Here are some excerpts:
Try running your query through explain plan (or autotrace) and see
what that says...
According to this, "!=" is considered to be the same as "<>"...
Jonathan Lewis
Jonathan Lewis is a well respected expert in the Oracle community.
Just out of curiosity... Does the query optimizer generate a different
execution plan for the two queries? Regards, Chris
Might it be bind variable peeking in action? The certain effect of
writing != instead of <> is to force a re-parse. If at the first
execution the values for :id were different and if you have an
histogram on claws_doc_id it could be a reason. And if you tell me
that claws_doc_id is the primary key, then I'll ask you what is the
purpose of counting, in particular when the query in the EXISTS clause
is uncorrelated with the outer query and will return the same result
whatever :id is. Looks like a polling query. The code surrounding it
must be interesting.
Stéphane Faroult
I'm pretty sure the lexical parse converts either != to <> or <> to
!=, but I'm not sure whether that affects whether the sql text will
match a stored outline.
Do the explain plans look the same? Same costs?
The following response is from the original poster.
Jonathan, Thank you for your answer. We did do an explain plan on
both versions of the statement and they were identical, which is what
is so puzzling about this. According to the documentation, the two
forms of not equal are the same (along with ^= and one other that I
can't type), so it makes no sense to me why there is any difference in
Scott Canaan
Not an all inclusive little test but it appears at least in
it gets pared into a "<>" for either (notice the filter line for each
Do you have any Stored Outline ? Stored Outlines do exact (literal)
matches so if you have one Stored Outline for, say, the SQL with a
"!=" and none for the SQL with a "<>" (or a vice versa), the Stored
Outline might be using hints ? (although, come to think of it, your
EXPLAIN PLAN should have shown the hints if executing a Stored Outline
Have you tried going beyond just explain & autotrace and running a
full 10046 level 12 trace to see where the slower version is spending
its time? This might shed some light on the subject, plus - be sure
to verify that the explain plans are exactly the same in the 10046
trace file (not the ones generated with the EXPLAIN= option), and in
v$sqlplan. There are some "features" of autotrace and explain that
can cause it to not give you an accurate explain plan.
Regards, Brandon
Is the phenomenon totally reproducible ?
Did you check the filter_predicates and access_predicates of the plan,
or just the structure. I don't expect any difference, but a change in
predicate order can result in a significant change in CPU usage if you
are unlucky.
If there is no difference there, then enable rowsource statistics
(alter session set "_rowsource_execution_statistics"=true) and run the
queries, then grab the execution plan from V$sql_plan and join to
v$sql_plan_statistics to see if any of the figures about last_starts,
last_XXX_buffer_gets, last_disk_reads, last_elapsed_time give you a
clue about where the time went.
If you are on 10gR2 there is a /*+ gather_plan_statistics */ hint you
can use instead of the "alter session".
Regards Jonathan Lewis
At this point the thread dies and we see no further posts from the original poster, which leads me to believe that either the OP discovered an assumption they had made that was not true or did no further investigation.
I will also point out that if you do an explain plan or autotrace, you will see that the comparison is always displayed as <>.
Here is some test code. Increase the number of loop iterations if you like. You may see one side or the other get a higher number depending on the other activity on the server activity, but in no way will you see one operator come out consistently better than the other.
CREATE TABLE t1 AS (SELECT level c1 FROM dual CONNECT BY level <=144000);
CREATE TABLE t2 AS (SELECT level c1 FROM dual CONNECT BY level <=144000);
vStart Date;
vTotalA Number(10) := 0;
vTotalB Number(10) := 0;
vResult Number(10);
For vLoop In 1..10 Loop
vStart := sysdate;
For vLoop2 In 1..2000 Loop
SELECT count(*) INTO vResult FROM t1 WHERE t1.c1 = 777 AND EXISTS
(SELECT 1 FROM t2 WHERE t2.c1 <> 0);
End Loop;
vTotalA := vTotalA + ((sysdate - vStart)*24*60*60);
vStart := sysdate;
For vLoop2 In 1..2000 Loop
SELECT count(*) INTO vResult FROM t1 WHERE t1.c1 = 777 AND EXISTS
(SELECT 1 FROM t2 WHERE t2.c1 != 0);
End Loop;
vTotalB := vTotalB + ((sysdate - vStart)*24*60*60);
DBMS_Output.Put_Line('Total <>: ' || RPAD(vTotalA,8) || '!=: ' || vTotalB);
vTotalA := 0;
vTotalB := 0;
End Loop;

A Programmer will use !=
A DBA will use <>
If there is a different execution plan it may be that there are differences in the query cache or statistics for each notation. But I don't really think it is so.
What I mean above. In complex databases there can be some strange side effects. I don't know oracle good enough, but I think there is an Query Compilation Cache like in SQL Server 2008 R2.
If a query is compiled as new query, the database optimiser calculates a new execution plan depending on the current statistics. If the statistics has changed it will result in a other, may be a worse plan.


Which metrics to compare when evaluating SQL query performance?

I recently watched an online course about oracle SQL performance tuning. In the video, the lecturer constantly compares the COST value from the Autotrace when comparing the performance of two queries.
But I've also read from other forums and websites where it states that COST is a relative value specific to that query and should not be used for an absolute metric for evaluating performance. They suggest looking at things like consistent gets, physical reads, etc instead.
So my interpretation is that it makes no sense to compare the COST value for completely different queries that are meant for different purposes because the COST value is relative. But when comparing the same 2 queries, one which has been slightly modified for "better performance", it is okay to compare the COST values. Is my interpretation accurate?
When is it okay to compare the COST value as opposed to some other metric?
What other metrics should we look at when evaluating/comparing query performance?
In general, I would be very wary about comparing the cost between two queries unless you have a very specific reason to believe that makes sense.
In general, people don't look at the 99.9% of queries that the optimizer produces a (nearly) optimal plan for. People look at queries where the optimizer has produced a decidedly sub-optimal plan. The optimizer will produce a sub-optimal plan for one of two basic reasons-- either it can't transform a query into a form it can optimize (in which case a human likely needs to rewrite the query) or the statistics it is using to make its estimates are incorrect so what it thinks is an optimal plan is not. (Of course, there are other reasons queries might be slow-- perhaps the optimizer produced an optimal plan but the optimal plan is doing a table scan because an index is missing for example.)
If I'm looking at a query that is slow and the query seems to be reasonably well-written and a reasonable set of indexes are available, statistics are the most likely source of problems. Since cost is based entirely on statistics, however, that means that the optimizer's cost estimates are incorrect. If they are incorrect, the cost is roughly equally likely to be incorrectly high or incorrectly low. If I look at the query plan for a query that I know needs to aggregate hundreds of thousands of rows to produce a report and I see that the optimizer has assigned it a single-digit cost, I know that somewhere along the line it is estimating that a step will return far too few rows. In order to tune that query, I'm going to need the cost to go up so that the optimizer's estimates accurately reflect reality. If I look at the query plan for a query I know should only need to scan a handful of rows and I see a cost in the tens of thousands, I know that the optimizer is estimating that some step will return far too many rows. In order to tune that query, I'm going to need the cost to go down so that the optimizer's estimates reflect reality.
If you use the gather_plan_statistics hint, you'll see the estimated and actual row counts in your query plan. If the optimizer's estimates are close to reality, the plan is likely to be pretty good and cost is likely to be reasonably accurate. If the optimizer's estimates are off, the plan is likely to be poor and the cost is likely to be wrong. Trying to use a cost metric to tune a query without first confirming that the cost is reasonably close to reality is seldom very productive.
Personally, I would ignore cost and focus on metrics that are likely to be stable over time and that are actually correlated with performance. My bias would be to focus on logical reads since most systems are I/O bound but you could use CPU time or elapsed time as well (elapsed time, though, tends not to be particularly stable because it depends on what happens to be in cache at the time the query is run). If you're looking at a plan, focus on the estimated vs. actual row counts not on the cost.
The actual run time of a query is by far the most important metric for tuning queries. We can ignore cost and other metrics 99.9% of the time.
If the query is relatively small and fast, and we can easily re-run it and find the actual run times with the GATHER_PLAN_STATISTICS hint:
-- Add a hint to the query and re-run it.
select /*+ gather_plan_statistics */ count(*) from all_objects;
-- Find the SQL_ID of your query.
select sql_id, sql_fulltext from gv$sql where lower(sql_text) like '%gather_plan_statistics%';
-- Plus in the SQL_ID to find an execution plan with actual numbers.
select * from table(dbms_xplan.display_cursor(sql_id => 'bbqup7krbyf61', format => 'ALLSTATS LAST'));
If the query was very slow, and we can't easily re-run it, generate a SQL Monitor report. This data is usually available for a few hours after the last execution.
-- Generate a SQL Monitor report.
select dbms_sqltune.report_sql_monitor(sql_id => 'bbqup7krbyf61') from dual;
There are whole books written about interpreting the results. The basics are you want to first examine the execution plan and focus on the operations with the largest "A-Time". If you want to understand where the query or optimizer went bad, compare the "E-Rows" with "A-Rows", since the estimated cardinality drives most of the optimizer decisions.
Example output:
SQL_ID bbqup7krbyf61, child number 0
select /*+ gather_plan_statistics */ count(*) from all_objects
Plan hash value: 3058112905
| Id | Operation | Name | Starts | E-Rows | A-Rows | A-Time | Buffers | Reads | OMem | 1Mem | Used-Mem |
| 0 | SELECT STATEMENT | | 1 | | 1 |00:00:03.58 | 121K| 622 | | | |
| 1 | SORT AGGREGATE | | 1 | 1 | 1 |00:00:03.58 | 121K| 622 | | | |
|* 2 | FILTER | | 1 | | 79451 |00:00:02.10 | 121K| 622 | | | |
|* 3 | HASH JOIN | | 1 | 85666 | 85668 |00:00:00.12 | 1479 | 2 | 2402K| 2402K| 1639K (0)|
| 4 | INDEX FULL SCAN | I_USER2 | 1 | 148 | 148 |00:00:00.01 | 1 | 0 | | | |
As with most things in Engineering, it really comes down to why / what you are comparing and evaluating for.
COST is a general time-based estimate for Oracle that is used as the ranking metric in it's internal optimiser. This answer explains that selection process pretty well.
In general, COST as a metric is a good way to compare the expected computation time of two different queries, since it measures the estimated time cost of the query expressed as # of block reads. So, if you are comparing the performance of the same query, one optimised for time, then COST is a good metric to use.
However, if your query or system is bottle-necked or constraint on something other than time (e.g. memory efficiency), then COST is will be a poor metric to optimise against. In those cases, you should pick a metric that is relevant to your end goal.

Whats the "PARALLEL" equivalent in SQL Server

I have this problem where I need to do a COUNT(COLUMN_NAME) and SUM(COLUMN_NAME) on a few of the tables. The issue is the time it's taking forever on SQL Server to do this.
We have over 2 billion records for which I need to perform these operations.
In Oracle, we can force a parallel execution for a single query/session by using a PARALLEL hint. For example for a simple SELECT COUNT, we can do
I searched if there is something available for SQL Server and I couldn't comeup with something concrete where I can specify a table hint for a parallel execution. I believe, SQL Server decides for itself whether to do a parallel or sequential execution depending on the query cost.
The same query in Oracle with a parallel hint takes 2-3 mins to perform whereas on SQL Server it takes about an hour and half.
I am reading the article Forcing a Parallel Query Execution Plan . For me it looks like you could for testing purpose force a Parallel execution. The author says in the conclution:
Even experts with decades of SQL Server experience and detailed
internal knowledge will want to be careful with this trace flag. I
cannot recommend you use it directly in production unless advised by
Microsoft, but you might like to use it on a test system as an extreme
last resort, perhaps to generate a plan guide or USE PLAN hint for use
in production (after careful review).
This is an arguably lower risk strategy, but bear in mind that the
parallel plans produced under this trace flag are not guaranteed to be
ones the optimizer would normally consider. If you can improve the
quality of information provided to the optimizer instead to get a
parallel plan, go that way :)
The article is refering to a Trace Flag:
There’s always a Trace Flag
In the meantime, there is a workaround. It’s not perfect (and most
certainly a choice of very last resort) but there is an undocumented
(and unsupported) trace flag that effectively lowers the cost
threshold to zero for a particular query
So as far my understanding of this article you could do something like this:
In oracle if do select count() on a column then sql will follow index. In below plan you can see "INDEX FAST FULL SCAN" this will make sql run faster. You can try same in sqlserver, do your table has index. You shall try create index on the column which your counting. But in oracle case it will use any other column index. In below sql has "count(DN)" but it use index of some other column.
SQL> set linesize 500
SQL> set autotrace traceonly
SQL> select count(DN) from My_TOPOLOGY;
Execution Plan
Plan hash value: 2512292876
| Id | Operation | Name | Rows | Cost (%CPU)| Time |
| 0 | SELECT STATEMENT | | 1 | 164 (64)| 00:00:01 |
| 1 | SORT AGGREGATE | | 1 | | |
| 2 | INDEX FAST FULL SCAN| FM_I2_TOPOLOGY | 90850 | 164 (64)| 00:00:01 |
1 recursive calls
0 db block gets
180 consistent gets
177 physical reads
0 redo size
529 bytes sent via SQL*Net to client
524 bytes received via SQL*Net from client
2 SQL*Net roundtrips to/from client
0 sorts (memory)
0 sorts (disk)
1 rows processed

Determine Oracle query execution time and proposed datasize without actually executing query

In oracle Is there any way to determine howlong the sql query will take to fetch the entire records and what will be the size of it, Without actually executing and waiting for entire result.
I am getting repeatedly to download and provide the data to the users using normal oracle SQL select (not datapump/import etc) . Some times rows will be in millions.
Actual run time will not known unless you run it, but you can try to estimate it..
first you can do explain plan explain only, this will NOT run query -- based on your current stats it will show you more or less how it will be executed
this will not have actual time and efforts to read the data from datablocks..
do you have large blocksize
is this schema normalized/de-normalized for query/reporting?
how large is row does it fit in same block so only 1 fetch is needed?
of rows you are expecting
based on amount of data * your network latency
Based on this you can try estimate time
This requires good statistics, explain plan for ..., adjusting sys.aux_stats, and then adjusting your expectations.
Good statistics The explain plan estimates are based on optimizer statistics. Make sure that tables and indexes have up-to-date statistics. On 11g this usually means sticking with the default settings and tasks, and only manually gathering statistics after large data loads.
Explain plan for ... Use a statement like this to create and store the explain plan for any SQL statement. This even works for creating indexes and tables.
explain plan set statement_id = 'SOME_UNIQUE_STRING' for
select * from dba_tables cross join dba_tables;
This is usually the best way to visualize an explain plan:
select * from table(dbms_xplan.display);
Plan hash value: 2788227900
| Id | Operation | Name | Rows | Bytes | Time |
| 0 | SELECT STATEMENT | | 12M| 5452M| 00:00:19 |
|* 1 | HASH JOIN RIGHT OUTER | | 12M| 5452M| 00:00:19 |
| 2 | TABLE ACCESS FULL | SEG$ | 7116 | 319K| 00:00:01 |
The raw data is stored in PLAN_TABLE. The first row of the plan usually sums up the estimates for the other steps:
select cardinality, bytes, time
from plan_table
where statement_id = 'SOME_UNIQUE_STRING'
and id = 0;
12934699 5717136958 19
Adjust sys.aux_stats$ The time estimate is based on system statistics stored in sys.aux_stats. These are numbers for metrics like CPU speed, single-block I/O read time, etc. For example, on my system:
select * from sys.aux_stats$ order by sname
SYSSTATS_INFO DSTART 09-11-2014 11:18
SYSSTATS_INFO DSTOP 09-11-2014 11:18
The numbers can be are automatically gathered by dbms_stats.gather_system_stats. They can also be manually modified. It's a SYS table but relatively safe to modify. Create some sample queries, compare the estimated time with the actual time, and adjust the numbers until they match.
Discover you probably wasted a lot of time
Predicting run time is theoretically impossible to get right in all cases, and in practice it is horribly difficult to forecast for non-trivial queries. Jonathan Lewis wrote a whole book about those predictions, and that book only covers the "basics".
Complex explain plans are typically "good enough" if the estimates are off by one or two orders of magnitude. But that kind of difference is typically not good enough to show to a user, or use for making any important decisions.

Adding Postgres index to one table locks up another

I look after a single Postgres 9.3.3 (Amazon RDS instance: db.m3.2xlarge), which is the back-end of a system that logs incoming statistics and provides reports based on those data - yes, from the same DB node.
Performance is generally very good, but upon adding an extra index on table R to improve reporting performance, logging performance collapsed, as both INSERTs and UPDATEs on a different table L used by the logging process immediately began to lock - seemingly on one another, according to pg_locks, although no deadlocks were reported. Immediately, all available connections (according to pg_stat_activity) locked in the same way, DB CPU rose quickly to 100%. The logger's load-balancer took all of its nodes out of use, but as the INSERTs and UPDATEs refused to complete or to time out, all connections stayed locked.
Note that this isn't a problem during index creation, only during usage. Nor is this an issue of load: throttling logging by 90% and starting the system completely afresh again immediately locked it up. No reporting whatsoever was happening at the same time.
Dropping the R index immediately releases all L locks.
I create the index with:
CREATE INDEX idxForGroup ON R (group,article_id,month);
where the columns are:
'group' type: VARCHAR(64) defaultValue: "" nullable: false
'month' type: TIMESTAMP nullable: false
'article_id' type: BIGINT defaultValue: 0 nullable: false
There is already a composite primary key, of which the above is just a subset:
customer_resource_id (a FK), subtype (a VARCHAR), group, article_id, month
I should add that there is a relationship between R and L: a trigger updates the reporting table R based upon updates to L:
I accept that adding any index imposes a small (microseconds?) cost/load, but there are already indexes on R, so I don't understand how a 'little' extra indexing on R could have such a huge impact as to cause lockups for L.
If I investigate the L queries that are getting locked:
EXPLAIN (analyze,buffers) update L set count=count+1 where customer_resource_id=911657 and item_type_id='type' and event_subtype='subtype' and reporting_date='2014-04-13 00:00:00' AND group='';
Update on L (cost=0.57..20.18 rows=5 width=49) (actual time=70.968..70.968 rows=0 loops=1)
Buffers: shared hit=170 read=16 dirtied=15
-> Index Scan using L_pkey on L (cost=0.57..20.18 rows=5 width=49) (actual time=0.067..0.525 rows=19 loops=1)
Index Cond: ((customer_resource_id = 911657) AND ((group)::text = ''::text) AND ((item_type_id)::text = 'type'::text) AND ((event_subtype)::text = 'subtype'::text) AND (article_id = 0))
Buffers: shared hit=24
Trigger on_L: time=11626.219 calls=19 <---
Total runtime: 11697.285 ms
So, you'd think the trigger that updates R must be the problem - and yet when I EXPLAIN the trigger queries, they all check out fine: indexes hit, no scans, etc.
Update 2:
Not sure if this is really a locking issue, or just a massive performance degradation, but here's pg_locks with the index present:
SELECT mode,COUNT(*) FROM pg_locks GROUP BY mode;
mode | granted | count
AccessShareLock | t | 24715
ExclusiveLock | t | 1504
ExclusiveLock | f | 138
RowExclusiveLock | t | 5901
RowShareLock | t | 185
ShareLock | f | 95
Drop the index, and within seconds:
mode | count
ExclusiveLock | 3
AccessShareLock | 31
Update 3:
Here's the source of the trigger on the logging table L that updates the reporting table R:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION resource_event_trigger()
cre_row R%ROWTYPE;
delta INTEGER;
SELECT * INTO cre_row FROM R cre WHERE cre.customer_resource_id = NEW.customer_resource_id AND = NEW.group_id AND cre.subtype = NEW.event_subtype AND = date_trunc('month', AND cre.article_id = NEW.article_id;
IF cre_row IS null THEN
INSERT INTO R (customer_resource_id, group, subtype, article_id, date) VALUES (NEW.customer_resource_id, NEW.group_id, NEW.event_subtype, NEW.article_id, date_trunc('month',;
delta = NEW.event_count;
delta = NEW.event_count - OLD.event_count;
WHEN NEW.item_type_id = 'typeA' THEN
UPDATE R SET count_A = count_A + delta WHERE customer_resource_id = NEW.customer_resource_id AND group = NEW.group_id AND subtype = NEW.event_subtype AND article_id = NEW.article_id AND date = date_trunc('month',;
LANGUAGE plpgsql;
It's long-ish, but pretty straightforward. When 'EXPLAIN'ed individually, all the individual queries use primary keys / indexes, use few buffers, etc.
Update 4:
If I examine the created index, I notice:
SELECT tablename, attname, n_distinct, correlation from pg_stats where tablename='R' AND attname IN ('group','article_id','date','customer_resource_id','subtype') ORDER BY attname;
tablename | attname | n_distinct | correlation
R | article_id | 25886 | 0.756468
R | group | 165 | 0.227023
R | customer_resource_id | -0.304469 | 0.729134
R | date | 53 | 0.943593
R | subtype | 2 | 0.657429
... which looks plausible. And if I look at cardinality I get:
SELECT relname, relkind, reltuples as cardinality, relpages FROM pg_class where relkind='i' [...] order by relname;
relname | relkind | cardinality | relpages
R_pkey | i | 2.69955e+07 | 293035
idxForGroup | i | 2.70333e+07 | 134149
L_pkey | i | 7.14889e+07 | 771581
Both the PK and the newly added index have values that are almost the same as the row count which, again, should be fine...
Well while I can't say EXACTLY what your problem may be, it does obviously seem to hinge on this new index. It would certainly be easier if I were to look thoroughly through things, but I will give a couple shots in the dark.
Indexes and postgres performance can be a big subject, but fundamentally there are a few things I see could be wrong that you should check:
When changing/adding an index on a table, the query optimizer (that fires milliseconds before the query goes, and evaluates how best to execute that query) of course is looking at the table in a different way. It sees: "Hey, there is a new index here and maybe this is better than the old index I was using" and in some cases the query optimizer can be wrong.
And so instead of using a past index that was working just fine, the optimizer then starts doing full table scans or something stupid. This is in an extreme case, but could of course occur.
The other thing is that you may be dealing with a lot of "dead rows". Whenever you to an update to a table, it creates a "dead row" and inserts a new one (your updated row). The "dead row" doesn't really go anywhere and sometimes can bloat up your table and the Postgres query optimizer can go a little haywire trying to understand this.
One time I had a table that just went CRAZY like this and I could not, for the life of me, understand why it ws going SO SLOW. I then looked at the table statistics and saw hundreds of thousands of dead rows. I took a shot in the dark and just dropped and re-created the table (albeit, that takes some work on a live database) and magically everything worked completely fine after that (NOTHING was changed on the table structure or data in the table - other than that dead rows were completely released when dropping that instance of the table).
While that is a bit extreme, what I would do immediate is:
a) run vacuum on the table which does a pretty good jog at getting the "dead rows" out of the way
b) then run an analyze on the table. This re-sets the table summarized statistics, which is where the optimizer takes a lot of the data to determine how best to query the table.

Oracle performance using functions in where clause

In a stored procedure (which has a date parameter named 'paramDate' ) I have a query like this one
select id, name
from customer
where period_aded = to_char(paramDate,'mm/yyyy')
will Oracle convert paramDate to string for each row?
I was sure that Oracle wouldn't but I was told that Oracle will.
In fact I thought that if the parameter of the function was constraint (not got a fierld nor a calculated value inside the query) the result should be allways the same, and that's why Oracle should perform this conversion only once.
Then I realized that I've sometimes executed DML sentences in several functions, and perhaps this could cause the resulting value to change, even if it does not change for each row.
This should mean that I should convert such values before I add them to the query.
Anyway, perhaps well 'known functions' (built in) are evaluated once, or even my functions would also be.
Anyway, again...
Will oracle execute that to_char once or will Oracle do it for each row?
Thanks for your answers
I do not think this is generally the case, as it would prevent an index from being used.
At least for built-in functions, Oracle should be able to figure out that it could evaluate it only once. (For user-defined functions, see below).
Here is a case where an index is being used (and the function is not evaluated for every row):
SQL> select id from tbl_table where id > to_char(sysdate, 'YYYY');
| Id | Operation | Name | Rows | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time |
| 0 | SELECT STATEMENT | | 35 | 140 | 1 (0)| 00:00:01 |
|* 1 | INDEX RANGE SCAN| SYS_C004274 | 35 | 140 | 1 (0)| 00:00:01 |
Predicate Information (identified by operation id):
For user-defined functions check out this article. It mentions two ways to ensure
that your function gets called only once:
Since Oracle 10.2, you can define the function as DETERMINISTIC.
On older versions you can re-phrase it to use "scalar subquery caching":
Looking at write-ups on the DETERMINISTIC keyword (here is one, here is another), it was introduced to allow the developer to tell Oracle that the function will return the same value for the same input params. So if you want your functions to be called only once, and you can guarantee they will always return the same value for the same input params you can use the keyword DETERMINISTIC.
With regards to built-in functions like to_char, I defer to those who are better versed in the innards of Oracle to give you direction.
The concern about to_char does not ring a bell with me. However, in your pl/sql,
you could have
create or replace procedure ........
some_variable varchar2(128);
some_variable := to_char(paramDate,'mm/yyyy');
-- and your query could read
select id, name from customer where period_aded = some_variable;