Simple database table design - sql

I'm trying to design a database structure using best practice but I can't get my head around something which I'm sure is fundamental. The DB is for the users(100+) to subscribe to which magazines(100+) they read.
I have a table for the usernames, user info and magazine titles, but I'm unsure where to list the magazines that each user follows. Do I add a column in the user table and link it to the magazine table or would each user be setup with their own "follow" table that lists the magazine there? I'm getting myself confused I think so any help would be great.

What you're struggling with is called a many-to-many relationship.
To solve this problem, you need a third table--perhaps called user_magazines. This third table should two key fields, one from the user table and the other from the magazine table. For example, user_id column and a magazine_id column. This is called a compound key. With both of these columns, you are now able to discern which books have been read by a whichever user.
This is best understood visually:
In the picture above you can see that the third table (the middle table, stock_category) enables us to know what stock item belongs to which categories.

First of all, you must understand a many-to-many relationship, like take your example of users and magazines. First understand the scenario : A single user can follow many magazines, and a single magazine can be followed by many users, so there exists a many-to-many relationship between users and magazines.
Whenever there exists many-to-many relationship between two entities, we have to introduce a third entity between them which is called an associative entity!
so you have to introduce a third entity named as per your choice and it will be containing information about which user is following which magazine
you can go to for better understanding using diagrams

You should have a users table, with an auto-incrementing primary key, username, and anything else you want to store about that user.
Next, a magazines table which contains another auto-incrementing primary key, the name of the mag and anything else you need to store about that magazine.
Finally, a subscriptions table. this should have an auto-incrementing primary key (actually that's not really necessary on this table but personally I would add it), a user_ID column and a magazine_ID column.
To add a subscription, just add a new record to the subscription table containing the ID of the user and the ID of the relevant magazine. This allows for users to subscribe to multiple magazines.
If you want to get fancy you can add referential integrity constraints to the subscriptions table - this tells the database management system that a particular column is a reference to another table, and can specify what to do upon modifying it (for example you could have the DBMS automatically delete subscriptions owned by a particular user if that user is deleted)

You definitely do NOT want to add a column to the user table and have it refer to the magazine table. Users would only be able to follow or subscribe to one magazine which doesn't reflect the real world.
You'll want to have a join table that has a userId and a magazineId. For each magazine that a user subscribes to there will be one entry in the join table.
I'm inferring a little bit about your table structure but if you had:
User (id, login)
Magazine (id, name)
User_Magazine (userId, magazineId)
Perhaps this last table should be called subscription because there may be other information like the subscription end date which you'd want to track and that is really what it is representing in the real world.
You'd be able to put an entry into the User_Magazine table for every subscription.
And if you wanted to see all the magazines a user with the login jdoe had you'd do:
FROM User, Magazine, User_Magazine
WHERE login = 'jdoe'
AND = User_Magazine.userId
AND = User_Magazine.magazineId

You should create a separate table called UserMagazineSubs. Make the UserID + MagazineTile ID as a composite key.
This table will capture all User and Magazine relationship details.

A User_To_Magazine table, that has two columns - UserId and MagazineId, and the key is composite containing both columns


Foreign key or boolean value in database

Let's say I have a database with two tables, User and Store.
Lets make the rules:
A User must belong to one Store
A Store may have one or more Users
A store though, may have a store manager. What is the best approach for this?
Adding a 'is_store_manager' boolean column at the Users table, or create a foreign key called something like manager_user_fk at the Store table? I guess that would create a many to many relationship though, which would be bad, but it would be a solid constraint to select a user I think. What would be the best approach?
Don't create a fk on the Store. It is somewhat redundant and will make some future SQL queries harder.
You could add another table, UserType with the Manager, and Non-Manager types. You'd then add a fk on the Users table pointing to the UserType.
If you wanted a user to be allowed multiple roles, you'd need another join table:
Let's call the previous table table Role, instead of UserType, and add another table, UserRole that is a join between User and Role (it has only 2 columns: a foreign key to User, and a foreign key to Role. With this setup, you wouldn't have any fk on the User table, as this join table would hold all the information about the relationship. A user could have as many roles as you like then.
An alternative to the accepted solution which only allows a user to be of one type you can use what I've been doing to replace boolean status fields. Create a table called UserManager with a primary key also being a foreign key to User.
Any user with an entry in UserManager is a manager. To get the managers you just join the User table with the UserManager. This also lets you store more meta data (i.e. you could store when the user became a manager etc).
Then if you want an AdminUser table, you do the same thing. Any user in the AdminUser table is also an admin. You can have a user be both (or none, or one). Along with storing more meta data about the type.

Db design - table dependency and naming conventions

I'm about to design a db for a new project and I'm kinda stuck on some "concept" stuff.
My initial question is very similar to this one.
Relational table naming convention
That is:
"If I got a table "user" and then I got products that only the user
will have, should the table be named "user-product" or just "product"?
This is a one to many relationship."
In the above thread I found the answer by PerformanceDBA very useful and well written,
but I'm not sure about some points. Quoting part of the answer:
"It doesn't matter if user::product is 1::n. What matters is whether product is a separate entity and whether it is Independent, ie. it can exist on its own. Therefore product, not user_product. And if product exists only in the context of an user, ie. it is Dependent,
then user_product."
This is a very interesting point, but generates another question:
what exactly are the definitions of Independent and Dependent table?
Example 1, we have two tables:
The table User
The 1::n table Message, representing a collection of messages sent by the users
UserId (FK to User.Id)
The Message table is dependent from the User table or not?
The question I'm asking to myself here, is: "Would the message entity exist without the user?" but I'm not sure about the answer, because it would be "the message would exist but would be anonymous." is this enough to make the Message table dependent from the User table (so i should name the table "UserMessage")?
Example 2, we have two tables:
The table User
The 1::1 table Profile, representing a user profile
UserId (FK to User.Id)
First Name
Last Name
Same question, is the table Profile dependent by the User table? I think it is, because a profile without a user would not really make sense.
I'm not sure though, so how can I decide safely if a table is dependent by another or not?
I think you may really have 3 entities to consider. User, product and user_product. Test relationships by describing them with a verb. The relationship between a user and a product is most likely a many-to-many (a user can order many products, and a product can be ordered by many users). This indicates that a composite table between them that takes the primary keys of both tables is needed (and maybe attributes only if they describe a fact about the user/product combination). user_product is what links a user with his products (and a product with who ordered it) and is thus dependent.
That said, in your examples the message and profile tables are dependent, since they cannot exist without a user (their primary key). Use user - user_message and user - user_profile.
Another example of an independent table would be a lookup table (code/description table).
To answer your last question, an entity is considered dependent if its primary key must exist in another entity before it can exist i.e you can't have a profile without a user so it is dependent.

Database design relations in User and Profile

I'm designing a web application for a school. So far, I'm stuck with the database which has these tables:
user_id (FK)
group_id (FK)
(other basic information)
... And other tables irrelevant now, like events, comitees, groups and so on.
So, the users table stores basic information about the login, and the profiles table stores all the personal data about the user.
Now, the *group_id* column in the profile table has a foreign key that references the ID column of the group in which the user is currently enrolled, in the groups table. A user can only be enrolled in one group at once, so there's no need for any additional tables.
The thing is that it doesn't make much sense to me declaring a relation like group HAS MANY profiles. Instead, the relation should be group HAS MANY users, but then, I would have to put a *group_id* column on the users table, which doesn't really fit in, since the users table only stores auth information.
On the other side, I would like to list all the users enrolled in a group using an ORM and getting the a users collection and not profiles. The way I see it, is that the users table is like the 'parent' and the profiles table extends the users table.
The same problem would occur when setting attendances for events. Should I reference the profile as a foreign key in the events_attendance table? Or should I reference the user ID?
Of course both solutions could be implemented and work, but which of them is the best choice?
I have dug a little and found that both solutions would comply with 3NF, so in theory, would be correct, but I'm having a hard time designing the right way my database.
This is a question of your own conventions. You need to decide what is the main entity, right after that you can easiy find a proper solution. Both ways are good, but if you think of User as of the main entity while Profile is a property then you should put GroupId into User, otherwise, if you mean User and Profile as a single entity, you can leave GroupId in Profile, and by this you're not saying group HAS MANY profiles but group HAS MANY users.
By setting a proper one-to-one relation (User-Profile) you can force your data integrity good enough.

Table with user activities - design issue

On my site user can make some items and those items goes in Items table.
Users can also follow each other and those data I store in Followings table.
Now I need one table that keep track of user activities, so I have created:
Users{UserId, Username, FirstName, LastName}
Items{ItemId, Title, CreatedByUserId}
Activity{ActivityId, ActivityTypeId, UserId, ItemId}
Here ItemId can be or ItemId from Items table or UserId from Users table.
Is this design good or there is better approach to do this?
Edit: I have added table structures. The point is that I wan't to add record to that Activity table every time when user create item or start to follow some user. So I can always track what user did on the site.
Here ItemId can be or ItemId from Items table or UserId from Users table.
This will prevent the DBMS from enforcing the foreign key. If you go down that route, better separate these fields (so you can make foreign keys towards their respective tables) and use a CHECK to ensure exactly one of them is non-NULL:
The ACTIVITY PK is crafted so it is easy to query for a "timeline" of a specific user and is friendly to clustering.
(You may or may not need ACTIVITY.TYPE depending on what exactly you want to track.)
The alternative would be to have a separate table for each kind of activity:
(And you could add a TYPE field in FOLLOW_ACTIVITY to distinguish between "follow" and "unfollow".)
Another alternative would be to inherit users and items from a common parent "class" and then link to that class:
This design is probably an overkill in this case, but could be useful if you later add many other kinds of objects that could be tracked.
now if you wont all items created by eser use user code on items
the same on followings I add date-time for chrono select
You can create atriggered table or a view this depends on cardinality of data
If the same object can be share between users
I hope to be useful

Relational Database Design (MySQL)

I am starting a new Project for a website based on "Talents" - for example:
The way I propose to do this is that each of these talents will have its own table and include a user_id field to map the record to a specific user.
Any user who signs up on the website can create a profile for one or more of these talents. A talent can have sub-talents, for example an actor can be a tv actor or a theatre actor or a voiceover actor.
So for example I have User A - he is a Model (Catwalk Model) and an Actor (TV actor, Theatre actor, Voiceover actor).
My questions are:
Do I need to create separate tables to store sub-talents of this user?
How should I perform the lookups of the top-level talents for this user? I.e. in the user table should there be fields for the ID of each talent? Or should I perform a lookup in each top-level talent table to see if that user_id exists in there?
Anything else I should be aware of?
before answering your questions... i think that user_id should not be in the Talents table... the main idea here is that "for 1 talent you have many users, and for one user you have multiple talent".. so the relation should be NxN, you'll need an intermediary table
see: many to many
Do I need to create seperate tables to store sub-talents of this
if you want to do something dynamic (add or remove subtalents) you can use a recursive relationship. That is a table that is related to itself
id PK
parent_id PK FK (a foreign key to table Talent)
see : recursive associations
How should I perform the lookups of the top-level talents for this
user? I.e. in the user table should
there be fields for the ID of each
talent? Or should I perform a lookup
in each top-level talent table to see
if that user_id exists in there?
if you're using the model before, it could be a nightmare to make queries, because your table Talents is now a TREE that can contain multiple levels.. you might want to restrict yourself to a certain number of levels that you want in your Talent's table i guess two is enough.. that way your queries will be easier
Anything else I should be aware of?
when using recursive relations... the foreign key should alow nulls because the top levels talents wont have a parent_id...
Good luck! :)
EDIT: ok.. i've created the model.. to explain it better
Edit Second model (in the shape of a Christmas tree =D ) Note that the relation between Model & Talent and Actor & Talent is a 1x1 relation, there are different ways to do that (the same link on the comments)
to find if user has talents.. join the three tables on the query =)
hope this helps
You should have one table that has everything about the user (name, dob, any other information about the user). You should have one table that has everything about talents (id, talentName, TopLevelTalentID (to store the "sub" talents put a reference to the "Parent" talent)). You should have a third table for the many to many relationship between users and talents: UserTalents which stores the UserID and the TalentID.
Here's an article that explains how to get to 3rd NF:
This is a good question to show some of the differences and similarities between object oriented thinking and relational modelling.
First of all there are no strict rules regarding creating the tables, it depends on the problem space you are trying to model (however, having a field for each of the tables is not necessary at all and constitutes a design fault - mainly because it is inflexible and hard to query).
For example perfectly acceptable design in this case is to have tables
Names (Name, Email, Bio)
Talents (TalentType references TalentTypes, Email references Names)
TalentTypes (TalentType, Description, Parent references TalentTypes)
The above design would allow you to have hierarchical TalentTypes and also to keep track which names have which talents, you would have a single table from which you could get all names (to avoid registering duplicates), you have a single table from which you could get a list of talents and you can add new talent types and/or subtypes easily.
If you really need to store some special fileds on each of the talent types you can still add these as tables that reference general talents table.
As an illustration
Models (Email references Talents, ModelingSalary) -- with a check constraint that talents contain a record with modelling talent type
Do notice that this is only an illustration, it might be sensible to have Salary in the Talents table and not to have tables for specific talents.
If you do end up with tables for specific talents in a sense you can look at Talents table as sort of a class from which a particular talent or sub-talent inherits properties.
ok sorry for the incorrect answer.. this is a different approach.
The way i see it, a user can have multiple occupations (Actor, Model, Musician, etc.) Usually what i do is think in objects first then translate it into tables. In P.O.O. you'd have a class User and subclasses Actor, Model, etc. each one of them could also have subclasses like TvActor, VoiceOverActor... in a DB you'd have a table for each talent and subtalent, all of them share the same primary key (the id of the user) so if the user 4 is and Actor and a Model, you would have one registry on the Actor's Table and another on the Model Table, both with id=4
As you can see, storing is easy.. the complicated part is to retrieve the info. That's because databases dont have the notion of inheritance (i think mysql has but i haven't tried it).. so if you want to now the subclases of the user 4, i see three options:
multiple SELECTs for each talent and subtalent table that you have, asking if their id is 4.
Make a big query joining all talent and subtalent table on a left join
create a Talents table in a NxN relation with User to store a reference of each talent and subtalents that the User has, so you wont have to ask all of the tables. You'd have to make a query on the Talents table to find out what tables you'll need to ask on a second query.
Each one of these three options have their pros and cons.. maybe there's another one =)
Good Luck
PS: ahh i found another option here or maybe it's just the second option improved