WCF: how to restrict using some protocols? - wcf

WCF (winodws service hosting) service uses set of protocols and bindings: http, https, net.tcp, net.pipe.
It uses config file settings.
I want to build demo version of the service.
This demo will use only net.pipe protocol.
How I can restrict service to use only this one?
I can do changes in code , but how and where?

ServiceHost owns collection of ChannelDispatchers in ChannelDispatchers property. You can use ChannelDispatcher.BindingName to figure out name of binding used in your service.
ServiceHost host = new ServiceHost(typeof(SomeService), baseAddress))
//configure service endpoints here
foreach (ChannelDispatcher dispatcher in host.ChannelDispatchers)
//binding name includes namespace. Example - http://tempuri.org/:NetNamedPipeBinding
var bindingName = dispatcher.BindingName;
if (!(bindingName.EndsWith("NetNamedPipeBinding") || bindingName.EndsWith("MetadataExchangeHttpBinding")))
throw new ApplicationException("Only netNamedPipeBinding is supported in demo mode");


Call Service Fabric service from console application using WCF HTTPS endpoint

I have a service hosted in a Service Fabric cluster in Azure (not locally) and I'm trying to call a method in it using a console application on my local machine. Using WCF for communication, I have a HTTPS endpoint set up in my application on a specific port, and have configured load balancing rules for the port in the Azure portal. The cluster has 6 nodes and the application is the only one deployed on the cluster.
Have followed the ServiceFabric.WcfCalc on GitHub (link), which works on a local cluster using HTTP endpoints, but can't call a method on the service using HTTPS endpoints once it has been deployed. What do I need to do to get it working? Have tried following the example here but don't know how to configure this for HTTPS with a service on multiple nodes for a console application to access.
Thanks in advance.
EDIT Here's my client code which I am using to call the service method. I pass the fabric:/ URI into the constructor here.
public class Client : ServicePartitionClient<WcfCommunicationClient<IServiceInterface>>, IServiceInterface
private static ICommunicationClientFactory<WcfCommunicationClient<IServiceInterface>> communicationClientFactory;
static Client()
communicationClientFactory = new WcfCommunicationClientFactory<IServiceInterface>(
clientBinding: new BasicHttpBinding(BasicHttpSecurityMode.Transport));
public Client(Uri serviceUri)
: this(serviceUri, ServicePartitionKey.Singleton)
{ }
public Client(
Uri serviceUri,
ServicePartitionKey partitionKey)
: base(
{ }
public Task<bool> ServiceMethod(DataClass data)
//It hangs here
return this.InvokeWithRetry((c) => c.Channel.ServiceMethod(data));
catch (Exception)
When debugging my console application on my local machine, the application hangs on the InvokeWithRetry call which calls the method in my service in Service Fabric. The application does not throw any exceptions and does not return to the debugger in Visual Studio.
Make sure you run every service instance /replica with a unique url.
Make sure you call the WebHttpBinding constructor using WebHttpSecurityMode.Transport.
Make sure you register the url using the same port number (443 likely) as in you service manifest endpoint declaration.
Make sure the endpoint is configured as HTTPS.
The warning you see in Service Fabric is telling you that there is already another service registered to listen on port 443 on your nodes. This means that Service Fabric fails to spin up your service (since it throws an exception internally when it is trying to register the URL with http.sys). You can change the port for your service to something else that will not conflict with the existing service, e.g.:
<Endpoint Name="CalculatorEndpoint" Protocol="https" Type="Input" Port="44330" />
If you log in to Service Fabric Explorer on https://{cluster_name}.{region}.cloudapp.azure.com:19080 you should be able to see what other applications and services are running there. If you expand services all the way down to node you should be able to see the registered endpoints, including ports, for existing services.
You can query the cluster using FabricClient for all registered endpoints
var fabricClient = new FabricClient();
var applicationList = fabricClient.QueryManager.GetApplicationListAsync().GetAwaiter().GetResult();
foreach (var application in applicationList)
var serviceList = fabricClient.QueryManager.GetServiceListAsync(application.ApplicationName).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
foreach (var service in serviceList)
var partitionListAsync = fabricClient.QueryManager.GetPartitionListAsync(service.ServiceName).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
foreach (var partition in partitionListAsync)
var replicas = fabricClient.QueryManager.GetReplicaListAsync(partition.PartitionInformation.Id).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
foreach (var replica in replicas)
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(replica.ReplicaAddress))
var replicaAddress = JObject.Parse(replica.ReplicaAddress);
foreach (var endpoint in replicaAddress["Endpoints"])
var endpointAddress = endpoint.First().Value<string>();
Console.WriteLine($"{service.ServiceName} {endpointAddress} {endpointAddress}");
Just run that with the proper FabricClient credentials (if it is a secured cluster) and you should see it listing all endpoints for all services there. That should help you find the one that has an endpoint for :443

Breeze with self hosting WCF

I has built a self hosting WCF Service. In fact of this there is no svc-file.
The Service works well and I can call it from JavaScript with jQuery.
Now I have a look at breeze and want to call my Service with it.
I use breeze.config.initializeAdapterInstance('dataService', 'odata', true); to config Breeze and include q.min.js, datajs-1.1.3.min.js and breeze.min.js.
But what is the servicename for the EntityManager?
It's your endpoint or base address. Even if you have self hosted wcf service you must have some endpoint where self hosted service will listen.
So you must have something like this
Uri baseAddress = new Uri("http://localhost:8080/hello");
using (ServiceHost host = new ServiceHost(typeof(HelloWorldService), baseAddress))
so your breeze will be
var myServiceName = "http://localhost:8080/hello";
var em = new breeze.entityModel.EntityManager( {serviceName: myServiceName });

WCF Discovery and DataService V3

I would like to expose discovery endpoints (both TCP and UDP) for my Data Services v3 and enable services to be discoverable from the client and discover them in another application. The main point in the discovery is to get the service endpoint address at the client.
I have tried to adapt the samples that Microsoft have provided for WCF Discovery, but so far I failed to achieve my goal.
I have created a custom Data Service Host Factory on server side:
public class CustomDataServiceHostFactory : System.Data.Services.DataServiceHostFactory
protected override System.ServiceModel.ServiceHost CreateServiceHost(Type serviceType, Uri[] baseAddresses)
var serviceHost = base.CreateServiceHost(serviceType, baseAddresses);
EndpointDiscoveryBehavior endpointDiscoveryBehavior = new EndpointDiscoveryBehavior();
// Create XML metadata to add to the service endpoint
XElement endpointMetadata = new XElement(
new XElement("Information", "This endpoint is Data Service v3!"),
new XElement("Time", System.DateTime.Now.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm")));
// Add the XML metadata to the endpoint discovery behavior.
//may be this is not the safest way to set the behaviour
foreach (var endpoint in serviceHost.Description.Endpoints)
// Make the service discoverable over UDP multicast
serviceHost.Description.Behaviors.Add(new ServiceDiscoveryBehavior());
serviceHost.AddServiceEndpoint(new UdpDiscoveryEndpoint());
return serviceHost;
On the client side I have tried the following code:
DiscoveryClient discoveryClient = new DiscoveryClient(new UdpDiscoveryEndpoint());
// Find service endpoints
// ServiceReference.DataModel is the generated class for the Data Service client proxy
FindCriteria findCriteria = new FindCriteria(typeof(ServiceReference.DataModel));
findCriteria.Duration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30);
FindResponse findResponse = discoveryClient.Find(findCriteria);
// Check to see if endpoints were found & print the XML metadata in them.
if (findResponse.Endpoints.Count > 0)
foreach (XElement xElement in findResponse.Endpoints[0].Extensions)
Console.WriteLine("Printing Metadata from ServiceEndpoint:");
Console.WriteLine("Endpoint Information: " + xElement.Element("Information").Value);
Console.WriteLine("Endpoint Started at Time: " + xElement.Element("Time").Value);
Unfortunately this does not work. I get InvalidOperationException:
Attempted to get contract type for DataModel, but that type is
not a ServiceContract, nor does it inherit a ServiceContract.
If I am heading in the right direction I need a way to express the type for the service contract for the discovery. Too bad I am not sure that it will even work like the normal WCF Discovery...
Please share your ideas or even better - working solutions.
I think exception message is clear enough.
For service discovery You try to use type of your data model, while You must use type of your WCF service implementation - this is different things.
Basically DataServicesV3 service adapter uses your data model and exposes it as a WCF service with it's own service contract.
Look at DataServiceV3 type declaration see that it is implementing some interface, i just don't remember name, in this interface declaration you will find [ServiceContract] and [ServiceOperation] attributes. This is Your SERVICE CONTRACT for all ancestors of DataServiceV3. They use THE SAME contract. Here stands another problem I haven't managed to solve yet - how to make WS-Discovery work with DataServices if they share same contract. You'd better dig in this way.

Configuring a WCF and StructureMap ServiceHostFactory from code

I am creating a custom ServiceHost object and configuring it from code. My service is using InstanceContextMode.Single and ConcurrencyMode.Multiple and is hosted in a windows service.
As stated in a number of blogs/articles (here), sharing a StructureMap container across instances requires using a custom InstanceProvider, ServiceBehavior and ServiceHostFactory.
My initialization code looks like this. I do not use a config file.
var baseAddress = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["BaseAddress"];
var port = Int32.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Port"]);
Host = new MyServiceHost(typeof(MediaFileServicePrivate), new Uri(string.Format(baseAddress, port)));
var binding = new NetTcpBinding();
Host.AddServiceEndpoint(typeof(IMediaFileServicePrivate), binding, string.Format(baseAddress, port));
How do I tell the service to use my custom service host factory? All the examples I can find configure it from the config file.
Is a ServiceHostFactory only used for IIS/WAS hosted scenarios? If so, how do I use SM for a self-hosted InstanceContextMode.Single service?
Has this not been answered? essentially you tell it to use your servicefactory in the wcf markup
<%# ServiceHost Language="C#" Debug="true" Service="WcfWithDI.Service1" CodeBehind="Service1.svc.cs" Factory="WcfWithDI.MyServiceFactory"%>
I have a sample project here all wired up with a custom provider (and structuremap)
Unfortunately it makes little sense to say "the service uses the factory". You would use the Ninject factory to create your service:
var factory = new NinjectServiceHostFactory();
var address = new Uri(_baseAddress, path);
ServiceHostBase host = factory.CreateServiceHost(typeName, new[] {address});
var binding = new NetTcpBinding();
host.AddServiceEndpoint(typeof(TheType), binding, string.Format(baseAddress, port));
The directive in the .svc file is used to tell .NET how to instantiate your service.

How do I supply a specific instance of a class, to expose as my WCF service

I have a class that implements a plugin for an existing application.
I also have exposed that class as a WCF service. That part is working so far. The problem I am running into is that the application I am plugging into creates the instance of my class that I want to use.
Is there a way to pass an existing class instance to the WCF service host, to expose as a service endpoint?
I know (or can figure out) how to make a singleton instance of a WCF service, but that still won't help me. From what I can tell, the singleton instance will still be created and provided by WCF.
I have thought of other approaches, but I'd rather take this one if it is available to me.
Some code. This is in the constructor of my plugin:
// Setup the service host
var baseAddress = new Uri("http://localhost:8080/MyService/");
this.serviceHost = new ServiceHost(this.GetType(), baseAddress);
// Add our service endpoint
// Todo: Is there somewhere around here that I can provide an instance?
// Maybe in behavior somewhere?
new BasicHttpBinding(),
// Add metadata exchange (so we see something when we go to that URL)
var serviceMetadataBehavior = this.serviceHost.Description.Behaviors
if (serviceMetadataBehavior == null)
this.serviceHost.Description.Behaviors.Add(new ServiceMetadataBehavior());
new CustomBinding(new HttpTransportBindingElement()),
This is in the plugin's OnStartedUp method (called by the application I am plugging into):
You need to use the other constructor for ServiceHost if you want to do this - check out the MSDN docs at http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms585487.aspx
public ServiceHost(
Object singletonInstance,
params Uri[] baseAddresses