Querying Different Table If First Result is Empty - sql

I'm writing a stored procedure to look in two tables PersonTbl, UserTbl. First search the PersonTbl for an userID and if the userID is there get an email address from the UserTbl and return both. However if the ID is not there then search two other tables (PersonsPendingTbl, UsersPendingTbl) for the ID and email. If the ID is not found once again, return null/nulls. So far this is what I've come up with, but not sure if it's the best way of writing it. Let me know if there's any changes you would recommend;
create PROCEDURE [dbo].[MyNewSP]
DECLARE #currentlyActive CHAR
#userID = userTbl.ID ,
#Email = personTbl.EMAIL,
#currentlyActive = 'Y'
INNER JOIN userTbl ON personTbl.person_id = userTbl.person_id
( userTbl.ID = #ID )
IF ( #userID != #ID ) --Check to see if null
SELECT #currentlyActive = 'N'
upt.ID ,
PersonsPendingTbl ppt
INNER JOIN dbo.UsersPendingTbl upt ON ppt.person_id = upt.person_id
( upt.ID = #ID )
#userID ,
#Email ,

Make a union of both results, but always pick the first row. If the user is registered as Active AND Inactive, it'll return the Active one:
Select *
from (
SELECT userTbl.ID AS UID, personTbl.EMAIL as email, 'Y' as active
FROM personTbl
JOIN userTbl ON personTbl.person_id = userTbl.person_id
WHERE (userTbl.ID = #ID)
union all
SELECT upt.ID AS UID, ppt.EMAIL as email, 'N' as active
FROM PersonsPendingTbl ppt
INNER JOIN dbo.UsersPendingTbl upt ON ppt.person_id = upt.person_id
WHERE (upt.ID = #ID)) user
limit 0,1

I'm not sure about uniqueness of values between your pending and non-pending table, but this should be close enough to get you going.
when p.PersonId is null and pp.personPendingId is null then null
else userid
end as userid,
when p.PersonId is not null then p.email
when p.PersonId is null and pp.PersonPendingID is not null then pp.email
else null
end as email,
when p.PersonId is not null then 'Y'
when p.PersonId is null and pp.PersonPendingID is not null then 'N'
else null
end as CurrentlyActive
from userTbl u
left join PersonTbl p on u.Person_id = p.PersonId
left join userPendingTbl up on u.UserId = up.UserPendingId
left join PersonPendingTbl pp on up.personPendingId = pp.PersonPendingID
where u.UserId = #ID


how to make inner join query for getting multiple tables selected column

i just working out project school management. now i just made query for retrieve other table columns. here is my query :
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[GetTeacherList]
#teacherid varchar(5) = null,
#classid varchar(5) = null,
#sectionid varchar(5) = null,
#subjectid varchar(5) = null
select *,right('00000' + CAST(t.[PK_PID] AS varchar(5)) ,5) as ID, c.ClassName, su.SubjectName, s.SectionName
from teachers t
inner join teacherclassassign tc on t.PK_PID = tc.TeacherID or (t.PK_PID is null and tc.TeacherID is null )
inner join classes c on c.PK_PID = tc.ClassID or (c.PK_PID is not null and tc.ClassID is null)
inner join sections s on s.PK_PID = tc.SectionID or (s.PK_PID is not null and tc.SectionID is null)
inner join subjects su on su.PK_PID = tc.SubjectID or (su.PK_PID is not null and tc.SubjectID is null)
where 1=1
and (#teacherid is null or tc.[TeacherID] = CONVERT(INT,#teacherid))
and (#classid is null or tc.[ClassID] = CONVERT(INT,#classid))
and (#sectionid is null or tc.[SectionID] = CONVERT(INT,#sectionid))
and (#subjectid is null or tc.[SubjectID] = CONVERT(INT,#subjectid))
order by t.PK_PID asc
how ever it's return me two rows how ever i want all rows from table teachers.
here is rows data i want :
and here is all data of teachers :
how i achieve this result..please guys help me.
You need to replace the first inner join with the LEFT Join as you want all teachers.
Below i have changed the query,See if this fixes the problem
select *,right('00000' + CAST(t.[PK_PID] AS varchar(5)) ,5) as ID, c.ClassName, su.SubjectName, s.SectionName
from teachers t
LEFT join teacherclassassign tc on t.PK_PID = tc.TeacherID or (t.PK_PID is null and tc.TeacherID is null )
inner join classes c on c.PK_PID = tc.ClassID or (c.PK_PID is not null and tc.ClassID is null)
inner join sections s on s.PK_PID = tc.SectionID or (s.PK_PID is not null and tc.SectionID is null)
inner join subjects su on su.PK_PID = tc.SubjectID or (su.PK_PID is not null and tc.SubjectID is null)
where 1=1
and (#teacherid is null or tc.[TeacherID] = CONVERT(INT,#teacherid))
and (#classid is null or tc.[ClassID] = CONVERT(INT,#classid))
and (#sectionid is null or tc.[SectionID] = CONVERT(INT,#sectionid))
and (#subjectid is null or tc.[SubjectID] = CONVERT(INT,#subjectid))
order by t.PK_PID asc

SQL Server 2014 if exists with multiple begin and end

I have this line of codes:
if exists(select a.id, a.user_id
from AEmployeeLogs a
inner join AUsers b on b.id = a.user_id
where b.username = #username
and b.password = #password
and convert(date, a.date_in) = convert(date, dateadd(HOUR, 15, getdate())))
select 'Exist' as result;
a.id, username, firstname, lastname, user_image, UserType, title,
'user_type_title', is_cashier,
when #num is null then 1
else #num + 1
end 'number'
dbo.AUsers a
inner join
ALookUp b on b.id = a.UserType
left join
AEmployeeLogs c on c.user_id = a.id
a.username = #username and a.password = #password
declare #id int;
select #id = a.id
from dbo.AUsers a
on b.id = a.UserType
where username = #username and password = #password
INSERT INTO AEmployeeLogs (date_in,[user_id],note,isactive)
select dateadd(HOUR, 15, getdate()), #id, '',0
where #id is not null
The If Exists function works properly, but when I looked at the table AEmployeeLogs, it still inserts even though the is exists what is the proper way of writing my else statement when i have multiple begin and end functions in my query
NOTE: The first begin and end works it didn't select but the 2nd one works need help
Like already stated in the comments, the scope of the else has already ended after the first end.
Like following, it should work as expected:
SELECT a.id,
FROM AEmployeeLogs a
INNER JOIN AUsers b ON b.id = a.user_id
WHERE b.username = #username
AND b.password = #password
AND CONVERT(DATE, a.date_in) = CONVERT(DATE, dateadd(HOUR, 15, getdate()))
SELECT 'Exist' AS result;
SELECT a.id, username, firstname, lastname, user_image, UserType, title, 'user_type_title', is_cashier,
ELSE #num + 1
END 'number'
FROM dbo.AUsers a
INNER JOIN ALookUp b ON b.id = a.UserType
LEFT JOIN AEmployeeLogs c ON c.user_id = a.id
WHERE a.username = #username
AND a.password = #password
SELECT #id = a.id
FROM dbo.AUsers a
INNER JOIN ALookUp b ON b.id = a.UserType
WHERE username = #username
AND password = #password
INSERT INTO AEmployeeLogs (
SELECT dateadd(HOUR, 15, getdate()),

Adding parameters to where clause sql

I am something of a beginner to SQL and I am trying to run the following SP.
DECLARE #stringStatus varchar(100)
--Check for status value
IF #Status is NULL
set #stringStatus = ''
set #stringStatus = ' and ps.Status = ' + CAST(#Status as varchar)
select * from Projects p
join projectstatus ps on p.pid = ps.pid
where ps.Category = isnull(#Category, p.Category) + #stringStatus
The aim of the above is to get all rows if #Status is NULL, and to filter the rows, if a parameter has been assigned to #Status.
#Category (varchar) and #Status (int) are IN paramateres
This works fine when #Status is NULL, i.e, I get all the records. But if I pass a parameter, say, #Status = 2, the execution returns no rows, even though there are a few records available.
First of all, how do I get my desired results? Secondly, is there a better way to do this without an if condition block?
Actually, your result is
select * from something where ps.Category ='some string, containing and ps.Status= inside'
So empty rowset is expected result.
You want something like this (hope status is number, not string)
select * from Projects p
join projectstatus ps on p.pid = ps.pid
where ps.Category = isnull(#Category, p.Category) and
(#Status is NULL OR ps.Status = #Status)
Ok, here are tests for mistrustful :-)
declare #projects table
pid int,
name nvarchar(20),
category int
declare #projectstatus table
pid int,
Category int,
status int
insert into #projects values
(1,'Project 1', 1),(2,'Project 2',1),(3,'Project 3',1),(4,'Project 4',1),(5,'Project 5',1);
insert into #projectstatus values
declare #Category int =null;
declare #Status int;
--first of all, do not understand, what is the logic with category
--category in one table should be the same, than in other table or specified?
--ok, you said with category everything is ok, do not test category, test status
--test with null
set #Status=null
select * from #Projects p
join #projectstatus ps on p.pid = ps.pid
where ps.Category = isnull(#Category, p.Category) and
(#Status is NULL OR ps.Status = #Status)
--test with existing status
set #Status=1
select * from #Projects p
join #projectstatus ps on p.pid = ps.pid
where ps.Category = isnull(#Category, p.Category) and
(#Status is NULL OR ps.Status = #Status)
--test with not existing status
set #Status=10
select * from #Projects p
join #projectstatus ps on p.pid = ps.pid
where ps.Category = isnull(#Category, p.Category) and
(#Status is NULL OR ps.Status = #Status)
You can simple put condition in the below way for your desired results
--Check for status value
IF #Status is NULL
select * from Projects p
join projectstatus ps on p.pid = ps.pid
where ps.Category = isnull(#Category, p.Category)
select * from Projects p
join projectstatus ps on p.pid = ps.pid
where ps.Category = isnull(#Category, p.Category) + #stringStatus

SQL Server trigger on a field that's updated

I have the following trigger:
DECLARE #email varchar(200)
DECLARE #jobcode int
DECLARE #status char(1)
DECLARE #emaild varchar(200)
DECLARE #jobcoded int
DECLARE #statusd char(1)
SET #statusd = NULL
SELECT #status = z.status, #email = p.EMail, #jobcode = z.jobID
FROM zipoutfiles z
INNER JOIN inserted AS i ON z.jobID = i.jobID
INNER JOIN PS_LoginUser AS p ON z.UserID = p.UserID
SELECT #statusd = z.status, #emaild = p.EMail, #jobcoded = z.jobID
FROM zipoutfiles z
INNER JOIN deleted AS d ON z.jobID = d.jobID
INNER JOIN PS_LoginUser AS p ON z.UserID = p.UserID
WHERE d.jobID = #jobcode
IF ((#status = 'D' AND #statusd = 'R') OR (#status = 'D' AND #statusd = 'E'))
EXEC SendMail #email, #jobcode
I want to be able to run SendMail when status goes from E to D or R to D, but not D to D (if it gets updated again) and also when it gets inserted as D. What am I doing wrong here:
Not sure what your table schemas are, but this may get you all of the appropriate emails:
select p.EMail as Email, z.JobId as JobCode
from ZipOutFiles as ZOF inner join
inserted as i on i.JobId = ZOF.JobId inner join
PS_LoginUser as PLU on PLU.UserId = ZOF.UserId left outer join
deleted as d on d.JobId = ZOF.JobId
( d.Status = 'E' and i.Status = 'D' ) or -- E -> D.
( d.Status = 'R' and i.Status = 'D' ) or -- R -> D.
( d.Status is NULL and i.Status = 'D' ) -- Inserted D.
I've assumed that you aren't really updating JobId. If so, how do you match the before and after rows?
Also assumed is that Status cannot be NULL. If so, the last condition needs to be modified to properly detect no corresponding row was found in the deleted table.

SP executing error

I am writing below SP.But when i try to run this query i am getting this error:
There is already an object named
'#myCourses1' in the database.
So this getting in two else loops. also
create proc [dbo].[GetOrdersByUserIDwithSubscription]
#UserID int
declare #status varchar(500)
declare #substatus char(2)
select #substatus=Subscribe_status from tbl_user where userid=#userid
print #substatus
if #substatus='N'
select a.*, b.CategoryText, Cast('' as Varchar(10)) as SectionsViewed, PurchasedDate as dateadded into #myCourses1 from dbo.Tbl_CourseInformations a JOIN Tbl_Categories b ON a.AssignCategory = b.CategoryID
Join Tbl_Orders c ON c.UserID = #UserID and c.CourseID = a.CourseID and c.courseprice<>'subscriber'
Order By CategoryText, CourseTitle
else if #substatus=''
select a.*, b.CategoryText, Cast('' as Varchar(10)) as SectionsViewed, PurchasedDate as dateadded into #myCourses1 from dbo.Tbl_CourseInformations a JOIN Tbl_Categories b ON a.AssignCategory = b.CategoryID
Join Tbl_Orders c ON c.UserID = #UserID and c.CourseID = a.CourseID and c.courseprice<>'subscriber'
Order By CategoryText, CourseTitle
else if #substatus='Y'
select a.*, b.CategoryText, Cast('' as Varchar(10)) as SectionsViewed, PurchasedDate as dateadded into #myCourses1 from dbo.Tbl_CourseInformations a JOIN Tbl_Categories b ON a.AssignCategory = b.CategoryID
Join Tbl_Orders c ON c.UserID = #UserID and c.CourseID = a.CourseID
Order By CategoryText, CourseTitle
The SQL Parser is choking because you have used the same temp table name in different parts of the IF statement. The IF does not have scope like other programming languages.
If you do not need to reference the temp table outside of each of the IF blocks you can get around the problem by using a different table name in each part.
Have a look at my answer to a similar question.
Also, the monstrocity of a query you have could be reduced to this:
create proc [dbo].[GetOrdersByUserIDwithSubscription](
#UserID int
declare #substatus char(2)
select #substatus = Subscribe_status
from tbl_user
where userid = #userid
select a.*, b.CategoryText,
Cast("" as Varchar(10)) as SectionsViewed,
PurchasedDate as dateadded
from dbo.Tbl_CourseInformations a
join Tbl_Categories b ON a.AssignCategory = b.CategoryID
join Tbl_Orders c ON c.UserID = #UserID
and c.CourseID = a.CourseID
and (#substatus = 'N' or c.courseprice <> 'subscriber')
order by CategoryText, CourseTitle
Explicitly create the temp table at the beginning of the proc.
CREATE TABLE #myCourses1 (
Then write your SELECT statements as:
INSERT INTO #myCourses1
select a.*, b.CategoryText, Cast('' as Varchar(10)) as SectionsViewed, PurchasedDate as dateadded
from dbo.Tbl_CourseInformations
You syntax is
SELECT [Column-List] INTO #TempTable FROM [Rest-of-Query]
When using this syntax, Sql Server attempts to create #TempTable on the fly based on your column list (source).
To get around this, either Drop #TempTable at the beginning of the stored procedure (if you do not need its data beyond the scope of the SP), or make it a permanent table.